Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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So White happened to have same results as prolly Katsu's web because of his 3 shots flavor cop (I assume he could only use 1 shot each cycle)? Iirc he hinted for flavor cop and no scum even block/alter his result after that and he could still get accurate result (Leeroy was the last) and now happen to have lynch stop? :hm

A bit convenient for my liking.

Hard agree
Day 3 - Platinum (Whitemane) is lynched
Vote Count

House of Nobles - Oreki
Kira Yagami - Nevan > Oreki > Dr. White
Tiger - Dr. White > Oreki > Platinum
Broki - Nova > Kira > Oddjutsu > Platinum
Juan - Oreki > Kira
sworder - Oreki > Kira > Platinum
Okosan - Oreki > Kira
Expo - Oreki - Dr. White > Platinum
is a - Dr. White > Platinum > Dr. White > Platinum
poutanko - Dr. White
Oddjutsu - Kira
Kvothe - Kira > Platinum
Nova - Kira
Melodie - Platinum
Dr. White - Platinum > Nevan
Oreki - Kira
Didi - Platinum > Dr. White > Platinum
Wild - Juan
Leeroy Jenkins - Dr. White > Nova
Shark Skin - Platinum
~Mystic Serenade~ - Platinum
Nevan - Platinum

Platinum - 11
Kira - 5
Dr. White - 2

Self votes

A Optimistic

The Stormwind House of Nobles retracted its support for the Oreki lynch.

Ratchet and Oddjutsu did not agree on how to use their vote, so it does not count.

Nevan and Kira Yagami did not agree on how to use their vote, so it does not count.

Platinum (Sally Whitemane) was lynched!


Sally Whitemane
The High Inquisitor
faction: Scarlet Crusade
class: Priest
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"By your side? Hah! No, crusader. You are under my command."

[One Shot Passive - Resurrection] - If another member of the Crusade is murdered, Whitemane will intervene to save them.

[Passive - Searing Light] - If Whitemane performs the faction kill, holy fire will render her victim unrecognizable, janitoring their role.

[Passive - Martyrdom] - The Light grants Whitemane a bonus life. When Whitemane performs the faction kill or helps lynch someone outside her faction, the Light rewards her fervor with another bonus life.

[Active - Power Infusion] - Whitemane can consume 1 of her bonus lives to protect another player against roleblocks and kills for that night.

I need more time than I expected to finish my summer classes, so I am extending the night phase until 12:30 PM CST on August 15th, which is ~36 hours from this post. This should also help those of you who joined late, or have fallen behind.

Night 3 start.

No more posting unless given permission. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the night is lynched. At least 3 people most vote for someone to lynch them.
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I have a PoE for potential green Mafia based on Kats role and his web,
Is A, Expo, UB, Okosan, Odd, Ratchet, Leeroy, DDL,Tiger, Santi, Melodie, LG, Pou
[Passive - Enveloping Webs] - If Mar'li captures all the living members of another faction in her web, she will learn the names of their roles. When a player in Mar'li's web uses an ability on another player in her web, she will learn the names of both their roles.
Kats ability let him learn the identity of people in his web if they interact with each other, it'd be pretty beneficial to have his buddies in his web so that if they target someone in it as well they're guaranteed to flavor cop them. It's an easy and fast way to gather information and there is fuck all downside to it 'cause it is unlimited so they wouldn't be taking the place of anyone.
If you take out the dead peeps and the confirmed ones, it leaves you with Expo, UB, Okosan, Odd, Leeroy, Tiger, Melodie and Pou.

Tiger and Odd are the only miller claims I think which makes them likely good. 2 sounds like an acceptable number for millers for a 32 players game I guess. Tinfoil Steamwheedle is actually a 1 man faction like the Cult and Dwarves and one of them is playing the long con.

Expo, Pou and UB are solid town read. I've never seen such an active and invested UB in my life and her energy seems authentic. Not getting any power wolfing vibes. She's been busting my balls throughout the game so far which was alright. Also like her earlier uneasiness and tinfoil on WAD. Speaks to me as genuine 'cause I don't see the point to it unless it's real, she ain't going nowhere there if she's scum. Expo has been highkey one of the best players in the game and making a whole lot of sense which is neat for a new player. I especially like his theory crafting, everything is pretty original and I've been vibing with a lot of theories. That PoE he whipped out had me shook coming from a first timer lol. Pou's another one that's been breaking my balls as well, she's also been doing it to a whole lot of people. Her exchange with Melodie and howling over every detail is classic town!pou. Her scum self usually a little bit laidback and has trouble recreating that pitbull image. Her questions are mostly bland and she resorts to sarcasm through questioning.

That leaves Melodie, Okosan and Leeroy. I'm not sure where I stand there, I'm also going to have to go through their posts and refresh my thoughts so I'll handle them later in the night. The later is part of the night crew so that's nice 'cause I want to address them as well.
Night crew. Sworder, Wild, Leeroy, Kvothe and yours truly. Also drugged White for the night.

