a mix of thoughts
On TAC: Definitely scum. Lind is already the person we know who can appear in both threads. I doubt there are more roles than that who are capable of doing it. Why? Not sure, just a gut feeling. I feel like it's such a messy thing to throw in the games. However it would explain why his role didn't flip a main character. I really hate that he was unlynchable last night, but considering the power of the mafia roles, I could see it. Especially if they are all disconnected from each other, then it's pretty much a sure fire way of making sure they can play game by being particularly overpowered.
So, to surmise, I don't believe his claim about being part of G2 thread. It's just stupid to me. However, I'm not sure how I feel about his unlynchable claim. I've played games where someone was unlynchable for multiple phases and I kept reassuring everyone "ok we'll get them THIS time".
Pretty much I'd rather people just Isolate/Vulnerable him and then throw kills at him. Those are partial role blocks and I feel like town should have quite a few of those left. Especially considering the strength and ability distribution about scum.
I'm down to lynch him because we're still ahead even if it fails, but also down to shoot him. Place him first with a second wagon.
As far as the second wagon goes. Alibaba, Rottkins, or AM. Extremely hateable.
For the execution, honestly didn't check who could be executed, but IDC really.
I'll post my reads later, but for now I wanna hear the reads from some specific people. I also what to know what would you guys do for the game if you could single handedly lead us. I.e., given very high autonomy, what's your play to help town reach victory
@Traveling Swordsman