Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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we don't even know if you're gonna get lynched

also I'm not sure why you so upset since you would get revived :thunk
what revival

i die, my role flips, and i can still post because i'm a stump

but i lose all my extra lives

which i have spent the last two days trying to give to my fellow townies

and revive laix (which would result in my death)





Ratchet is legit styling on us
Literally zero reason to think he’s town and has shown objective scum play and he just goons you all by saying “well that’s NAI for me” and you cowards are like “ah well yeah”

kill him tonight plz
Where is this "objective scum play" I've shown? If the argument is I wouldn't be apathetic as town, why would I be apathetic as scum?
what revival

i die, my role flips, and i can still post because i'm a stump

but i lose all my extra lives

which i have spent the last two days trying to give to my fellow townies

and revive laix (which would result in my death)







ok i can understand the anger now. Then something doesn't add up with Remchu and DDL :tiredpepe
Yes but i said both things.
Okay, so which one is it? Am I suddenly not obvs scum now?

It honestly feels like I'm being gaslit into the lynch just because players know that I'm tough to actually get lynched if they go mano-a-mano with me. So they just repeat "Ratchet is clearly scum" again and again hoping that enough sheep jump on and they get to avoid bringing anything of actual substance to the table in regards to my lynch.
anyway Ratchet maybe "obvious" is too harsh but youve been basically parroting your MMM scum play gping afk and onky appearing when needed.
You are a methodical player and ive seen you play very different as town
You've seen me play very different as scum, too. I'm appearing when I can, and as the game whittles down I hope my productivity will go up too.

I don't really feel like you can argue this is the same as MMV at all really. It's just a convenient way to dismiss my point that nothing I've shown thus far has been scummy, and people haven't reconciled that if I am expected to be more proactive as town then duly I should be more proactive as scum too.
Reads and Catching UPish *wonders if I need spoiler it to help*
  1. Aragorn - I got super confused today when I mistakenly thought he died, but still saw his posts. But irrelevant, I don’t remember him. I think he was one of the ones being voted, but that could be someone else.

  2. Badalight - seems more active than when he was the moon, slight town, not sure what his range is though

  3. Cooler - I don’t remember what he has done aside from get on me day 1 for something. null

  4. Dragon D. Luffy - slight town, feels sort of better than some of the games I’ve seen him play, but he isn’t as inquisitive as some games I’ve seen so I wonder if there’s a reason for that or if it is more happenstance sort of thing

  5. Flower - seems nice, they can be town, has been insightful

  6. Go D. Usopp - don’t recall them answering my questions about how new they actually are. So at this moment, I cannot really say for sure if I can override the interesting tell with newness status, but I did like their talks/interactions so far. I feel a bit conflicted as I still wonder if it was a slip for them to say they didn’t have anyone they suspected. But I don’t know. They are scummy for interesting tell and no one to push, but they might just be a misunderstood newbie who doesn’t know culture things to say and not say.

  7. Hero - what has this guy done though? :catthinks: He’s said he was blocked. I don’t recall if that was dice or a person. It could be going along with the group. null/needs more posts or needs to be more freaking remorable

  8. is a: I feel like I’m blindly trusting them for the moment. They’ve said good things. I’m just paranoid. I like being fooled, but that’s the game.

  9. Iwandesu: They have said “interesting” far too many times for me to ignore. It sounds like they are saying it fill a void. - scum read I still wonder if this makes them more of an indie though as the post count is really high or if they can just powerwolf with ease are my questions or feelings at the moment. I don’t trust his comment about he’s like always rolling scum but iwan is dead now or just town.

  10. Juan - they are another piece of the remchu/ddl thing, i don’t remember a lot of their posts, but their recent frustrations felt genuine. I assume the emotion is real, but I can’t tell if that pertains to their current alignment or not. Or if it is merely an attempt to keep from dying.

  11. Karma - null/light scum - see nothing that makes them super town for me. They brought laix’s death, but that could be them knowing about it in the first place. People are town reading her; I just don’t have the meta/reasoning to write them off one way or another.

