Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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You are an analytical player always remember what players did but you forgot that I told you the reason why I voted The Ancient day 1 so you have a reason to push me based on something that never happened? I don't buy it.
Ahh you were talking about that. I didn’t quite understand what you were saying before then. Yeah, I remember the reason for your vote.

This was so predictable lol. Just like day 1.

Wait @Lind does that apply to exe votes too?
Nope. Also rules state that abilities that affect voting power usually don’t affect execution votes. So execution votes are safe.
What was the reason?
Fluffed a lot day 1. Talked about group 2 day 2/3 then dipped I forgot. Survived a lynch yesterday. Bo making a narrative that he is a purple mafia and town 2.
I disagree with Lind and Ali tbh. Can you explain why Alibaba?
Alibaba fluffed a lot. Talked with group 2 a lot and didn't do scum hunting in grup 1.
Lind defended The Ancient day 1 IIRC. Then when he ushed The Ancient I null read him but then he recently lied that I voted The Ancient because he was the olny wagon what I told him day 1 the reason I voted him.

This was so predictable lol. Just like day 1.
I am always suspicious of liar.
Im here :pepesmoke

Imo we have the mian lynch on TAS

But we also need a secondary wagon on another players he's actually lynchproof or smth this phase

My current scum reads r

Cooler and to a lesser extent Revan. This the 3rd dayphase in a row they've been in the execution bunch, all they've done is the bare minimum to stay alive which also takes them out of the public consciousness. Revan has been the more helpful of the 2, Cooler either flufs, promises activity or gets antsy at ppl voting him.

Also some ppl have got this idea I was defending florida man? He didn't post in the thread, and got mod killed like I said he would.

I think we should also look at Rottkins, Saturday and TS.

The first 2 have just sorta been here. The first 2 have just been hard sheeping, saying there fine with Jojos lynch while other more attentive players actually read the back and fourth between Jojo and Laix to see it wasn't some clear cut case of town catching scum.

TS has a ton of activity but none of it has been worthwhile(?) I cant remember very many posts from the guy besides him giving reads on smth he's far behind on, no serious pushes.

@Ishmael is it confirmed Alibaba was the one who role crushed u? If so he should be our secondary lynch imo
Fluffed a lot day 1. Talked about group 2 day 2/3 then dipped I forgot. Survived a lynch yesterday. Bo making a narrative that he is a purple mafia and town 2.
Youre using day 2 and further stuff though but you said you voted him day 1 for another reason and that reason is fluff correct?
Alibaba fluffed a lot. Talked with group 2 a lot and didn't do scum hunting in grup 1.
So basically the same reasons as TAC, youre aware that Ali fluffing is NAI right? So then he was talking to group two who wanted Flower lynched, if not for him we wouldnt have been made aware that group 2 was wanting that at all. Thats one reason for why I believe he might be town.
Lind defended The Ancient day 1 IIRC

He did?
. Then when he ushed The Ancient I null read him but then he recently lied that I voted The Ancient because he was the olny wagon what I told him day 1 the reason I voted him.

I am always suspicious of liar.
What do you make of his other pushes?

And fair enough for the last part.

Who else have you been pushing but TAC btw.
Lind defended The Ancient day 1 IIRC. Then when he ushed The Ancient I null read him but then he recently lied that I voted The Ancient because he was the olny wagon what I told him day 1 the reason I voted him.
Lol what? I said your vote on TAC’s wagon can be seen as you voting because it was only TAC. Which I said it here:
You were on the main wagon yesterday ‘cause it was TAC only.
I didn’t lie, but maybe it was you who misinterpreted my vote.

Like you can ask me for clarification if you don’t understand.
Lol what? I said your vote on TAC’s wagon can be seen as you voting because it was only TAC. Which I said it here:
Which was wrong because I was suspicious of him from day 1 until today but you said I voted him yesterday because he was the only wagon.
I didn’t lie, but maybe it was you who misinterpreted my vote.

