Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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Maybe he could recruit others to join the cult under certain conditions? Would be surprised if a Cult wouldn't have some sort of recruitment mechanic. Seems like simply reviving dead players to use for night kills is a bit limited in so far as building up a Cult.

Also very possible. But again, wouldn't he have been a major lore character, like Kel'Thuzad who actually founded the Cult and began recruiting (aka murdering and rezzing) everyone in Warcraft 3? That seems to me even more reason to have THE major character in the Cult be the only member, rather than a dungeon boss (not even a raid boss).
Maybe he could recruit others to join the cult under certain conditions? Would be surprised if a Cult wouldn't have some sort of recruitment mechanic. Seems like simply reviving dead players to use for night kills is a bit limited in so far as building up a Cult.

I'm not an aggressive player (I'm barely a player at all, this is my first time playing), but.. what you just said only leads me to believe more in what I said about his character not making sense in this context. You aren't suggesting this to defend him, are you? Like, as in a teammate trying to help a homie out sorta way?

Uh, what kinda deal?

Serial Killers are, you know, hilariously dangerous to keep alive.

I'm a cop serial killer who needs two factions dead to win(granted one of them is a town faction)

Not that I don't blame you for it but what can you do :catsalute

You're alone yet you are killing an info role. Is that because you don't want him cucking the rest of your mates? Or am I to believe this is just "spite" despite your whole deal nonsense :cat

Oh it's 100% spite lmao
Day 2 - The Cult superkills Katsuargi (Mar'li)
The Cult of the Damned superkilled Katsuargi (High Priestess Mar'li)!


High Priestess Mar'li
Avatar of Shadra

faction: Gurubashi Tribe
class: Priest
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"Draw me to your web mistress Shadra, unleash your venom!"

[Passive - The Tangled Webs We Weave] - When other players quote Mar'li's posts or cast votes against her, she will secretly attach a strand of her magical spiderweb to them, permanently telling her who they interact with.

[Passive - Enveloping Webs] - If Mar'li captures all the living members of another faction in her web, she will learn the names of their roles. When a player in Mar'li's web uses an ability on another player in her web, she will learn the names of both their roles.

[Active - Image of Shadra] - Mar'li can shapeshift into a poisonous spider. During the night Mar'li can bite a player caught in her web, using her magical venom to role crush them. Mar'li's victims become tainted by her god Hakkar, and are considered dead for the purpose of her wincon. When Mar'li dies her spell breaks, freeing her victims.
I'm not an aggressive player (I'm barely a player at all, this is my first time playing), but.. what you just said only leads me to believe more in what I said about his character not making sense in this context. You aren't suggesting this to defend him, are you? Like, as in a teammate trying to help a homie out sorta way?

Nah, said it just because I was thinking about how the OP describing each faction has cultists in plural. I'm not terribly familiar with WoW lore, but reading up on it the scenario you described seems most likely. I played in last year's WoW game and I remember Kel'Thuzad being in that game as well, just wasn't sure if he'd be in this game as well since it occurs later in the WoW chronology.
I didn't trust katsuargi anyway because they kept insisting on discrediting the rest of the undead faction

good riddance

[vote lynch Cooler]

LG is your wincon about defeating mafia actually true? don't lie to me :catcry


Like I said tho I do need paladin's dead but like

I can just target who you guys tell me to and if they die from other reason not me then gg me np
LG is an indie out in the open that's more of a threat to mafia than town rofl

says the mafia to the townie in forsaken faction :kannasip
> Taking LG at his word that he is alone.
> Taking LG at his word that Cooler is scum when LG is confirmed fucking scum.
> Taking LG at his word that his side is more of a threat to mafia.
> using forsaken as a means to hide under some town banner that was just proven wrong this very phase.
> Pinch of OMGUS.

All coming on the trails of you defending LG before he announced himself, and attempting to shift focus from him.

Either you are completely braindead, or have some reason to be so willing to trust LG info as true.
> Taking LG at his word that he is alone.
> Taking LG at his word that Cooler is scum when LG is confirmed fucking scum.
> Taking LG at his word that his side is more of a threat to mafia.
> using forsaken as a means to hide under some town banner that was just proven wrong this very phase.
> Pinch of OMGUS.

All coming on the trails of you defending LG before he announced himself, and attempting to shift focus from him.

Either you are completely braindead, or have some reason to be so willing to trust LG info as true.
can you read?

if you can go read the post where LG killed Kats, read her abilities and how LG's role was revealed, and then you'll understand why LG is alone in his faction

I'll wait :kannasip
can you read?

if you can go read the post where LG killed Kats, read her abilities and how LG's role was revealed, and then you'll understand why LG is alone in his faction

I'll wait :kannasip
That doesn't confirm anything lmao.

