Game Members Mafia 4 (indies win!)

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On WPK I actually like his first post/only post.

Mostly because he picked out on the weird "Hey are lie detectors in this game?" post from Owner Of A Lonely Heart. Feels like role fishing. Could be role related but I don't like it.

I guess you could call it role fishing. I'm not really looking for people to get defensive or anything. It's more of an attempt to get on more even ground and figure out if this is something that would be culturally normal to happen in games or if this is less likely to happen. I wasn't thinking about outing anyone, as that's where members games get boring or unbalanced is when there's a mass claim.
@Flower I don't know what to tell you about the reads, fam. I'm afraid of the inactive players, but that is just blind guessing and I hate doing it.

I'm pretty sure one or two top posters is one type of scum or the other, always is.

Willing to give you and RemChu a town pass. Sin looks better than at the start, but not good enough to vote someone else.

Kira Yagami, Melodie, Kvothe, is a and DDL I wanna see more of, but some of them is surely scum.

Why are you asking this question out of the blue?

[Vote Lynch Owner of a Lonely Heart]

because I want to know if lie detector roles are culturally normal outside of favorites games, as those are the games I mostly play over here

Were you asking your earlier question in preparation for Nevan trying to force people to give exact town claims?:lmao

No, I'm not looking for claiming. Also, why would people really do it this early?

Geez and i thought of proposing you with owner of lonely heart song.

There goes owner of my broken heart :blobcry

Here I was all excited to hop into bed with Ooh La La:foxstare:foxstare:foxstare

sorry, taking a year off from dating, trying to get priorities straight, but the only man in my bed will be the one I marry, so I doubt anyone here is up for that
@Go D. Usopp @Underworld Broker @Santí

You town? You have any thoughts? :cat

Yeah I'm town

my thoughts rn are i hope someone dies soon so discussion stuff picks up, feels at some parts here that ppl are kinda running in circles

also not really a fan of ppl for whatever reason having to ''out'' the broadcaster, is beyond me but welp, why it became a topic earlier this phase was scummy as shit

dont remember who was tryna find that person and why, but it's been quite some ppl iirc
What is the purpose of this post of yours? Janitor and death note would both be mechanics giving advantage to scum.
I love playing with you :blush

Kira Yagami, Melodie, Kvothe, is a and DDL I wanna see more of, but some of them is surely scum.
Wait. I forgot that sneaky Juan. And John Wayne who always feels scummy. But mostly Juan.
so many dem posts and active ppl this time

actually have no reads on anyone, but all imma say is be wary of ppl that changed their play style from last time like hero and wad

tho im actually down asfk to lynch afkers this time cuz they caused us alot of troubles last time

@Go D. Usopp @Underworld Broker @Santí

You town? You have any thoughts? :cat

im town again :dead

its the first day so not many thoughts yet lol, just barely caught up
so many dem posts and active ppl this time

actually have no reads on anyone, but all imma say is be wary of ppl that changed their play style from last time like hero and wad

tho im actually down asfk to lynch afkers this time cuz they caused us alot of troubles last time

btw. ppl complaining about activity and buncha posts to catch up have flipped scum in the last game i was part of

there hasnt been that much going on here yet, in fact
I guess you could call it role fishing. I'm not really looking for people to get defensive or anything. It's more of an attempt to get on more even ground and figure out if this is something that would be culturally normal to happen in games or if this is less likely to happen. I wasn't thinking about outing anyone, as that's where members games get boring or unbalanced is when there's a mass claim.

Does it scare you if a lie detector is in this game?
so many dem posts and active ppl this time

actually have no reads on anyone, but all imma say is be wary of ppl that changed their play style from last time like hero and wad

tho im actually down asfk to lynch afkers this time cuz they caused us alot of troubles last time

im town again :dead

its the first day so not many thoughts yet lol, just barely caught up

[change vote lynch Go D. Usopp] the no reads on anyone is troublesome to me; it's like you want to wait and see what others do.

Like has Wad's and hero's playstyle changed from when they were last townie? or is this change a good thing, you think?
Did you manage to win? or did the coasting scum win? Those lurker type games are harder to read imo.

lurking cult won lol, yea thats why im down to lynch all lurkers early, and thats likely why they have to change their playstyle this time or they get rekt xd

How has Hero changed his play style?

he was like bottom 10 contributors to the thread, now hes top 10 lol
[change vote lynch Go D. Usopp] the no reads on anyone is troublesome to me; it's like you want to wait and see what others do.

