Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Considering all questions were formatted the same and pushed some weird forced drama, I thought it was pretty obvious all questions were asked by Nitty himself, why yall so dense :catshrug
Same formatting should just be standard with this sort of thing to avoid outing people through posting style. The questions all being melodrama bullshit does point to them not coming from actual players turning them in, but either Nitty fully creating them or it being some ability to tamper with them. Could also be that scum collectively sent in these questions to try and create drama, Nitty did say they would pick the juiciest questions so mafia could have organized it.
100% these aftershow questions were just made by Nitty for drama and you can't tell me otherwise. I dont see why mafia would push for silly out-of-game questions and I dont think Nitty will unfairly choose only questions sent in by mafia, youre pushing some weird shit here imo WPK.

Well I for one am disappointed that my who would you eat if you're stranded on an island question didn't go through
100% these aftershow questions were just made by Nitty for drama and you can't tell me otherwise. I dont see why mafia would push for silly out-of-game questions and I dont think Nitty will unfairly choose only questions sent in by mafia, youre pushing some weird shit here imo WPK.
Bitch don't start on me with some wack single-minded bullshit here. I offered multiple possibilities, one of which was that Nitty created all the questions, so I don't even know what your issue is. I haven't pushed onto anyone off this theory, so why are you up in a fritz as if I'm accusing people off of flimsy tinfoil?
Bitch don't start on me with some wack single-minded bullshit here. I offered multiple possibilities, one of which was that Nitty created all the questions, so I don't even know what your issue is. I haven't pushed onto anyone off this theory, so why are you up in a fritz as if I'm accusing people off of flimsy tinfoil?
I feel like its pretty obvious this is just some forced drama by Nitty and the fact you're trying to leave other options open is silly and will lead us to silly tinfoils that lead us nowhere, so yeah maybe I am accusing you of forcing discussion in the wrong direction :blobkfingerguns
Convoluted how?

This is the first time I have seen you mix up Laix and Nitty. Even when we were scum in favorites, you didn't mix them up.
Convoluted because nitty is the host so 1) you assume it is a role where the host directly refers to himself (which wasn't done even with laix role itself) 2) you assume I would need to see laix role to mix them up.
Anyway nah.
There are definitely instances of that
If you want too much I could eventually go look for them but it is not worth it atm
I believe they were mostly on MM and maybe on the convo thread tho.
I don’t really think so lmao. What’s flagging you about it? JW was hella sus for his last minute survivor claim, especially since he was only under a little bit of pressure. I believed Bada more after his claim explanation, and I didn’t believe JW’s so it was a easy choice to make. My only other option was putting my vote on someone who had no possibility of getting lynched. Literally nothing else to it.

Eh I feel like you had a general carelessness about who got lynched in that post. Hell, even with your vote on John Wayne you say "no skin off my back". So pretty careless feel, but still care enough to be part of the main lynch vote? Strange behavior imo.
Suspect list

Karma has some shit on his favour given he actually claimed he knew nitty death because he used an ability on her
Legend could be scum but usually he inactive ^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".) as town.
> Kira ...I don't remmwber much. Need to see
I was suspected by her (like in every game), I know I'm town but you guys obviously dont.
So was melodie which claims to have been tampered during the night.
It is very important however, to keep in mind she was among the players with the biggest in game presence.
> Juan, he is a good scum player when he rolls scum, he seems apathetic but I'm not sure how much to believe on that.
Nessos is literally excusing his inactivity the entire game, he would be a good pick
> Lord genome has been hard buddied by melodie because he claimed "Euro LG"
Worth mentioning Laix (and myself) called out this short of mentality as bullshit (although it does count in favour of him)
> melodie
> I remember nothing of relevance from melkor
Suspect list

Karma has some shit on his favour given he actually claimed he knew nitty death because he used an ability on her
Legend could be scum but usually he inactive ^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".) as town.
> Kira ...I don't remmwber much. Need to see
I was suspected by her (like in every game), I know I'm town but you guys obviously dont.
So was melodie which claims to have been tampered during the night.
It is very important however, to keep in mind she was among the players with the biggest in game presence.
> Juan, he is a good scum player when he rolls scum, he seems apathetic but I'm not sure how much to believe on that.
Nessos is literally excusing his inactivity the entire game, he would be a good pick
> Lord genome has been hard buddied by melodie because he claimed "Euro LG"
Worth mentioning Laix (and myself) called out this short of mentality as bullshit (although it does count in favour of him)
> melodie
> I remember nothing of relevance from melkor
Melodie commentaries are above but they are there
Suspect list

Karma has some shit on his favour given he actually claimed he knew nitty death because he used an ability on her
Legend could be scum but usually he inactive ^ (not the meaning of the word "respect".) as town.
> Kira ...I don't remmwber much. Need to see
I was suspected by her (like in every game), I know I'm town but you guys obviously dont.
So was melodie which claims to have been tampered during the night.
It is very important however, to keep in mind she was among the players with the biggest in game presence.
> Juan, he is a good scum player when he rolls scum, he seems apathetic but I'm not sure how much to believe on that.
Nessos is literally excusing his inactivity the entire game, he would be a good pick
> Lord genome has been hard buddied by melodie because he claimed "Euro LG"
Worth mentioning Laix (and myself) called out this short of mentality as bullshit (although it does count in favour of him)
> melodie
> I remember nothing of relevance from melkor
We could also give up the lists (they served no purposes at all at favorites, only fucked everybod)
I mean, let's face it, which is more likely :dank
>Nitty given a freebie scum list
> Nitty giving scum ways to ignore the list
I hate this NF meta where people hold on to their votes like clutched fucking pearls the whole day phase

