Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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You have much to learn, my young Padawan. The Roman state carried out the execution, of course, but there's no political motivation for the Roman Emperor to care about some heretical Jew in the desert.

The Pharisees, on the other hand... Had all the motive, all of the political power in the region, and all of the intent :dank

Still not the ones who killed him, the correct way to say it would be they pressured the Romans into killing him.

No, you're not the only scum to use such phrasing to diminish their own opinion if things go badly for them with a push. This is an overly fierce attack on someone who was just liking a point I made, as if I'm some major scum suspect to be pouncing on anyone who might be defending me.

Cooler’s reasoning for “liking” and soft defending your initial post was what I didn’t like, never once did I say you were even on my scum read list or a main suspect.


also, I noticed some talk about me being defensive and would love to point out that I’m ALWAYS defensive and that’s on fax no printer sweeties. Come for me and I’ll drag you, especially when innocent.


Cooler’s reasoning for “liking” and soft defending your initial post was what I didn’t like, never once did I say you were even on my scum read list or a main suspect.


also, I noticed some talk about me being defensive and would love to point out that I’m ALWAYS defensive and that’s on fax no printer sweeties. Come for me and I’ll drag you, especially when innocent.


u got killed like 7 times last game

if i were u id be careful :monkaS
Of the low contribution players, Nessos stands out the most to me with just asking for cliffnotes, then asking about a night phase event, then a bad "I'm town" joke, then another joke about the broadcaster, then finally an activity excuse and promise of activity later. Fits inactive scum patterns I have seen over the years.

I am finally here :D
What did I miss on the first 20 Pages?

Were the participants for the aftershow already announced?

I am already outed as blue scum :LawlPepe

Would be funny if host and player would live in opposite sides of earth.

Sry, but I have to dissapoint you. Had a long day and won't be much active the rest of this day.

I am glad this first DP has 48h. I will try to get into this game tomorrow.
Juan ISO:

First 4 posts are complete fluff.

5th post:

> 36 pages

yeah i'm not catching up, someone give me a rundown

Not a great start

The rest of his posts are pretty much all fluff as well. In fact, I was struggling to find anything game relevant in his near 40 posts in this thread. Keep in mind, he's in the top 10 posters of this game and has contributed basically nothing.

These are really the only posts of his that are talking about the game at all

also, whoever sent me that pm, lewding ppl is how i scum hunt, fuck u

ya, that... wasn't the point

the point is you keep expecting me to be some weird mastermind that's gonna swoop in, write half your names in a death note and steal the game from you, when that was a breakout performance.

it's like the same standard wad used to have to live up to, or the one ratchet deals with in other forums.

"oh he hasn't done this awesome thing he did last game, he's totally scum"

"well, he did this completely awesome thing buuuut the only way he could be smart enough to do it is he was scum!!"

nat, the truth is i'm a dumbass with luck pouring out the ass. you're holding me to a caliber of player that i cannot measure up to

for what reason?

anyway i don't see the point of speculating on what role does what, it's like "could this be an indie???" but in a game-wide state

i'd rather have us all concentrate on scumhunting, sil vous plaît? :kannawave

it's being used as an excuse to coast by "discussing the game"! :zaru

None of them are substantial at all.

In short, he complains about coming late and then instead of catching up or adding to the discussion, he becomes one of the top posters in the game by contributing nothing but fluff.
Juan ISO:

First 4 posts are complete fluff.

5th post:

Not a great start

The rest of his posts are pretty much all fluff as well. In fact, I was struggling to find anything game relevant in his near 40 posts in this thread. Keep in mind, he's in the top 10 posters of this game and has contributed basically nothing.

These are really the only posts of his that are talking about the game at all

None of them are substantial at all.

In short, he complains about coming late and then instead of catching up or adding to the discussion, he becomes one of the top posters in the game by contributing nothing but fluff.
He always fluffs tho. Like ALWAYS lmaooo. If I’m the queen of fluff, he’s the motherfucking emperor since that man never gets serious like fr.


