Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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Exactly. This is why I claimed via flavor rather than saying "Aye, that's me." And it makes Odd look worse.

You have a point :catthinks

I mean no one with any cool cred has played it, so no one knows about flavour. Which was in regards to your point about claiming flavour to compare with the Miller claim. Sure, some might have played it, but they'll probably want to keep that to themselves because... yikes. Almost as bad as admitting to having played AdventureQuest.

Do we need to play the game to know flavor? I'd guess Google has information on characters :catprone
nibba I haven't even read the OP yet. Also didn't see anything about something getting locked yet.

Day didn't start right at noon. I know cuz I was here. And I told you I was waiting for Nitty to respond to my question.

I'm not counting minutes.


at least one of you is insulting my intelligence by trying to sheepishly feign ignorance of the time "well gee golly mr. wad sir i simply didnt know it was the 24 hour mark"

even after i posted it was and people have been counting down the hours til

as well as

The first day will end 48 hours from now, on August 9th at 12:30 CST.

which allows you to posit that the 24 hour mark would have been 12:30 CST on august 8th (20 minutes ago)

now i know both of you can read and are good players

am i to believe you were both not aware of this?

no, i dont think so

so better believe im pursuing these avenues, along with DDL, if WPK ends up getting revealed as scum

at least one of you is insulting my intelligence by trying to sheepishly feign ignorance of the time "well gee golly mr. wad sir i simply didnt know it was the 24 hour mark"

even after i posted it was and people have been counting down the hours til

as well as

which allows you to posit that the 24 hour mark would have been 12:30 CST on august 8th (20 minutes ago)

now i know both of you can read and are good players

am i to believe you were both not aware of this?

no, i dont think so

so better believe im pursuing these avenues, along with DDL, if WPK ends up getting revealed as scum
Day 1 - DDL scan, Dega/C.C. join
Vote count

Okosan - WolfPrinceKouga
Melodie - Santi > Oreki > Leeroy Jenkins
John Wayne - Okosan > Dragon D. Luffy
WAD - WolfPrinceKouga
Cooler - Lord Genome
Nevan - Oreki
Tiger - WolfPrinceKouga > WAD > WolfPrinceKouga
sworder - Okosan > WolfPrinceKouga
Lord Genome - WolfPrinceKouga
Platinum - Dragon D. Luffy
Underworld Broker - Okosan
Dragomir - Leeroy Jenkins
Expo - WAD
Katsuargi - Oddjutsu
Oddjutsu - Kira Yagami
Leeroy Jenkins - Oddjutsu
Ratchet - Oreki
Kira Yagami - Nevan
Dragon D. Luffy - Tiger > self vote
Kvothe Kingkiller - Dragon D. Luffy
Santi - WolfPrinceKouga

WolfPrinceKouga - 5
Dragon D. Luffy - 4
Oddjutsu - 2
Leeroy Jenkins - 2


Dragon D. Luffy
Shark Skin
Dr. White

Sayge's investigation has gone to RNG...

Dragon D. Luffy is innocent!

With the lynching now on the horizon, The Stormwind House of Nobles has voted for John Wayne.

@Degaforce has replaced Patchouli.

@Evil C.C. has replaced Cromer.

Day 1 will end ~23.5 hours from when this writeup was posted, on August 9th at 12:30 CST.
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Read above. I'm town, but I can win with one of the mafias.

"NHI" was just a metaphor, tbh.

This was all a plan to get a survivor confirm of sorts so that I increase my chances of hitting my wincon.

Survivors aren't town. And you saying you can win with Scarlets so you don't get killed sounds more like a Godfather explaining why he won't be killed after a reveal.
I'm going to start out with my vote where it is-- but it might not stay there, and you can come at whomever you like.

If he doesn't post and someone else, including you sounds like actual suspicion, no one should be cowed by you or anyone else.

in time people will treat my word as holy

but for now these last couple of hours was the most suspect shit ever to occur

wpk, or his slot, needs to die and i frankly would not mind a bullet before the rope if possible here
but u don’t get to complain with ur conveniently late vote on WPK

My vote counted, be a bitch elsewhere.

1- There's probably at least one mafia in the DDL wagon

2- I don't know shit about WoW, how likely is it there's actually a non-hostile pro-town indie? If there isn't, he should be vigged

Not bloody likely, considering the factions we have in the game on the OP.

My query is why would DDL immediately ruin his reveal by claiming he can win with scum? Just seems like a poor move, but I suppose it's a poor move all-around.

Godfather being shown innocent would do that to explain his survival.
100% vig DDL

Fuck this dumb ass indie bullshit trying to coast through the game after wasting town resources. If you were gonna claim indie anyway there's literally no need to waste an investigation on yourself. Hostile indies scan innocent all the time

This kind of play that hurts town should not be forgiven and the quicker he's out of the game, the less we have to worry about stupid indies

WPK is gonna get replaced, is there any point in finding out his aligment?

LG might just be a better bet

I'd rather wait for WPK to get replaced than try and get info on his role right this second. I think there's enough content so far to try and grab info from whoever's been active so far.

other people to consider if WPK flips scum as soft-defending the idea of lynching him
Day 1 - Azeroth superkills WPK (Theocritus)
The Kingdom of Azeroth superkilled WolfPrinceKouga (Archmage Theocritus)!

Shizune said:

Archmage Theocritus
Lord of the Tower of Azora
faction: Kingdom of Azeroth
class: Mage
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I would bid you peace, if these were peaceful times. But instead, I will bid you luck with your trials, and victory in the conflicts ahead."

[Passive - Counterspell] - Theocritus is a practiced duelist. If another player attempts to reduce Theocritus's voting power, he will learn their identity and reflect the ability back at them.

[Active - Slow] - During the day Theocritus can impede another player's passage through time, locking their vote onto the first person they voted for that day.

[Active - Curse of Tongues] - If Theocritus and another player are voting for each other at the same time, Theocritus can steal their voting power until Theocritus or his target change their vote. During the night Theocritus can bewitch a player who voted for him the previous day, placing them under a posting restriction of his making for the following day.

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