Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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Ok I'm on 29th, started reading again on 18th-ish so mostly I have like- this from my brief notes:

- drills in people to get info +
- defense and attack at the same time, pretty aggressive ?/+
- tried to avoid reads -
- fluff claiming, taken by the few as confusing, I don't take it as a bad thing since it was on the beginning tho
for now briefly mid/lean scum

- defends people (here I noticed the most defending Vanya) ?
- tries to get a good grab one the players, seems peace seeking ?
to be fair I can't quite state the spot where is he but I will pay better attention on him further more

- against big pressure (if I took it right???) -
- twisted thinking, hard to get what he means at some points -
- easily getting angry -
scum leaning for now

- trolling side
Tho I thought I will get from his posts a bit more but I'm not the best in it, kinda mid/scum leaning

- defends people ?
- tries to get information from people +
town leaning for me I guess

- drills people +
- gets a grip over situation most of the time +
- seeks info, calling out when someone tries to mix up +
stable town

others I would have to reread whole once again. Damn I feel so professional today, would be great if I had such mode most of the time:lufface waiting for this mafia yet made me determinated:catdankv2:
I do feel pretty good about my town core being close to pure


other town reads that are less strong:

any lynch outside these names is fine.

we also have claims on:

Flower - self claim of some sort of N1 resolve.
DDL - Vanya claims TMI town info

Ishmael - possible town slip about role pm

I'd still vote on flower or ishmael but mechanically we prob not supposed to.
You know the fun part? The only people voting lg I think are you me and karma right now. Maybe add 1
Now while this lynch is better than before where we had 5-6 people voting, I feel that scums will most likely want to hide in the lower wagon, so it might actually be advantageous if we have multiple wagons with the same number of votes.

that is if I understand the lynch mechanics for day 2 onwards correctly
Also fyi to new players, just because a character is good in canon doesnt mean they are town and vice versa. Faves is weird like that.

i was about to say the same that ash could be evil trying to catch all of our roles
Attention Town.

pick the scummiest players off wagon with your negative night actions.

our only hope with the lack of coordination is to at least punish players that will be unlynchable tomorrow.
Negative action?
if you guys had to choose which would it be?

"where my hug at" son or "who we lynching" daughter
What ever happened to social distancing you troll
I didn’t say vote active people the entire time. This bandwagon is just sus and feels like a way to distract from any real progress. Town always perform best when we have public information and actual confirmation. Whether ish, DDL, me, etc got lynched is inconsequential to the fact that despite this very low content we’ve actually had lots of minute interactions where people always shilled for another person or strongly against another

i can be too aggressive a player, but lynching an afk is a yawn fest. we can nuke them from orbit in the future.

and i hate to say this bc of what i just said, but yeah i’ll wagon today for the mechanics but i feel like we can do better

what is this lmao

don’t try to separate yourself morally from the wagon then jump on it anyway, at least own it and say it with chest

especially when you tried to randomly call me out for it

I mean maybe but I would assume there are mechanics in place to deal with scum like that. I would think shizune would balance around the potential that every scum just refuses to vote the main wagon
Which is why I feel D1 is important because itll just cause a snowball effect if we fuck up on whos on the main wagon. I feel like we shouldve decided on a main wagon hours before EOD and had as many people as possible voting it.

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