Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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Gonna take some wild guesses on the roles and what they may do

Cooler - can see him being a lie detector
Worm Juice - invisible, nexus
Flower - fights birds
Go D. Usopp -
Hayumi - roleblocks players with their bussy
Hero - Not allowed to post
is a - angry
Kvothe Kingkiller - something to do with ambiguous gender
Iwandesu - has to quote everything a page later
Juan - lovers with Hayumi
Laix - iconic, flawless, godfather, op, hax
Legend - something to do with being horny
Lord Genome - probably a scum role
Melodie - a player gets marked as "atlantic shitstorm" they then have to kill that player to win
nfcnorth - has to remove their avatar
Owner Of A Lonely Heart - jailer
Natalija - mafia strongman that fails against unconfirmed roles
Ratchet - can expose a player to the thread
RemChu - if they lynch a townie they become a generic or can redirect a lynch
Santi - can't be touched by any of us peasants
SinRaven - unlynchable
WolfPrinceKiba - can't post until the end of the phase
Dragon D. Luffy - jester who has to get lynched Day 1

Gonna take some wild guesses on the roles and what they may do

Cooler - can see him being a lie detector
Worm Juice - invisible, nexus
Flower - fights birds
Go D. Usopp -
Hayumi - roleblocks players with their bussy
Hero - Not allowed to post
is a - angry
Kvothe Kingkiller - something to do with ambiguous gender
Iwandesu - has to quote everything a page later
Juan - lovers with Hayumi
Laix - iconic, flawless, godfather, op, hax
Legend - something to do with being horny
Lord Genome - probably a scum role
Melodie - a player gets marked as "atlantic shitstorm" they then have to kill that player to win
nfcnorth - has to remove their avatar
Owner Of A Lonely Heart - jailer
Natalija - mafia strongman that fails against unconfirmed roles
Ratchet - can expose a player to the thread
RemChu - if they lynch a townie they become a generic or can redirect a lynch
Santi - can't be touched by any of us peasants
SinRaven - unlynchable
WolfPrinceKiba - can't post until the end of the phase
Dragon D. Luffy - jester who has to get lynched Day 1

You didn't guess mine :comfyPepe
You are probably thinking I haven’t seen the role I rolled
But I meant the wad role

were we ever given the chance to see our name roles?

Gonna take some wild guesses on the roles and what they may do

Cooler - can see him being a lie detector
Worm Juice - invisible, nexus
Flower - fights birds
Go D. Usopp -
Hayumi - roleblocks players with their bussy
Hero - Not allowed to post
is a - angry
Kvothe Kingkiller - something to do with ambiguous gender
Iwandesu - has to quote everything a page later
Juan - lovers with Hayumi
Laix - iconic, flawless, godfather, op, hax
Legend - something to do with being horny
Lord Genome - probably a scum role
Melodie - a player gets marked as "atlantic shitstorm" they then have to kill that player to win
nfcnorth - has to remove their avatar
Owner Of A Lonely Heart - jailer
Natalija - mafia strongman that fails against unconfirmed roles
Ratchet - can expose a player to the thread
RemChu - if they lynch a townie they become a generic or can redirect a lynch
Santi - can't be touched by any of us peasants
SinRaven - unlynchable
WolfPrinceKiba - can't post until the end of the phase
Dragon D. Luffy - jester who has to get lynched Day 1


my role is likely indie asfk lol

u not knowing what to put makes it even clearer lol
what makes Wad scummy? I don't recall his posts looking too bad.
Didn’t know it was based on avy. Thought the member wad was impersonating seemed scummy.

I think worm juice is one of those situations where the player is always either low effort townie or coasting scum
So mean

I've never seen scum Worm Juice, her meta is just inherently scummy - sheeps reads and votes, coasts etc...
Sometimes coasting get you further

I took a look at my role and nothing would indicate why I would be out of place. I didn't swap with anyone either compare to DDL and WJ
What’s this swap about?

