Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Races would be

Human can only be majority lynched
Gnome can't be blocked
Night elf if I don't make night actions I can't be targeted
Orc can't be rolecrushed
Troll +1 life
Tauren I stomp and roleblock anyone that targets me a night, one night cooldown
Undead I eat a dead player and fight our what faction killed them

I picked dwarf
what is dwarf?

And also james what is that undead one. What if the person you're eating was killed by town?
My role is a build your own wow character

I pick a race and a class

Alternative options I could have had paladin(1 shot rez
Warrior +2 lives
Mage negate the last 12 hours of actions one shot
Rogue some scuffed poison kill thing
Druid give a person +1 life. Can't give to another person till that life is used
Priest redirect
Warlock roleblock, sacrifice roleblock ability for a one shot super kill
Shaman if I die I janitor and come back to life next day

all of these options sound better than hunter/2 trackers >_>
One thing to note about an SK is that going for low posters/afk players is usually ideal for them because:

1. It reduces chances of cross-killing with mafia who are more likely to aim for players who are threats to them

2. there is usually some mafia within the low posters/afk'ers and SKs want to thin their numbers too, especially if mafia is having a good run

So Legend kill is likely from an SK, so his alignment and therefore Hayumi's is still up in the air. That Legend didn't throw out a dice roll yesterday gives a very slight lean towards town.
This is actually also truth
Serial killers have more reasons to go after coasting than vigs who usually can go for hero shots (like jojo's who is usually a town lead and wasnt really there)
like "some ratio of town x scum is down or if town gets lynched town gets +vote power, if other ratio of town x scum is down or mafia gets lynched town loses their vote power"
Alternatively those specific day posts COULD be fake
But dunno

that sounds unbalanced though. We lose our vote power cause we lynched scum? Also it doesn't make sense cause it says everyone loses their vote power..
Do you think we should have a second person on lynch 2 just in case scum has some kind of vote silencer? That way, they'd at least have to guess who I buffed.
Dont you guys think it is better to not waste the odds of a second lynch like ever ?
Im not sure im liking wpk fishing for vote power claims but you even implying we should not vote oj a second lynch is literal bs tbh
What is up with this fishing tho

That's not fishing though, it's literally important to the proposed plan that someone on lynch 2 has extra voting power so that they're not at 0 due to the sinister force reducing vote power. Badalight wanted to have a backup voter in case he got vote silenced or role blocked before he could give himself the vote power, I was saying that if we have a backup then it has to be someone with extra vote power for it to work within the plan.

We ultimately decided on just having Bada rand his vote power between him and I, with us being the two on lynch 2.

Just because you're guilty of role fishing doesn't mean you should go throwing that accusation around in ignorance:camby
You think it is more likely to have an "each day phase everyonr lose a vote power?" :dank

It's a hostile indie ability prob yea

you said fight our what faction killed them. (I assume our->out)

also i still dont know what is the dwarf ability, you didnt mention it

Ya I eat them and find out what faction killed them, that's how it was worded

Dwarf ability I didn't cause it loses a lot of it's use if I say it, so if I get lynched then whatever
Important notice

Hey guys, something super fun and exciting happened: I forgot to include something in last night’s writeup!

Here’s what should have been included:

An innocent player has betrayed the town and become guilty.

Carry on!
Remchu had a theory this meant the town player killed the town role
If remchu is right this woukd mean we had two vig kills last night instead of mafia + SK
Alternatively this could just be the obvious scum cult
Two fucking cults at once are kinda :dank
Broadcast messages from the past 7 hours:

I wish I could speak normally for this DP...

Can't be the same person who killed Sigis because Sigis was in a different group than Legend.

@ Kira nothing seems odd to you regarding the wagon? We have no clue what Bada's alignment is, we don't know Iwan's. Hayumi and Iwan had the same amount of suspicion on them last DP, yet people were rather voting Hayumi than him. I wonder why that was.

Btw we still have to find Laix' killer, too. Could have been LG, but if he doesn't have a hidden kill, then there is another killer in that group.

Since Nessos claimed Tracker and I believe he is Town, the kill has to be either of Iwan, Juan, Karma and Kira since he claims he tracked Melodie and she didn't visit anyone.

So yeah, having either Kira or Iwan as the second lynch option seems good.

Although I would like to know how Nessos was able to target Darth Nordic when they weren't even in the same group :blobglare.

LG's claim is somewhat more believable than Nessos' because Nessos claims he targetted nfcnorth who wasn't even in his group. North confirmed the result, though, which makes me think they're buddies because he couldn't get that result in the first place.
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Broadcast messages from the past hour:

Another thing is I wonder how nobody has come to the same conclusion hours after his claim yet, despite us all having that group information at hand. This makes me wonder if scums are stirring the discussion right now.

It's possible Nessos is a scum invest that gets results of his targets and their actions because he claims to have targetted Melodie and north and LG and Sin and LG also targetted Mel on Sin. That claim from Nessos is defo a slip, though because not possible due to being in different groups with north.

I don't think that force punishes Town. I just think it's a way for scums to control the lynch this DP because the Natalija role has shown that there could be Town roles with more voting power. Town doesn't need more votes usually unless it's a counter for scum abilities.
My role is world of Warcraft build your character

I choose a class and race and that is my ability combos

I picked hunter which gives me 2 trackings a day and a bp. I lose the bp I lose one tracking attempt(,my hunter pet is my bp and does the tracking,)
I mean this is elaborated sounds kinda off place (not impossible given laix did have a "pick old game roles" ability)
Will keep on reading
My role is a build your own wow character

I pick a race and a class

Alternative options I could have had paladin(1 shot rez
Warrior +2 lives
Mage negate the last 12 hours of actions one shot
Rogue some scuffed poison kill thing
Druid give a person +1 life. Can't give to another person till that life is used
Priest redirect
Warlock roleblock, sacrifice roleblock ability for a one shot super kill
Shaman if I die I janitor and come back to life next day
Bro you want me to believe you did not pick any of those op roles and went with hunter:dank
The game has been divided into 3 groups. These groups are:

Worm Juice
Go D. Usopp
is a
Kvothe Kingkiller

John Wayne
Kira Yagami
Lord Genome
Lord Melkor

Owner Of A Lonely Heart
Underworld Broker
Dragon D. Luffy

During the night phase, you will only be able to target players who are in your group, so plan your actions accordingly.

Group list

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