  12. Kira Yagami - he’s around. Kind of like a lesser wad? I don’t know how to explain him. He’s saying good things or don’t have any super irksome stuff I remember seeing - null/paranoia. He also slips to my back burner with Santi or sometimes get them confused.

  13. Kvothe Kingkiller - they are there. Their posts have seemed fine from what I remember. light town.

  14. Hayumi - is back.
    legend seems happy in their first post, other than that they were mostly a slanker in my eyes, I don’t remember their posts today -> still need to catch up like way more

  15. Lord Genome - coasting, not much to say about them, I remember their avi and that’s basically it. I should have tried to get on here sooner..d’oh

  16. Melodie - their wolfy pop ins and outs irk me. I’m not sure what that means for people they have voted for like LG today. They are kind of in the same boat as Karma, I don’t really have much on them. I feel like they are just there and not there.

  17. Natalija - light town, I liked our interactions earlier. They still feel good to me. I don’t remember much of them today. I’m still rather a bit behind.

  18. Nessos - kind of on my back burner null/slight town. They claim tracker? I think. I’m still more looking for scum more than looking find POE via forming a town circle. I might need to look again at this tomorrow.

  19. Nfcnorth - very quiet, I melded a little bit earlier with one of their questions. Slight town

  20. Owner Of A Lonely Heart - me, myself and I

  21. Ratchet - not voting for people, quiet, null/maybe scum via DDL/remchu thing

  22. RemChu - feels townie

  23. Santi - laix defended them, but I have them as null. Could be scum as well based on Ddl/remchu, I feel inclined to vote here or maybe it should be Ratchet first, but then again Ratchet is hurting themselves by not voting in some regard so I guess that kind of works unless that is what they are going for or they have something specific related to votes that they are going for. I don’t know.

  24. SinRaven - He’s here and not here. I keep wanting to read him on stuff, but then there’s like other wagons that are more on the forefront. I feel like I’m getting distracted while he’s not here.

  25. Underworld Broker - feels like Karma, except their avi is brighter and more shic - null

  26. WolfPrinceKiba - he’s “here”. He’s playful. He seems a bit perkier than favorites. null/light town. The wish on him is appreciated. I like him in the daylight more. Him being in the shadows is more when I feel like he might need to die. *cough cough why favorites was a thing*

  27. Worm Juice - they make shortish posts, they feel okay, but is that normal of them or do that talk more than what I feel is going on this game.

Interesting stuff

This was in response to the flips/day start. Interesting still irks me here.

Lord genome needs to die lowkey, he's not even putting effort to post. And I read him as town cuz of his stupid ass role name..

Is the namesake pretty likely to be town or just suspect their role has abilities that way more likely town than not?

Need to do my d1 and d2 rereads this phase to get a real PoE created, kind of operating on loose suspicions from d1 which isn't ideal. Will have to wait till I'm off my shift though.

Anything yet?

Ratchet made a case on me yesterday based on Set and Santi used that as an opportunity to vote for me.

Seemed sleazy... Ratchet himself didn't even drop a vote.

Eh, I thought Santi was dumb town but his activity level and reads don't really indicate alignment.

Ratchet is quiet still so could go either way.

Feels bad if they are town but whatever nigguhs hate the game not the player!

@Ratchet is there a reason you didn’t vote then.

Karma is town

Why? I just don’t see their posts and activity to say “hey that’s town”.

Karma - null/not active

Ok so since I role hinted already I might as well give a more detailed description of that ability so you guys can use it for something.

Every time a townie roleblocks another townie, or a townie protects a guilty player, I get a "point".

Whenever I accumulate 3 points, the host lets me know.

As of right now, I have not been notified by the host yet.

Since @RemChu claims to have blocked three townies, I must conclude either Remchu is scum and/or lieing, or one of his 3 targets is not town.

Furthermore, the fact I still haven't gotten notified suggests townies just aren't blocking townies or protecting scum that much. Since the total number of times that has happened in the whole game is lower than 3.

Oh thats pretty interesting

@RemChu has you answered this yet?

