Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Broadcast message:

You're like...mostly scum, Freddy Krueger, so naturally I'm wary of you. However you're starting to sound like you sounded in the Time Machine game, so uhmm...don't really think you're scum anymore. Still didn't like your role fishing, but since I find you to be Town now, Badalight would be a good lynch since he clearly buddied with you somehow. Think he's scum.
@Scumdesu what do you think of Hayumi, Kira and Owner? Same question to @Dragon D. Luffy.

Null on all :defeat

Ok so Hayumi is slight scummy tbh feels like hes mistly just memeing. I think hes the kind of player who does that normally?

Owner is saying some stuff I agree with but not THAT much. I'm also missing her unique reading methods such as analysing emoji choice and stuff like that, which she tends to do as town.

Kira is a blur. I think he barely played at all.

Wouldn't mind seeing any of the 3 lynched but not super into either of them.
Broadcast message:

Also, not going to push against Nessos or anything because 1) this never ends well with us and 2) he might really just be busy, but just meeting the post requirement and not being active much is weak. I hope he contributes more than that. He usually has good reads as Town and can be a strong asset if he puts his mind to that.

Don't tell him who I am and that I said that :dank.
Guess it wasn't saved in the forms on that one.

but last one is Town read on DDL for one reason only.

His reaction to me jokingly saying we can tango tonight was very raw and genuine. "Kill me and see what happens I'll humiliate you for it!"


I don't hate him btw. Just an inherent bias I have for targeting him in the past. No offense meant but I can see why he has those buried feelings and hostility towards me. I like him a lot though.

I almost rated you friendly for this and I can see where you are coming from, but you keep acting like you are superior which is so off-putting. I think I'll just keep distance from you from now on.
Flower it's unfair to call me out on not imitating my meta from last game cuz when I did that I played a big part in causing town to lose.

And then on the next day phase I changed to a more passive playstyle and started doing so much better.

I am better at this game when I'm not hyperconfident and just second guess myself.

Anyway I've been posting my reads left and right. I wanna lynch Cooler. Nobody seems to agree which sucks cuz there was a wagon for him early.
I also have to agree with the assessment Melodie feels forced. It's not the fact she is doing the iwandesu thing, but town Melo is annoying, she latches on scummy people and calls them out. Fuck, she calls me out on something every single game and hasn't done it here. While here she is mostly repeating other cases and going after every single angle at once.

I agree. I remember in MMV while she spent a lot of time dead, her scumdar was VERY accurate and she was scum’s worst nightmare, that’s why they spent so much effort killing her.

when she was scum in Faves, she was very low-key and just gave her two cents here and there. She’s probably scum this game tbh but I wouldn’t feel comfortable D1 lynching her as she’s valuable as town
I almost rated you friendly for this and I can see where you are coming from, but you keep acting like you are superior which is so off-putting. I think I'll just keep distance from you from now on.

Anything I said to you today was purely in jest. Didn't mean to make you upset.

If I don't apologize for past games, it's because for me it's a game. Okay, I made a mistakes but I learn from them and try not to repeat them. I play to win. I'm not going to per say apologize.

If I'm playing and come off arrogant, I don't know man it's a game I'm playing the role of someone seeking the truth and to be a anchor for the team. I only expressed I would find mafia and destroy them. I'm not going to hassle town players and it's all in good fun. Again I'm aware of my own limitations, strengths and weaknesses and it's a team game more or less. I'm not better or worse than anyone.

Like you don't have to avoid me in games. I'm not that cruel.

He is very lowkey, most posts seem to be about game mechanics and he kind of vanished after the first half.

I have very little experience with his meta tho. Afaik he only ever plays Favorites.

Could lynch. In fact I might, looking at the tally.
Cooler is not a rolefag
Nowadays he can be kinda inactive regradless oif alingment
he making zero contributes posts might mean something tho
This is gonna sound mean but a good Day 1 lynch for me is someone whom, unless they are very quite obviously scum, would be someone whom if they were town it wouldn’t be a huge loss. Mislynching someone who when town is a strong town player is the only kind of mislynch I want to avoid. I’m fine mislynching someone who doesn’t contribute much as town.
So we can finally agree on lynching remchu
Jokes aside, worm juice and Hero are obviously fits on this description
Cooler COULD be a fit but he CAN be good to town if he gets around it
Data dump and analysis



Town Reads

Announcer strong town.

@Natalija @Owner Of A Lonely Heart I liked their back and forth synergy. Strong town read they also were talking a lot of with @Go D. Usopp Everyone very comfortable.
@Laix very active, town or could be a strong indie? Strong town
@Underworld Broker Her first posts are very comfortable and open, she said stuff I agree with. Same wavelength town read.
@SinRaven night and day difference from our last game where we mafia together. Confident SinRaven here imo.
@Kira Yagami as of late, whenever we play his posts are fire and I can town read him pretty easy now. Town read for now :)

@WolfPrinceKiba good analysis on DDL ~_~ I thought his rant on me was a bit much but if he had those feelings it's good for him to express it lol. I bully DDL in mafia. :blobmuscles:blobkewl:blobkewl

@Worm Juice
is wormjuice ....

