Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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I don’t know about this, but what Draekke is essentially saying is that he tried to mark cooler but it didn’t work. And now TS reveals an ability to remove a mark on a player. So the two are probably connected.
well yeah but the role reveal was like, TS learns what it does and can choose to remove it. So if it would be helpful he probably wouldn't have removed it you know. If that's what happened
I ask because if you say yes I'm probably gonna vote execute cooler lol

It was something that "stores" the name of everyone I visit, so tracker like thing I guess.

well yeah but the role reveal was like, TS learns what it does and can choose to remove it. So if it would be helpful he probably wouldn't have removed it you know. If that's what happened
List the exe candidates from most to least scummy to you.
Literally I don't find any of them actually scummy lmao. At least not the 3 with votes idk who the other option is. Like they're all just kinda null. Rottkins is probably who I should actually vote for, but ehhhh idk. Just because of the what someone said earlier about revan pivoting it from cooler to hit scum.
Anyway if you guys let me live I can track someone from the suss pool if you give me names. Assuming mafia don't fuck with it.
Cooler mentioned much earlier this day phase that he copies abilities used on him, so that tracks.
Ah I see and he mentions being a tracker.

Guess it holds water then. I mean, if we’re unsure about the executes, can we just decide not to execute?
Apparently TS had Shizune post an ability, which allowed him to invest a person and if they had a mark he would learn about it and remove it. I had marked Cooler previously, but was then informed that it "fell off."

But Cooler reminded me that he had a copying ability, so it tracks that he would know what my ability does.
yeah to be fair just because cooler is telling the truth doesn't mean he's not scum, but I'm sure he does actually have the copy type deal (or at the bare minimum can self watch or something)
I was wondering what kind of sicko asks to be roasted in their own game but then I started to notice a pattern:

Now I’m convinced this whole game was Nitty’s way to live out a fetish of his.

You know I might have taken you for a lot of things Nitty but I wasn’t expecting you to be such a cheapskate. Hire a real pro dom like an adult instead of tricking us into playing your mafia game so you can get off to your humiliation fantasy for free. Or at least give us something better than a role upgrade. It’s degrading for both of us and some of us aren’t into it as much as you are.

Since I don’t have the disservice of knowing you as well as some others here, I wanted to ISO you for material but I could only take so much of you and Juan having forum sex with each other before I had to crash the search feature to spare my eyes.

I don’t even know how I’m supposed to roast someone wearing a a Tsunande avatar. That’s clearly a person who’s swan diven straight into rock bottom and incapable of feeling shame. I’d say at least it’s not Sakura but then I made the egregious ******* error of clicking on your profile. Something I deeply regret and wish I could take back. I at least have to applaud you for breaking down the stereotype that gay people are supposed to have good taste.

Idk who’s getting blown out worse every night, town in Group 2 or you when you’re going door to door paying back all the bribes it took to get all these people here. Bc I know you didn’t find 70 people this masochistic to volunteer to be subjected to your constant lewd ratings for the quality of the game itself.

Ultra had the right idea killing himself to get out of here. I wish I’d have thought of it myself. God knows what you had to promise SoulKiller to drag him back but he should have got out while he could too. The real winner of this roast is going to be the fortunate soul who gets lynched tomorrow for refusing to play into this sick kink of yours.

I have done downright despicable things to win a mafia game. I’ve lied, I’ve agreed to wear heinous waifu avatars for people’s votes, I’ve forsaken sleep, food, and my social life. But knowingly producing material for your personal spank bank here is probably my all time low.. and Nitty, I’m still looking down at your from here lol.
This is a work of art.

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