Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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I'm saying im excited for when it happens again aha. I've only been an indie twice in my entire mafia career and its so ughhhh. I don't know how it makes any sense, but Iliterally can't lie or fake town worth shi

:mingopepe you only have yourself to blame for being a try hard townie and trusting me to mason chat with.


I've been culted 3 times.... last one was a pity cult but still....
how did my post on Natalija not count? ._.

I'm actually dumb and forgot my name is Kvothe
Vote Count

SinRaven - Hayumi
Iwandesu - Hayumi
Badalight - Hayumi
Remchu - Hayumi
Iwandesu - Hayumi
is a - Hayumi
Kira - Hayumi
Broki - Hayumi

DDL - Iwandesu
Cooler - Iwandesu
Kvothe - Iwandesu

Melodie - Nessos
Karma - Nessos
Aragorn - Nessos

Owner - Usopp
JoJo - Flower
Natalija - Kvothe
Hero - Lord Melkor
Flower - JoJo
Hayumi - Badalight

Hayumi: 8
Iwandesu: 3
Nessos: 3

Hayumi is being lynched.
Vote Count

SinRaven - Hayumi
Iwandesu - Hayumi
Badalight - Hayumi
Remchu - Hayumi
Iwandesu - Hayumi
is a - Hayumi
Kira - Hayumi
Broki - Hayumi

DDL - Iwandesu
Cooler - Iwandesu
Kvothe - Iwandesu

Melodie - Nessos
Karma - Nessos
Aragorn - Nessos

Owner - Usopp
JoJo - Flower
Natalija - Kvothe
Hero - Lord Melkor
Flower - JoJo
Hayumi - Badalight

Hayumi: 8
Iwandesu: 3
Nessos: 3

Hayumi is being lynched.
yeah yeah we know, get to it already :camby
Day 2 - Hayumi (Melodie) is lynched New
:catsuicide Hayumi (Melodie) was lynched! :catsuicide


alignment: guilty

[Passive - I Made It Up] - Melodie made up a lie that she is protected against roleblocks and role crushes. Melodie's lie was so convincing that even the host believed her and actually granted her permanent protection against roleblocks and role crushes.

[Passive - Misogyny] - The mafia section hates women, and Melodie has been persecuted for so long that being eliminated no longer affects her. If Melodie dies, then the next person who dies after her will have their role hidden from the thread, and Melodie will return to the game and take on their role and win condition for another chance at winning the game.

[Active - Mad Doctor Mello] - During the night Melodie can perform an operation on another player, role crushing them and and making them untargetable for that night. Afterward, their abilities will permanently be improved, and they will be protected against roleblocks. Melodie wins if 1 of the players she operated on survives until the end of the game.

Night 2 start. No more posting!
Night 2 - The after show New

Welcome back to another episode of the after show, where our players get to know each other on a more... personal level! Please welcome tonight's guests:


Each of you will be assigned a question you are required to answer, or else you'll be modblocked tonight. During this time, you may use this thread to answer your quest or to respond to another guest's answer, but you cannot have meaningful discussion about the game! After all, game-solving is such a bore.

Here are your questions:


If Nessos has such a serious problem with you, then why do you think he decided to join NF after you did? Doesn't it seem like he's following you around just to spread rumors about you?

- nfcnorth


You have described Flower as mean-spirited, irrational, and a climate change denier, and you said you would never take her off ignore. But it in this game, she's been pretty hard to ignore. What has it been like seeing her posts again in a mafia game, and will you finally admit that the anything you said about her before was wrong?

- Kvothe Kingkiller


So not that I'm like curious or anything like that but please spill the tea on what's going on between you and Juan. Did something happen in the past I don't know about? Has a good sis been going behind my BACK? Explain yourself darling, otherwise I'll clip those little wings of yours and make sure you'll never be able to caw again.

- Hayumi


Do you think Santi hates on you because he's jealous that you're educated, because he just hates women, or for another reason? When did Santi's obsession with you start and more importantly, when will it finally end?



Since you became a mafia section mod, what is the #1 request you received, and why haven't you granted it? Doesn't refusing to adhere to the section's needs make you a bad section mod?

Santi's obsession started when my first interaction with him was playing a chess game with him, and he tried to push for the reason he lost is that he was playing black side, and that the game is biased for white side. He might still believe this because he won when he played white side, but i still have more wins than losses against him np.

Anyway jokes aside, santi is good lad and I will not fall for your bait, Nitty :catbuff

Since you became a mafia section mod, what is the #1 request you received, and why haven't you granted it? Doesn't refusing to adhere to the section's needs make you a bad section mod?

Only thing which comes to mind is the request to perm Rion from the section. Why haven't I done it? Because I like to give a full, honest effort of rehabilitating the member before I throw out the key.

Does this make me a bad mod? Maybe. I don't particularly think myself to be "good" in the first place.
Only thing which comes to mind is the request to perm Rion from the section. Why haven't I done it? Because I like to give a full, honest effort of rehabilitating the member before I throw out the key.

Does this make me a bad mod? Maybe. I don't particularly think myself to be "good" in the first place.
You just like banning people, and permanently banning a person will leave that satisfaction away from you.:catface

You have described Flower as mean-spirited, irrational, and a climate change denier, and you said you would never take her off ignore. But it in this game, she's been pretty hard to ignore. What has it been like seeing her posts again in a mafia game, and will you finally admit that the anything you said about her before was wrong?

