Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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I stand with ten toes DOWN when I say Laix is my bitch. Period. We’ve played mafia together, talked shit on you raggedy bitches with each other, role played together (use your imagination) :hurr, shared photos of our faces (yes I’ve seen Laix), I even know the bitch’s real name!

Laix even helped me get through WPK stealing Favorites from me.


To try and turn us against each other is disgusting!

Nitty is my bitch too, but Laix and I fuck with each other heavy. They don’t make bitches like Laix no more. I wanted to play MMV and my play style was disgraceful. Although my work schedule didn’t line up well with the game (Laix is 6 hours ahead of me), I still should have made an increased effort and for this I owe my good sis @Laix an apology.


I will redeem myself in the upcoming A certain magical index game AND I will scum hunt with receipts!! Stay mad! @RemChu


Stay tuned loves

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I thought the night would have some true brain questions but all i see is absolute gosip :dank.
Did you guys actually submit this or is shizune mixing drama on it....:hmm
Anyway @Dragon D. Luffy is my brazilian bro
Cant say we have anything resembling a outside forum friendship (im really bad at keeping in touch) but we have pretty little in common.
He is team balance, im team Troll
He is from São paulo and Im from Rio
he does "insert wathever he does here" and im a lol law student.
He actually (mostly)followed mod rules where im always playing out on gray areas and insulting players
Which reminds me that Im pretty sure im not allowed to talk about why ddl did or didnt leave modship :dank

Anyway, back to the question, i dont think im a great mod or anything.
I consistently abuse my powers even if for good (or funny) reasons and os not like im super active or anything.
Also i really havent been delivering on my pet section (OBD) and i cant say enough how great of a mod @Masterblack06.
Anyway thats all for now maybe i say something else about this afterwards

Good job guys.

I have no idea who the scum will be since I now have to reevaluate how the day ended. I'm good at spotting townies but I missed JW entirely. Thought his apathy was weird but a townie trait. It's very strange to see someone unhappy to be a godfather? Like what the fuck? Is he having trouble in real life, what a strange choice of play from a key mafia role.

Will be interested to see what he says at the end of the game.

On another note this is single handedly one of the best day 1s we could have wished for.
-Lots of discussion
-the lynch was in two major wagons
-sides picked
-huge payoff

Very good performance overall seeing the end results. Very proud of you all.


I just woke up. btw.


to the question I was given.

What the fuck are these questions? Did mel really write that? If so that's kinda sweet I guess. But damn very uh poignant question that gets to the heart of the matter.

1) I feel like the question was written in a way to emotionally manipulate me or stir drama.


I don't really have an opinion either way. If I'm the worst and if Laix said that, it's fine. I do not care. I will not subject myself to that kind of abuse again though. :skysun

K I'm out.
@ The TOWN





Given I identify myself as part of "the town" I will answer to this under nitty rules (pls don't block me)
From what I'm getting from his role Wayne was apparently not part of the mafia per say but a hidden serial killer/cultist mafia that would have destroyed the original mafia once he assembled enough minions.
So yeah i think we actually lynched the game overlord on day 1 :dank

Welcome to the after show!

Just because the day phase is over doesn't mean the drama stops here! Meet tonight's guests:

@Dragon D. Luffy

Each of you will be asked a viewer-submitted question that you must answer here in the thread tonight, or else you'll be modblocked! You may also use this time to respond to the other guests if they say something about you. Just make sure you save the serious game-solving discussion for the day phase!

Here are your questions:

We received some juicy questions tonight! Let's see what our guests have to say!

3/5 of the questions being related to me

What's that? That's impact

Since we're a discussion, I now have a question for a fellow guest: @RemChu

Sweetie, everything they said I wrote about you? Lies. Who would you believe? Them, or me? I think that answer is obvious.

Yes, Sailor Moon made mistakes. Not every Sailor Scout can be perfect. But so what? It's not like you mislynched anyone important anyway. Who even talks about Princess Peach in 2020?

And do you wanna hear a real bombshell?


I role assigned Sailor Moon.

