Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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we still have a few likely scum candidates before we have to go after tinfoil theories

plus i'd think mel will give us 4 more candidates, shouldn't be hard to catch the mafia plague upon us
I think we can handle both at the same time. There definitely has to be something going on, and it never hurts to reevaluate stuff. It'd help get an actual legit town core which makes the other tasks easier.

What are your thoughts on Melodie?
@Leeroy Jenkins What do you think of this PoE, and me trimming it down?
I have a PoE for potential green Mafia based on Kats role and his web,

Kats ability let him learn the identity of people in his web if they interact with each other, it'd be pretty beneficial to have his buddies in his web so that if they target someone in it as well they're guaranteed to flavor cop them. It's an easy and fast way to gather information and there is fuck all downside to it 'cause it is unlimited so they wouldn't be taking the place of anyone.
If you take out the dead peeps and the confirmed ones, it leaves you with Expo, UB, Okosan, Odd, Leeroy, Tiger, Melodie and Pou.

Tiger and Odd are the only miller claims I think which makes them likely good. 2 sounds like an acceptable number for millers for a 32 players game I guess. Tinfoil Steamwheedle is actually a 1 man faction like the Cult and Dwarves and one of them is playing the long con.

Expo, Pou and UB are solid town read. I've never seen such an active and invested UB in my life and her energy seems authentic. Not getting any power wolfing vibes. She's been busting my balls throughout the game so far which was alright. Also like her earlier uneasiness and tinfoil on WAD. Speaks to me as genuine 'cause I don't see the point to it unless it's real, she ain't going nowhere there if she's scum. Expo has been highkey one of the best players in the game and making a whole lot of sense which is neat for a new player. I especially like his theory crafting, everything is pretty original and I've been vibing with a lot of theories. That PoE he whipped out had me shook coming from a first timer lol. Pou's another one that's been breaking my balls as well, she's also been doing it to a whole lot of people. Her exchange with Melodie and howling over every detail is classic town!pou. Her scum self usually a little bit laidback and has trouble recreating that pitbull image. Her questions are mostly bland and she resorts to sarcasm through questioning.

That leaves Melodie, Okosan and Leeroy. I'm not sure where I stand there, I'm also going to have to go through their posts and refresh my thoughts so I'll handle them later in the night. The later is part of the night crew so that's nice 'cause I want to address them as well.
I think we can handle both at the same time. There definitely has to be something going on, and it never hurts to reevaluate stuff. It'd help get an actual legit town core which makes the other tasks easier.

What are your thoughts on Melodie?
I lean town on her, but not 99% town like others.

Her ability seems powerful and she already put herself out there, so either she will die soon as a high priority target to mafia or she’s gonna corner herself once she stops providing useful info if she was scum. She’s smart enough to not put herself in that position in the first place so I’m willing to believe her
This is what made me go from hard lynch to mixed at best.

I'm mostly on board with your train of thought. I'm reading Melodie and Oko as town. Where I rank them kinda fluctuates daily. I can't decide who's most likely scum.
Do you read them as town based on the mechanical contribution (list Melo gave, and Oko vouched for by WAD)? Or their posts and contribution?
I lean town on her, but not 99% town like others.

Her ability seems powerful and she already put herself out there, so either she will die soon as a high priority target to mafia or she’s gonna corner herself once she stops providing useful info if she was scum. She’s smart enough to not put herself in that position in the first place so I’m willing to believe her
Yeah I can see that, it'd be pretty reckless especially after Katsu got shot for putting himself out there as a god invest. However, her ability falls in line with the kind of cryptic/vague info that scum invests usually dishes out. I'm not sure how much stock I can put on a list of a few names that contain one scum, and can contain even more potentially.
Fair enough, I guess. I just see a lack of a whole lot of things from you, it's mostly been answering easy questions especially mechanical ones and kind of mediating the game through those interactions. You're missing your notes, and theory crafting which I've become accustomed to from your town play. Speaking of notes, do you have any for this game? It might help, I'm also not really versed in WoW lore.

I don't have much. They're mostly threadmarks and some interactions but because Cooler and LG were solo factions (the only other interaction Cooler had was claiming Oreki is town), and Plat and Katsu's interactions were also at a dead-end for me. Plat didn't post much and the only interaction I really saw was with Sworder and and Katsu.. well there were people calling Katsu town off of D1 play. I had thought so at the time too so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Here's all really what I have and it's just really eh too cause it's already stuff we know tbh, I might be missing some stuff. I have zero knowledge in WoW compared to Yu-gi-oh so that doesn't help either.

