Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Soft defending Hero, sussing me on a post which he would vote me on but then forgetting what the contents of that post was (reeks of fakehunting), overly-defensive responses to pressure.

And now this host shenanigans.

I would never do the bolded as scum. As mentioned I am not actually a newbie.

Anyway one of the abilities my role has is that my role is supposed to be newbie to the section and host will defend me in the thread, which apparently is not helping at all.;)

Should I do a full role reveal? Would prefer not, but I quess I can do it to avoid the lynch
I think I'm leaning scum on any player that has expressed bewilderment at Shiz defending Melkor here. Everyone and I mean everyone knows that Shizune isn't going to sabotage their own game like that, so I'm left to conclude that it's scum unsure of how to react.

Which way do you lean on between Shizune's behavior being: 1) conditional passive for his role (no idea who this would be tbh); 2) desperate mafia attempt to save; 3) mafia framejob
Any ideas on what role would be a broadcaster?
Why this? Sus.
Also hot take RemChu is on the same meta as Get Good.

[Vote lynch RemChu]

That meta is? And in contrary how does town remchu plays to you?

Nice sidestep, but again why exactly do you think I'm on the same meta as my last game? I would like to hear your thoughts and so would the rest of the people playing. Enlighten us. Otherwise you are just pushing a cheap narrative to get a townie lynched.

Give us some substance.

You know your mafia and town meta? Sounds weird to subject urself to how you play per alignment...

This is a blatant lie. I was anything but confident. You're reaching here.

tad too defensive
Cooler"haha it's just a casual vote. Why so defensive bro?"

Now claiming I have to be jester, disregarding my town qualities.

I have to be the other?

Stupid take. Hopefully the others will see through your blatant manipulation. Acting hella scummy cooler.

Oh wow

Smart take for 1000.

Big thunk moment

you are surely getting carried on with just a single vote
duly noted

Is this a rare Towndesu?

Why bada ?
has he even posted ?
I will take a look at them and give you an answer but i dont think laix seemed suspect in my eyes earlier
Don't speedread the thread, iwandesu.
I have like 5 posts tyvm.
damn, you reacted fast to your name being mentioned, keeping an eye on the thread but not willing to post?
Also y’all this is off topic but I just went through the player list out of curiosity and checked who posted, and the broadcaster person has to be either Babby, Nevan or Flower.
why are u helping mafia find who is the broadcaster
I would never do the bolded as scum.

You must not win often as scum.

Anyway one of the abilities my role has is that my role is supposed to be newbie to the section and host will defend me in the thread, which apparently is not helping at all.;)

That's about 4 different players in this game.

Should I do a full role reveal? Would prefer not, but I quess I can do it to avoid the lynch

Difficult to say because we don't yet have an idea what alignments are going to look like. It might instill enough confidence in you to make me look elsewhere at least for today.
I would never do the bolded as scum. As mentioned I am not actually a newbie.

Anyway one of the abilities my role has is that my role is supposed to be newbie to the section and host will defend me in the thread, which apparently is not helping at all.;)

Should I do a full role reveal? Would prefer not, but I quess I can do it to avoid the lynch

I had a feeling it was something like that because I think I know who this role might be because nitty has said these same words to that person before.. Its why I ask if it was alignment indicative but I am leaning to town on this. I don't think this would be a mafia ability or role though. Still wouldn't recommend a role reveal
I could debate but I don't see an argument in this post to debate against.

He is scum because...?

He's scum because he is WAD, probably.

What I mean on the wad thing is, how is wad scummy for fluffing when 100% of the players are also fluffing?

There is logical connection that is missing here.
There's no logic.
Melodie where are you​
I'm right here.
Tbh I usually talk myself out of lynches, not into them :cattella
Eh, debatable. You tend to lay low when you get heat; especially as mafia. Something you're doing right now, interestingly enough
Remchu is playing with passive aggressive in todays game compared to his usual one i saw in smash and get good.