Cooler was my number one scum read earlier, but he's looking better to me now. He pressured and questioned people more, like Hero and Owner, which I expect of his townself. Though me calling him out on his low effort pressuring might have been the trigger, so keeping my eye on him.

Hayumi regularly switches fluff and some contributive posts. I find myself agreeing with him, but sometimes I get the feeling his posts are too carefully constructed. Like how he was looking into the messenger's identity, but made it clear he was not fishing for his role several times. He also made no bold reads on anyone. Might be leaning scum on him.

Kira is a curious case. He names Laix, Cooler, LG and John Wayne as possible scums, but never really pressures them. Especially with John Wayne he asks others for their reads on him and then John Wayne himself too. He calls John's response a non-answer which I agree with, but I feel like that was a perfect time for him to form a case but he disappeared after. Maybe Im being impatient with him, but I feel like he is skating by with minimal contribution. Never really pushing for anything.
Also might be tunneling on him a bit because I am voting him :catprone

Sorry for not linking any quotes but that shit is annoying on mobile.
I never get too absorbed into a game till d2/d3 or when it starts getting interesting, Until then im usually not as invested and laid back so i wont fault u for that observation :catnoms

Cooler was my number one scum read earlier, but he's looking better to me now. He pressured and questioned people more, like Hero and Owner, which I expect of his townself. Though me calling him out on his low effort pressuring might have been the trigger, so keeping my eye on him.

Hayumi regularly switches fluff and some contributive posts. I find myself agreeing with him, but sometimes I get the feeling his posts are too carefully constructed. Like how he was looking into the messenger's identity, but made it clear he was not fishing for his role several times. He also made no bold reads on anyone. Might be leaning scum on him.

Kira is a curious case. He names Laix, Cooler, LG and John Wayne as possible scums, but never really pressures them. Especially with John Wayne he asks others for their reads on him and then John Wayne himself too. He calls John's response a non-answer which I agree with, but I feel like that was a perfect time for him to form a case but he disappeared after. Maybe Im being impatient with him, but I feel like he is skating by with minimal contribution. Never really pushing for anything.
Also might be tunneling on him a bit because I am voting him :catprone

Sorry for not linking any quotes but that shit is annoying on mobile.

Kira seems like his usual Meta- very short posts but to the point. I only remember playing with him as town, so leaning town for now.

You may have a point on Hayumi, his most serious posts so far was defending himself...

My biggest town read so far (have few pages to catch) is Laix, I also like Hero and Owner. I scumread Santi (he has that arrogance as scum and posted something that made me vote him earlier, though I forgot what it was), Remchu (he started by overreacting hard to vote on him by Cooler but now changed his style to nonchalant fluff.... tactical decision?) and Badalight (seems slimy and was rolefishing, also revenge for the Moon would be nice) mostly
Kira seems like his usual Meta- very short posts but to the point. I only remember playing with him as town, so leaning town for now.

You may have a point on Hayumi, his most serious posts so far was defending himself...

My biggest town read so far (have few pages to catch) is Laix, I also like Hero and Owner. I scumread Santi (he has that arrogance as scum and posted something that made me vote him earlier, though I forgot what it was), Remchu (he started by overreacting hard to vote on him by Cooler but now changed his style to nonchalant fluff.... tactical decision?) and Badalight (seems slimy and was rolefishing, also revenge for the Moon would be nice) mostly

Hey now, Jinri is the one who activated the ability :(
Yeah this timing makes you even more suspicious lol. As if you were reading the thread semi-actively and immediately pressure someone with a vote when being called out on putting minimal/no pressure on people. Wary much?

My vote remains solid on you :catnoms
I am semi lurking while reading this manga so you're right ig :catnoms
Thought id contribute with a vote as i havent yet, was between cooler and JW for me, JW giving me the worse vibe of the two
bitch i claimed this like a week ago when nitty was complaining about making the roles

if you really want to steal some credit, go fuck with a married man :camby

>NF hook-ups are still happening in 2020

I think I know more people who hooked up here than I know people who hooked up on Tinder.

