Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Iwandesu - DDL


Dragon D. Luffy
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Mafia Mod] - DDL is a section moderator, which requires him to obey certain rules in exchange for certain privileges. DDL cannot tell a lie, insult another player, or publicly discuss any information he learns privately. If DDL breaks any of these rules, he will be permanently role crushed. As long as DDL follows these rules, he is protected against vote tampering and lynch redirects, as well as controlling and recruiting abilities, and he gains +2 voting power.

[One Shot Active - Quitting Time] - DDL can leave the mod team, causing him to permanently forfeit access to [Mafia Mod].

[Three Shot Active - I Wrote The Guide] - DDL is an expert on game balancing, and the host refers to him for balancing advice. During the night, DDL can deem another player's role to be underpowered or overpowered. If underpowered, DDL will permanently improve their role. If overpowered, DDL will permanently weaken their role.

[Active - The Pirate King] - DDL is a superfan of the manga series One Piece. Each cycle DDL can pick a character from One Piece, and the host will give him a limited-use ability based on the character he chose. DDL cannot choose the same character twice.
Flower - Legend


alignment: innocent

[Passive - The Man] - The legend of Legend is a story told by many, but Legend himself is known to none. Legend cannot post in the game thread, and he must send his votes privately to the moderator each day. Legend permanently has +1 voting power, and Legend temporarily grants other players +1 voting power when they are voting for the same player as him.

[Active - The Myth] - Instead of making posts, Legend can make anonymous messages in the game thread through the moderator, and he can send anonymous messages to other players through the moderator. Legend can use this ability as many times as he wants and at any time he wants.

[One Shot Active - The Legend] - During the night Legend can decide to make a rare appearance in the game thread, enabling him to post normally for the next day. During that day's sunset phase, Legend can redirect the lynch to a player of his choosing.
Ratchet - Karma


alignment: innocent

[Passive - Unknowable] - Mortals are not meant to understand the secrets of the universe. Karma cannot explain the details of its abilities to other players in the game thread or anywhere else.
[Passive - The Fabric Of Reality] - Karma is a natural force, protecting it against kills, superkills, lynches and roleblocks.

[Passive - The Way Of Things] - If innocent players are lynched 2 days in a row, then Karma will be role crushed for 1 cycle. If innocent players are lynched 3 days in a row, then Karma will die.

[One Shot Active - Sign From Above] - During the Sunset phase, Karma can intervene in the mortal realm to stop 1 lynch.

[Active - Karmic Justice] - During the night, Karma can investigate another player to learn whether they have murdered an innocent player. Karma does not learn the result, and the result is instead sent to a random innocent player.
Juan - Kvothe Kingkiller


Kvothe Kingkiller
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Been Through Worse] - Kvothe is battle-hardened from her many years of enduring the League of Legends, granting her 3 bonus lives.

[Passive - Tilt] - If another player casts a lynch vote against Kvothe, then she will become tilted, vote silencing her for the rest of that day.

[One Shot Active - Better You Than Me] - Kvothe can sacrifice the rest of her lives to permanently resurrect another player.

[Active - Get Me Outta Here] - Kvothe would rather watch the game from afar than actually be part of it. Each night Kvothe can permanently transfer 1 of her lives to another player. When Kvothe dies, she will lose her voting power and abilities, but she can continue posting in the game thread.
Santi - Santi



alignment: innocent

[Passive - There Are No Men Like Me] - The host will assign this role to its namesake player.

[Passive - Secret Society] - Members of the site staff are sworn to secrecy about the things they learn as part of their position. Santi cannot discuss his role or abilities, or any other information he privately receives, or he will lose his status as a moderator.

[Passive - Image Is Everything] - If Santi kills 3 innocent players, then he will become hated by the mafia section, and he will lose his status as a moderator.

[Passive - Fall From Grace] - If Santi loses his status as a moderator, then the host will hold an election to determine who will replace him. For 1 day phase, other players will vote in the game thread to choose their new moderator, and the winner will receive Santi's [Calling A Mod] ability.

[One Shot Active - Writing A Report] - Santi can sometimes enforce harsher penalties onto members if he can write a report that justifies his decision. During the night, Santi can send the host a report detailing all the reasons why he believes his [Calling A Mod] target is guilty. If the host finds Santi's report sufficiently persuasive and convincing, then Santi's kill will be upgraded to a superkill for that night.