I've been leaning town on Sworder, I kind of like the concise and straight to the point style of the posting. I've mind melded with some of his reads as well. Ability wise truth serum if legit is town as fuck. One thing that pinged me though was his mention of being almost sure that no one visited him when the fanmail post had him as innocent. That kind of ability and info kind of gives me pause, although I don't know why as scum he'd basically refuse someone allegedly clearing him, maybe 'cause it's fake and he know it is and if Oreki flips town that'll put some scrutiny on him I guess? Tinfoil that the deal with LG was him trying to get ahead and basically control a dude that can kill twice per cycle. Would be neat if he's Green Mafia and if they're low in numbers, like say 2 left after Katsu, those kills have like really low probability on landing on him and his teammate especially if he's power wolfing and having brokered the deal.

Shade's N1 was hilarious lol. It's kind of too scum to be scum tbqh, like I don't even know what the thought process behind that would be or if he thought he'd be able to get away with it. Maybe he's like town and didn't want to make himself a target? The night invite ability strikes me as town like. Like to keep town presence at night through it in case of a night posters hunt from scum. It's also kind of restricted as a double edged sword 'cause he might invited scum and have them influence the night lynch. I don't know why he didn't invite like a town confirmed player that can't post at night instead of Melodie. Also shade didn't use it D1.

I don't remember much from Leeroy even though he has a ton of posts. There is the claim though and I'm in the process of re-reading him relating to the PoE I have above. I'll handle him then. One thing that I remember is his seemingly late obsessions with getting me lynched. A few people were already breaking my balls, calling for my head and I wasn't really budging. I'm not sure what he thoughts name calling me and going "hurr durr we have to lynch nova" is going to do from his parts. There was a slight touch of overreacting and suddenness to it, he was kind of acting like I was this inactive dude that everyone was ignoring which is ridiculous.

Kvothe get a good point for that rushed protection claim and trying to defend LG through flavor and whatnot. Aside from that he's been unremarkable, a bunch of mechanical assistance and kind of mediating the game. I guess he has night posting going for him and he's counting on it to skate by?
Night crew. Sworder, Wild, Leeroy, Kvothe and yours truly. Also drugged White for the night.

I've been leaning town on Sworder, I kind of like the concise and straight to the point style of the posting. I've mind melded with some of his reads as well. Ability wise truth serum if legit is town as fuck. One thing that pinged me though was his mention of being almost sure that no one visited him when the fanmail post had him as innocent. That kind of ability and info kind of gives me pause, although I don't know why as scum he'd basically refuse someone allegedly clearing him, maybe 'cause it's fake and he know it is and if Oreki flips town that'll put some scrutiny on him I guess? Tinfoil that the deal with LG was him trying to get ahead and basically control a dude that can kill twice per cycle. Would be neat if he's Green Mafia and if they're low in numbers, like say 2 left after Katsu, those kills have like really low probability on landing on him and his teammate especially if he's power wolfing and having brokered the deal.

Shade's N1 was hilarious lol. It's kind of too scum to be scum tbqh, like I don't even know what the thought process behind that would be or if he thought he'd be able to get away with it. Maybe he's like town and didn't want to make himself a target? The night invite ability strikes me as town like. Like to keep town presence at night through it in case of a night posters hunt from scum. It's also kind of restricted as a double edged sword 'cause he might invited scum and have them influence the night lynch. I don't know why he didn't invite like a town confirmed player that can't post at night instead of Melodie. Also shade didn't use it D1.

I don't remember much from Leeroy even though he has a ton of posts. There is the claim though and I'm in the process of re-reading him relating to the PoE I have above. I'll handle him then. One thing that I remember is his seemingly late obsessions with getting me lynched. A few people were already breaking my balls, calling for my head and I wasn't really budging. I'm not sure what he thoughts name calling me and going "hurr durr we have to lynch nova" is going to do from his parts. There was a slight touch of overreacting and suddenness to it, he was kind of acting like I was this inactive dude that everyone was ignoring which is ridiculous.

Kvothe get a good point for that rushed protection claim and trying to defend LG through flavor and whatnot. Aside from that he's been unremarkable, a bunch of mechanical assistance and kind of mediating the game. I guess he has night posting going for him and he's counting on it to skate by?

Keep forgetting you're in the game so you're lumped in with people like Aizen. That's how it works in my dementia tier memory.
Night crew. Sworder, Wild, Leeroy, Kvothe and yours truly. Also drugged White for the night.

I've been leaning town on Sworder, I kind of like the concise and straight to the point style of the posting. I've mind melded with some of his reads as well. Ability wise truth serum if legit is town as fuck. One thing that pinged me though was his mention of being almost sure that no one visited him when the fanmail post had him as innocent. That kind of ability and info kind of gives me pause, although I don't know why as scum he'd basically refuse someone allegedly clearing him, maybe 'cause it's fake and he know it is and if Oreki flips town that'll put some scrutiny on him I guess? Tinfoil that the deal with LG was him trying to get ahead and basically control a dude that can kill twice per cycle. Would be neat if he's Green Mafia and if they're low in numbers, like say 2 left after Katsu, those kills have like really low probability on landing on him and his teammate especially if he's power wolfing and having brokered the deal.

