Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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I don’t really think so lmao. What’s flagging you about it? JW was hella sus for his last minute survivor claim, especially since he was only under a little bit of pressure. I believed Bada more after his claim explanation, and I didn’t believe JW’s so it was a easy choice to make. My only other option was putting my vote on someone who had no possibility of getting lynched. Literally nothing else to it.

Stiff sounding post regurgitating same talking points as already said, and ending with a "look at how town I am" sentence about how you're not lynching town so all is good.
@Dragon D. Luffy : I am disappointed that you didn't realize that it wasn't me who asked that question, because I would never ask such dramatic bullshit. It was either someone signing my name for malicious purposes, or more likely Nitty put the questioners role name down. So whoever has the WPK role is the one who wrote that, and by the tone of the question I have some guesses as to who has it. Not likely to name them though as my role could well be town.
Same, I did not write the message towards @RemChu that nitty posted, i wouldnt really post something like that lol
iirc i wasnt a fan of it too
:zaru A perfect example of a poster “repeating points” that have been stated legit in every single one of her posts, yet it’s a flag to you that I changed my vote to the more suspicious player?


Wow. I’m going the fuck to sleep. My stupid ass manager has me me too triggered to play rn and I’m not trying to go off on someone for no reason.

Yes I’m well aware from other perspectives this doesn’t help me in any way but I think presenting the opinions of others in the scenario I just outlined is a good way to catch our mafia scum

Btw so far

[Change Vote Lynch scumdesu]

People who use ‘meh’ might as well just raise banners saying “aw man I want to feign being disheartened but idk what to say”

Literally no town uses that word
@Sigismund (Aragorn) died tonight.

A mysterious and sinister force has reduced everyone's voting power by 1.

An innocent player has betrayed the town and become guilty.

Today we're playing a round of musical chairs! Everyone must roll a 9 sided die. Players who roll numbers 3, 6 or 9, or who do not roll at all, will fall down and be roleblocked tonight.

Day 2 start. You may now post.
Also mafia has a cult :dank
Also mafia has a cult :dank
Speculation on my part but I assume murder makes you guilty.


Bonus Life - Protects against 1 kill.

Conditional Abilities - Cannot be used until certain conditions are met.

Helping Lynch A Player - If you are voting for someone when they are lynched, you are considered to have helped lynch them.

Hidden Abilities - Secret abilities that are not known until certain conditions are met.

Interaction - When one player targets another player, those two players are considered to have "interacted" with each other.

Investigative Abilities - Abilities whose purpose is to give their owner new information about another player, such as trackers and cops.

Limited Use Abilities - Refers to one shot, two shot, three shot, etc. type abilities.

Murder - Death at the hands of another player, as opposed to death by lynching.

Namesake Player - The player after whom your role is named. For example, if you received the Laix role, then Laix would be your namesake player.

Role Crush - Disables most player abilities, both passive and active.

Superkill - The highest level of kills. Superkills bypasses all defenses, bonus lives and roleblocks. Superkills can still be redirected.

Vote Tampering - Abilities that interfere with voting, such as vote silencers and vote thieves.

Do not post yet
@Sigismund (Aragorn) died tonight.

A mysterious and sinister force has reduced everyone's voting power by 1.

An innocent player has betrayed the town and become guilty.

Today we're playing a round of musical chairs! Everyone must roll a 9 sided die. Players who roll numbers 3, 6 or 9, or who do not roll at all, will fall down and be roleblocked tonight.

Day 2 start. You may now post.
Let's see
So mafia kill failed ? :hmm

Are you being purposefully obtuse?

Laix is seemingly dead and it wasn't in the writeup, but Karma said they got confirmation that they were dead and checked the op. Another town died followed by a comment that a townie had become guilty. Prob means vig messed up. Much more likely that Laix was the one killed by mafia (unless the vig hides the body if they make a mistake or something).
Are you being purposefully obtuse?

Laix is seemingly dead and it wasn't in the writeup, but Karma said they got confirmation that they were dead and checked the op. Another town died followed by a comment that a townie had become guilty. Prob means vig messed up. Much more likely that Laix was the one killed by mafia (unless the vig hides the body if they make a mistake or something).
I'm merely catching up
How suspicious is karma instantly getting that btw ?
Pretty suspicious but they did kind of lead up to it with asking Laix if they could rate posts. Scum would usually want to keep the Laix death an unknown factor, sprinkle in some "Why is Laix inactive?" to try to make it seem like they didn't know. Karma is more suspicious for having an action that requires the host to inform them that their target is dead then anything else, because most abilities wouldn't require that even investigations which should still return a result. So it would need to be something longer term/require Laix to be alive. I can think of town abilities that it could be, but majority of the possibilities lean scum.

Now Nitty does have some out of the ordinary means of processing things which impact this. @Pool Party Nitty can we get an order of priority for actions please? Need to know if kills happen before other actions like investigations, and if so would that cause the investigation to fail due to the player then being dead?
Pretty suspicious but they did kind of lead up to it with asking Laix if they could rate posts. Scum would usually want to keep the Laix death an unknown factor, sprinkle in some "Why is Laix inactive?" to try to make it seem like they didn't know. Karma is more suspicious for having an action that requires the host to inform them that their target is dead then anything else, because most abilities wouldn't require that even investigations which should still return a result. So it would need to be something longer term/require Laix to be alive. I can think of town abilities that it could be, but majority of the possibilities lean scum.

Now Nitty does have some out of the ordinary means of processing things which impact this. @Pool Party Nitty can we get an order of priority for actions please? Need to know if kills happen before other actions like investigations, and if so would that cause the investigation to fail due to the player then being dead?

Read the OP. :mallet
your shit end of phase with john wayne + I can 100% see you killing Laix.

Why did you mix up Laix and Nitty? :danj
I always make reads on john wayne and an simpathetic with his silly indie plays
And sure ANY SCUM with 2 brain cells should have killed laix so yeah, if I was mafia I totally would kill him.
Which shows nothing :distracted
Also I mixed who when ?
I always make reads on john wayne and an simpathetic with his silly indie plays
And sure ANY SCUM with 2 brain cells should have killed laix so yeah, if I was mafia I totally would kill him.
Which shows nothing :distracted
Also I mixed who when ?

you went from this "I kinda doubt it"

Just straight up survivor ?
On a nitty game ?
I mean it could be true but nitty is like the biggest "I love doing special roles and smartass Indies muhahaha" so I kinda doubt it

to that in a matter of minutes with the lynch. As if it was some sort of defense for yourself.

You're the one in the killing bracket, Laix was basically on you once again, but you admitted you would kill Laix so yeah thanks for proving my point.

You mixed up Laix and Nitty here

Pretty inactive day 1 then he suddenly pops and say DAMN GUYS NITTY IS DEAD

He also was on nitty's killing bracket so he could very well have performed the kill :dank

which kinda makes me think that you saw Laix's role and it referenced Nitty somehow in there and you mixed those two up.

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