Like you can ask me for clarification if you don’t understand.
You said I voted The Ancient because he was the only wagon? That's a lie.
Youre using day 2 and further stuff though but you said you voted him day 1 for another reason and that reason is fluff correct?
He still fluffed a lot day 2 then dipped after talking about group 2 which has nothing to do with group 1.
So basically the same reasons as TAC, youre aware that Ali fluffing is NAI right? So then he was talking to group two who wanted Flower lynched, if not for him we wouldnt have been made aware that group 2 was wanting that at all. Thats one reason for why I believe he might be town.
Anyone fluffing just to fulfill post requirement to not being in the execution pool is suspicious. I didn't realize his talk with group about Flower so I could be wrong.
Look at day 1
What do you make of his other pushes?

And fair enough for the last part.

Who else have you been pushing but TAC btw.
Who are his other pushes. He preferred Alibaba IIRC and I gave the reason why I prefer him to be the second wagon.
Which was wrong because I was suspicious of him from day 1 until today but you said I voted him yesterday because he was the only wagon.
No. I said your vote could be seen as you voting him only ‘cause it was TAC and not somebody else.

You said I voted The Ancient because he was the only wagon? That's a lie.
No lmao. Am I not being clear? I meant your vote could be personal reasons and then I dropped it because I don’t want to get into it here.

You know what, keep me in your scum reads. It’s fine. I’m not correcting myself over and over here if you’re not willing to be corrected.
No. I said your vote could be seen as you voting him only ‘cause it was TAC and not somebody else.
No it wasn't I voted him because I was suspicious of him since day 1 so you lied when you said I voted him because he was the only wagon.
No lmao. Am I not being clear? I meant your vote could be personal reasons and then I dropped it because I don’t want to get into it here.

You know what, keep me in your scum reads. It’s fine. I’m not correcting myself over and over here if you’re not willing to be corrected.
Another lie I explained why I voted The Ancient. It was never because of personal reason.
Vanya doesn't look bad after he called out Andrew for defending Draekke.
I saw Flower and Fujitora argument and I'm not sure if they're t vs t or t vs s. It's too risky to vote either of them.
The Ancient looks the worst. He hasn't posted something meaningful since his fluff about Rome/American.

The Ancient is a good lynch today imo.

I'm iffy on Andrew. He said it's his play style to lock certain player as town but he defended Draekke very hard. Is that his wincon to make sure that Draekke stay alive. I don't know.
Shizune sent me a message saying that I could broadcast an ability of mine and it will appear in the game thread
A similar function like what Jojo did during his and Laix’s back and forth.

But abilities would be fairly NAI, no? You can give it a try if you like.

Do u just get 2 roles to use wen the merge happens?
Oh no. I use one role in both threads lol. So when the threads merge I will still have the same role.
A similar function like what Jojo did during his and Laix’s back and forth.

But abilities would be fairly NAI, no? You can give it a try if you like.

Oh no. I use one role in both threads lol. So when the threads merge I will still have the same role.

Yes that's true. That's why I'm waiting on confirmation by Shizune if the second part of the ability will also appear.
Interesting take given that Ive been driving or pushing a good part of the scum Flips, from Flower to UB (When @Saturday was gonna be lynched) to TAC, and was pushing TS/Ali and Owner.

Care to explain this empty feeling some more?
The exact issue is precisely its a feeling I can't explain. I know you have put in its just for some reason it just doesn't feel as much. Trying to figure out a good way to explain it.
I might have missed that post. Could you quote it?

It's more in the sense that people go check what Nessos is saying in the other group since I'm kinda broadcasting his and the other night talkers opinion about flower. Should've quoted him but was lazy

One of them is this one.

@Alibaba Saluja @AndrewGreve @FLORIDA MAN @Alwaysmind make sure to let everyone Vote Flower! Scum might avoid to get eligible for next DPs lynch!
Where are we dropping boys

you can back up a little bit

[VOTE LYNCH The Ancient Centurion]
Time for me to get back to a regular sleep schedule xD

[VOTE LYNCH The Ancient Centurion]

Either he is telling the truth about his lynch immunity till merger, or he's vulnerable until he makes it to the merger, where he supposedly will join his 'purple' Mafia, I'm guessing no good would come from that anyway. Its a conservative Lynch choice, I probably will be asleep due to my GMT+12 time when the day phase ends.
I remember the reason I stopped playing here too, because they lie a lot here.