It’s still like he’s only saying “interesting” in order to respond to it. Maybe he wants to use this to push against Remchu?


I'm just kinda wary because legend is the obvious town vig target so he could have been scum

That or the potential SK target


Sorry folks, I started back at the start of day 3, as I didn’t remember where I left off. Plus, rereading it sometimes helps for me.


I mean if he is brasiliano that was like 1 am

Given he is an actual human being instead of a shit tier law student like myself he can actually get to sleep at the right time

I think you are being too hard on yourself.

So guys

I take no one blocked by the dice tried to act regardless right ?

You seem awfully concerned about this. This was like your 2nd post about it I think. Why does it matter if someone tried to do an action or not? Being blocked sucks.


I'm asking if any player who rolled the dice got told they were blocked and/or tried to act during the night

I think this is the 3rd post. It seems a bit out there for me. I don’t know. I don’t see why it is relevant.


I'm asking if any player who rolled the dice got told they were blocked and/or tried to act during the night

Are you trying to put to bed a tinfoil theory you have or something?

I guess this could explain it.


Unrelated: I got a trophy.


[Vote Lynch Lord Genome]

We really need to stop letting him coast through games

I feel like there are generally too many coasters overall in these bigger games.

I wonder if Nitty allows for mafia targeting their own with kills. The tinfoil of Legend being mafia that they offed to get an active player into that role, that would have less suspicion on them, greatly amuses me as an interaction, especially as mafia kills in this game go before town kills, so their kill is guaranteed to trigger it unless there's an SK kill that goes through in which case it would probably be a coin flip.

I would assume they could maybe accidentally hit themselves, but I feel like it would be angle shooty to do this to get a more active player. It doesn’t feel right to me.


We can’t really gain anything from it unless we know iwan’s alignment

That said

aragorn’s voting yesterday was highly erratic, he evaded my interrogation just now, and has generally displayed suspicious behavior all game and has shown a stark contrast to his town meta

hook line and sinker

He should be lynch number 2 today

[Vote Lynch Aragorn]

What does his town meta look like?

@Flower : How about actually examining the wagon and seeing who was on it despite them having bigger suspects. Give those who voted after the indie claim some leeway, but still scrutinize their reaction for scum tells. You're jumping on the wagon as if Hayumi flipped town. They weren't town, and that showed in their posting, which people picked up on. Despite their role being pretty neutral it still had a guilty alignment, and it's role improvings benefit scum more than town because they have info and organization on their side.

It was guilty, but it was at the same time likely to change their alignment for the better.

Basically, for Legend to be scum he would have to have died to scum vs scum violence or the 4d chess move tinfoil I pondered.

Indie on indie violence?

If all that is true, what's the reason for killing Legend? Surely there are better targets for scum to take out?

Also tinfoil, but a replacement was killed n1 and n2. Perhaps it was the same person/vig that did that?

It's possible scum has a kill that only functions on low posters, or they were trying to go for a low poster to not disturb a beneficial game state.

It’s possible something like that could be a town role though. I’m use to town vigilantes being bad at shooting the opposite alignment.

Mafia replacing Legend with a more active player would only make sense, if Legends was under fire. Which he wasn't.

On the other hand why would anyone go for Legend?

Like WPK said somewhere, it would make sense for a SK to shoot there as it isn’t likely to cross paths with the mafia kill. But it could also be fairly easily a slank vigilante.


Oh nevermind, he said it after said post here:

One thing to note about an SK is that going for low posters/afk players is usually ideal for them because:

1. It reduces chances of cross-killing with mafia who are more likely to aim for players who are threats to them

2. there is usually some mafia within the low posters/afk'ers and SKs want to thin their numbers too, especially if mafia is having a good run

So Legend kill is likely from an SK, so his alignment and therefore Hayumi's is still up in the air. That Legend didn't throw out a dice roll yesterday gives a very slight lean towards town.

[vote lynch lord genome]

I can’t remember if this was the person people said that you consistently smite or if that was someone else.

RIP cause, I don’t know

If it is smite, it is whatever.

