Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Btw afaik game ending jesters in NF are only standard in jestermania games. Outside of that, in games like Favorites, the tradition is non-ending jesters.
While (mostly) true, the fact that people coudlve just asked and also that the existence of the jester was one of the only things publicly revealed to the thread, I think its pretty dumb no one even thought about it lol. Like there was WAY too few speculation regarding the Jester as soon as he entered the game.

Also Jestermania is the most played set-up (aside from Dethy lol) on this forum so why tf didn't people even consider a game ending jester lol
While (mostly) true, the fact that people coudlve just asked and also that the existence of the jester was one of the only things publicly revealed to the thread, I think its pretty dumb no one even thought about it lol. Like there was WAY too few speculation regarding the Jester as soon as he entered the game.

Also Jestermania is the most played set-up (aside from Dethy lol) on this forum so why tf didn't people even consider a game ending jester lol
Jestermania is vanilla shit bra
Me Rolefag
Me dont play vanilla shit
Nope, he disappeared right after I appeared, but stayed enough to host a jester cult game (Internet Era 2).

He also stayed a little long after that and decided to take over your abandoned FMA game.

And that's when the Curse of FMA hit him and he never returned to NF mafia.
Oh yeah I forgot he returned for a while lol, but I was gone myself for most of that time :catghost
Some quick closing thoughts, then I'm going to bed:

Despite some of you saying otherwise, I think the town roles were very strong in this game. However, I avoided some game mechanics that normally favor the town, such as not putting much game-solving information into the writeups. I can see where that may have given the impression that this game was harder than usual for the town faction.

The indies in this game were particularly strong. There were four indies, each with game-altering abilities and a strong chance at winning. I don't think the indies were overpowered, but they did exceed player expectations, and that may have been frustrating. At the very least, indie wins never go over well. Sometimes people like the idea of indies more than they like the reality of indies.

I thought it was commonly understood that jesters were game-ending, especially so when I went out of my way to bring attention to the jester's existence. Maybe I should have been more clear, but at the same time, nobody bothered to ask me about the jester, and I had already decided that I would tell you the jester was game-ending if only somebody thought to ask me.

When making this game, I was challenged a couple of times by people who felt like I couldn't rise to the same standard of "role madness" set by some other hosts here. I believe I proved them wrong, but admittedly, I did not enjoy it very much. I am looking forward to returning to the simpler, more carefully-made games that I'm known for.

Town MVP: @Flower
Mafia MVP: @Badalight
Indie MVP: @is a

I believe all the roles have been posted, unless I made a mistake and missed one. I will work on linking them in the OP for ease of access tomorrow. For now, though, I finally rest. :catnoworries

I thought it was a good game! I do prefer your simpler games though I will admit. My only gripe is that I hadn't earned a more personal role for myself :blobsad

Think the MVP's are fair. I decided early on to try and stay mostly off the radar off both to town and scum, as such I played it fairly lowkey and relied on is a and later Hayumi (would have been Sin too RIP) to push my lynch. Town didn't really have much of an issue believing I was scum so I guess it all went according to plan :LOS
These player were carrying Dragonballs
  1. Sigismund -> our 1st
  2. Legend -> our 2nd
  3. Scumraven -> our 3rd
  4. Natalija
  5. Kvothe
  6. Hero
  7. ???
@Pool Party Nitty who was carrying the 7th Dragonball?

Worm Juice :hestonpls

Yeah 3 Cults was just crazy.
While the ordinary Cult even had the option to disband his own cult and start a new one xD

The amount of conversion mechanics, while high, is being exaggerated a little. The Laix role’s original ability/wincon was not a conversion, it was just a non-hostile indie that needed to mark a certain percentage of the players.

If the Laix role did later decide to convert some players into a new mafia faction, it would have returned players to the town as well in the form of the former mafia faction. If anything, the usurper ability was more disadvantageous to the mafia than to the town.

The SinRaven role was a halfhearted cultist who could only recruit up to 4 people, and all those players would have returned to the town if the SinRaven role died prematurely.

The mafia had a conversion mechanic, but it consumed a large part of their power budget, it required them to kill a considerable amount of townies, and it required the WPK role to be alive to use it. The mafia would have been significantly weaker than the town without their conversion ability.

Yes there were three conversion mechanics in this game, but they all had important weaknesses or caveats, and I think it’s being overblown how impactful they were.
The town roles in this game were exceptionally strong. I’m not faulting any of you for misplaying, but when discussing game balancing, I made the town roles about as strong as they could be. There’s nothing I can do if the town vigges never kill anyone, the town roleblockers never block anyone, the town doctors never save anyone, and the town res never even goes off.

The town had a very fair shot at winning this game.
Why kill me bruv

IIRC you were about to get some damning info about one of us, so we took you out. We were deciding between you and WAD, but wad had a town read on me so we thought best to keep him around (whoops).

While (mostly) true, the fact that people coudlve just asked and also that the existence of the jester was one of the only things publicly revealed to the thread, I think its pretty dumb no one even thought about it lol. Like there was WAY too few speculation regarding the Jester as soon as he entered the game.

Also Jestermania is the most played set-up (aside from Dethy lol) on this forum so why tf didn't people even consider a game ending jester lol

I didn't even know game ending jesters were a thing so there's no way I would've known to ask. I put the blame on others ;(
Tho I was unironically considering the UB role to be another cultist cause the role fishing posts were suspect :lmao

I legit wasn't even trying to rolefish with those posts :( I hadn't even familiarized myself with the game at that point. It was like posts #2 and 3 for me. I was just making conversation.

Also WAD, I didn't protect you N1. I was the one who made you sick.
Didn't save all of my drawings, but most were just variations of these anyway.




@Badalight send some of the quotes from your chat where you were pissed xD.

One funny moment though was when we were about to get our first recruit. We knew it'd be the Nessos role and me and Kira were freaking out because my theory was it was gonna be you (Nessos' avy is a character from One Piece who runs a newspaper, so I thought it fit with your announcement restriction and pming ability)
One funny moment though was when we were about to get our first recruit. We knew it'd be the Nessos role and me and Kira were freaking out because my theory was it was gonna be you (Nessos' avy is a character from One Piece who runs a newspaper, so I thought it fit with your announcement restriction and pming ability)
Yeah, thought that from other people's pov they'd think I was Nessos, but instead I was Legend.
mmmm that omgus thing is bad.

I could have pushed/ demanded u lynch me or Cooler d1. People would ignore it due to "omgus" even myself I dropped suspicion on him since he backed off.

Game is easier when people are arguing but when all the scums are just compliant and give in. It really muddys reads -_-. Relying on mechanics and role abilities is a crutch.

Overall fun game, thanks for hosting @Pool Party Nitty even with your busy schedule. Short and sweet.
Good job everyone.



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