Oh on @Owner Of A Lonely Heart The Lie detect thing seems like a big red flag though. Though overall aside from that they read townie to me.

Players who seem uneasy, unsteady to post.
Her opening 2 posts seem very distant.

Refuses to provide reasoning for suspicions on players and reasoning in vote. Low activity, bad vibes in general. Super Scummy.

@Juan compared to when he was town and image reaction posting and his godfather play of low activity. He is well in his scum meta right now. Just did easy posts reacting / talking to @Hayumi
no work so far. 60/40 he is town saw that 1 post from him felt kinda genuine. But eh again no activity. He reads apathetic townie eh.

@John Wayne ? IIrc someone said he brought something sus up. Iwan give a read on him too. Eh. I don't read him too well.

@Lord Melkor he is always scummy and he always sus me. Hmmmmm. We are yin and yang. Prob town though. Dummy :p

Neutral but high value players

Null read on @Scumdesu He is pissing me off. Probably town. :blobree

@Badalight My gut distrusts him. Can't tell if it's PTSD from the moon. His posts are very solid and town like though. ~_~ Scum hunting too.

@is a
My first vote on him was done without reading the thread. Metagaming he is a power role or something imo.
But, seeing how he is openly posting early on, it came off more relaxed. Eh.
Like when he's scum kinda a tinge of fakeness to his friendliness. Would like to see some meaty posts from him so he can stay in a null read from now.

I suck at reading him. Probably town?? :defeat The ego in me just wants to fight him like the idiot I am.

@Ratchet I don't recall him at all. :(


The nitty commenting on LM thing, isn't that a role mechanic? Someone mentioned it?


[Vote Lynch Hero]

Hero plays the same as town and scum. He could very much be town, but a mislynch on him wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen to us...
How and Why did you turn that innocent LG/Me/WAD interaction about him claiming a role in code to us into something of a psuedo mafia rain to literally any of us? Exactly how would anyone approach that conversation regardless of said alignment? He referred to a joke, we laughed at it, and you're making a case about it here? That of course, you're not willing to commit on just like the rest of the posts. At this point I'm not sure if you even voted

I was asked about you three for whatever reason from iwan. And at the time, there wasn't much to be said except for that. You barely even posted and if you read the rest of my post, I said I would wait and see. And after some of that, my order is still the same.

Shame you're not town then!

Except I am. What about you? I guess after people called you out, you started trying a little more in your iwanwpkdesu style of posting.
There are a number of people who are barely playing.

Lg, Worm Juice, Hero. The usual suspects.

Lynching them is not a bad idea per se. Especially if we can get a lot of people to talk about them as opposing to a last minute lynch with 3 votes.

Vigging them is probably a better idea tho, while lynching someone who is actually interacting with others and being attacked/defended by some. But that depends on us having active, unlocked vigs.
There are a number of people who are barely playing.

Lg, Worm Juice, Hero. The usual suspects.

Lynching them is not a bad idea per se. Especially if we can get a lot of people to talk about them as opposing to a last minute lynch with 3 votes.

Vigging them is probably a better idea tho, while lynching someone who is actually interacting with others and being attacked/defended by some. But that depends on us having active, unlocked vigs.

They are better vig targets. We will lose if we just lynch inactives
This is my fourth game with Ratchet now and he's usually quite lowkey? In all games he was quiet until he got a breakthrough from an action / interaction and then would put out a good case. He did this in MMV when he scanned Nitty as scum, and in Nitty's WoW game where he sussed Law.

He's not normally this low key no. The times I've seen him so laidback and he's flipped town he had a powerful role. I can't remember his scum meta at all though.
Lots of notifications, woof.

@Badalight @Lord Genome @Kvothe Kingkiller Who among each of you you feel is he most suspect

Are you asking us or the thread? Anyway, obv not gonna say myself and I will never lynch LG so... even in faves when he was enemy mafia GF I didn't want to kill him. I'll look into Kvothe in a bit,

Infact. [Vote Lynch Badalight]

How rude

Why this? Sus.

For the record, I pushed back against the idea that we should be hunting down the player when it was brought up. I was simply trying to connect roles to mechanics in ways that pretty much half of this thread has done (people talked for like two pages of how my namesake role might work). I also don't see how doing that is much different than trying to figure out the role that is making Nitty malfunction over Melkor. The only difference is that some people had already started to catch on to who the announcer was (I hadn't yet) and when that was brought to my attention, I didn't bring it up anymore. I've personally called out multiple people for rolefishing (Go D. Ussopp).

damn, you reacted fast to your name being mentioned, keeping an eye on the thread but not willing to post?

I was reading the thread at the time, so yeah I responded? I'm not sure what "not willing to post" means as I'm around the top 10 most active players in this game. At the time that game had pretty much just started. I woke up, caught up with the thread, and posted.

Very reactionary; you're laying low a lot and there to reply to people but not participate per se. Suspicious.

