Welcome to Members Mafia, a homegrown NF tradition where the players are the roles.
Members Mafia 2
Members Mafia 3: Ghosts of the Past
1. Do not discuss the game outside the thread or moderator-designated private chats under any circumstances, even if you die.
2. If you post after dying, then you will be ineligible to return to the game such as through resurrection. Dead players will not be used as replacements.
3. Day and night phases each last for 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is called a cycle. During the day, players can post and cast lynch votes. Failing to vote for another player will count as 2 votes toward yourself, and you cannot vote for no lynch. You cannot post during the night.
4. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I may overlook them.
5. Do not edit or delete your posts.
6. Do not screenshot or quote your private messages from the moderator. References to the text of your role PM must be paraphrased, not repeated word-for-word.
7. Role revealing is allowed, but not recommended.
8. If the game ends in an RNG lynch, then it will be declared a draw with no victor.
9. The host may make on-the-fly game balancing or ruleset changes if they deem it necessary.
Members Mafia is introducing a new mechanic: the after show!
Each cycle, a group of randomly chosen players will be invited to join me for the after show, enabling them to post during that night phase. Their names will be announced at the beginning of the cycle, and during the day, other players may privately send me questions that they want to ask those players. That night, I will assign each player in the after show 1 submitted question that they must answer, or else they'll be modblocked.
1. I am adapting the phase system from this year's Favorites. Votes and actions will lock 1 hour before the end of the day phase, and this final hour is called the Twilight (or Sunset) Sub-Phase. Actions will again lock 1 hour before the end of the night phase, the final hour of which is called the Sunrise Sub-Phase.
2. During the day, actions are processed in the order they're received, and they're processed as soon as the host is able to do so. During the night, actions are processed at the end of the night phase, and in the following order:
1. Role crushes
2. Roleblocks
3. Redirects
4. Mafia & indie kills
5. Town kills
6. All other types of abilities
If players simultaneously target each other with nullifying affects, such as 2 players attempting to town-kill or roleblock each other during the same night, then neither ability will succeed.
3. If the player with the most votes at the end of the day is protected against lynching, then the lynch will pass to the player with the next highest amount of votes.
1. The color of your role name determines your win condition.
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town
wincon: eliminate all threats to your faction
If your role color is not red or blue, then that means you’re an independent and your role text will explain your win condition.
2. Every role also has an alignment of either innocent or guilty. Generally speaking, most town roles are innocent and most non-town roles are guilty, although there may be some exceptions.
3. This is the format for all roles:
Elistren said:Picture of the namesake player’s avatar
Role name
[# Shot Passive - Ability Name] - Limited use passives expire after a given number of uses.
[Passive - Ability Name] - Passive abilities are always in effect and do not need to be submitted as an action.
[# Shot Active - Ability Name] - Limited has actives expire after a given number of uses.
[Active - Ability Name] - Active abilities must be submitted as an action in order to take effect. Unless stated otherwise, most active abilities can only be used during the night phase.
4. Players will not be given their namesake role. If someone receives their own role, then I will re-randomize the role off to someone else.
5. The host is not playing in the game and cannot be lynched or targeted.
1. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable some passive defenses, such as bulletproof abilities. Players learn when they are blocked.
2. Limited use abilities may be used again if they fail or if they are blocked.
3. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. The mafia will decide among themselves who receives which role.
4. When a player is murdered during the night, the writeup will only say that they died and what their role was, not which faction killed them. Failed kills will not appear in the writeup.
5. If an ability requires certain posting conditions to be met, such as for another player to quote you, then you must include proof that the condition was met when submitting your action. The host will not monitor these types of abilities for you.
6. As I said last year, I have temporarily suspended post quoting mechanics and death millers from my games. There are no death millers in this game, and you may freely quote other players without worrying about triggering an ability of theirs.
Do not post yet
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