Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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yo town buddies, someone protect me plox this night phase i got surprise for ya :Mshad

Last words before getting shot...

But uhhhhh
trying to be rational here. DDL should be a townie too. Would be odd for him to come forward with his role ability like that.

I just can't comprehend how he got zero points from it o_o
I think @Owner Of A Lonely Heart You can confirm you were roleblocked the night 1?

@Ratchet @Santi @Karma @Juan
can you confirm you were roleblocked?


(I expect mafia to lie even if they were)

He said he would get notified if he gets 3 points... The way I'm reading it, he should have gotten 3 points if the people you blocked on night 1 was all town but that's not the case.
But uhhhhh
trying to be rational here. DDL should be a townie too. Would be odd for him to come forward with his role ability like that.

I just can't comprehend how he got zero points from it o_o
I think @Owner Of A Lonely Heart You can confirm you were roleblocked the night 1?

@Ratchet @Santi @Karma @Juan
can you confirm you were roleblocked?


(I expect mafia to lie even if they were)
pretty sure i said i was roleblocked at day start
Ok so since I role hinted already I might as well give a more detailed description of that ability so you guys can use it for something.

Every time a townie roleblocks another townie, or a townie protects a guilty player, I get a "point".

Whenever I accumulate 3 points, the host lets me know.

As of right now, I have not been notified by the host yet.

Since @RemChu claims to have blocked three townies, I must conclude either Remchu is scum and/or lieing, or one of his 3 targets is not town.

Furthermore, the fact I still haven't gotten notified suggests townies just aren't blocking townies or protecting scum that much. Since the total number of times that has happened in the whole game is lower than 3.
Oh thats pretty interesting
@RemChu has you answered this yet?
Musical chairs tracker :

  1. Aragorn - blocked
  2. Badalight - blocked
  3. Cooler - blocked
  4. Dragon D. Luffy - not blocked
  5. Flower - not blocked
  6. Go D. Usopp - not blocked
  7. Hero - not blocked? rolled multiple dice but first was a 2
  8. is a - blocked
  9. Iwandesu - blocked
  10. Juan - not blocked
  11. Karma - blocked
  12. Kira Yagami - not blocked
  13. Kvothe Kingkiller - blocked
  14. Lord Genome - not blocked
  15. Melodie - blocked
  16. Natalija - blocked
  17. Nessos - not blocked
  18. nfcnorth - not blocked
  19. Owner Of A Lonely Heart - not blocked
  20. Ratchet - not blocked
  21. RemChu - not blocked
  22. Santi - blocked I'm pretty sure since they never even rolled, which leans townie, so if scum has to have a role that doesn't care about being blocked
  23. SinRaven - not blocked
  24. Underworld Broker - not blocked
  25. WolfPrinceKiba - not blocked
  26. Worm Juice - blocked
  27. Hayumi/Legend - never rolled, so blocked(a good look)
JoJo - blocked
Lord Melkor - not blocked
You expect me to be autistic enough to remember / keep track of the dice?

Anyways never know they could have things that negate shit like dice blocks etc. My thing is more certain.

Well, now I wonder if this conflicts with your ability combo with DDL's because Karma was already roleblocked :thunk

I wonder though... there was no janitor/hidden kill this last night phase. So I'm wondering if that was just an ability use and not actually the faction kill. And maybe one of Santi/Ratchet/Owner (I am reading Owner as town though so either Ratchet or Santi?) tried to do a faction kill N1 but it failed.
Hmm Scumdesu said interesting but is likely still the top poster and but if Remchu and DDL is thing then it might be better off on Ratchet or Santi

FoS Scumdesu

[vote lynch 2 Santi]
What this post even means

My ability only triggers if the roleblocker itself is town.

Is @RemChu claiming he blocked those people, or just listing who was blocked?

If it's the later then the whole thing is useless because afaik all of the blockers could be scum.

According to @Owner Of A Lonely Heart , Rem was claiming to be the blocker himself, but maybe she got it wrong.
Ddl edit
Well, now I wonder if this conflicts with your ability combo with DDL's because Karma was already roleblocked :thunk

I wonder though... there was no janitor/hidden kill this last night phase. So I'm wondering if that was just an ability use and not actually the faction kill. And maybe one of Santi/Ratchet/Owner (I am reading Owner as town though so either Ratchet or Santi?) tried to do a faction kill N1 but it failed.
yes I read owner as town too, hence not a 2nd block on them.

I read juan as town well.
[Vote lynch Lord Genome]

I am Tracker that can follow 2 player each night.

Last night I tracked LG and SinRaven
LG -> Jojo
SinRaven -> Cooler, Santi and Ratchet

My night 1 targets
Melodie -> noone
nfc -> Underworld broker
[Vote Lord Genome]

Apart from this, he’s not playing anything like in the ToL game when he was town/trying to lead conversations and making a lot of reads so I’m leaning scum on this guy tbh.

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