This is something worth noting and is relatively contradictory to Remchu's """"""""""""""""meta"""""""""""" play discussion that was brought up earlier in the thread

Correction, it was "what do you want me to tell you?"

Very reactionary; you're laying low a lot and there to reply to people but not participate per se. Suspicious.

[VOTE LYNCH Scumdesu]

Hey, I'm just punishing scummy behaviour. It's better than straight up mislynching, right?

There are other players fishing roles and such; why do you have a particular focus on iwandesu over anyone else that is doing it? Such as Hayumi(?) that is trying to target the broadcaster and is essentially focusing on game mechanics instead of the game discussion itself

@is a
@Lord Genome

You guys are either good town or terribly scary scums
which of those are you this time around ?

Since lying is taboo in mafia games; I'm town.
hey iwan :yousmart

nothing much

some of y'alls back and forth is getting a bit boring but thats about it

Feel like staying low again, Diavolo? :caticon

just skimming through the thread so far. gut reads, feels like Remchu is town. I once tinfoil the idea of remchu being scum in a previous game and he sorta blew up on me. His posts are similar to what was more towards there.

I don't know about Cooler yet, he normally pings me early but in this case, I don't have that same feeling :thunk
Dont feel like committing, eh.
I won't drop a moon this time.

My namesake role however...

If nitty doesnt make a badaroach passive he legit missed out.
All the votes I could find by searching "vote lynch". If I missed you then fucking format like everyone else.

Someone else can do the counting. Tagging @Pool Party Nitty for reference.

hello mafia freinds lets have a good time

[Vote Lynch Lord Genome]

[Vote Lynch Santi]

[VOTE LYNCH Melodie]

back off bitch


[Vote Lynch Babbo the Crabbo]

[vote lynch Nevan]


If you think otherwise, debate me.
-He will not be active and so will add nothing to scum hunting.
-People if he is scum will protect him.
-if he is scum he will provide empty reads.

Good day 1 lynch.

[Vote Lynch Dragon D. Luffy]

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]

Nothing personal, kid.


[Unnoficial Vote Lynch Melodie]

Definitely personal, Satan. :blobkfingerguns

Role WPK is certainly going to be an inferior version of myself, for all Nitty is my friend they know jack about me as a player.

I'm the power top of the Discord server, so come join us:villa

Why are you asking this question out of the blue?

[Vote Lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart]

Were you asking your earlier question in preparation for Nevan trying to force people to give exact town claims?:lmao

Here I was all excited to hop into bed with Ooh La La:foxstare:foxstare:foxstare

This is reaching, I doubt you will achieve anything this was and I think you know it.

[Vote Lynch Santi]

Also hot take RemChu is on the same meta as Get Good.

[Vote lynch RemChu]

[VOTE LYNCH Scumdesu]

Hey, I'm just punishing scummy behaviour. It's better than straight up mislynching, right?

You are often right so I will jump on your wagon


[Vote Lynch Scumdesu]


[vote lynch worm juice]

tfw this game has actually 30+ players

Anyway lets do some quick rundown on the bottom players

Anyway Hero actually posted for god knows why reason
This likely doesnt mean anything but anytime hero rolls serial killers/mafia or cultists he AFKs
And when he rolls town he gets modkilled :dank
So...yeah i dunno

Aragorn has posted....literally nothing of substance the entire game :dank
Also he asked 2 players if they had post restrictions (which should be a thing on this kind of games but why keep asking about them ?)

Aragorn has posted....literally nothing of substance the entire game :dank
Also he asked 2 players if they had post restrictions (which should be a thing on this kind of games but why keep asking about them ?)

Aragorn has posted....literally nothing of substance the entire game :dank
Also he asked 2 players if they had post restrictions (which should be a thing on this kind of games but why keep asking about them ?)