[Active - Calling A Mod] - As a super-moderator, Santi can be called upon to remove people from the game. If another player posts in the game thread asking Santi to kill or ban someone, then that night Santi can attempt to kill that person. If Santi loses his status as a moderator, then he will also lose access to this ability.
Underworld Broker - Kira Yagami


Kira Yagami
alignment: innocent

[Active - Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu] - Each night Kira can attack another player with fire, making them vulnerable to kills.

[Hidden Passive - 1 Tomoe Sharingan] - After day 1 Kira will unlock his Sharingan, granting him the ability to reflect roleblocks used against him, and protecting him against role crushes.

[Hidden Active - 2 Tomoe Sharingan] - After day 2, Kira can investigate another player each night to learn the effect of an ability they used that night.

[Hidden Passive - 3 Tomoe Sharingan] - After day 3, Kira will copy abilities he detects with his Sharingan for 1 cycle.

[Hidden Active - Mangekyō Sharingan] - After day 4, Kira will unlock the final stage in his Sharingan, which he can use each night to role crush another player for 1 cycle.
Karma - Owner


Owner of a Lonely Heart
alignment: innocent

[Passive - The Lonely Heart] - Owner was entrusted with a magical artifact called the Lonely Heart. Owner has not yet discovered what the Lonely Heart does, but she knows she must protect it from those who would abuse its power. If Owner is murdered, then her killer will steal the Lonely Heart for themselves. If Owner is lynched, then she will destroy the Lonely Heart during the twilight sub-phase.

[Active - Rolemaker] - Owner can create mafia roles more quickly than anyone anyone else. Each cycle, Owner can create a new role, which can have 1 one shot passive ability, 1 regular passive ability, 1 one shot active ability, and 1 regular active ability. These roles cannot include abilities that have power over life-and-death, such as kills or resurrections, but normal doctor protections are acceptable. The moderator may veto absurd or gamebreaking roles.

[Active - Rolegiver] - Each night Owner can gift 1 of her created roles to another player, which they will be able to use in addition to their own role for the following cycle.

While Owner still possessed her Lonely Heart, it caused me to grant 1 in-thread wish each day, mostly done for my own amusement and not meant to be game-altering.

If Owner was lynched and destroyed her Lonely Heart, it would have vote silenced everyone who helped lynch her for the next day.

If Owner was murdered and a guilty player stole her Lonely Heart, they could have harnessed its power to perform a superkill. If an innocent player stole the heart, it would have simply transferred its current functions to the new owner.
WPK - Nessos


Big News Nessos
alignment: innocent

[Passive - Emperor of the Underworld] - Nessos deals with criminals and outlaws to enrich himself. If another player investigates Nessos's alignment, he will appear guilty.

[One Shot Active - World Economy Newspaper] - Nessos can recall his investigators. 1 phase later, Nessos will learn their results, and he will publish this information in the next night writeup.

[One Shot Active - Better Call Stussy] - Nessos is blackmailing a government agent named Stussy. After Nessos publishes his results, he can send Stussy to kill 1 of the players he named in the writeup.

[Active - The DJ of Words] - Each cycle Nessos can hire an investigator to follow another player, permanently recording who that player targets. Nessos will not receive these results until he uses [World Economy Newspaper].
I was going to use my one shot active, by the way, to save @Juan from the lynch. Because it was me being lynched though, I didn't need to. That's why I was telling Juan to relax, and that it'd be just fine. Of course, no one really picked up on this the day after. I believe Juan was town at that stage, too.
i was, ye.

scum converted me last night for some reason that i can't bother to read the 44 scum chat pages to find out
Laix - WAD


alignment: innocent

[Active - MAD] - Each night WAD can attempt to kill another player. If WAD's victim survives for any reason, then WAD will become MAD, and attempt to kill a randomly chosen innocent player instead.

[Active - They Tried To Make MAD Go To Rehab] - MAD can consume hard drugs, upgrading his kills to superkills for that night. The second time MAD uses this ability, he will have a 25% chance to overdose and die, with each further use increasing the chances of his death by 25% until finally reaching a 100% chance on the fifth use.
Worm Juice - Hayumi



alignment: innocent

[Passive - Exiled From Favorites] - Hayumi was outcasted when he accidentally broke the rules in Favorites. If Hayumi's alignment is investigated, he will appear to be guilty.