Since we're a discussion, I now have a question for a fellow guest: @RemChu

Sweetie, everything they said I wrote about you? Lies. Who would you believe? Them, or me? I think that answer is obvious.

Yes, Sailor Moon made mistakes. Not every Sailor Scout can be perfect. But so what? It's not like you mislynched anyone important anyway. Who even talks about Princess Peach in 2020?

And do you wanna hear a real bombshell?


I role assigned Sailor Moon.



I want to apologise for my comment earlier about the ICE. It's all love. I'd never call such a disgusting company on a Panda. Pandas deserve rights.


@Dragon D. Luffy

Why won't you sign up for my game? Don't be shy spill the tea for the audience.
I have no idea what "ice" means but apologies accepted
Also given laix is dead and was scum but not mafia I guess we should go after iwan next :dank
Day 2 start
@Sigismund (Aragorn) died tonight.


Estel (Aragorn)
alignment: innocent

[The Simple Life] - You live a normal life in the township of Rivendell, and you have no abilities.

[Hidden One Shot Passive - Destiny] - At the end of night 2, the host will reveal to Estel his true identity as Aragorn, granting him the following abilities:

[One Shot Passive - The Shards of Narsil] - Aragorn carries the remains of his family's longsword. If Aragorn is targeted with 3 helpful or protective actions, his sword will be reforged into [Andúril], granting him the following ability:

[Conditional Passive - Andúril] - If Aragorn is killed or roleblocked, he will learn who attacked him and roleblock them instead.

[Passive - Elf-friend] - Aragorn is allied with Gandalf the Grey, a wizard who helps him fight against the mafia. Each night Gandalf the Grey will send Aragorn 1 sentence from the mafia chat. If Aragorn is murdered or role crushed, then Gandalf will sacrifice himself to protect Aragorn, destroying this ability.

[One Shot Active - The Ring of Barahir] - Aragorn carries the sigil of his family, which he can wear to reveal his identity to the thread.

[Active - Strider] - During the night Aragorn can watch a section of 3 players on the player list to learn who targets those players. Aragorn can also guard 1 of those players, redirecting any kills used against them that night to Aragorn.

A mysterious and sinister force has reduced everyone's voting power by 1.

An innocent player has betrayed the town and become guilty.

Today we're playing a round of musical chairs! Everyone must roll a 9 sided die. Players who roll numbers 3, 6 or 9, or who do not roll at all, will fall down and be roleblocked tonight.

Day 2 start. You may now post.
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@Sigismund (Aragorn) died tonight.

A mysterious and sinister force has reduced everyone's voting power by 1.

An innocent player has betrayed the town and become guilty.

Today we're playing a round of musical chairs! Everyone must roll a 9 sided die. Players who roll numbers 3, 6 or 9, or who do not roll at all, will fall down and be roleblocked tonight.

Day 2 start. You may now post.

Theory #1 if an innocent player commits murder they become guilty.
Check the front thread rule terms.

Theory# 2, mafia was roleblocked as that kill on sigismund seems rather pointless. Replacement, also note I said to kill replacements. Sooooo yeah.

Probably a vig kill I don't know.

I'll be back in some hours.
@Dragon D. Luffy : I am disappointed that you didn't realize that it wasn't me who asked that question, because I would never ask such dramatic bullshit. It was either someone signing my name for malicious purposes, or more likely Nitty put the questioners role name down. So whoever has the WPK role is the one who wrote that, and by the tone of the question I have some guesses as to who has it. Not likely to name them though as my role could well be town.
Apprently laid is dead.

It's not in a write up, but it shows up in the player list.
Worm Juice
Go D. Usopp
is a
Kvothe Kingkiller

John Wayne
Kira Yagami
Lord Genome
Lord Melkor

Owner Of A Lonely Heart
Underworld Broker
Dragon D. Luffy

So someone in the middle group killed laix?
Speaking of DDL :

[Vote Lynch Dragon D Luffy]

Still don't like how much of their content was centered around Rem beef that they started preemptively "just in-case" RemChu started onto them, despite RemChu's focus being on Cooler. Them being mean like that is also just really out of character, and scum tend to go meaner than townies.

Also looking towards Nessos and Hayumi as major suspects.

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