Babby has...not posted

Lord genome only relevant post is a roleclaim of his dm :dank

Nothing from substance from juan as well (nothing unheard off but be aware, he can be dangerous eventually)

Legend most relevant post is saying he has no double post restriction...

This is a normal wpk opening post
means nothing aside from mafia is going to vig him during the night.

Go d usopp has 2 posts and one of them is protecting wad, if wad flips god should be looked at.

Melodie only relevant post was a psedo suspect at wad, so far everything else is fluffy.

This is the only post Kvothe has that has any short of substance and it is just rolefishing, kvothe is usually great at coasting so she might be scum.

My veredict is
[Lynch Kvothe Kingkiller]
For now a pressure vote, but it might lead somewhere

I can go with worm juice, sin, natalya or Lord genome as well (i know it almost got me mislynched at throne of lies but i will reiterate if lord genome does not conribute to town he is a big liability from the sheer risks he offers as scum).
It is worth noting wad has been the point of contention of a couple posters, i would need to look at him latter.

My scum hunting partner @Flower, noooo :dead

Also, let's try this

[vote lynch SinRaven]

You made some points and good on you for calling out coasters, but I think


would be a better choice.

He usually fluffs a lot D1. The fact he's quiet is very telling.

@SinRaven are you hiding something? What do you think of Iwandesu? Cooler? Hayumi? I know you're reading.

I can totally go with sin
He is the short of player who can be pushed and will at least make arguments on his defense as well
[Vote Lynch sin Raven]

[Vote Lynch Badalight]

[Vote Lynch SinRaven]

I mean Santi posted at least so


[VOTE LYNCH WolfPrinceKiba]

omg I didn’t even see WPK posted

right next inactifag


[change vote lynch Go D. Usopp] the no reads on anyone is troublesome to me; it's like you want to wait and see what others do.

Like has Wad's and hero's playstyle changed from when they were last townie? or is this change a good thing, you think?

Well I was trying to pressure you obviously, there are responses you could have given me that would have satisfied me more. Your playful comeback wasn't the worst thing you could have said if that makes you feel better lol.

Think Laix and Flower are town. Town lean on Wad as well.

I'm kind of null on a lot of posters, feel like it's been the same people posting.

I'm fence sitting on Remchu now after he pinged me early on, scum leaning on JW and Hero - feel like Hero is kinda going with the flow, think was opportunistic earlier when he voted Rem basically because a few people were talking about him (Rem) at the time. I need to ISO him though.

Owner I find really weird for asking about lie detectors, not sure why it matters if they're in the set-up but weird for her to be just open wolfing and asking about it.


[Change Vote Lynch Hero]

[change vote lynch Nevan] I'm still wary of you. But part where you talked about Hero being totally different feels like genuine read.

I feel like I should have thoughts on @Scumdesu, but all I remember them saying is talking about being town since changing their name as iwan would always rand mafia.

[change vote lynch Scumdesu]

*goes to look for some substance to digest*

[change vote lynch SinRaven] come out and play with us? :catflower

[Vote Lynch John Wayne]

[Vote lynch Lord Melkor]

I'd like to know more about this post I made which was so scummy you just had to vote me on it, but not scummy enough to remember.

literally ninja'd me from saying that

not to mention hes also protecting hero

[vote lynch lord melkor]

care to explain why u read hero as town? @Lord Melkor

Finally some pressure!

[VOTE LYNCH Lord Melkor]



This is definitely way too mean of an approach for town!DDL to be taking unprovoked, and I wouldn't call what happened a good while in the past worthwhile justification for this. RemChu's focus was on Cooler, yet DDL has spent the majority of his posts this phase slandering RemChu in claimed preemptive self-defense. Why care so much beforehand about an attack that isn't guaranteed to happen? It comes off to me like you have more worry and stress over your individual life than a townie should have. Also possible that you're trying to discredit RemChu so his push on Cooler isn't taken seriously.

