Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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I was the town ace with your role lol
i was here planning out how i was gonna use each mode
then i got culted night 1 and sat in mafia host mode half the game to hold onto my one shot governor :dank
See this is one of the biggest troubles for me
Why out of all hosts only i, the weakest, was immune to converts and ONLY IF I DIDNT SAY SHIT :FLIP
Anyway town didnt play well but i really doubt there was any room for town to win even if we lynched scum everyday for starters
See this is one of the biggest troubles for me
Why out of all hosts only i, the weakest, was immune to converts and ONLY IF I DIDNT SAY SHIT :FLIP
Anyway town didnt play well but i really doubt there was any room for town to win even if we lynched scum everyday for starters


think about it, we lynch a scum daily, but we lose 2 townies ATLEAST to cult daily

its actually hard asfk :hestonpls

even if the double lynch were on scum daily.

which is impossible cuz our vote power is fked too :mjlol
@Oddjutsu Unfortunately there won't be an after show, because the Church of the Raven banned secular entertainment. However, you're welcome to worship your new Raven overlords while you're here!
The Church of the Raven absolutely allows secular entertainment. In fact, watching shows that promote drama are a mandatory part of the education of young Ravens.

@Oddjutsu should have signed up for this game.

So many stuff was based on the LoL Game!
WPK role said:
[Active - The Game Is Rigged] - WPK is in a secret Discord chat with the host where he can ask the host 2 yes-or-no questions each night
ScumRaven Role said:
[Passive - Yuumi] - SinRaven is hated for his role as Yuumi in League of Legends Mafia 3, causing him to require 1 less vote to be lynched
Melodie Role said:
[Passive - I Made It Up] - Melodie made up a lie that she is protected against roleblocks and role crushes. Melodie's lie was so convincing that even the host believed her and actually granted her permanent protection against roleblocks and role crushes.

Seeing this I am quite sure @Pool Party Nitty had an Odd role in mind, if thats the case could you share your ideas for the Odd role?
i will judge you on what your favorite esports team is

lcs, lec, and lck :caticon

and any valorant teams i guess

LCS - honestly depends on the players, they always change. Rly liked c9 last worlds, but overall TSM would be my pick lol. Rly no particular fav.

LEC - G2 master class :hhh
i love splyce and fnc too :Mshad

LEC teams r awesome lol

LCK - KOO tigers bk in smeb days, and SKT bk in marin, bang and bengi days. Currently no fav honestly, maybe DAMWON

LPL - IG :Mshad

Valorant - Sentiels :hhh

you lol?

huge C9 fangirl :catbuff disappointed that they fell off a fuckin cliff at the second half of summer split but that's on them. Happy for TSM tho, or at least bjergsen def deserved it

LEC, I only like G2 but I'll watch fnc games sometimes

LCK - kt rolster, every day all day :catbuff

LPL - Rookie is my boy :pepesmoke all gold stars all around my friend :tearspepe

sentinels are so damn good. I still like C9 but only cause of Tenz

Ah yall are fans of good teams with competent management

lucky bastards.
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I was
And I was very displeased about this because I had been yearning for a true town game

smash bros - cult leader :cat
Get good 3 - scum :catprone
sandwich - town who got culted night 2 :catcry
members - town who got culted night 1 :catdespair

Stop fucking culting me!!! :Catalan

also I almost need not say it but you played an incredible game

If there’s an overall mvp it solely belongs to you :catsadfeels

Cooler, as cult leader in Sandwich Mafia, losing after opposing cult recruited me:

Cooler, as cult leader in Members Mafia, seeing me on Night 1:


Aha sorry man.

Your scum play is too good. I needed you to push my eventual lynch.
I was
And I was very displeased about this because I had been yearning for a true town game

smash bros - cult leader :cat
Get good 3 - scum :catprone
sandwich - town who got culted night 2 :catcry
members - town who got culted night 1 :catdespair

Stop fucking culting me!!! :Catalan

also I almost need not say it but you played an incredible game

If there’s an overall mvp it solely belongs to you :catsadfeels
Mabye next few games you should get lynched Day 1 with the reasoning:
"If WAD is Town he will get culted anyway".
Anyway, guess this is a wrap. Since I'm graduating from my business and language school this year, I probably will resign myself to mostly hosting. Gonna play a few games here and there (like Laix' game) and host my game, but I won't be able to spend much time playing since every grade I get counts for the final grade and I can't relax at all.
Oh cool all the best .
Anyway, guess this is a wrap. Since I'm graduating from my business and language school this year, I probably will resign myself to mostly hosting. Gonna play a few games here and there (like Laix' game) and host my game, but I won't be able to spend much time playing since every grade I get counts for the final grade and I can't relax at all.
Good luck man, hope you do well
Pissed after you led the game of a cliff last phase when you voted me? :dotell

Just messing with you. Even if you stuck to your guns we were planning on vote silencing you until you switched onto me + my self vote and Wad/Hayumi I think we would have won anyway.
Yep, don't think my passive would have worked when vote silenced anyway and Nessos' vote for me also raised some alarms, so I just wanted to save myself from being lynched, too xD.

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