If it isn’t smite, then it’s just another post coming seamlessly out of nowhere, like Melodia is some ninja!woman.

iirc we'll get double lynch every day from now on?


Lirerally based on what ?

I thought it was just today.

lowkey mafia having highest priority feels like literally tailored for this moment.

Also, when people are saying lowkey mafia, what are they talking about? Like “low hanging fruit variety or people are just not talking much who have a great chance/potential of being scum or something else entirely?

Guys i am town

My role has important info that will help you guys win.

I feel this is moment where someone should say prove it. But I don’t know how necessarily would be the best way to do so...hmm

Eh, had a suspicion on him most game and his 'scumslip' was interesting. Didnt think he properly explained himself on that when he came back, but tbh it looks more like a noobtrap than anything. When speaking about his role, he does seem genuine.

D’oh!! I see you SinRaven. But then what about the scumslip. Hmm

If he truly is calling off laix kill i think he might be the serial killer tbh



Hmm not sure how I feel about this now.

To gain info about you. To be more specific I get a rating on a scale of how powerful or weak you are compared to other roles of the same alingment. I don't get anything that helps me determine what alignment that is however.

that sounds like a weird claim tbh

Yeah, it does sound weird. But in some regard, I think nfc might actual have this; otherwise, why would you attempt to claim something so out there?

Ok gonna put in a big post just for a reminder.

Every time town blocks a town or protects a non-town, I redirect that action onto me.

For each 3 roleblocks I take, I get a notification.

This is a passive so nobody can block it afaik, though it can be crushed I think.

I have never gotten a notification.

Remchu claimed to block a whopping 7 people so either he's not town or a bunch of those people aren't.

Juan is one of those people and he says he got blocked last night, which is impossible if both him and Rem is town.

I’m still more inclined to trust Remchu, but I am feeling like there is a lot more behind the scenes that it messing with this. I don’t know. I want it to work perfectly, but I also don’t want to have a super high expectation for these sorts of things.

I need to eat dinner, but dinner can kind of wait-ish.

The problem is that I generally can’t motivate myself to read during in the evening as I prefer to respond to something as I read it if at all possible. I guess that’s why notes also sometimes help.

I also feel like if i respond in bursts of posts about old stuff, like people complain about it, but i can’t get to where everyone else is caught up without picking up the pieces myself. But also if I do respond more in bursts I generally get sidetracked on the current stuff mixing with teh past stuff and then ultimately not getting caught up.

So yeah, I’m trying out this big post thing. On PerC, it would be known as J-boting, but is it iwan’s thing here or someone else…*shrugs*

Also, i feel like i don’t have respond to the current posts as quickly as they aren’t all directed me, which i what happens more when i do burst post.

I'm honestly more inclined to believe Rem here because to me he has come across very genuine with what he revealed. Like I see no ulterior motive there in pushing a lynch on certain people or creating chaos, but rather genuinely being interested in solving the game.

Which looks super bad on Juan, who couldve spoken the truth about being blocked, but that would make him scum. But that could explain why he revealed it: to gain some cred with Rem.

Also looks bad on Santi, Ratchet, Karma and Owner, but most of these were looking bad already anyway, so that's also why I am inclined to believe Rem and you.

Might all be like way too easy, but thats why we should look into all of these targets. Do they have any other clear strikes against them? I might do a few quick isos myself later.

The bolded I feel the same on

So Natalija died already, how unfortunate
RIP @Lord Melkor, thank you for being me

"[Passive - Academy Student] - Natalija has not yet earned the respect of the mafia section, giving her 0 voting power."

I'll try harder.


Important notice

Hey guys, something super fun and exciting happened: I forgot to include something in last night’s writeup!

Here’s what should have been included:

An innocent player has betrayed the town and become guilty.

Carry on!

I wish we could know more details about this. *cough cough wish please*

There is also @RemChu theory

What is this about? Is it like any of my tells?

Btw thanks @Kvothe Kingkiller ! Finally a good wish has been granted.

Yay!! Partay!!