[Change Vote Lynch Dragon D Luffy]

No, you're not the only scum to use such phrasing to diminish their own opinion if things go badly for them with a push. This is an overly fierce attack on someone who was just liking a point I made, as if I'm some major scum suspect to be pouncing on anyone who might be defending me.

Why do you particular care if there is a lie detector in this game? Based on your answers to Cooler/myself you don't seem interested in actually pressuring people into claiming town, so why would you if you're town ask about the role over any other? Why is it on your mind as one of the first things to post?

I'm not a very spiteful person in mafia games, especially towards players I enjoy having around. If I am after you this game, it's solely because I legitimately think you're anti-town.

[vote lynch cooler]

oh wait, i missed the read part :lmao

ya bye bye melkor

[Vote Lynch Lord Melkor]

I actually agree with this
[Vote lynch Melodie]

I think I'm leaning scum on any player that has expressed bewilderment at Shiz defending Melkor here. Everyone and I mean everyone knows that Shizune isn't going to sabotage their own game like that, so I'm left to conclude that it's scum unsure of how to react.

This being one of the textbook examples of the above.

[Vote Lynch Hero]
use the ignore function its really good i've completely erased my haters from my life :catlove

But you haven't put me on ignore?

I feel like you are going with every easy case you can find.

Remchu meta from last game.

Repeating what wpk said about owner.

Hero coasting.


Who would have been acceptable people to push?

You've obviously oversimplified these as well. Not like I haven't commented on other players either...
I would never do the bolded as scum. As mentioned I am not actually a newbie.

Anyway one of the abilities my role has is that my role is supposed to be newbie to the section and host will defend me in the thread, which apparently is not helping at all.;)

Should I do a full role reveal? Would prefer not, but I quess I can do it to avoid the lynch
Yeah i thought tho
Lol shizune and his clever tricks
that iwan post was a joke :dank You even rated it funny.

I literally just woke up so I am still reading the thread but hmm hard to say about those three. I would need to see more from them but judging from LG's initial post it seems like he role revealed to WAD and Melodie.

I am not sure if thats an indication of anything but WAD backed off of his LG vote after that. Imo in orders of who i think would be scum is melodie->wad->lg but its not much.

They're very good town leaders though so I would wait and see. Why did you ask my thoughts on them?

How and Why did you turn that innocent LG/Me/WAD interaction about him claiming a role in code to us into something of a psuedo mafia rain to literally any of us? Exactly how would anyone approach that conversation regardless of said alignment? He referred to a joke, we laughed at it, and you're making a case about it here? That of course, you're not willing to commit on just like the rest of the posts. At this point I'm not sure if you even voted.

Natalija's posts are a bit null. In small games, she's very clear as town. Hard to say in here because she got lost in Manga Mashup however I would give her more time.

Sin's posts are underwhelming. He's sussing cooler and asking people to vote for him but not placing the vote on Cooler at all.

It's almost thematic at this point. I like the consistency.

Didnt finish this sentence :catmako no real read on her either.

I guess thats whats what I wanted to say :catshrug

We still have like 30 hours to decide on a lynch, but I’m happy with lynching any of these players:

scumdesu, Badalight (rolefishing)
Cooler, Sin (not so much but I’d jump on a wagon)
WPK, Hero (contributes nothing until the end)

I wouldn’t support a lynch on:
DDL, Flower, Hayumi (town reads)

I want to either lynch Badalight or Kvothe.

Infact. [Vote Lynch Badalight]

Can we not start a meme wagon on LG in day 1 of every game.

Not everyone can be you, DDL. Where were you when I was getting D1'd for more than a year?

> 36 pages

yeah i'm not catching up, someone give me a rundown

Read the fucking thread.