He still might be scum tho.
He liked my post because he also thought that Owner's lie detector post was suspect. Most townreads, especially early on, are formed from such mindmelds.
I was looking at it more so from the perspective that he was saying he liked it because he thinks you pointing that particular point out seemed more town leaning then not, and I just disagree because that gives nothing away about potential alignment when there could be how many scum in this game? And scum do stuff like that all the time to throw around questions or pointless attention to a certain post or player. I don’t disagree with you saying that Owner’s lie detector fishing was odd, but it seemed like cooler was defending that angle for a little town cred to me. It isn’t that big a deal imo, but it was a observation. Right now cooler’s null to slight scum read, but he’s slowly looking a little better to me after a small iso.
This is definitely way too mean of an approach for town!DDL to be taking unprovoked, and I wouldn't call what happened a good while in the past worthwhile justification for this. RemChu's focus was on Cooler, yet DDL has spent the majority of his posts this phase slandering RemChu in claimed preemptive self-defense. Why care so much beforehand about an attack that isn't guaranteed to happen? It comes off to me like you have more worry and stress over your individual life than a townie should have. Also possible that you're trying to discredit RemChu so his push on Cooler isn't taken seriously.

I was mad at Rem for months for his behavior last year, I just stopped thinking about it after a while (and after he spent months avoiding me). Now he is starting to do it again so I decided to make it clear that I'm not gonna be a target of his idiotic dudebro playstyle again. This has nothing to do with I being town or not.
I was mad at Rem for months for his behavior last year, I just stopped thinking about it after a while (and after he spent months avoiding me). Now he is starting to do it again so I decided to make it clear that I'm not gonna be a target of his idiotic dudebro playstyle again. This has nothing to do with I being town or not.

use the ignore function its really good i've completely erased my haters from my life :catlove
Gonna take some wild guesses on the roles and what they may do

Cooler - can see him being a lie detector
Worm Juice - invisible, nexus
Flower - fights birds
Go D. Usopp -
Hayumi - roleblocks players with their bussy
Hero - Not allowed to post
is a - angry
Kvothe Kingkiller - something to do with ambiguous gender
Iwandesu - has to quote everything a page later
Juan - lovers with Hayumi
Laix - iconic, flawless, godfather, op, hax
Legend - something to do with being horny
Lord Genome - probably a scum role
Melodie - a player gets marked as "atlantic shitstorm" they then have to kill that player to win
nfcnorth - has to remove their avatar
Owner Of A Lonely Heart - jailer
Natalija - mafia strongman that fails against unconfirmed roles
Ratchet - can expose a player to the thread
RemChu - if they lynch a townie they become a generic or can redirect a lynch
Santi - can't be touched by any of us peasants
SinRaven - unlynchable
WolfPrinceKiba - can't post until the end of the phase
Dragon D. Luffy - jester who has to get lynched Day 1

Iwan DEFINITELY has some short of modfuck ability tbh.
I mean im always threadmarking other people games and using mod powers to check deleted posts/threadbanning people who break rules/etc.
Also potential insert obd memes (make a
DDL is a retired mod, could have something.
I once submitted a DDL role on Syndicate and among my suggestions were the following abilities (none got delivered tho :defeat).
> pick a one piece character every cycle.
> Pick an ability from your old games as a host
> target a player and help out balancing his role
Not sure if the wish ability has anything to do with me, maybe santi because he is like god or something (super moderator and all).
Hero might have something from his bastard games too (not sure if nitty is into these) ?

Cooler was my number one scum read earlier, but he's looking better to me now. He pressured and questioned people more, like Hero and Owner, which I expect of his townself. Though me calling him out on his low effort pressuring might have been the trigger, so keeping my eye on him.

Hayumi regularly switches fluff and some contributive posts. I find myself agreeing with him, but sometimes I get the feeling his posts are too carefully constructed. Like how he was looking into the messenger's identity, but made it clear he was not fishing for his role several times. He also made no bold reads on anyone. Might be leaning scum on him.

