Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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if legend was under fire, replacing him will make it even more obvious and worse for mafia lol
So tinfoil theory like
Legend: "Oh no everyone will jump on me when I would post now".
Smartass Mafia: "There is the passive of Melodies role"
Legend: "Ok I will take one for the Team and give my slot extra towncreds"


@Pool Party Nitty what comes first Mafia or Indie kill? RNG? First submit First?
He was a wagon yesterday. If we know his alignment, we can better analyze the wagon and votes. Plus he's an active player with a lot of reads. It's a high info lynch as opposed to say if Legend was still alive and we lynched him. That's low info.

Hmm... well we could already analyze his wagon from last DP too, no? What if hes town/what if hes scum scenario kind of, what we getting out of those options
One thing to note about an SK is that going for low posters/afk players is usually ideal for them because:

1. It reduces chances of cross-killing with mafia who are more likely to aim for players who are threats to them

2. there is usually some mafia within the low posters/afk'ers and SKs want to thin their numbers too, especially if mafia is having a good run

So Legend kill is likely from an SK, so his alignment and therefore Hayumi's is still up in the air. That Legend didn't throw out a dice roll yesterday gives a very slight lean towards town.
Vigilantes really should have held off of shooting anyone last night, so that any deaths caused would have to be performed by scum, giving a high chance for Hayumi's new role to be town. Still the chance that scum on scum action results in them being scum, but would have put Hayumi on the backburner as a suspect.
I'd expect you to know this WPK, but in Nitty's games the anti-town kills happen first, so Hayumi probably is town?
From the op:
1. Role crushes
2. Roleblocks
3. Redirects
4. Mafia & indie kills
5. Town kills
6. All other types of abilities
the way I'm reading it is Remchu is a mass roleblocker and he blocked Santi, Owner, and Ratchet night 1. And then night 2 he roleblocked Santi, Juan, Karma, and Ratchet.

Is that not the case?

I guess it is. He's just refusing to give a straight confirmation of it for some reason but the last few posts made it clearer.

So like

- Either Remchu is scum


- At most two names in this list are town


Btw @RemChu just in case you didn't get blocked by the dice thing did you?
But uhhhhh
trying to be rational here. DDL should be a townie too. Would be odd for him to come forward with his role ability like that.

I just can't comprehend how he got zero points from it o_o
I think @Owner Of A Lonely Heart You can confirm you were roleblocked the night 1?

@Ratchet @Santi @Karma @Juan
can you confirm you were roleblocked?


(I expect mafia to lie even if they were)

I got zero notifications.

That means 0, 1 or 2 points.
rofl such a scum post
Have you not played with me enough to no my general alingment. Of reads as the end all be all?

@nfcnorth why did you target me
To gain info about you. To be more specific I get a rating on a scale of how powerful or weak you are compared to other roles of the same alingment. I don't get anything that helps me determine what alignment that is however.

I like your plan, as long as everyone cooperates. I'll do the ability towards the end of the phase once I see votes are in the right place and what not. I'll be lynch 2 then?

[Vote Lynch 2 Iwan]

I'm against lynching iwan

He's strongly implying he is the one who sent the confirmation of WPK's n1 action to me. Sounds like a town ability.

I'd much rather lynch someone from my list, such as Santi.

[Vote lynch Lord Genome]

I am Tracker that can follow 2 player each night.

Last night I tracked LG and SinRaven
LG -> Jojo
SinRaven -> Cooler, Santi and Ratchet

My night 1 targets
Melodie -> noone
nfc -> Underworld broker

Wait wtf
This is a lie

Cause I'm a tracker that can track two people
And I targeted you night 1 and night 2 and my delayed result is you didn't target anyone (from n1)

N2 result is delayed till tonight

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