Do you... know how mafia is played? People lie. I don't buy this for a second. This just feels like "ooh, my sensibilities are hurt, please don't hurt me" BS.
Nope, on D1 you were in the thread, rereading posts. You were here near EOD on D1, so now you are lying. INB4 "activity is a scum move" response. Lying about your activity is even worse, bud.
OK so I have a townlean on your rn AF, but I don't appreciate how you seem to be opening the door for people to claim innocent or to provide outs for themselves. Let them do it.
Wasn't a Superkill, it was just a regular kill that if failed would bleed the target. FWIW, I also would have received an extra life if the bleed actually triggered nfc losing a life, but I have not been told that I've gotten an extra life - I asked
@Shizune just to be sure, but haven't received a response.
Yeah we need two vote wagons. First with 10+, second with 6+ because of vote manipulation I believe that mafia will be able to pump TAC's vote high enough, and to reduce townie votes on the secondary wagon low enough to be able to beat us out. Look at Peter Parker role, he has vote pumping for his teammates and vote silencing for town.
No Rott, just choose Vanya. He is confirmed town. Easy choice.
Like I mention above, it was not a superkill.
No I think 5 is too few, as per my above explanation regarding vote manipulation. At least 6 or more, imo.
DO NOT listen to Ali about Ish. He is the only person who thinks this way. Ali is also being talked about for the secondary wagon, so its in his best interest to push to someone else.