And I don't appreciate this type of play
Do you... know how mafia is played? People lie. I don't buy this for a second. This just feels like "ooh, my sensibilities are hurt, please don't hurt me" BS.

What kind of argument is this? You don't need to see who is the only main wagon to vote that wagon. I already explained why I was not present EOS. From now on I'll try to appear near EOD and vote the main wagon. Even if in day 1/2/3 there was only 1 main wagon, I still couldn't appear near EOD as I explained why. Too busy.


Nope, on D1 you were in the thread, rereading posts. You were here near EOD on D1, so now you are lying. INB4 "activity is a scum move" response. Lying about your activity is even worse, bud.

I actually town lean on Ncforth the least out of the 4 because he seemed to be repeating stuff that was already said but ill just follow the group here. Revan pointed the UB thing out when he didnt need to. I am sure he would rather keep a mate alive either way.

Ali, swear on the indie bro alliance that you are town.

Are you town mate.

Maybe Rottkins isnt the way to go idk anymore.

I feel like Ali can prove himself tbh, I dont usually meta much but his nonchalant behaviour is more akin to his town self and he seems genuinely annoyed by his role lmao.
OK so I have a townlean on your rn AF, but I don't appreciate how you seem to be opening the door for people to claim innocent or to provide outs for themselves. Let them do it.
Okay ISO-ing NFC and I can see that he did go after Flower when she was a wagon, but the reasoning kinda tells me that he didn’t really scum read her, but voted for her to

I completely forgot, but apparently NFC was bled and lost a life because Draekke tried a 1-shot kill on TAC which was redirected to TS and then to NFC.

And NFC came out with it after he was tagged by Draekke…

Well, I’ll keep that at the back of my mind for now.

He does prod Owner for her thoughts and yeah, he’s been consistent here. He has a group of players on whom he gets a lot of opinions on and then forms a read I believe. Since he keeps saying that the closest thing we can get to scum reads from him are players he’s interested in.

Here he votes TAC and now he does have a legitimate reason to scum read him.

Well, overall, he does have general good points that I agree with, but haven’t really seen him push someone the traditional way. Honestly he might just be one of those players that takes their time to form a coherent read on others. I’ve done that before to.

The read is still null for me, though.

Well, its always good to vote with the majority in this setup so thats a good thing. But maybe he was bussing her too, when did he vote her? How many votes did she have at the time?

I just checked and surviving a superkill can
Make you bleed, I think Draekke said that NC was bleeding after surviving a kill from him.

His read on me is a bit off though ngl.

Wasn't a Superkill, it was just a regular kill that if failed would bleed the target. FWIW, I also would have received an extra life if the bleed actually triggered nfc losing a life, but I have not been told that I've gotten an extra life - I asked @Shizune just to be sure, but haven't received a response.

Anyways Ima be on the road for a bit so later, @Hidden current thoughts my guy?

I am going to follow my current highest town reads @Lind @Draekke and @Hidden when it comes to whom to go for today. Feels like we should all consolidate our votes into one spot.

Be it the main, secondary and exe votes. Lynch manipulation is probably gonna happen again judging by the roles that flipped so lets not fuck this up lads.

Yeah we need two vote wagons. First with 10+, second with 6+ because of vote manipulation I believe that mafia will be able to pump TAC's vote high enough, and to reduce townie votes on the secondary wagon low enough to be able to beat us out. Look at Peter Parker role, he has vote pumping for his teammates and vote silencing for town.

I was thinking about Vanya but I have to make my mind fast since I've had now moment to be more active due to being in a train. Other shots are maybe Jojo fuji or you.

Yeah I get that, indie mostly get bonded by the accident and such so that was just a rough thought

No Rott, just choose Vanya. He is confirmed town. Easy choice.

I think the vote was cast on page 92 and the next vote count was a page after on page 93 and Flower had 13 votes. so it’s hard to know if it’s bussing or genuine.

