Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Yes I’m well aware from other perspectives this doesn’t help me in any way but I think presenting the opinions of others in the scenario I just outlined is a good way to catch our mafia scum

Btw so far

[Change Vote Lynch scumdesu]

People who use ‘meh’ might as well just raise banners saying “aw man I want to feign being disheartened but idk what to say”

Literally no town uses that word

Yeah okay that "I actually believe you after votes locked" is sketchy af.

Iwandesu knows how to play this game too, believing JW was telling the truth is irrelevant, I was also leaning on him telling the truth and still wanted him dead. He claimed survivor. This was a policy lynch.

[vote lynch scumdesu]
Thats a post I don't like?
In which was I am a good lynchtarget? I was quite inactive, I don't give any Info.
Even if I would flip scum (what I won't do), you wouldn't get any valid info. Distancing from a busy player ain't hard.
A smart Towny would suggest "shoot Nessos, if he doesn't change." and noone could blame the vig for missfiring. But lynching me is a waste.
See now you are actually engaging
Day 2 - A wish is granted
Btw my iso of her was very rushed, couldn't wait for my lunch break so did it during worktime lol

If anyone else would like to look at her posts please do.

This wish has been granted.

Every player must make a post analyzing at least 1 of @Natalija posts today. Those who fail to do so will be vote silenced.
How is this relevant? I'm telling you to commit on your suspicions instead of sheeping reads of the people you suspect.

Hey Melodie I have a question

You are the resident Bad Claim Police of this forum.

Which means whenever someone makes a dumb role claim (i e. super bulletproof survivor) you are usually the first one to jump in and scream LMAAAAAO I CAN'T BELIEVE HE CLAIMED THAT LYNCH HIM

But this time not only JW's impossibly shitty claim did not bring out a reaction of you, but you stayed in the Bada wagon.

What gives
I’m on vacation :catdespair can’t be as active

But don’t waste time on me, I’m town. I made the groups yesterday

I feel can’t isn’t the right word here. It can read as a plain and simple vacation, or it can be read as I’m actively choosing to do something else.

I’m probably reading too much into it.

anything specific reasons as why you made groups in that way?

Melodie (begin the game AFk and magically started acting after our pushes, buddying lord genome and saying things like he is totally town,doesnt help, imo a melodie lynch says a lot about genome and vice versa)

Juan- What fuck is up with juan this game :dank
Nessos- He claims to be busy and i can believe him but the fact is somewhere here is scum
Lord Genome (apparently is magically outed because claimed eurolg whatever this means ?)

Legend (AFk legend is likely town legend but we cant just assume that)
Lord Melkor (not good at reading him)
Kira Yagami (actually looks kinda like his town meta but could very well have killed laix given he openly suspect him, and again he was a good scum target)

Karma (claimed an action at laix and it is consistent)


  • Iwandesu: most active player alive and in the end I see nothing more then them going for an inactive that won't give any info -> scummy
  • Juan: nothing but fluffing around. To decide on which bandwagon to jumpedll he used a dice. Like a scum thinking both are not in my Team so who cares.
  • Karma: Jumping on easy trains besides that there was almost nothing. Isoing Karma not only let their Vote on me look bad, Karma calling me out for not Sharing reads is much worse. (Rated by the effort Karma put in this game so far)
  • Kira Yagami: Not much to say about. Asking a lot for reads.
  • Legend: only made 3 post, hard to rate (die someone sub in for him?)
  • Lord Genome: buddied a lot with bada followed by jumping on John Wayne
  • Lord Melkor: they play like always, but don't like the way LM tried to buddy with me.
  • Melodie: Looks quite towny so far. Agree with the read in Kvothe :HeartPepe
  • Nessos: so far not worthy a lynch, but a good vig target. Player jumping to fast on the Nessos lynch mtrain look quite scummy xD
Yeah okay that "I actually believe you after votes locked" is sketchy af.

Iwandesu knows how to play this game too, believing JW was telling the truth is irrelevant, I was also leaning on him telling the truth and still wanted him dead. He claimed survivor. This was a policy lynch.

[vote lynch scumdesu]
This is a good reason to push for me
But sadly i am town
Theory @Natalija is probably just @Nataly 's alt. Evidence:

1- They have the same name
2- They are never together in the same game. Natalie showed up for GG3 and Natalija did not.
3- Nataly is addicted to contest points, she'll join every contest for them. Maybe she created this alt to double the number of posts she can get in a year!
4- What is the probability of there being two women in an anime forum who also happen to have the same name?
Hey Melodie I have a question

You are the resident Bad Claim Police of this forum.

Which means whenever someone makes a dumb role claim (i e. super bulletproof survivor) you are usually the first one to jump in and scream LMAAAAAO I CAN'T BELIEVE HE CLAIMED THAT LYNCH HIM

But this time not only JW's impossibly shitty claim did not bring out a reaction of you, but you stayed in the Bada wagon.

What gives
Melodie is definitely scum tbh
This "damn, my role is so weak" claim is really kinda imo
Theory @Natalija is probably just @Nataly 's alt. Evidence:

1- They have the same name
2- They are never together in the same game. Natalie showed up for GG3 and Natalija did not.
3- Nataly is addicted to contest points, she'll join every contest for them. Maybe she created this alt to double the number of posts she can get in a year!
4- What is the probability of there being two women in an anime forum who also happen to have the same name?