Can this game have roles that make Town show up as scum roles btw?

I feel like it wouldn’t be out of the question. But who knows? DDL sounds like they talked with Nitty some in the role designing phase, maybe they know? Not sure

Also, it’s hard trying to process fast

Also this is the SECOND time I've asked for a quick rundown this game and haven't gotten one.

What do you guys expect? For me to sit down and read through hundreds of posts?

My time is precious, I'll read the latest 2-3 pages at best

i mean

you signed up for a game

Light town for UB, that burn was awesome

> Aragorn is very quiet and avoiding WAD questioning. Claims that he got roleblocked by dice on the first night, when the dice was on 2nd night

Yeah, that does seems suspicious

If you got time to sass me TWICE you got time to run me down.

The time you spent asking and crying. You could be reading from day start. Before you know it you would be done.

How are you going to get any solid feels of people if you don't read the game. That's like the bare minimum.

Circumstances don't permit it right now, I'll catch up on the rest of the dayphase during the night otherwise I'm going to keep falling behind in this endless game of catch-up.

I literally spent all of D2 catching up and by the time I posted, the N2 was live for 7 whole minutes.

You can do want I’m doing right now and try to catch up in a burst / fast read thing? I think it is working better than some catch ups I’ve done in the past

Next DP I'm gonna go back to the radio station again

We will miss you. I keep getting distracted with more filler...derp...or it isn’t so much filler but yeah
Okay, so which one is it? Am I suddenly not obvs scum now?

It honestly feels like I'm being gaslit into the lynch just because players know that I'm tough to actually get lynched if they go mano-a-mano with me. So they just repeat "Ratchet is clearly scum" again and again hoping that enough sheep jump on and they get to avoid bringing anything of actual substance to the table in regards to my lynch.

listen if ur gna be a useless townie (which u still continue to be) lynching u is not gna harm us in any way

stop playing the victim, if u die at least we will get over 1 suspect

we dont have all day xd
Reads and Catching UPish *wonders if I need spoiler it to help*
  1. Aragorn - I got super confused today when I mistakenly thought he died, but still saw his posts. But irrelevant, I don’t remember him. I think he was one of the ones being voted, but that could be someone else.

  2. Badalight - seems more active than when he was the moon, slight town, not sure what his range is though

  3. Cooler - I don’t remember what he has done aside from get on me day 1 for something. null

  4. Dragon D. Luffy - slight town, feels sort of better than some of the games I’ve seen him play, but he isn’t as inquisitive as some games I’ve seen so I wonder if there’s a reason for that or if it is more happenstance sort of thing

  5. Flower - seems nice, they can be town, has been insightful

  6. Go D. Usopp - don’t recall them answering my questions about how new they actually are. So at this moment, I cannot really say for sure if I can override the interesting tell with newness status, but I did like their talks/interactions so far. I feel a bit conflicted as I still wonder if it was a slip for them to say they didn’t have anyone they suspected. But I don’t know. They are scummy for interesting tell and no one to push, but they might just be a misunderstood newbie who doesn’t know culture things to say and not say.

  7. Hero - what has this guy done though? :catthinks: He’s said he was blocked. I don’t recall if that was dice or a person. It could be going along with the group. null/needs more posts or needs to be more freaking remorable

  8. is a: I feel like I’m blindly trusting them for the moment. They’ve said good things. I’m just paranoid. I like being fooled, but that’s the game.

  9. Iwandesu: They have said “interesting” far too many times for me to ignore. It sounds like they are saying it fill a void. - scum read I still wonder if this makes them more of an indie though as the post count is really high or if they can just powerwolf with ease are my questions or feelings at the moment. I don’t trust his comment about he’s like always rolling scum but iwan is dead now or just town.

  10. Juan - they are another piece of the remchu/ddl thing, i don’t remember a lot of their posts, but their recent frustrations felt genuine. I assume the emotion is real, but I can’t tell if that pertains to their current alignment or not. Or if it is merely an attempt to keep from dying.