Sylvanas (Forsaken), Balnazzar (Saidan?), Magni are in the game.

The Knights of the Silver Hand - masons
Mystic Serenade

Kingdom of Azeroth

Wildhammer clan
John Wayne

Frostwolf clan



Scarlet Crusade

The Steamwheedle Cartel

1. Novaselinenever - The Kirin Tor?
2. Oddjutsu - Steamwheedle Cartel?
3. Dr. White / Dr. White - High Sorc Andromath / Kingdom of Azeroth? (knows Tiger, WAD, and Leeroy's roles. Can stop a lynch)
5. Juan - one shot ability to post at night
6. Leeroy Jenkins - Chromie (indie/town?)
7. Kvothe Kingkiller / fayt - Forsaken
8. A Optimistic - not silver hand. lie detector
10. is a / Goobius Maximus - Kingdom of Azeroth? (used superkill/reveal [one ability] d1)
12. Tiger - Steamwheedle Cartel? Thief? (took Juan's ability one shot, returned it. Took Oreki's magical armor)
13. Shark Skin
14. Sworder - Forsaken? (mailer checks him? truth serum ability)
15. Wild - Forsaken? (probably not mailer. subbed in. Can invite people into night posting/lynching).
16. Melodie - targetted and lists Platinum, Nevan, C.C(Didi), Kira. Singles out Platinum
17. Nevan
18. Ratchet (Tirion Fordring - Knights of the Silver Hand)
19. A I Z E N
21. ~Mystic Serenade~ (Raleigh the Devout - The Knights of the Silver Hand)
22. WolfPrinceKouga / Soneji (Archmage Theocritus - Kingdom of Azeroth)
23. Okosan (gooby claimed the bird is town)
24. Oreki - The Kingdom of Khaz Modan? (possible scum? scum evidence: mailer, has extra lives, Herod, or Mograine according to Tiger?. town evidence: cooler, lie detect, possibly magni?)
25. Underworld Broker - (assumes mailer is from wolf clan. got a fan mail)
26. Expo / Expo - (biggest plot twist if he turns out to be scum. doubt it.... got a fan mail)
28. Kira Yagami
30. Didi - (probably not mailer.. subbed in).
33. Poutanko - The Knights of the Silver Hand
I need more time than I expected to finish my summer classes, so I am extending the night phase until 12:30 PM CST on August 16th , which is ~36 hours from this post. This should also help those of you who joined late, or have fallen behind.


I made a mistake here. ~36 hours from that post is today, August 15th, not August 16th like it says.

Phase ends in 10 hours.
Night 3 - Kira (Mograine) is lynched
Vote count

Nova - Kira
sworder - Kira
Kvothe - Kira
Leeroy - Kira
Wild - Kira

Kira Yagami (Renault Mograine) was lynched!


Renault Mograine
The Scarlet Commander
faction: Scarlet Crusade
class: Paladin
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"My father, known to many as the Ashbringer, one of the most powerful paladins ever to walk the path of the Light, fell to my hand. What hopes could you possibly have, if even he could not stand against us?"

[Passive - Hammer of Justice] - Mograine uses holy magic to roleblock his victims when he performs the faction kill.

[Passive - Zeal] - When Mograine performs the faction kill on consecutive nights, he can kill 1 more person than the night before. For example on the 2nd night he can kill 2 people, on the 3rd night 3 people, and so on. If Mograine doesn't kill anyone during the night, his target count resets to 1.

[One Shot Active - Crusader Strike] - For 1 night Mograine can upgrade all his kills to superkills.

Do not post yet
Night 3 - A Optimistic (Mathias), Mysti (Raleigh) and Dr. White (Jin'do) are killed
The Scarlet Crusade faction killed A Optimistic (Mathias Shaw)!


Mathias Shaw

The Royal Spymaster
faction: Kingdom of Azeroth
class: Rogue
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Assassins wear many names and many masks, discarding them as they lose their usefulness."

[Passive - Vanish] - Mathias uses magic to cover his tracks. Votes cast against Mathias will not appear in the public vote tally, but they do still count.

[One Shot Active - Vile Poisons] - During the day Mathias can slip poison onto 1 player who quotes him. Mathias's victim will fall ill that night, role crushing them and killing them at the end of the following day.

[Active - Master of Deception] - Mathias is an expert at discerning liars. When another player quotes Mathias, he can privately lie detect 1 sentence in their post. Mathias can only investigate 1 post each day.

~Mystic Serenade~ (Raleigh the Devout) died of poisoning.


