now that u mention it this way, its actually kinda busted that a jester can recruit ppl to engineer his lynch like that. Usually jesters have to fool the town into lynching them, but this one seemed way too different. At best even if we thought WAD was culted, he cuda been a mafia cult that's trying to push a lynch on a townie or hostile indie.
its my first time seeing a jester that has teammates that can push a lynch for him, and it actually looks broken af to counterplay, given that even if we attempt kill the jester, the attack just redirects to one of his disciples.
it just sux u werent there at the end, i told town im not a fan of this blind follow on the cooler wagon but i had no way of stopping the lynch on cooler, so could just watch it happen lol.
do kda akali
akali >>>> ahri
CLG in 2020 ripp.
after aphro and darshan left its no longer the same team

just like c9 without sneaky and jensen
it seems fken busted lol
it wouldnt matter if its a game ending or not, the problem is we cannot stop it regardless because we never thought a jester would have teammates lol. idk about u guys but its my first time seeing one.
i wasent fan of ur wagon lynch at all but nothing i could do to stop it. u being defenseless made it seem like a jester, but at the same time u apparently appeared guilty on a wad invest ability or smthing. it just didn't cross in anyone mind that a jester could cult ppl and have them lynch him, but i'll keep that in mind for next games.
tbh some town roles were actually pretty weak to do much, including mine (juan) role. Some were strong but nerfed like the one iwan had, where he couldnt share any info with us lol, or Santi's role that needed people's request to do anything (he was afk anyway lmao)
with the sheer amounts of cult in this game, its very natural that the strong town roles will get culted, leaving the others to wither. The fact that town got rolled this hard even tho we lynched JW day one says enough lol.
not that we played good as a town collectively tho for sure lol. The mafia abilities were balanced and creative af ngl
the indies in this game were absolutely busted tho, no doubt. kyvothe and cooler's roles just broke the game lmao.
also its good to note that some roles with abilities like nat and ratchet can be town, its my first time seeing that but good to know, rly liked the namesake roles this game for the most part. actually very good job