What does this post have to do with the game tho

  • Iwandesu: most active player alive and in the end I see nothing more then them going for an inactive that won't give any info -> scummy
  • Juan: nothing but fluffing around. To decide on which bandwagon to jumpedll he used a dice. Like a scum thinking both are not in my Team so who cares.
  • Karma: Jumping on easy trains besides that there was almost nothing. Isoing Karma not only let their Vote on me look bad, Karma calling me out for not Sharing reads is much worse. (Rated by the effort Karma put in this game so far)
  • Kira Yagami: Not much to say about. Asking a lot for reads.
  • Legend: only made 3 post, hard to rate (die someone sub in for him?)
  • Lord Genome: buddied a lot with bada followed by jumping on John Wayne
  • Lord Melkor: they play like always, but don't like the way LM tried to buddy with me.
  • Melodie: Looks quite towny so far. Agree with the read in Kvothe :HeartPepe
  • Nessos: so far not worthy a lynch, but a good vig target. Player jumping to fast on the Nessos lynch mtrain look quite scummy xD
Tbh the more i think about it i think it is either lord genome or melodie as scum tbh
At the moment i think Melodie is scum buddying genome after he told her his role
I dont think genome should be ignored just because he claimed some "euro lg" but the fact melodie is so defensive of him makes me think she might be the one
So yeah, among the list i think im going there
[Vote Lynch Melodi]
When I am searching for my name. I reach 3 pages.

Can you eloberate?

Spoiler: LMAO

the one you quoted me was a joke at the time... I didn't push for your lynch or asked for you to get vigged or anything.

Now though, when I looked over through your posts on day 1, the posts of "hey guys im inactive but dont worry ill be active!!" when you disappeared once more + i don't have any reads + your posts don't seem to interact with anyone even when getting called out by wpk or flower and you are in the Laix's killing bracket put you on my radar.

I just woke up though so I will read more of day 2 in a bit
Theory @Natalija is probably just @Nataly 's alt. Evidence:

1- They have the same name
2- They are never together in the same game. Natalie showed up for GG3 and Natalija did not.
3- Nataly is addicted to contest points, she'll join every contest for them. Maybe she created this alt to double the number of posts she can get in a year!
4- What is the probability of there being two women in an anime forum who also happen to have the same name?
Theory @Dragon D. Luffy is @Alwaysmind's alt
I actually pointed out in my post why I think that the scummiest of all people jumping on me is Kvothe and why? Isn't that the same thing as giving reads?

I tagged you cause of the speed you jumped the gun on me. Before I started to post this Day while you didn't voice any suspicion against me last DP. It somehow have me the feeling you part of a scumteam Killing one of my group to back up a misslynch against me.

I think you should stop using your extremely limited free time to address every little suspicion being thrown at you and just hunt scum.
To be clear, I can give certain status effects. If any of you have any good ideas feel free to toss them my way. I don't play as much mafia as the rest of you so I can only think of basic stuff (vote power, post restrictions, etc.)

But also, it has to be something I can depict in a drawing. I can't tell nitty what I want.

Is it permanent stuff or just for a specific amount of time?
To be clear, I can give certain status effects. If any of you have any good ideas feel free to toss them my way. I don't play as much mafia as the rest of you so I can only think of basic stuff (vote power, post restrictions, etc.)

But also, it has to be something I can depict in a drawing. I can't tell nitty what I want.

can you gift someone the effect of like "you cannot lie otherwise you will be rolerevealed or roleblocked or rolecrushed"

I am trying to think what else. Did you talk to nitty about the lie detector aspect?
Can you turn someone to a bomb?

Nope. Trust me, I asked about everything I could think of but at the end of the day, nothing I do can result in a "kill". I can't turn people into lovers, either

can you gift someone the effect of like "you cannot lie otherwise you will be rolerevealed or roleblocked or rolecrushed"

I am trying to think what else. Did you talk to nitty about the lie detector aspect?

Uhh maybe. I know I can't gift someone the ability to lie detect. For your suggestion, my guess is that nitty would probably make that result in a roleblock. Might be tricky to get that across in a drawing though.
@Badalight can you give people cops? Tracker/Watchers?

Can you buff other abilities so that they learn things? Maybe a roleblocker getting the target of the ability that was blocked, or a doctor getting the name of the attacker?

It is clear violence is not allowed in your ability, but info is even better than violence so let's try that angle.
U scum?
@Badalight can you give people cops? Tracker/Watchers?

Can you buff other abilities so that they learn things? Maybe a roleblocker getting the target of the ability that was blocked, or a doctor getting the name of the attacker?

It is clear violence is not allowed in your ability, but info is even better than violence so let's try that angle.

Once again, I cannot give abilities. I can give status effects. If you can come up with some way around that that can come across in a drawing and that you think Nitty would allow (they have veto power) then I'll ask.

A buff MIGHT work? But I think I would need to know the person's base ability first, and prob not a good idea for us to be outwardly discussing whose ability I am going to buff.

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