Kira is a curious case. He names Laix, Cooler, LG and John Wayne as possible scums, but never really pressures them. Especially with John Wayne he asks others for their reads on him and then John Wayne himself too. He calls John's response a non-answer which I agree with, but I feel like that was a perfect time for him to form a case but he disappeared after. Maybe Im being impatient with him, but I feel like he is skating by with minimal contribution. Never really pushing for anything.
Also might be tunneling on him a bit because I am voting him :catprone

Sorry for not linking any quotes but that shit is annoying on mobile.
I like this post
Has melodie done anything at all so far ?
To whoever got Laix (role)

Know while you may wear my name, and your actions may be in my spirit, you won't beat the original.

Sure, you might cult people into becoming Kylie Minogue stans. You might even have a Death Note. Or maybe you have a one-shot investigation that doesn't count as an investigation.

But just know, I will find you, and I will destroy you.

Because I don't tolerate imposters.

I myself love homages
Whoever is Iwan i hope you do a better job than platwandesu.
But if you are scum (and you obviously
are scum) you better get ready :gun
Guessing at the role abilities is fun, but alignment is a more important guess. Nitty would probably have the foresight to not be too obvious about them though, unless the anti-town have some truly heavy measures against claims.
Imo Laix and Iwan roles are 70% scum (either mafia or indie)
Santi could be either town power role or an indie actually a difficult guess, could work as either alignment
hey btw everybody check their roles. is the person on their role part of their group division or not?

the groups:

Worm Juice
Go D. Usopp
is a
Kvothe Kingkiller

John Wayne
Kira Yagami
Lord Genome
Lord Melkor

Owner Of A Lonely Heart
Underworld Broker
Dragon D. Luffy
I can't answer...
Good players don't role hint unless absolutely needed
It would not be wise to do so regardless :distracted
Broadcast messages from the past 4 hours:

@Natalija dw. I have no clue atm either. As I said, after further questioning a lot of players seem Town to me now. Probably one of the more active players is scum, but the rest is probably Town. I think looking into players like Broki that are just coasting is a good start for the next half of the DP.

Owner is a good way to start, too. Don't like her deflecting to Usopp after Cooler questioning her. Cooler does look like a solid Town now. Keep up the activity.

PS: @ Usopp seems like you are L U R K I N G because you still haven't realized that I'm just a player with a post restriction that is just talking through the host.

Broadcaster be like:


Btw, the last three announcements were written hours ago. I was reading the thread while waiting for them to be sent. Just clarifying here that I'm not coasting.
Laix role : 80% chance to be a troll indie, 19.9% chance to be mafia Godmother, .1% chance to be town

WAD role : 70% mafia(potential GF), 30% town

LG role : He is more known for his scum play, but recently carried a town in a Nitty game as Ashe IIRC so 60% mafia, 40% town

WPK role : 50/50 shot between town/mafia, unlikely to be indie

SinRaven role : 80% chance to be anti-town, 20% town

Melodie : 40% indie, 30% town, 30% mafia

RemChu : 60% mafia, 20% indie, 20% town

Cooler : 80% town, 20% anti-town

DDL role : Pretty even chance of any alignment

Okay I'm not doing the entire player list but this is a start.
Your post just gave me bad vibes I do not see your motivation as town for it.

It was flippant, so this is somewhat reasonable.

lAlso not liking the pressure on you despite that I think only two people voted you?

I'm not sure if I understand this.

Do you have any thoughts other than tunelling on me?

A bit too quick with the tunneling accusation, no? I only just started looking in your direction and it was in immediate response to one of your posts.

I am town this game by the way.

[sarcasm]Ah, yes, how could I forget about the renowned and well documented Lord Melkor truth meta[/sarcasm]
Day 1 - Night show guests are announced
Invitations have been sent out for the after show, and our guests tonight will be:

Dragon D. Luffy

Over the next 24 hours, you may privately submit questions for our night show guests to me through your role PM. Each night show guest will be given a set of questions they have to answer in the thread, or else they'll be modblocked for the night.