I generally do like putting pressure on low post players. With WPK though, he has a requirement that he has to post 10 times this day phase or get roleblocked. Is that really the person we want to be pressuring right now?

lg is precious plz do not hurt him

Yeah, makes sense, focusing on low activity players is easy points and wouldn't bring much attention or suspicion for a mafia to do, as dealing with inactivity is a good thing that only a townie would pay a lot of attention to. :)

Something else that I've been thinking about. I initially penned Rem as a town quite awhile ago (and I still do) largely because I didn't feel like it would be economical for mafia to come out of the gate so strong. However, a few pages ago there was some discussion about my namesake role likely being hard to kill which could indicate it being a mafia role. If that is the case, it's not that risky to be an active poster in the game. After all, in the game where I was deemed "Badaroach" I was hard to kill and was basically the most active player in the game. It's just something I thought about when I read Hero's post about people being quick to believe people just because they are posting a lot.

Mechanical talk

This is really funny because it’s sort of been somewhat true in recent times but I used to be the numba one power wolf as scum :del


>good town

imagine a wad that doesn’t lead his own town to his doom :doggokek

but yeah im town i am p sure lg is town and i hard lean scum on melodie but too biased to lynch her d1
Oh wow you have a hard lean read on me even though i hardly even posted :blobcry
Broadcast message:
Usually it's Mafia > Town > indie > Serial killer > survivor. But I generally burnout if I get one of the same alignment several games in a row.
I like to play as indie but otherwise, I enjoy town more than mafia lately :catflower

Shame you're not town then!

I’ve literally been pressuring people all phase and gauging responses from people? Do you want me to tunnel you?

Over reactive; he wasn't claiming you weren't doing such. Also you were doing all of that as a hostile indie as another game, I wouldn't pass it off.

Do it sis we need some drama in here it's just been me providing it so far
Here I am
I like this post
Has melodie done anything at all so far ?

No, but I am here!

Laix role : 80% chance to be a troll indie, 19.9% chance to be mafia Godmother, .1% chance to be town

WAD role : 70% mafia(potential GF), 30% town

LG role : He is more known for his scum play, but recently carried a town in a Nitty game as Ashe IIRC so 60% mafia, 40% town

WPK role : 50/50 shot between town/mafia, unlikely to be indie

SinRaven role : 80% chance to be anti-town, 20% town

Melodie : 40% indie, 30% town, 30% mafia

RemChu : 60% mafia, 20% indie, 20% town

Cooler : 80% town, 20% anti-town

DDL role : Pretty even chance of any alignment

Okay I'm not doing the entire player list but this is a start.
wtf is this.
Invitations have been sent out for the after show, and our guests tonight will be:

Dragon D. Luffy

Over the next 24 hours, you may privately submit questions for our night show guests to me through your role PM. Each night show guest will be given a set of questions they have to answer in the thread, or else they'll be modblocked for the night.

The more salacious and antagonistic your question, the likelier it is to get chosen. :catflower

There are 24 hours left in this day phase. The phase ends at 8 PM central time on 8/26.​

Terrible lineup; half of it will be Remchu/DDL nonsense

Are you guys seriously starting a lynch train on Lord Melkor on day 1? Leave him alone, he's town. This is why our section has trouble keeping new players, because you guys treat them like this.
I actually have no idea what this post by ara meant and he has yet to answer me on that one.
Do you have any idea what he meant and why you agree with it ?
Ara is saying that RemChu's playstyle is aggressive this game, and contradictory to his other performances in other games as mafia. I agree with him and I think it puts eyes on cooler for saying that he is playing the same meta as the previous game, even though he clearly is not
Invitations have been sent out for the after show, and our guests tonight will be:

Dragon D. Luffy

Over the next 24 hours, you may privately submit questions for our night show guests to me through your role PM. Each night show guest will be given a set of questions they have to answer in the thread, or else they'll be modblocked for the night.

The more salacious and antagonistic your question, the likelier it is to get chosen. :catflower

There are 24 hours left in this day phase. The phase ends at 8 PM central time on 8/26.​

Thank you, thank you

Please no questions about the tightness of my pussy, that's a very sensitive subject


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