  11. Karma - null/light scum - see nothing that makes them super town for me. They brought laix’s death, but that could be them knowing about it in the first place. People are town reading her; I just don’t have the meta/reasoning to write them off one way or another.

  12. Kira Yagami - he’s around. Kind of like a lesser wad? I don’t know how to explain him. He’s saying good things or don’t have any super irksome stuff I remember seeing - null/paranoia. He also slips to my back burner with Santi or sometimes get them confused.

  13. Kvothe Kingkiller - they are there. Their posts have seemed fine from what I remember. light town.

  14. Hayumi - is back.
    legend seems happy in their first post, other than that they were mostly a slanker in my eyes, I don’t remember their posts today -> still need to catch up like way more

  15. Lord Genome - coasting, not much to say about them, I remember their avi and that’s basically it. I should have tried to get on here sooner..d’oh

  16. Melodie - their wolfy pop ins and outs irk me. I’m not sure what that means for people they have voted for like LG today. They are kind of in the same boat as Karma, I don’t really have much on them. I feel like they are just there and not there.

  17. Natalija - light town, I liked our interactions earlier. They still feel good to me. I don’t remember much of them today. I’m still rather a bit behind.

  18. Nessos - kind of on my back burner null/slight town. They claim tracker? I think. I’m still more looking for scum more than looking find POE via forming a town circle. I might need to look again at this tomorrow.

  19. Nfcnorth - very quiet, I melded a little bit earlier with one of their questions. Slight town

  20. Owner Of A Lonely Heart - me, myself and I

  21. Ratchet - not voting for people, quiet, null/maybe scum via DDL/remchu thing

  22. RemChu - feels townie

  23. Santi - laix defended them, but I have them as null. Could be scum as well based on Ddl/remchu, I feel inclined to vote here or maybe it should be Ratchet first, but then again Ratchet is hurting themselves by not voting in some regard so I guess that kind of works unless that is what they are going for or they have something specific related to votes that they are going for. I don’t know.

  24. SinRaven - He’s here and not here. I keep wanting to read him on stuff, but then there’s like other wagons that are more on the forefront. I feel like I’m getting distracted while he’s not here.

  25. Underworld Broker - feels like Karma, except their avi is brighter and more shic - null

  26. WolfPrinceKiba - he’s “here”. He’s playful. He seems a bit perkier than favorites. null/light town. The wish on him is appreciated. I like him in the daylight more. Him being in the shadows is more when I feel like he might need to die. *cough cough why favorites was a thing*

  27. Worm Juice - they make shortish posts, they feel okay, but is that normal of them or do that talk more than what I feel is going on this game.

This was in response to the flips/day start. Interesting still irks me here.

Is the namesake pretty likely to be town or just suspect their role has abilities that way more likely town than not?

Anything yet?

@Ratchet is there a reason you didn’t vote then.

Why? I just don’t see their posts and activity to say “hey that’s town”.

Karma - null/not active

It’s still like he’s only saying “interesting” in order to respond to it. Maybe he wants to use this to push against Remchu?

That or the potential SK target


Sorry folks, I started back at the start of day 3, as I didn’t remember where I left off. Plus, rereading it sometimes helps for me.


I think you are being too hard on yourself.

You seem awfully concerned about this. This was like your 2nd post about it I think. Why does it matter if someone tried to do an action or not? Being blocked sucks.

I think this is the 3rd post. It seems a bit out there for me. I don’t know. I don’t see why it is relevant.

I guess this could explain it.


Unrelated: I got a trophy.


I feel like there are generally too many coasters overall in these bigger games.

I would assume they could maybe accidentally hit themselves, but I feel like it would be angle shooty to do this to get a more active player. It doesn’t feel right to me.

What does his town meta look like?

It was guilty, but it was at the same time likely to change their alignment for the better.

Indie on indie violence?

It’s possible something like that could be a town role though. I’m use to town vigilantes being bad at shooting the opposite alignment.

Like WPK said somewhere, it would make sense for a SK to shoot there as it isn’t likely to cross paths with the mafia kill. But it could also be fairly easily a slank vigilante.