This is a weird take. How is it reactionary if I offered the information without being prompted? It's also where how you say I'm only there to reply to people when you also quoted multiple instances of me doing exactly the opposite. I have pushed on a few people that others hadn't pressured and I have added input to popular topics of discussion.

If nitty doesnt make a badaroach passive he legit missed out.


Yeah, makes sense, focusing on low activity players is easy points and wouldn't bring much attention or suspicion for a mafia to do, as dealing with inactivity is a good thing that only a townie would pay a lot of attention to. :)

Please look at the context of this post. It was a response to everyone else in the thread hunting low activity players. My post is actually a pushback against that idea. My point was that I often do hunt for low activity players when I'm town. However, I was also saying the pressure on WPK was weird since he had a post requirement for the phase. Additionally, the next post of mine you quote is me again talking about how it may not be a good idea to focus on low activity players, yet you label it as mechanical talk.

Mechanical talk

Also look at the context of this post in full. While I didn't quote anyone, this was in response to Hero's comments about people being quick to believe high activity players. It was also in response to people discussing possible mechanics of my namesake role.

I lost the message where announcer mentioned me, but my response to that: I still don't see the "buddying" that you are implying. I pushed back against Iwan's ideas and put pressures onto him. I was suspicious of Iwan because I had a town read on Rem (I said as much quite early on) and Iwan was putting pressure on Rem. Iwan then makes a post where he was suspicious of Hayumi. I responded by saying that I had a town lean of Hayu and listed my reasonings. After that, Iwan changed his tune and said he also had a town read on Hayu. If anyone was buddying, it was him, not me.

Here are the relevant posts.

Me believing Hayumi after announcer PMs me.
Ok I believe Hayumi

Me saying I think Rem is town.

FWIW Rem seems town to me
I just don't really feel like a scum would go that hard on d1. I mean yeah it's possible for someone to do precisely because they want to give off a town impression, but it feels like an unnecessary risk.

Iwan with pressure on Hayu.
This is hayumi first game related post (after 10 posts of all but fluf)
it is baiting the brodcaster to claim
After that post he posted a dozen more fluffly and then posted this

What do you think about it @Laix ?

Me pushing back against Iwan's assertions (this is while I was concerned about his spat with Rem)
My 2 cents on Hayumi is the they were the first person to reveal the broadcaster had pming ability, which is a pro-town move because they didn't have to share that.

Though, they did say they didn't reveal it right away (they "forgot"), and broadcaster might get sus of Hayumi if they didn't reveal what was in the pm. Ionno. Doesn't really make me lean heavily one way or the other, but food for thought.

Iwan immediately backtracking after my post
Soft town for me atm

So again, if someone was "buddying" it was Iwan.
Ratchets been quite lowkey so far, Feel like hes usually a bit more of a tryhard as town

I mean you are actually right
at the same he is ratchet, day 1ing him is like day1ng melodie or WPK
He can be really useful
Eh I disagree. Dont have a real read on Ratchet yet atm, but the way he's been lowkey posting resorting mostly to one-liners reminds me a LOT of his play in Get Good 3, where he was town.
Some of the stuff he said caught my attention tho, but nothing too incriminating.
Basically, I don't think him being quiet is out of character and I think anyone picking up on that either doesn't have much experience of his playstyle or is just trying to get an easy scapegoat/seem like they are contributing
I have played with him plenty, he mostly starts off strong when town imo, this being just your 4th game with him we have different experiences i suppose
So we can finally agree on lynching remchu
Jokes aside, worm juice and Hero are obviously fits on this description
Cooler COULD be a fit but he CAN be good to town if he gets around it

You are really underselling my town play here wtf.
Cooler is not a rolefag
Nowadays he can be kinda inactive regradless oif alingment
he making zero contributes posts might mean something tho

Yeah I'm not going to lie these posts mischaracterising both my play this game AND my general play as town has annoyed me.
Ratchet is always lowkey who is the one pursuing that obvious case

Oh yeah it's Cooler again

Keep tunneling me man. You're turning misrepresenting my posts into an art form. Kira asks if Ratchet is usually low key, I respond and apparently I'm pushing it. GTFO.

I remember many games with Ratchet where he wrote essay like posts and was quite forceful aggressive...
Keep tunneling me man. You're turning misrepresenting my posts into an art form. Kira asks if Ratchet is usually low key, I respond and apparently I'm pushing it. GTFO.

I remember many games with Ratchet where he wrote essay like posts and was quite forceful aggressive...

But on Day 1? I've seen that from him too, but not on Day 1.

Either way, he falls into my 'can't afford to mislynch' category so he's not worth pushing right now.
Keep tunneling me man. You're turning misrepresenting my posts into an art form. Kira asks if Ratchet is usually low key, I respond and apparently I'm pushing it. GTFO.

I remember many games with Ratchet where he wrote essay like posts and was quite forceful aggressive...

I'm not even voting for you ningen.

I'm merely throwing shit at you in small but constant amounts until the rest of town sees what I'm seeing eventually :kermit

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