Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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I actually do know who Sylvanas is, and nothing in my role says I'm trying to overthrow her.
Why didn't you just wait to post at night like all the other forsaken?

The only reason you would WANT to be 100% confirmed as town right now is because later in the game you're gonna change to mafia, thus you would be less likely to be investigated then since you already were investigated now early in the game

Otherwise I just don't see what the purpose is when you can just talk at night
Day 1 - Guiness (Raleigh) reveal
I was supposed to do this when the game began, but I kinda forgot. Better late than never, right?

Guiness (Raleigh the Devout) has fled the Scarlet Monestary and asked the town for refuge. The Knights of the Silver Hand have pardoned his crimes and given him shelter in Light's Hope Chapel.

I apologize for the oversight.
Why didn't you just wait to post at night like all the other forsaken?

The only reason you would WANT to be 100% confirmed as town right now is because later in the game you're gonna change to mafia, thus you would be less likely to be investigated then since you already were investigated now early in the game

Otherwise I just don't see what the purpose is when you can just talk at night

Because I don't trust this night confirm thing.

If it really works like the OP says, this game is unfair for the mafia. Two of the town factions have exclusive night talk.

So I didn't even consider using it, the day confirm thing seemed more reliable.
You're Sylvanas' unwilling bodyguard.

By admitting that you can win with mafia, and saying you were planning to weaken all sides, what you're inadvertently saying is, "Kiljaeden is still my true master."

Your mind is clouded because you are angry at me.

Why would I reveal all of this, when I could just play the scum game and... get revealed? Why go through the trouble of letting everyone know I can win with the mafia?

The only purpose is to avoid a kill from said mafia.
I mean, you hosted Favs twice. You really think every role has to follow lore plot perfectly?

I tried my best to do FAVES. Yes.

And this is not Faves. This is Nitty's WoW game where you already admitted to being able to win with mafia as a townie, and that you are meant to weaken both sides.

Everything Nitty does in these games is incredibly precise. Your point never got off the ground.
You picked one of my favorite villains ever and turned him into a town role. The point is, mafia games don't follow lore perfectly in terms of alignment, they change it.

In order for this train of thought to be valid, you would have to link a previous Warcraft game where Shizune made a clear villain into a town role. Bringing up Favourites isn't a good example because Faves isn't hosted by Shizune and a game where you have to submit roles is naturally different from a standard mafia game.

If you guys wanna bet the D1 lynch into my role having hidden bastard mechanics, suit yourselves.

That's a waste of a day 1 lynch though, cuz I'm town and I don't even know who the mafias are.


[vote lynch Nevan]

Your role doesn't need to have bastard mechanics to lynch. What you've freely admitted is literally damning enough. You just didn't realize it when you said it.
I've been doing that since the start?

Tiger is scum and... I don't know.

Also that's such a silly question. I guess put it you as the 2nd scum cuz you are more or less putting minimal effort. "Give me your reads" is the laziest question ever.


If you guys wanna bet the D1 lynch into my role having hidden bastard mechanics, suit yourselves.

That's a waste of a day 1 lynch though, cuz I'm town and I don't even know who the mafias are.


[vote lynch Nevan]


Your only read is that Law is mafia and nothing else, few minutes later you're signing off with a vote on Nevan because you 'guess' he is the second scum due to the question he presented???
"Lmao let me reset on an inactive townie with a mildly useful role cuz 200IQ big brain plays"


I guess the Azeroth faction can use their super kill again :dankbut it is a waste.

Because I don't trust this night confirm thing.

If it really works like the OP says, this game is unfair for the mafia. Two of the town factions have exclusive night talk.

So I didn't even consider using it, the day confirm thing seemed more reliable.

I think being confirmed by your faction would have been better for you instead of this ploy at least. Like either way, making a bargain with the scum team over asking other townies/factions puts a bad taste for me. Especially when you consider the game to be town side favored in mechanics.
[Vote Lynch @Ratchet ]

So far I haven't seen anything more worth from rachet beside trying to working on others weak cases or trying to high light them. They want to lynch a person just because they made a mistake, only figuring things out that are being discussed by other players, coming up with forced reasons to suspect a player. Trying to give way too much attention my case, feel like trying to be CONSISTENT, cuz that will make them not look as much as scum even after my flip as a town. And there questions and reason are pretty timid to suspect someone, like if you wanna lynch a player because that player said "I am town" is pretty stupid, I don't know what wrong in that? Cuz of reasons like that town always ends up eating town.

And if Ratchet flip town I will just gonna blame them for playing like that where they not helping much to solve the game but only focusing on one player to show that they're consistent even though that one player post doesn't indicate anything scummy, and if saying I am town is scummy then that's fucked up logic we're using to prove someone scum lol

Honestly, lies, a town lie all the time cuz they always not try to show their all cards, reads or ideas all the time. Town lie all the time for better outcome, if you think lying means scum then it's another fucked logic, we're play

The game will eventually end and reveal me as town.

You will have lynched confirmed town on day 1, and I'll have the last laugh.
Oh no, how will I live with the shame. DDL I know I don't play here much but I feel like we've played enough games together for you to know this guilt tripping thing isn't going to work. You want to laugh last? You go for it buddy, I've made dumber mistakes in the past, I won't be losing much sleep over it.
[Vote Lynch DDL]
[Vote Lynch @Ratchet ]

So far I haven't seen anything more worth from rachet beside trying to working on others weak cases or trying to high light them. They want to lynch a person just because they made a mistake, only figuring things out that are being discussed by other players, coming up with forced reasons to suspect a player. Trying to give way too much attention my case, feel like trying to be CONSISTENT, cuz that will make them not look as much as scum even after my flip as a town. And there questions and reason are pretty timid to suspect someone, like if you wanna lynch a player because that player said "I am town" is pretty stupid, I don't know what wrong in that? Cuz of reasons like that town always ends up eating town.

And if Ratchet flip town I will just gonna blame them for playing like that where they not helping much to solve the game but only focusing on one player to show that they're consistent even though that one player post doesn't indicate anything scummy, and if saying I am town is scummy then that's fucked up logic we're using to prove someone scum lol

Honestly, lies, a town lie all the time cuz they always not try to show their all cards, reads or ideas all the time. Town lie all the time for better outcome, if you think lying means scum then it's another fucked logic, we're play

Yeah, nah. I'm not seeing it. He hasn't tunneled anyone.
Irrelevant; if your true read is Tiger, why are you not lynching him? Why are you lynching the one that you never thought of as mafia until the question they asked you?

Because since arguing with Tiger I've gotten a slight genuine feeling about him, while Nevan reminds a scumlord.

And also because I think it's more likely that people will agree with Nevan than Tiger so I'm trying to reach a compromise wagon.
Oh no, how will I live with the shame. DDL I know I don't play here much but I feel like we've played enough games together for you to know this guilt tripping thing isn't going to work. You want to laugh last? You go for it buddy, I've made dumber mistakes in the past, I won't be losing much sleep over it.
[Vote Lynch DDL]

Ok fine, sorry if that came across as rude.

But you'll have to agree trying to convince me I'm scum is an exercise in futility. We are all just trying to fulfill our egos here.

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