Oh nevermind, he said it after said post here:

I can’t remember if this was the person people said that you consistently smite or if that was someone else.

RIP cause, I don’t know

If it is smite, it is whatever.

If it isn’t smite, then it’s just another post coming seamlessly out of nowhere, like Melodia is some ninja!woman.

I thought it was just today.

Also, when people are saying lowkey mafia, what are they talking about? Like “low hanging fruit variety or people are just not talking much who have a great chance/potential of being scum or something else entirely?

I feel this is moment where someone should say prove it. But I don’t know how necessarily would be the best way to do so...hmm

D’oh!! I see you SinRaven. But then what about the scumslip. Hmm

Hmm not sure how I feel about this now.

Yeah, it does sound weird. But in some regard, I think nfc might actual have this; otherwise, why would you attempt to claim something so out there?

I’m still more inclined to trust Remchu, but I am feeling like there is a lot more behind the scenes that it messing with this. I don’t know. I want it to work perfectly, but I also don’t want to have a super high expectation for these sorts of things.

I need to eat dinner, but dinner can kind of wait-ish.

The problem is that I generally can’t motivate myself to read during in the evening as I prefer to respond to something as I read it if at all possible. I guess that’s why notes also sometimes help.

I also feel like if i respond in bursts of posts about old stuff, like people complain about it, but i can’t get to where everyone else is caught up without picking up the pieces myself. But also if I do respond more in bursts I generally get sidetracked on the current stuff mixing with teh past stuff and then ultimately not getting caught up.

So yeah, I’m trying out this big post thing. On PerC, it would be known as J-boting, but is it iwan’s thing here or someone else…*shrugs*

Also, i feel like i don’t have respond to the current posts as quickly as they aren’t all directed me, which i what happens more when i do burst post.

The bolded I feel the same on


I wish we could know more details about this. *cough cough wish please*

What is this about? Is it like any of my tells?

Yay!! Partay!!

I feel like it wouldn’t be out of the question. But who knows? DDL sounds like they talked with Nitty some in the role designing phase, maybe they know? Not sure

Also, it’s hard trying to process fast

Light town for UB, that burn was awesome

Yeah, that does seems suspicious

You can do want I’m doing right now and try to catch up in a burst / fast read thing? I think it is working better than some catch ups I’ve done in the past

We will miss you. I keep getting distracted with more filler...derp...or it isn’t so much filler but yeah

i have wrote shorter research papers lol :hestonpls
@Ratchet is there a reason you didn’t vote then.
My "case" on Remchu was an obvious joke. I accused him of being scum because he used a cute anime girl avatar, to influence how people read his posts. The funny part being, I'm virtually known for those kinds of avatars.

listen if ur gna be a useless townie (which u still continue to be) lynching u is not gna harm us in any way

stop playing the victim, if u die at least we will get over 1 suspect

we dont have all day xd
Where am I playing the victim? I said if you want to lynch me for apathy that's fine, but to claim the vote on me is based on some objective measure is simply untrue. Comprende?
Day 3 - RemChu dies
RemChu (Go D. Usopp) has died!


Go D. Usopp
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Coward] - After day 3, Usopp will become overwhelmed by his fear, forcing him to leave the game. If a guilty player dies while Usopp is still in the game, then he will become emboldened, extending his time in the game by 1 cycle.

[Passive - Determination] - Usopp's willpower and endurance protect him against roleblocks and role crushes.

[Passive - Sniper] - Usopp has perfect aim, protecting his abilities against redirection.

[One Shot Active - Bagworm] - Usopp can trap another player inside a plant, role crushing them until Usopp either frees them, dies, or leaves the game.

[Active - Midori Boshi: Devil] - During the night Usopp can release a gargantuan, carnivorous plant to roleblock 3 players. Usopp's plant grows bigger over time, enabling him to roleblock an additional player for each night that passes (4 players on night 2, 5 players on night 3, etc.)









If you actually get lynched and flip town then like....SORRYZZZ.

I’ll give you that triple twist and pull double glock once the game is over to make it up for you.


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