There is straight up flavor element going against him being a serial killer which you happened to skim over.

There is wincon shit which doesn't make sense.

You are also assuming that Katsu got his role reveal from that ability and not someone else in his clan.

That still doesn't cover my several other arguments which you glossed over.

I'm not even remotely sure how you are attempting to act smug here lmao
How is my shit not a threat to mafia when ive literally outed one of them, killed the other, and my wincon needs a separate mafia faction dead lmao
No one said you weren't a threat to mafia. Going by KAtsu's wincon and basic mafia principles, gonna go ahead and assume ya know, all mafia's are a threat to each other. That doesn't mean your faction still isn't a threat to town that we shouldn't kill? any scum can make this argument lmao.
One of the problems I have with keeping LG alive is, aside from the whole taking a serial killer with super dangerous abilities at his word.. he is the literal cult of necromancy. I'd say keeping him alive, and letting him kill people throughout the game, is only going to make him significantly more dangerous.

AND the only confirmed Pally happens to be confirmed town right now.

Probs best to kill him imo. I'm sticking with my LG lynch vote for now
No one said you weren't a threat to mafia. Going by KAtsu's wincon and basic mafia principles, gonna go ahead and assume ya know, all mafia's are a threat to each other. That doesn't mean your faction still isn't a threat to town that we shouldn't kill? any scum can make this argument lmao.

Difference is is that my wincon is probably the most friendly unless the dwarves literally do nothing, and since I'm by myself if town is ever threatened I can be dealt with by either:

A vig
The day Lynch
The night Lynch
One of the problems I have with keeping LG alive is, aside from the whole taking a serial killer with super dangerous abilities at his word.. he is the literal cult of necromancy. I'd say keeping him alive, and letting him kill people throughout the game, is only going to make him significantly more dangerous.

AND the only confirmed Pally happens to be confirmed town right now.

Probs best to kill him imo. I'm sticking with my LG lynch vote for now

My necromancy stuff only last two nights then they crumble and can't be used again
Difference is is that my wincon is probably the most friendly unless the dwarves literally do nothing, and since I'm by myself if town is ever threatened I can be dealt with by either:

A vig
The day Lynch
The night Lynch
And.....this once again assumes we take you at your word. Which we have no reason to do.'re saying we should day lynch you. Np LG already on it :catdance
So I'm dumb for calling out your initial claim because you later back tracked when it became clear you were dead wrong? Interessant.
I posted he was town and immediately reworded my post (literally less than 2 minutes apart) because I can't edit posts in the game. The only post between both of mines was Katsuargi posting a reaction image

You can literally click back a few pages and see this was the case. I didn't read any post between submitting one and then creating the second, I changed my mind immediately bc I realized it was incorrect
And.....this once again assumes we take you at your word. Which we have no reason to do.'re saying we should day lynch you. Np LG already on it :catdance

I mean sure but I can't post my role so idk what to tell you obv

If you feel the risk of having a cop/situational big/roleblocker/night Lynch person you can direct and actually see in thread if I try anything suspect over the risk of me getting one kill off(I say one because if I pick someone to kill that you don't want then I'd imagine I'd be killed right after lmao)
> people legitimately arguing we should let the cult faction member live

okay, so assuming our vigilantes aren't RETARDED, we know who should get ganked next.
You guys are geniuses

For the record, we need 3 votes for a night lynch. There's only 3 of us forsaken and LG (perhaps there are more mafia that can post at night), if one of us dies and then LG is dead there's no more night lynch
I posted he was town and immediately reworded my post (literally less than 2 minutes apart) because I can't edit posts in the game. The only post between both of mines was Katsuargi posting a reaction image

You can literally click back a few pages and see this was the case. I didn't read any post between submitting one and then creating the second, I changed my mind immediately bc I realized it was incorrect
You claimed him as 100% town. You didn't reword shit, you backtracked. Those are two completely different things and well yeah dog...I am saying you are sus for this very thing. You don't get points for backtracking on your town claim because you were proven wrong lol.
You claimed him as 100% town. You didn't reword shit, you backtracked. Those are two completely different things and well yeah dog...I am saying you are sus for this very thing. You don't get points for backtracking on your town claim because you were proven wrong lol.
Ok dude I am mafia because I misunderstood the results of my action

Go ahead and vote for me, I'm done engaging this dumb argument

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