The more salacious and antagonistic your question, the likelier it is to get chosen. :catflower

There are 24 hours left in this day phase. The phase ends at 8 PM central time on 8/26.​
Well I was trying to pressure you obviously, there are responses you could have given me that would have satisfied me more. Your playful comeback wasn't the worst thing you could have said if that makes you feel better lol.

Think Laix and Flower are town. Town lean on Wad as well.

I'm kind of null on a lot of posters, feel like it's been the same people posting.

I'm fence sitting on Remchu now after he pinged me early on, scum leaning on JW and Hero - feel like Hero is kinda going with the flow, think was opportunistic earlier when he voted Rem basically because a few people were talking about him (Rem) at the time. I need to ISO him though.

Owner I find really weird for asking about lie detectors, not sure why it matters if they're in the set-up but weird for her to be just open wolfing and asking about it.


[Change Vote Lynch Hero]

I feel like you are going with every easy case you can find.

Remchu meta from last game.

Repeating what wpk said about owner.

Hero coasting.

Invitations have been sent out for the after show, and our guests tonight will be:

Dragon D. Luffy

Over the next 24 hours, you may privately submit questions for our night show guests to me through your role PM. Each night show guest will be given a set of questions they have to answer in the thread, or else they'll be modblocked for the night.

The more salacious and antagonistic your question, the likelier it is to get chosen. :catflower

There are 24 hours left in this day phase. The phase ends at 8 PM central time on 8/26.​
Sis I know you didn’t just select the two top posters then skip the third. I know I’m not an OG but damn girl.

The people who have never seen me active in a game really have a lot to say. Perhaps it’s new to you, but it’s not unfamiliar to players like Santí, DDL, Laix, WAD, WPK etc.

I haven’t been an active player in a long time, but what can you do when you decide to sign up for mafia games in medical school :oldshrug

Pretty sure when I first met you you were not yet in medical school and was already inactive.
ya, that... wasn't the point

the point is you keep expecting me to be some weird mastermind that's gonna swoop in, write half your names in a death note and steal the game from you, when that was a breakout performance.

it's like the same standard wad used to have to live up to, or the one ratchet deals with in other forums.

"oh he hasn't done this awesome thing he did last game, he's totally scum"

"well, he did this completely awesome thing buuuut the only way he could be smart enough to do it is he was scum!!"

nat, the truth is i'm a dumbass with luck pouring out the ass. you're holding me to a caliber of player that i cannot measure up to
Thats actually misleading on both sides assuming we taling about MMM.
I was the mind behind most death notes kills.
Your job that game was to play a hiding in plain sight godfather (powerwolfing/etc) which, well, 6ou played it to the point you carried us when everything seemed to be about to fail.
You are definitely not power wolfing this game(so im not sure how to compare you to MM but you are definitely coasting which is never optimal
[Vote lynch Lord Melkor]

I'd like to know more about this post I made which was so scummy you just had to vote me on it, but not scummy enough to remember.

literally ninja'd me from saying that

not to mention hes also protecting hero

[vote lynch lord melkor]

care to explain why u read hero as town? @Lord Melkor

Finally some pressure!

[VOTE LYNCH Lord Melkor]



Are you guys seriously starting a lynch train on Lord Melkor on day 1? Leave him alone, he's town. This is why our section has trouble keeping new players, because you guys treat them like this.
Thats actually misleading on both sides assuming we taling about MMM.
I was the mind behind most death notes kills.
Your job that game was to play a hiding in plain sight godfather (powerwolfing/etc) which, well, 6ou played it to the point you carried us when everything seemed to be about to fail.
You are definitely not power wolfing this game(so im not sure how to compare you to MM but you are definitely coasting which is never optimal
i'm sorry iwan, is this your opinion? because if so...


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