- Kvothe Kingkiller
LMAO someone wants to create drama :catblush

@Kvothe Kingkiller I won't change my opinion about climatic change, because of a single game. I believe human have to change to save our lovely world.

And I also see a comment like "you play like an asshole" as huge insult and as enough reason to create a huge dramashow.

But I have to admit it I am suprised. I mean its D2 and Flower didn't start her tunnelvision on me yet :cat

If Nessos has such a serious problem with you, then why do you think he decided to join NF after you did? Doesn't it seem like he's following you around just to spread rumors about you?

- nfcnorth

@nfcnorth LMAO do you truly believe in this?
I was about quittung mafia cause of double standards. Then @Hayumi told me to not stop playing there are other places! Followed by @Oddjutsu using his chance finally convincing me to join NF.

Actually was totally against joining NF through a player known as MUUGEN. A player obsessed from his awesomeness. Back then were OJ still existed we played our first game together and it was like "I was town outing his while scumteam through him on Day 1". And of course it is only cause he played with noobs. Followed by me roasting him xD
Then opened a PM with where he tried to convince me that he is the best player in the world... Blah blah... That I wouldn't be handle a single game on NF... Blah blah. I was like "you are considered as pro in a single Forum now you feel like god, LMAO" followed by him ignoring me.

Then my first game here in NF and @SinRaven introduced himself as super pro. And I was like "OMG another selfproclaimed super pro".
But then Sin realizes on his own (with a little help by me) that he is not a pro, but an anxious pussy and everything was fine :blobtimistic

So not that I'm like curious or anything like that but please spill the tea on what's going on between you and Juan. Did something happen in the past I don't know about? Has a good sis been going behind my BACK? Explain yourself darling, otherwise I'll clip those little wings of yours and make sure you'll never be able to caw again.

- Hayumi
If you are not curious, then why are you asking questions Hayumi?? Shut yer trap and stay out of my affairs! :catmaddance
Then my first game here in NF and @SinRaven introduced himself as super pro. And I was like "OMG another selfproclaimed super pro".
But then Sin realizes on his own (with a little help by me) that he is not a pro, but an anxious pussy and everything was fine :blobtimistic
Huh? I'm the best mafia player on NF, probably even the world, by far. Im so good at mafia I was asked to join an actual mafia family. You can call me Don SinRaven now.
Day 3 start New
@JoJo (Lord Melkor) died!


Baron Melkor
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Mutineer] - Melkor's experience in evading authority protects him against lynch mobs.

[Passive - Tama Tama no Mi] - Melkor's devil fruit protects him against kills.

[Passive - Laying Low] - Melkor represents the Big Mom Pirates, but he isn't supposed to draw attention to his crew. If Melkor is targeted by 4 investigative abilities, he will leave the game to avoid endangering his plans.

[Passive - Leg Benedict] - If another player uses an investigative ability on Melkor, he will learn their name and roleblock them.

[Passive - Pirate Crew] - At the beginning of the game, a randomly chosen innocent player is made into Melkor's subordinate. Melkor will learn his subordinate's name and abilities, and Melkor will permanently learn who they use their abilities on.

[Active - Orders From Above] - During the night, Melkor can send an anonymous message through the moderator to his subordinate.

@Lord Melkor (Natalija) died!


alignment: innocent

[Passive - New Kid on the Block] - Natalija is new to NF, and the host is trying to look after her. If anyone casts suspicion or doubt against Nalaija in the game thread, then the host will defend her.

[Passive - Academy Student] - Natalija has not yet earned the respect of the mafia section, giving her 0 voting power.

[Passive - Becoming Hokage] - When Natalija helps lynch a guilty player, she will earn favor with other players, permanently granting her +3 voting power. When Natalija helps lynch an innocent player, she will lose favor, permanently reducing her voting power by 1.

[Conditional Active - Mafia Byakugan] - If Natalija achieves a voting power of 5 or more, then she will have mastered the game of mafia and learned to see through deception. Each night, Natalija can privately investigate 1 sentence from another player's post to learn whether it contained a lie or not.

@Legend (???) died, but his role was claimed by @Hayumi !

The game has been occupied and divided by an invading force. There will now be 2 lynches each day, but each player may only participate in 1 lynch. To vote in the first lynch, you will use the normal [vote lynch] command. To participate in the second lynch, you will use [vote lynch 2]. At the end of the day, your most recently cast vote will be considered your final vote, and that is the lynch you will be considered to be part of. If you have any questions, please ask the host for clarification.

A sinister and mysterious force reduced everyone's voting power by 1. Voting power is reaching critically low levels.

Day 3 will end 24 hours from now, at 9:40 PM central time on 8/30.

Day 3 start. You may now post.
@JoJo (Lord Melkor) died!

@Lord Melkor (Natalija) died!

@Legend (???) died, but his role was claimed by @Hayumi !

The game has been occupied and divided by an invading force. There will now be 2 lynches each day, but each player may only participate in 1 lynch. To vote in the first lynch, you will use the normal [vote lynch] command. To participate in the second lynch, you will use [vote lynch 2]. At the end of the day, your most recently cast vote will be considered your final vote, and that is the lynch you will be considered to be part of. If you have any questions, please ask the host for clarification.

A sinister and mysterious force reduced everyone's voting power by 1. Voting power is reaching critically low levels.

Day 3 will end 24 hours from now, at 9:40 PM central time on 8/30.

Day 3 start. You may now post.
Interesting stuff

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