Raleigh the Devout
The Scarlet Fugitive
faction: Knights of the Silver Hand
class: Paladin
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"As I spent time at the Monastery in Tirisfal Glades I realized that their grasp on reality was slipping. They now think everyone is plagued who doesn't wear the tabard of the Crusade. Innocent men and women were tortured because they were supposedly plagued."

[One Shot Passive - Seeking Asylum] - At the beginning of the game Raleigh will leave the Scarlet Monestary and ask the town for refuge, publicly announcing his role.

[Passive - At War With The Scarlet Crusade] - Raleigh posted a bounty on the heads of the Scarlet Crusade's leaders. If an innocent player kills a member of the Scarlet Crusade, Raleigh will learn their identity and reward them with a one shot ability of their choosing such as a protection, kill or investigation.

[One Shot Active - Divine Intervention] - During the day Raleigh can sacrifice himself to protect another player against the lynch mob. For the rest of the day, votes cast against Raleigh are doubled and Raleigh's target cannot be lynched.

The Steamwheedle Cartel and The Forsaken killed Dr. White (Jin'do the Hexxer)!


Jin'do the Hexxer
The Witch Doctor
faction: Gurubashi Tribe
class: Mage
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"Welcome to the great show, friends. Step right up to die!"

[One Shot Passive - Delusions of Jin'do] - If Jin'do is murdered he will cast a spell to prolong his life, hiding his role and delaying his death by 2 cycles.

[One Shot Active - Banish] - If another player gains the ability to post after they die, whether through resurrection or otherwise, Jin'do can temporarily return them to the grave. For 1 cycle, Jin'do's target cannot post in the thread or use any abilities.

[Active - Teleportation] - During the night Jin'do can hide behind another player, redirecting abilities used on Jin'do to his target.

[Active - Brain Wash Totem] - Jin'do traps the roles of Hakkar's victims. When 1 of Jin'dos teammates dies, he will hide their real role and replace it with a role that Hakkar killed. When Jin'do dies his spell breaks, revealing his teammates' real roles.

[Active - Summon Shade] - When Hakkar kills another player, Jin'do can reanimate them the following night to use 1 of their abilities.

Dr. White was role crushed, preventing him from using Delusions of Jin'do.

Do not post yet
Last edited:
Day 4 start

Hakkar the Soulflayer has been summoned. Until the Gurubashi Tribe is eliminated, the game will use majority lynch instead of plurality. However has the most votes after 24 hours, but now they require a majority vote (half the living players+1). If majority is not achieved, there will not be a lynch.

Day 4 start. You may now post.
Let me just say and @Expo and @Tiger will agree that Nova claiming to be Kirin Tor that has become Forsaken is pretty much bullshit stacked on bullshit with bullshit sauce.

Not a single member of the Kirin Tor has, to my knowledge, in the earlier renditions of WoW lore (which I'm familiar with) ever been or become Forsaken.

The only thing remotely close to that is...Kel'Thuzad was a Kirin Tor mage before he became a lich and servant of the Scourge.
Day 4 - Azeroth revives A Optimistic (Mathias)
Gossip leaked from private discussions:

Protect Pou please

I think nova is bound to get checked, we should frame him. Suddenly starting to post at night should attract even more attention to him.

desperate prayer is likely some kind of self protect as it is tbh

The Kingdom of Azeroth resurrected @A Optimistic (Mathias Shaw)!

The Stormwind House of Nobles voted for A I Z E N.
Day 1:

Tiger - Dragon D. Luffy
A Optimistic - Dragon D. Luffy
Dragon D. Luffy - Nevan
shade0180 - Dragon D. Luffy
Oreki - Ratchet
Melodie - Dragon D. Luffy
Ratchet - Dragon D. Luffy
Lord Genome - Dragon D. Luffy
sworder - Dragon D. Luffy
Underworld Broker - Ratchet > John Wayne
Santi - A Optimistic > Kvothe Kingkiller > Cooler
Leeroy Jenkins - Dragon D. Luffy
Dr. White - Dragon D. Luffy
WolfPrinceKouga - Dragon D. Luffy
Juan - Dragon D. Luffy
poutanko - WolfPrinceKouga > Shark Skin > John Wayne
Nevan - Cooler
Expo - Dragon D. Luffy
Okosan - Dragon D. Luffy
Shark Skin - Oddjutsu
Katsuargi - John Wayne

Dragon D. Luffy - 13
John Wayne - 4
Cooler - 2

Day 2:

Novaselinenever - Nevan > Lord Genome
Kira Yagami - Lord Genome
Dr. White - Lord Genome
Leeroy - Lord Genome
poutanko - Lord Genome
Expo - Lord Genome
Tiger - Lord Genome
Kvothe Kingkiller - Lord Genome
Shark Skin - Lord Genome
sworder - cooler
Lord Genome - cooler
Platinum - Lord Genome
is a - Cooler
~Mystic Serenade~ - Lord Genome
Underworld Broker - Lord Genome
Cooler - Lord Genome
Okosan - Lord Genome
Melodie - Lord Genome
Leeroy Jenkins - Lord Genome
Underworld Broker - Cooler > Lord Genome
A Optimistic - Cooler
Wild - Lord Genome
Juan - Lord Genome
Nevan - Lord Genome

Day 3:

Kira Yagami - Nevan > Oreki > Dr. White
Tiger - Dr. White > Oreki > Platinum
Broki - Nova > Kira > Oddjutsu > Platinum
Juan - Oreki > Kira
sworder - Oreki > Kira > Platinum
Okosan - Oreki > Kira
Expo - Oreki - Dr. White > Platinum
is a - Dr. White > Platinum > Dr. White > Platinum
poutanko - Dr. White
Oddjutsu - Kira
Kvothe - Kira > Platinum
Nova - Kira
Melodie - Platinum
Dr. White - Platinum > Nevan
Oreki - Kira
Didi - Platinum > Dr. White > Platinum
Wild - Juan
Leeroy Jenkins - Dr. White > Nova
Shark Skin - Platinum
~Mystic Serenade~ - Platinum
Nevan - Platinum

Time to analyze this shit.
Let me just say and @Expo and @Tiger will agree that Nova claiming to be Kirin Tor that has become Forsaken is pretty much bullshit stacked on bullshit with bullshit sauce.

Not a single member of the Kirin Tor has, to my knowledge, in the earlier renditions of WoW lore (which I'm familiar with) ever been or become Forsaken.

The only thing remotely close to that is...Kel'Thuzad was a Kirin Tor mage before he became a lich and servant of the Scourge.

I don't remember this. But I admit...Kirin Tor history bores me to tears, so I didn't pay much attention.

@novaselinenever you need to claim now. There's nothing else for it.

Also, my name was in someone's mouth. I like that.
Let me just say and @Expo and @Tiger will agree that Nova claiming to be Kirin Tor that has become Forsaken is pretty much bullshit stacked on bullshit with bullshit sauce.

Not a single member of the Kirin Tor has, to my knowledge, in the earlier renditions of WoW lore (which I'm familiar with) ever been or become Forsaken.

The only thing remotely close to that is...Kel'Thuzad was a Kirin Tor mage before he became a lich and servant of the Scourge.

Imagine unironically claiming Kel'Thuzad in the thread. Couldn't be Mel'Thuzad (except when nitty posted a flavor kelthuzad 'action' literally a minute before i made my first post and got trolled by it)
Day 1:

Balnazzar would have either not voted or been reluctant to vote DDL and only bus him at the end when his lynch was unavoidable. Possibly:

Shark Skin
Underworld Broker
No vote from the player Wild replaced (forgot who)

To compare that with people who would have voted for Platinum on D3 or voted him only later down the line when it was unavoidable:

Broki (voted for him last)
Oreki (though he voted for another SC)
Expo (Oh man if he is scum he is GOOD at mafia)
Broki being scum would be mind blown.

Oreki has been lie detected as truthful. Either can defeat the lie detect or is Katrana Prestor (and will potentially become Onyxia later).

Wild/Cubey being the night posting scum would be a great twist honestly. His adamant belief that there are no other scum left corrupting the night lynch helps that tinfoil. Platinum also pleading to lynch Cubey when they're in truth teammates would also be very amusing.

If Expo is scum then, well, he's done a great job at feigning lack of information and knowledge outside of flavor.
Day 1:

Balnazzar would have either not voted or been reluctant to vote DDL and only bus him at the end when his lynch was unavoidable. Possibly:

Shark Skin
Underworld Broker
No vote from the player Wild replaced (forgot who)

To compare that with people who would have voted for Platinum on D3 or voted him only later down the line when it was unavoidable:

Broki (voted for him last)
Oreki (though he voted for another SC)
Expo (Oh man if he is scum he is GOOD at mafia)

For the second part, wouldn't Nevan be on the list too? He joined in the lynch pretty late towards the end iirc. I would have to double check though
That is true. And Dr. White was pushing heavily towards Nevan, could have been trying to out the rival scum (Scarlet Crusade).

Where was the list of names that Katsu acquired again?
Is A, Expo, UB, Okosan, Odd, Ratchet, Leeroy, DDL,Tiger, Santi, Melodie, LG, Pou

Nevan isn't on here though :hm

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