Like has Wad's and hero's playstyle changed from when they were last townie? or is this change a good thing, you think?

ive made mistakes as a towny and killed townies last time, so im trying not to repeat it again lol

this time im eliminating lurkers asap, and will continue to push people to do so, so any scum lurkers will likely have to change their playstyle that's all
@Natalija what are your reads right now?
I just talked about that:

@Flower I don't know what to tell you about the reads, fam. I'm afraid of the inactive players, but that is just blind guessing and I hate doing it.

I'm pretty sure one or two top posters is one type of scum or the other, always is.

Willing to give you and RemChu a town pass. Sin looks better than at the start, but not good enough to vote someone else.

Kira Yagami, Melodie, Kvothe, is a and DDL I wanna see more of, but some of them is surely scum.


Wait. I forgot that sneaky Juan. And John Wayne who always feels scummy. But mostly Juan.

What about yours Cooler? :catblush
im not new lol

also u cant detect nervousness on a text can ya?

unless :monkaS

i mean like

how many games have you played, more or less than 10? How often did you play as scum?

also the first post i quoted of you did sound like some weird newbie post a mafia would make, complaining about activity, putting attention on low poster to seem like you're contributing
ur a beast then :yougotme

Sometimes, it is their first post too. But the problem with that is a first post is different from other posts in some regard. Sometimes, it has been well crafted over some time, but other times it is s joke resonates with them. But all and all, for me it depends on different requirements or tells for different patterns I've seen over time.
i mean like

how many games have you played, more or less than 10? How often did you play as scum?
ye i meant like i'm not that new, but ur right im inexperienced af compared to alot of ppl here lol
also the first post i quoted of you did sound like some weird newbie post a mafia would make, complaining about activity, putting attention on low poster to seem like you're contributing
ive seen that alot lol, but u see its gna be my meta from now on down the line to always eliminate low posters that are always viewing the thread and somehow always up to date with whats happening lol.

in a way that encourages people to be more active, if everyone did that. ofcourse if someone active is outed scum with a very high chance, then we should shift to them instead of afkers, but u get the point.

low posters that arent even viewing the thread are different tho xd
Says the person who asked the loaded question, regardless of what I say to you, you were intending to skew it to your benefit. And don't try to deny that you weren't doing that.

Well I was trying to pressure you obviously, there are responses you could have given me that would have satisfied me more. Your playful comeback wasn't the worst thing you could have said if that makes you feel better lol.

I just talked about that:

What about yours Cooler? :catblush

Think Laix and Flower are town. Town lean on Wad as well.

I'm kind of null on a lot of posters, feel like it's been the same people posting.

I'm fence sitting on Remchu now after he pinged me early on, scum leaning on JW and Hero - feel like Hero is kinda going with the flow, think was opportunistic earlier when he voted Rem basically because a few people were talking about him (Rem) at the time. I need to ISO him though.

Owner I find really weird for asking about lie detectors, not sure why it matters if they're in the set-up but weird for her to be just open wolfing and asking about it.


[Change Vote Lynch Hero]
Sometimes, it is their first post too. But the problem with that is a first post is different from other posts in some regard. Sometimes, it has been well crafted over some time, but other times it is s joke resonates with them. But all and all, for me it depends on different requirements or tells for different patterns I've seen over time.

i mean u voted lynch me off my like 2nd post so idk if i should trust that kind of judgment :hm
Well I was trying to pressure you obviously, there are responses you could have given me that would have satisfied me more. Your playful comeback wasn't the worst thing you could have said if that makes you feel better lol.

4 hours of sleep combined with what felt like an unhealthy dose of stress about the bosses visiting and critiquing my area today, I'm still on edge or as of right now, it won't take much for me to go off on someone if they get really up in my business

my usual crap threshold doesn't leave much room for error today
You said you didn't have any reads, even though said something about catching up. The reason to vote for you was triggered by you not being suspicious of anyone. I read as being frozen or not knowing what to do or say. That's suspicious.
hero and natalija have likewise said they're not scumreading anyone

why go aftet usopp and not either of them?

easier mark? :hm
You said you didn't have any reads, even though said something about catching up. The reason to vote for you was triggered by you not being suspicious of anyone. I read as being frozen or not knowing what to do or say. That's suspicious.

guess i had to word it better lol

Hero, Wad, and Aragorn are on top of my sus list as of now, in that particular order
laix for town or indie playing townsided
hayumi for town
broadcaster - is town like

cooler - slight town - this is more activity then most of the games where I think they were scum.
go d. usopp - null/slight town

hero - null I don't remember much about their playstyle

wpk - needs more posts

wad - has said some stuff, it's probably too early to have a definite sign as to his alignment

sinraven - don't remember what he's said/ will probably look there soon
nevan - I want him to contribute more. I'm not sure if he is quiet regardless of alignment or if that could be a scum tell..not sure

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