Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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my role got patched 3 times i think. My wincon got changed, then nitty talked to me and I agreed that I shouldn't be allowed to kill everyone who hit -1 vp

can't imagine the salt if u wiped 90% of the players overnight :hestonpls

So i did good by sending action on is a (kind of lol) . Wish i was more involved in the game .

To be fair flowers role was pretty powerful.

yea mang sux we didn't get to see that mugen tsukuyomi tree in action :bury
So, @is a, I scrutinised the wording of our bet - I believe it's still on, even though you were *gasp* scum. Honestly who could have seen that one coming. Not me.

Oh wait.

Really did think you were that hostile indie.

The choice is yours. :yousmart

@is a did you at least legit think I was town

On the first cycle (as town), yes. After I got recruited night one I didn’t care to revisit the subject though :catnoworries

@is a

where the fuck you at? I wanna talk

Hi :caticon

Laix - WAD

My role was the janitored one n1 AND I was some kind of consistent vig whdjahxjwkzkel (wheezing continues)

was he tho

He still was :ufdup
@is a were you the first convert?

I was
And I was very displeased about this because I had been yearning for a true town game

smash bros - cult leader :cat
Get good 3 - scum :catprone
sandwich - town who got culted night 2 :catcry
members - town who got culted night 1 :catdespair

Stop fucking culting me!!! :Catalan

also I almost need not say it but you played an incredible game

If there’s an overall mvp it solely belongs to you :catsadfeels
I was
And I was very displeased about this because I had been yearning for a true town game

smash bros - cult leader :cat
Get good 3 - scum :catprone
sandwich - town who got culted night 2 :catcry
members - town who got culted night 1 :catdespair

Stop fucking culting me!!! :Catalan

also I almost need not say it but you played an incredible game

If there’s an overall mvp it solely belongs to you :catsadfeels
Thanks. You played well, too, though. The reason why I went from Juan to Cooler in the end was also because you were so convincing. You're scary as scum ngl. But next time I get ya, just you wait :catdankv1:.
also fun fact

i nearly broke the game as soon as i got culted so nitty came swooping in with the hotfix

Oh dear. Another cult.
Sorry aha.
You picked a winner though

look at my role
I’m currently in mafia host mode
im the one who shot sigismund
currently have a one shot governor
guess that will auto win u the game assuming all goes well up to day 4?
Yeah your role is crazy.

Yup, just need to last till D4 and not have any followers die either I guess.

Hey guys,

I took some time to think about this and I have decided that Cooler’s disciples cannot achieve his/their wincon by redirecting the lynch onto him. To achieve your wincon, Cooler must be lynched through conventional means, or the redirect must come from someone who isn’t his disciple.

I already buffed Cooler’s role/wincon as part of “patch 1.1” to make it easier to achieve, and I feel like this particular combination of roles/abilities is broken, so I’m fixing it.

There are very, very few lynch manipulating abilities in this setup, so when planning these roles I overlooked the possibility of Cooler recruiting someone who could redirect the lynch onto him. I apologize for my lack of foresight about this issue, and I hope you understand my decision.

Let me know if you have any questions.
Damn rip the dream

I was
And I was very displeased about this because I had been yearning for a true town game

smash bros - cult leader :cat
Get good 3 - scum :catprone
sandwich - town who got culted night 2 :catcry
members - town who got culted night 1 :catdespair

Stop fucking culting me!!! :Catalan

also I almost need not say it but you played an incredible game

If there’s an overall mvp it solely belongs to you :catsadfeels

bro i thought when we lynched john wayne n1 we were done with the cultist. Little did i know

there was 2 more factions that can cult. We can't escape :wellshit
Yes fam also its NBA season . Hard to focus on mafia games. :hhh

Also pre season awaits cant wait new la liga fixtures :bury

im more of an esports and chess person lol, league and valorant :hhh

Nataly and natalijia being alt account was funniest to read.

@Natalija will have hard time to convince she is not Nataly.

lol is that theory still around :lmao
lcs, lec, and lck :caticon

and any valorant teams i guess

LCS - honestly depends on the players, they always change. Rly liked c9 last worlds, but overall TSM would be my pick lol. Rly no particular fav.

LEC - G2 master class :hhh
i love splyce and fnc too :Mshad

LEC teams r awesome lol

LCK - KOO tigers bk in smeb days, and SKT bk in marin, bang and bengi days. Currently no fav honestly, maybe DAMWON

LPL - IG :Mshad

Valorant - Sentiels :hhh

you lol?
But cults and mafia in same game is always lose lose for town.

Is it me last 5 games town just one won.

Wad s game - mafia
Odds game -cult
Elistren - cult
Wpk s game -mafia
Aries -cult

Come on town we need to pull in more effort.

we can win if our vigs r proactive imo

this game had too many cults tho

like imagine if we didn't lynch JW day 1

its overwhelming asfk lol
LCS - honestly depends on the players, they always change. Rly liked c9 last worlds, but overall TSM would be my pick lol. Rly no particular fav.

LEC - G2 master class :hhh
i love splyce and fnc too :Mshad

LEC teams r awesome lol

LCK - KOO tigers bk in smeb days, and SKT bk in marin, bang and bengi days. Currently no fav honestly, maybe DAMWON

LPL - IG :Mshad

Valorant - Sentiels :hhh

you lol?
huge C9 fangirl :catbuff disappointed that they fell off a fuckin cliff at the second half of summer split but that's on them. Happy for TSM tho, or at least bjergsen def deserved it

LEC, I only like G2 but I'll watch fnc games sometimes

LCK - kt rolster, every day all day :catbuff

LPL - Rookie is my boy :pepesmoke all gold stars all around my friend :tearspepe

sentinels are so damn good. I still like C9 but only cause of Tenz
huge C9 fangirl :catbuff disappointed that they fell off a fuckin cliff at the second half of summer split but that's on them. Happy for TSM tho, or at least bjergsen def deserved it

LEC, I only like G2 but I'll watch fnc games sometimes

LCK - kt rolster, every day all day :catbuff

LPL - Rookie is my boy :pepesmoke all gold stars all around my friend :tearspepe

sentinels are so damn good. I still like C9 but only cause of Tenz

how the fk did i forget to mention KT, they have smeb lol, my fav LCK player :Mshad

gotta give theshy and ning some credit too, they r GOATS aswell :Mshad

also shahzam my fav valorant streamer and hes from sentiel lol

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