[Passive - A Rare Beauty] - Hayumi gains power when other players take notice of his beauty. When Hayumi receives enough "friendly" ratings, he can unlock the following abilities:

[Conditional Passive - 5 Friendly Ratings] - Hayumi no longer scans guilty to investigations.

[Conditional Active - 10 Friendly Ratings] - During the night Hayumi can seduce another player by rating 1 of their posts "friendly," roleblocking them.

[Conditional Passive - 15 Friendly Ratings] - If Hayumi is attacked during the night while he's seducing another player, then that player will sacrifice themselves to save him by redirecting the attack to themselves.

[Conditional Active - 20 Friendly Ratings] - During the day Hayumi can compare his beauty with another player's by posting his avatar and their avatar side-by-side. Hayumi's victim will be so devastated that they will be role crushed for the rest of the cycle.
Go D. Usopp - Juan


alignment: innocent

[One Shot Passive - Demi] - Juan is looking for someone to connect with. If another player uses a protective ability on Juan, then Juan will become [Lovers] with them.

[Lovers] - Juan adopts his lover's wincon, and he can communicate with them outside of the game thread. If Juan's lover dies, then Juan can superkill 1 player as retaliation.

[One Shot Active - The Fairest Of Them All] - During the night, Juan can send nudes to the host. For that night, the host will weaken any negative actions used against Juan, and Juan is guaranteed to survive the night.
We were a solid team tbh

Yeah, when we were picking our roles, it felt good to pick WPK. Looking at the group, I did feel I had the most potential to pull the 20,000 character post off and for it to not raise too many flags. I might have slacked off a little bit in decision making when WPK and Melodie joined. But overall, I felt we really had it in the bag.
welcome to the moon :catdankv4:

people were ok with lynching the jester tho? seemed weird tbh. Normally jesters are meant to be shot.

I didn't know where else I would really push, go d. usopp or scumdesu maybe, but I didn't want to reveal myself, as I had either 12 vote power or 4 vote power going into today.

@Pool Party Nitty could you clear up how much vote power, I actually had today?
tbf owner wasn't okay with it

but I've never heard of a jester being game ending, so yeah I didn't care if an indie won alongside us. We were pretty much unstoppable at this point. Only thing that could've stopped us was... this.

i guess that is unfortunate but every jester ive played in normally rarely wins the game (they were game enders as well). They often had a higher chance of getting shot over lynched (by both town or mafia). Having to want to get lynched is quite hard as a jester plus for cooler he had to actually recruit 3 ppl before needing to get lynched.

I might be bias cause i won aside them but I feel this wincon didn't seem easy to achieve. Granted you guys played well, there's no denying that.
i guess that is unfortunate but every jester ive played in normally rarely wins the game (they were game enders as well). They often had a higher chance of getting shot over lynched (by both town or mafia). Having to want to get lynched is quite hard as a jester plus for cooler he had to actually recruit 3 ppl before needing to get lynched.

I might be bias cause i won aside them but I feel this wincon didn't seem easy to achieve. Granted you guys played well, there's no denying that.

I'm not mad at a game ender. Just wish it would've been announced in the thread. Just a bit ironic since Nitty was really upset about the moon thing and put her own game ending mechanic in here. If that's how jesters often are, then okay. I've just personally never seen a jester do that before so I was totally blindsided by it, but we've established I don't play mafia that often. I've been jester multiple times and the role was never a game ending one, just a personal win. Maybe that's on me because of my lack of experience, but then again, not a single person brought up that it might be game ending, so I can't be the only one confused by it.
Well I guess it's up to me to Make Role-Madness Great Again:becel

You invented Don Patch.
Honestly the mafia played really well so props to you guys. @is a and me do deserve some cred though, especially him, because If he hadn’t immediately come out the gate at the start of the dp, with the scanned guilty claim, and then if I hadn’t kept vocally pushing for everyone to vote cooler, we might have missed our chance and he would’ve been vigged lmaoo. WAD played amazing tho no doubt.


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