Yepp. That’s what I was thinking. Honestly not sure what to make of surviving a super kill just yet, but I don’t think it’s alignment indicative.

Superkills take 3 lives right. @Draekke
Like I mention above, it was not a superkill.
After the vote count we should organize our self

Get majority votes on TAC

Then get 5ish votes on our secondary wagon

No I think 5 is too few, as per my above explanation regarding vote manipulation. At least 6 or more, imo.

Where is the VC?
What's the case on Ishmael?
DO NOT listen to Ali about Ish. He is the only person who thinks this way. Ali is also being talked about for the secondary wagon, so its in his best interest to push to someone else.
Hi everyone!
My life today work-movie-dinner-mafia

All I know is my dissapointment at yesterday flip :(

I am here reading
We got waddles, what is disa pointing about that?
Wasn't a Superkill, it was just a regular kill that if failed would bleed the target. FWIW, I also would have received an extra life if the bleed actually triggered nfc losing a life, but I have not been told that I've gotten an extra life - I asked @Shizune just to be sure, but haven't received a response.
Ah okay. I kinda figured that the bleed just didn’t affect NFC since he didn’t come out with it until you tagged him.
@Shrike (@only ) and @The Lukundo (Lois Griffin) died tonight!

The lynch is open to everyone today, like it was on day 1.

The execution candidates are:

1. @Revan Reborn
2. @Cooler
3. @nfcnorth
4. @Rottkins

I am still sending out actions and information from the night phase. Expect those over the next couple of hours.

Day 5 start
Rip Luke o7

@Revan Reborn
What are your thoughts game related?

We got waddles, what is disa pointing about that?
We got a scum flip, yes, thanks god the inactives are not all townies, but we lost Mango and that shouldn't happen.
Do you... know how mafia is played? People lie. I don't buy this for a second. This just feels like "ooh, my sensibilities are hurt, please don't hurt me" BS.

Nope, on D1 you were in the thread, rereading posts. You were here near EOD on D1, so now you are lying. INB4 "activity is a scum move" response. Lying about your activity is even worse, bud.

OK so I have a townlean on your rn AF, but I don't appreciate how you seem to be opening the door for people to claim innocent or to provide outs for themselves. Let them do it.

Wasn't a Superkill, it was just a regular kill that if failed would bleed the target. FWIW, I also would have received an extra life if the bleed actually triggered nfc losing a life, but I have not been told that I've gotten an extra life - I asked @Shizune just to be sure, but haven't received a response.

Yeah we need two vote wagons. First with 10+, second with 6+ because of vote manipulation I believe that mafia will be able to pump TAC's vote high enough, and to reduce townie votes on the secondary wagon low enough to be able to beat us out. Look at Peter Parker role, he has vote pumping for his teammates and vote silencing for town.

No Rott, just choose Vanya. He is confirmed town. Easy choice.

Like I mention above, it was not a superkill.

No I think 5 is too few, as per my above explanation regarding vote manipulation. At least 6 or more, imo.

DO NOT listen to Ali about Ish. He is the only person who thinks this way. Ali is also being talked about for the secondary wagon, so its in his best interest to push to someone else.

Maybe for you but not for me. Also I don't see players lying in WG except scum (ofc)
OK so unofficial Vote Count:

Alibaba - TAC
TAC - Draekke --> Laix
JoJo - Alibaba --> TAC
Lind - TAC
Legend - TS
Laix - TAC
Revan Reborn - TAC

Could be missing some, but this is what I found.

TAC - 7
TS - 1
Laix - 1

I agree we need a second wagon, so I'm going ahead and putting my vote on

[Vote Lynch Traveling Swordsman]

But we still need more votes on both wagons. I definitely do not trust TAC's voting power to be just 1.
Nope, on D1 you were in the thread, rereading posts. You were here near EOD on D1, so now you are lying. INB4 "activity is a scum move" response. Lying about your activity is even worse, bud.
I didn't catch up to the latest pages of the thread when it was EOD day 1 so no you have no basis. And again using online activities what a stupid argument. You are like a broken clock repeating the same argument again and again.

You lied when you said you didn't say Nfcnorth was guilty. Try better liar

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