We're missing out on a lot of cash by not taking advantage of this market.
Kvothe Kingkiller - something to do with ambiguous gender

I hope it's not

Didn’t know it was based on avy. Thought the member wad was impersonating seemed scummy.

So mean

Sometimes coasting get you further

What’s this swap about?

It's in regards to the latest threadmark where people are being split up into groups. It seems alphabetical but you and ddl are swapped and I'm out of place. Don't know what that means tbh
Finally some pressure!

[VOTE LYNCH Lord Melkor]


literally ninja'd me from saying that

not to mention hes also protecting hero

[vote lynch lord melkor]

care to explain why u read hero as town? @Lord Melkor

Hero seemed genuine to me early phase - never seen him so active. Propably more a hunch than strong read but I find strong reads hard day one. I would also neven openly townread my scummate as scum.

I will check this post from Santi which made me vote him in a moment, Melodie also noticed it.
It's like Rem gets a burst of testosterone and adrenaline at once and then he starts playing by yelling and screaming and going FUCK YEEEAAAAH LET'S SCUMHUNT while also abandoning all semblance of critical thought and just going after his first suspect with extreme firepower.

But eventually this fails because every strategy will fail at mafia sooner or later, so Remchu's ego just shatters.

Every time you get on crack like this you usually aim your fury at me and not a single time you have apologized for it. So this time I'm resorting to passive agressively slandering you so at least others don't take you seriously and mislynch me again because of you.

Sure, do misvig me again. Been a while since I wrote another post-game thing making fun of you.

I wonder how long you'll quit this time if I do it. Until 2022?
This is definitely way too mean of an approach for town!DDL to be taking unprovoked, and I wouldn't call what happened a good while in the past worthwhile justification for this. RemChu's focus was on Cooler, yet DDL has spent the majority of his posts this phase slandering RemChu in claimed preemptive self-defense. Why care so much beforehand about an attack that isn't guaranteed to happen? It comes off to me like you have more worry and stress over your individual life than a townie should have. Also possible that you're trying to discredit RemChu so his push on Cooler isn't taken seriously.

[Change Vote Lynch Dragon D Luffy]

It could just be me, but I don’t like how you just soft defended WPK based on one post he made when like literally anyone could do or has done something similar where they ask a question or bring attention to one particular thing and end up being scum looking for something to grab at. You in particular, do this a lot when scum I’ve noticed, and I don’t think that makes WPK look any better at all in my honest opinion.

No, you're not the only scum to use such phrasing to diminish their own opinion if things go badly for them with a push. This is an overly fierce attack on someone who was just liking a point I made, as if I'm some major scum suspect to be pouncing on anyone who might be defending me.

Because whenever I play favorites over here there is almost always a lie detector role. I was wondering if the non-favorite games featured lie detector roles often or not. This is mainly the only site that I think I have really played with lie detectors roles. So I ask you is this sort of role generally a standard inclusion or not?

It wouldn't necessarily make sense in this game as I don't necessarily know anyone who can for sure pick out lies like everytime, but I also wouldn't call it out of the question, when designing a game this size.
Why do you particular care if there is a lie detector in this game? Based on your answers to Cooler/myself you don't seem interested in actually pressuring people into claiming town, so why would you if you're town ask about the role over any other? Why is it on your mind as one of the first things to post?

I'm more scared of what @WolfPrinceKiba might have in store for me regardless of alignment. lie detector vs WPK, WPK takes the cake.
I'm not a very spiteful person in mafia games, especially towards players I enjoy having around. If I am after you this game, it's solely because I legitimately think you're anti-town.
Hero seemed genuine to me early phase - never seen him so active. Propably more a hunch than strong read but I find strong reads hard day one. I would also neven openly townread my scummate as scum.

I will check this post from Santi which made me vote him in a moment, Melodie also noticed it.

its that semi-reverse psychology

if i was inactive scum last time and i rolled scum again, i would definitely look up to be extra active than usual to not attract eyes again.

well townreading someone as a scum on day one doesn't really amount to much compared to doing it mid or late game. its just interesting how out of everyone that seemed genuinely town, you picked hero specifically.

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