Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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never asked for ur role info

just asked if u ever used it to help town in any way

well ur very uninterested to help town on the thread, but then that must mean ur atleast helping town from the shadows right?

the question is, are you really though?

if not then you aren't really trying to be town are u? thats what i meant lol
I mean, what exactly are you looking for then? "Yeah"?
Lynch 1

Cooler - Ratchet
DDL - Ratchet
Usopp - Ratchet
Hero - Ratchet
Iwandesu - Ratchet
Kvothe - Ratchet
Natalija - Ratchet
Sin - Ratchet

Melodie - LG
Nessos - LG
Broki - LG
Kira - LG

Hayumi - Nessos
Santi - Nessos
Worm Juice - Nessos

LG - Juan
Flower - Juan
nfcnorth - Juan

Ratchet - Aragorn
WAD - Aragorn

Owner - Iwan
Juan - Remchu

LG is being lynched.

Lynch 2

Badalight - Aragorn
WPK - Aragorn

Aragorn is being lynched.​
Last edited:
Day 3 - Lord Genome (Babby) and Aragorn (Flower) are lynched
Lord Genome (Babby) was lynched!


alignment: innocent

[Character Creation] - At the beginning of the game, Babby must create his character by choosing 1 race and 1 class, determining his abilities. Each class may only be combined with certain races.

[Race - Human] - Humans are talented leaders and diplomats, requiring a majority of lynch votes to be lynched.

[Race - Dwarf] - The dwarves can find treasure wherever it is hidden. When other players receive boosts or powerups, your abilities will also be improved.

[Race - Gnome] - The gnomes' small size makes them difficult to catch, protecting them against roleblocks.

[Race - Night Elf] - The night elves can use moonlight to hide themselves from the game. If you don't use an action during the night, then other players' abilities will fail on you for that night.

[Race - Orc] - The orcs' supernatural endurance protects them against role crushes.

[Race - Troll] - Trolls can regenerate from their wounds, granting them +1 bonus life.

[Race - Tauren] - The mighty tauren can stomp the ground to roleblock anyone who targets them for 1 night. This ability cannot be used 2 nights in a row.

[Race - Undead] - The cannibalistic undead can eat the remains of a dead player each night to learn which faction killed them.

[Class - Warrior] - Warriors wear heavy armor, granting you +2 bonus lives. Each night the warrior can defend another player, redirecting regular kills used against them to the warrior. Warriors can be of any race.

[Class - Rogue] - Rogues are criminals who scan guilty to investigations. Each night the rogue can investigate another player to learn the effect of 1 of their abilities. Once per game, the rogue can steal another player's ability for 1 cycle. Once per game, the rogue can poison another player, killing them 1 cycle later. Rogues can be trained by humans, dwarves, gnomes, night elves, orcs, trolls and undead.

[Class - Mage] - Mages can use time magic to slow another player each night, delaying any abilities used by them or against them by 1 cycle. Once per game, the mage can rewind time during the first 12 hours of a day phase to undo the previous night's actions. Mages can be trained by humans, gnomes, trolls and undead.

[Class - Priest] - Priests can use shadow magic to control another player each night, redirecting their abilities a player of the priest's choosing.

[Class - Hunter] - Each night the hunter can stalk another player to learn who they target. The hunter is also accompanied by an animal companion who will block the first kill used against the hunter, granting them +1 life. While the hunter's pet is alive, the hunter can send it to track a second player each night. Hunters can be trained by dwarves, night elves, orcs, trolls and tauren.

[Class - Druid] - The ancient druids can enchant another player with nature magic, permanently granting them +1 bonus life. If that player loses their bonus life, the druid will investigate that player to learn their alignment. The druid can only grant 1 bonus life at a time. Druids can only be trained by night elves and tauren.

[Class - Warlock] - Warlocks are dark wizards who can summon a demon to roleblock another player each night. Once per game, the warlock can permanently sacrifice their demon to superkill another player. Warlocks can be trained by humans, gnomes, orcs and undead.

[Class - Shaman] - Shaman are spiritual leaders who can use scrying magic to watch another player each night and learn who targets them. The first time the shaman is murdered, they will hide their own role from their murderer and from the game thread, and return to life 1 cycle later. Shaman can be trained by orcs, trolls and tauren.

[Class - Paladin] - Paladins are divine warriors who can resurrect 1 player. Paladins are also protected against against poisoning, disease and necromancy. Paladins can be trained by humans and dwarves.

Here is the role Lord Genome chose:

Babby the Dwarf Hunter
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Treasure Finding] - The dwarves can find treasure wherever it is hidden. When other players receive boosts or powerups, Babby's abilities will also be improved.

[Passive - Beast Mastery] - Babby is accompanied by an animal companion who will block the first kill used against him, granting Babby a bonus life. While Babby's pet is alive, Babby can also send it to using [Tracking] on a second player each night.

[Active - Tracking] - During the night, Babby can stalk another player to learn who they target.

Aragorn (Flower) was lynched!



alignment: innocent

[Active - Seed Dispersal] - Each night, Flower can place a seed on another player.