it’s completely fucking useless

[Change Vote Lynch Natalija]
hello let us get formerly introduced
i am wad
i have seen others say you’re not on your town meta and i think your posting has looked reserved
care to comment?
Oh right
Yeah @Natalija you are like 70% on scum meta so...whats up
I hate this NF meta where people hold on to their votes like clutched fucking pearls the whole day phase

it’s completely fucking useless

[Change Vote Lynch Natalija]
hello let us get formerly introduced
i am wad
i have seen others say you’re not on your town meta and i think your posting has looked reserved
care to comment?
I have railed against people withholding voting for years, it drives me crazy. Majority of the time I vote in my first post of the phase.
Vote count

Aragorn - John Wayne
Sigismund - John Wayne
Badalight - John Wayne
DDL - John Wayne
Hayumi - John Wayne
WAD - John Wayne
Juan - John Wayne
Karma - John Wayne
Kira - John Wayne
Kvothe - John Wayne
Lord Genome - John Wayne
JoJo - John Wayne
Ratchet - John Wayne

Flower - Badalight
Hero - Badalight
Lord Melkor - Badalight
Melodie - Badalight
RemChu - Badalight
Broki - Badalight

SinRaven - Kira
Laix - Kira
Cooler - Hero
Go D. Usopp - Laix
Iwandesu - Lord Genome
John Wayne - Usopp
Natalija - Ratchet
Owner - Melodie
Santi - Lord Melkor
WPK - Nessos
Worm Juice - WAD
Legend -
Nessos -
nfcnorth -

John Wayne: 13
Badalight: 6
Kira: 2

I also wanna analyze more of the players in that third cluster

After a while it became pretty clear the lynch was gonna go to badalight or John Wayne so players who parked their votes on ‘throwaways’ deserve some scrutiny because this is the best way for scum to blend and not be caught out by vote tracking
I also wanna analyze more of the players in that third cluster

After a while it became pretty clear the lynch was gonna go to badalight or John Wayne so players who parked their votes on ‘throwaways’ deserve some scrutiny because this is the best way for scum to blend and not be caught out by vote tracking
Tbh i thought my vote was on badalight
Did i change to genome afterwards :dank
I also wanna analyze more of the players in that third cluster

After a while it became pretty clear the lynch was gonna go to badalight or John Wayne so players who parked their votes on ‘throwaways’ deserve some scrutiny because this is the best way for scum to blend and not be caught out by vote tracking
Nessos, Natalija, NFC.

New rule? Rule of N: every player whose name starts with N is scum :blobkfingerguns
I was almost invisible the whole Game. Jumping on my lynch is an easy way for scum to cause a misslynch while washing their hands in innocence.
Instead of trying to immediately scum paint your accusers, try actually contributing to the game. Your accusers have good reason to suspect you, and immediately playing the "scum are pouncing on an easy target!" card doesn't help your case.
Speaking of DDL :

[Vote Lynch Dragon D Luffy]

Still don't like how much of their content was centered around Rem beef that they started preemptively "just in-case" RemChu started onto them, despite RemChu's focus being on Cooler. Them being mean like that is also just really out of character, and scum tend to go meaner than townies.

Also looking towards Nessos and Hayumi as major suspects.

I actually like DDL so far, he seems to be actively scumhunting like in your Get Good game. Agreed on Hayumi, I do not like how see spends most time defending herself. Nessos may just be short on time...

You could be scum, I sus you more than DDL.


[Vote Lynch Natalija]

Why Natalija, I have town lean on her?

Who yall see killing laix?
Can only recall iwan and melodie being sussed by him, will have to read back cause he was all over the place

If there is one Mafia they have a lot of members to perform faction kill, so hard to follow this lead. From people who were in that bracket Juan or Iwan perhaps?

im pretty sure becoming guilty only changes what you investigate as, but not your alignment or wincon

So what does "leaving town" would mean here? I read it as changing faction, could it be misleading? I actually was a vig in Nitty's game and became scanned as scum upon vigging town, maybe similar mechanic?

The sigs kill looks pretty townie imo

Yes, pretty sure Laix was Mafia kill then, there is a policy among some to focus on replacements and Sigi was one. Still easy thing to say from player of your caliber.

You know what
I found my first day 2 lead
[Vote Lynch Karma]

Why Karma? Do you think he was bold enough to fake this "I used ability on Laix and was told he was death" thing?

Convoluted because nitty is the host so 1) you assume it is a role where the host directly refers to himself (which wasn't done even with laix role itself) 2) you assume I would need to see laix role to mix them up.
Anyway nah.
There are definitely instances of that
If you want too much I could eventually go look for them but it is not worth it atm
I believe they were mostly on MM and maybe on the convo thread tho.

Okay, I think either one of Kvothe or Iwan are scum.

Also, Bada is not cleared, since Laix was not part of Madia faction, and I could see UB role thing being Mafia.

[Vote Lynch Hayumi] for now. I also sus Iwan, Bada, Kvothe at this point, maybe also WPK and WAD. Leaning town now on Remchu, Ratchet, Kira, DDL, Melodie, Jojo. Propably I forgot some people.

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