Data dump and analysis
Town Reads
Announcer strong town.
@Natalija @Owner Of A Lonely Heart I liked their back and forth synergy. Strong town read they also were talking a lot of with
@Go D. Usopp Everyone very comfortable.
@Laix very active, town or could be a strong indie? Strong town
@Underworld Broker Her first posts are very comfortable and open, she said stuff I agree with. Same wavelength town read.
@SinRaven night and day difference from our last game where we mafia together. Confident SinRaven here imo.
@Kira Yagami as of late, whenever we play his posts are fire and I can town read him pretty easy now. Town read for now
@WolfPrinceKiba good analysis on DDL ~_~ I thought his rant on me was a bit much but if he had those feelings it's good for him to express it lol. I bully DDL in mafia.

@Worm Juice
is wormjuice ....
Oh on
@Owner Of A Lonely Heart The Lie detect thing seems like a
big red flag though. Though overall aside from that they read townie to me.
Players who seem uneasy, unsteady to post.
Her opening 2 posts seem very distant.
Refuses to provide reasoning for suspicions on players and reasoning in vote. Low activity, bad vibes in general. Super Scummy.
@Juan compared to when he was town and image reaction posting and his godfather play of low activity. He is well in his scum meta right now. Just did easy posts reacting / talking to
no work so far. 60/40 he is town saw that 1 post from him felt kinda genuine. But eh again no activity. He reads apathetic townie eh.
@John Wayne ? IIrc someone said he brought something sus up. Iwan give a read on him too. Eh. I don't read him too well.
@Lord Melkor he is always scummy and he always sus me. Hmmmmm. We are yin and yang. Prob town though. Dummy
Neutral but high value players
Null read on
@Scumdesu He is pissing me off. Probably town.
@Badalight My gut distrusts him. Can't tell if it's PTSD from the moon. His posts are very solid and town like though. ~_~ Scum hunting too.
@is a
My first vote on him was done without reading the thread. Metagaming he is a power role or something imo.
But, seeing how he is openly posting early on, it came off more relaxed. Eh.
Like when he's scum kinda a tinge of fakeness to his friendliness. Would like to see some meaty posts from him so he can stay in a null read from now.
I suck at reading him. Probably town??

The ego in me just wants to fight him like the idiot I am.
@Ratchet I don't recall him at all.
The nitty commenting on LM thing, isn't that a role mechanic? Someone mentioned it?
[Vote Lynch Hero]