[Passive - A Promising Garden] - Flower begins the game as a bud. When other players target Flower with non-lethal abilities, they will decide to water her instead. If Flower is watered for 2 different cycles, she will bloom, causing her to lose [A Promising Garden] and [Seed Dispersal] and gain the following abilities instead:

[Conditional Passive - Wilt] - If Flower is murdered, she will revert back to a bud, causing her to regain [A Promising Garden] and [Seed Dispersal] and lose access to the rest of her abilities.

[Conditional Active - Entangling Roots] - Each night, Flower can either place a seed on another player, or roleblock everyone who is already seeded.

Night 3 start. No more posting.
Day 4 start
@SinRaven (Lord Genome) died!


Lord Genome
alignment: guilty

[Passive - A Fool's Bet] - Lord Genome has a nasty gambling habit. Each day Lord Genome must roll a 33 sided die, and for the rest of that day he can only vote for the player that corresponds to that number on the player list. If that player is already dead, then Lord Genome can vote for whoever he wants that day. For each cycle passed, Lord Genome can roll on 2 more players each day (so 3 players on day 2, 5 players on day 3, etc), and he can vote for any of the rolled players, or for whoever he wants if any of those players are dead. If Lord Genome is voting for another player when they are lynched, then he will have finally won his bet, causing him to lose this ability and gain the following abilities:

[Conditional Active - Drunken Fist] - Lord Genome can trade one vice for another by drinking himself into a stupor. During the night, Lord Genome can use this ability to attack another player, with a 50% chance to roleblock them and a 50% chance to kill them. If Lord Genome uses this ability two nights in a row, then on the second night he will have a 100% chance to superkill his target, but he will be role crushed by a hangover for the following cycle. If Lord Genome uses this ability, he will be too drunk to use any other abilities that night.

[Conditional Active - Salesman] - Lord Genome used to make his living peddling household appliances. During the night, Lord Genome can offer to grant another player one usage of any ability effect in exchange for giving him control over their voting power the next day. If Lord Genome's target accepts his deal and attempts to use the ability he gave them, they will discover that it doesn't work.

[Conditional Active - The Sleeping Dragon] - The longer the game goes, the closer Lord Genome comes to solving it. During the night, Lord Genome can investigate a number of players equal to the number of the current night phase, learning their alignment.

@Dragon D. Luffy (Ratchet) died!


alignment: innocent

[Passive - Rune: Opila] - Ratchet uses this magical artifact to manipulate the abilities used by his fellow townies. If an innocent player roleblocks another innocent player, or if an innocent player protects a guilty player, then Ratchet will redirect their ability to himself.

[Conditional Active - Rune: Kenaz] - Ratchet siphons the energy out of roleblocks he absorbs to empower this destructive rune. For every 3 roleblocks used against Ratchet, he can use this rune during the night to role crush another player for that night and the following day. This ability bypasses roleblocks.

[One Shot Active - Rune: Sowilo] - Ratchet can use this rune to control the lynch mob, forcing them to choose between Ratchet and another player. Whichever one of those 2 players has the most lynch votes at the end of the day will be lynched. This ability must be used the previous night, or during the first 12 hours of the day phase.

@nfcnorth (
John Wayne) died!


John Wayne
alignment: innocent

[Passive - The Land of Make Believe] - John Wayne learned to play mafia in the Outskirts Battledome, and OBD mafia is a strange game. If another player uses an ability on John Wayne, that ability will have the opposite of its intended effect.

[Active - Research] - During the night, John Wayne can consult the OBD Wiki to investigate 1 ability from a writeup to learn its effect.

[Active - Calc Request] - Each night John Wayne can can investigate another player to learn the power level of their role on a scale from 1-3. Power levels are determined relative to the other roles in that player's faction.

3 innocent players betrayed the town last night, becoming guilty.

The Circle is complete. A Jester has entered the game.

A sinister and mysterious force reduced all players' voting power by 1. If you have reached negative voting power, your lynch votes will now count against lynching someone instead of in favor of lynching them. For example, if player A has -2 votes against them and player B has 0 votes against them, player B would be lynched. Please ask the host if you have any questions about this.

The dual-lynch system is in place for 1 more day.

Kira Yagami, WAD, Iwandesu, Natalija, Ratchet and Santi have all been invited to play a game of Survivor. Link:

Day 4 start. You may now post.
rn melodie but i have an action i can use that will potentially catch out scum 100% available today
I got a message just now and idk what to do with it. It states that xxx has not killed any innocent people

however when I think to the actions of the game, I don’t think I recall any town crossfire


I’m not sure if this is a soft hint that xxx has a killing ability/is town.
Day 4 - A betrayal and a flight risk
An innocent player has betrayed the town and become guilty.

The Mafia has begun siphoning power out of the game. For the next 2 cycles, kills will be reduced 1 tier in strength (regular kills will fail, superkills will become regular kills).

The mysterious and sinister force has temporarily fled the game.
sup m9ss :cat

welp just happened to be here at the start of the day so lets see :hm

- Pretty much confirmed scum:
1. Ratchet
2. Flower
- Highly scummy:
1. Melodie
2. Natalija
3. DDL
4. Hayumi
5. Kvothe
- 50/50 scum:
1. Santi
2. Juan
3. Nessos
4. Broki
5. Badalight
6. Iwan
7. Owner
8. Karma
9. Cooler
rest town lean or null idk :mlpshrug
This list is high definition trash.

but I do agree that flower needs to be murked

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