Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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Draekke has been pushing TAC too a fair bit for similiar reasons, idk about Ncforth tho.
He defended Nfcnorth hard and his post was contradictory.
Not really Draekke Has been pushing active people too. You’re apart of the game so we gotta get to eventually.
Pushing players using online activities is stupid to begin with.
Wait, you saying you dodged EOD because you didnt wanna deal with @Draekke ’s push on you? What kinda logic is that?
Only this day I didn't bother to answer because no matter what I said he'll say "that's lame excuse". No way I'll repeat this same argument with him again for 3 days straight.
Can we know who you visited During the night mate.
It is beneficial for town if I don't reveal it now
I know when we're slaying the scum team so hard they're killing themselves, it's hard to stay motivated. But hang in there!


I'm burnt out too :pepecry


You need a good old massage lindie, dont overdo it lmao.
You are still scum. I remember you said both Nfcnorth and I were guilty yesterday but you townread him while you scumread me so your post was full of contradiction.
Is there a reason you are not pressing on The Ancient and Nfcnorth and others who did not vote Broker? Your obsession to push me is creepy.
Bruh, TS, reading this and your interaction with Draekke everyday is wasting yours, his and all of our time. Just pressure someone and vote on the main wagon and problem solved.

If you're town there's nothing to be afraid of to be in the lynch pool and yeah, it will be scummy if you avoid every wagon which also flipped scum.
Bruh, TS, reading this and your interaction with Draekke everyday is wasting yours, his and all of our time. Just pressure someone and vote on the main wagon and problem solved.

If you're town there's nothing to be afraid of to be in the lynch pool and yeah, it will be scummy if you avoid every wagon which also flipped scum.
I voted The Ancient the main wagon today.
True but it does raise eyebrows when one always happens not to be on the main wagon consistently.

I see.
It's IRL issue. Also I think it's my habit that I never switch from my strongest scum read in normal game so that habit carries over to this game. However, this game is different. I'll vote the main wagon from now on. I'll try to appear near EOD.
I kept posts from UBs Iso in my notes and now I am glad because I can't see a full Iso, and I have to work with what I saved

Rereading I see it's pretty empty, interaction with Flower and fluff, mentioned Vanya and Draekke but i can't take a solid conclusion from these. Probably she wasn't in chat with Flower, otherwise the rundown thing wouldn't be itt

The post adressed at Rottkins is a good look for him

I will go and search for more posts, her Iso is bigger from what i recall


Sup flower, do u have a quick rundown for me?

Point me at least to some of the spicy/funny drama that happened, might read that first since i have like 15 mins rn

First few pages is the Glory of Rome. Basically Vanya does some RP and people reacted to it. You should prob read that and give your opinion on it.
Then a whole bit of Draekke vs Vanya.
And more, but those were the biggest parts of the day so far.

I hope group 2 is gonna take care of him in some way, hes got no tpein to back him up teehee

Wouldve also been funny to see some Cooler vs Ekko in this group tho lol

Someone going against vanya? Hope its as entertaining as it sounds lol

Is draekke someone from WG?

Okey who are we lynching cause im not sure if i can catch up to 20 pages in an hour

Since i just saw a post of Sallu

That guy needs attention if he stays low

Thats a long post p much just saying "hello" lol, are u always doing that?

Any guy who says that hug line should be lynched on sight tbh
This change below show that Hidden is not partner with UB

[Vote Lynch LG]

if this vote doesn't count yeet this slot to the sun

My votes always count

It's more like, you were actively talking while the main LG push happened end of day, votes lock at 2, and yet your vote happened exactly at 2. So if it doesn't count from it being too late it HEAVILY look like you want the credit from trying to be a vote candidate for tomorrow, but without the actual risk
I am baiting. Generally, I didn't read you as very scummy but you have been laying low most of the game and are now tossing quotes to help or appear helpful, which is either more scummy or more towny, I haven't decided yet.

Who are your top 3 scum reads and why?
I have my reasons to not be too showy

I have top scums Alibaba and Always from Ultra's Iso and Saturday. I know some people said he was the cw to scum but the wagon on UB formed after Saturday was top wagon, so it's the other way around imo
@Kvothe Kingkiller
Maiden of the Mafia, Crystal Gem of the Northern Shores, Moons' Lotus, Sunflower of thousand Suns, Architect of Dreams, Spirit of the Woodland Realm, God's Muse, Oasis of Comfort, Queen of Lust, Paragon of Diligence, Mother of Worst and Besto Helper, answer thy call and bless us with another prophetic vote count
if you can find me hot single ladies

jk i'll do one in a bit

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