Shade's N1 was hilarious lol. It's kind of too scum to be scum tbqh, like I don't even know what the thought process behind that would be or if he thought he'd be able to get away with it. Maybe he's like town and didn't want to make himself a target? The night invite ability strikes me as town like. Like to keep town presence at night through it in case of a night posters hunt from scum. It's also kind of restricted as a double edged sword 'cause he might invited scum and have them influence the night lynch. I don't know why he didn't invite like a town confirmed player that can't post at night instead of Melodie. Also shade didn't use it D1.

I don't remember much from Leeroy even though he has a ton of posts. There is the claim though and I'm in the process of re-reading him relating to the PoE I have above. I'll handle him then. One thing that I remember is his seemingly late obsessions with getting me lynched. A few people were already breaking my balls, calling for my head and I wasn't really budging. I'm not sure what he thoughts name calling me and going "hurr durr we have to lynch nova" is going to do from his parts. There was a slight touch of overreacting and suddenness to it, he was kind of acting like I was this inactive dude that everyone was ignoring which is ridiculous.

Kvothe get a good point for that rushed protection claim and trying to defend LG through flavor and whatnot. Aside from that he's been unremarkable, a bunch of mechanical assistance and kind of mediating the game. I guess he has night posting going for him and he's counting on it to skate by?

The fan mail is quite odd in a sense that it didn't go to confirmed townies and it checked sworder over other potential suspects. Even after the whole thing with LG when he was clearly the sole faction after lynch reveal so why check Sworder. Actually we don't even know if Sworder and Oreki got investigated, Sworder claims hes pretty sure he didnt get checked. If sworder is maf, which I really doubt, he wouldn't be in the scarlet crusade since he helped go after plat.

@Leeroy Jenkins Oreki is going to die end of day 4 according to Avalon. We should be able to clear Dr White or Melodie I think. Kira was my choice before I switched to Plat just in case Plat has some voting requirements like Cooler did. But yeah mostly his posts. Kira's reaction also seemed too little over the top and somewhat defeatist.

I am not sure about Nevan though. Don't know where he got the idea that I said he's town. I thought he might have some lie detect ability but he doesn't from the looks of it.
@sworder your truth serum works after lynch right? You mentioned waiting for the next night phase to clear Melodie though I imagine it'll be for white this phase.

[Vote Lynch Kira Yagami]
It only works during the night phase, I don’t know if they would be removed during night phase actions or if it will happen as soon as Nitty notices but Dr. White feel free to lie if you’re mafia so we can find out
The fan mail is quite odd in a sense that it didn't go to confirmed townies and it checked sworder over other potential suspects. Even after the whole thing with LG when he was clearly the sole faction after lynch reveal so why check Sworder. Actually we don't even know if Sworder and Oreki got investigated, Sworder claims hes pretty sure he didnt get checked. If sworder is maf, which I really doubt, he wouldn't be in the scarlet crusade since he helped go after plat.
The observation itself has little to do with the fanmail or its legitimacy, it's more about the kind of ability that sworder hinted at. And yes I agree about the target, there were much more suspicious around. Same with the people that received the message, there are mod-confirmed peeps.

Since Aoptimistic took care of Oreki, I guess we'll see more about it.
What's going on with you Kvothe? You've been pretty unremarkable since LG getting the noose.

Hmm, a little disheartened I suppose. I guess I'm more cautious before speaking up in favor of someone again. My passive is incredibly conditional and I don't offer any investigations or lie detects. I also don't know anything about WoW I just google mostly. Because I'm on my phone during day phase too, I can only view the thread as it goes by.

Night phase is better for me cause I can look over the thread more when I get home. But yeah, I'm not doing so well this game in terms of scum hunting or ability use.
You guys are in too much of a rush to confirm as many players as possible with subpar evidence. I guarantee there is scum in one of those “confirmed” players.
The only confirmed players should be Ratchet and wad I think, there isn't much to tinfoil about wad seeing what transpired D1. WPK is also kind of pseudo-confirmed however since some hidden faction had a hand in the time stuff, it's hard to trust 100%.

Tiger is alongside Odd as the only Steamwheedle claims. It's believable that there are 2 millers in a game this size. Although tinfoil it's a 1 man faction mirroring the cult and iron dwarves hostile factions.
The only confirmed players should be Ratchet and wad I think, there isn't much to tinfoil about wad seeing what transpired D1. WPK is also kind of pseudo-confirmed however since some hidden faction had a hand in the time stuff, it's hard to trust 100%.

Tiger is alongside Odd as the only Steamwheedle claims. It's believable that there are 2 millers in a game this size. Although tinfoil it's a 1 man faction mirroring the cult and iron dwarves hostile factions.

I don't recall Wad being confirmed. Rachet and wpk are confirmed.
The Silverhand definitely should clean shop. Pou was saying that she checked their characters and they were all clean, but that's too easy. There could be fake roles at play just like the one Cooler had.

I don't necessarily expect her to perfectly figure something out, tbh. She's not steeped enough in the lore for that. But, I'd expect other idiosyncrasies to stick out.
I mean ffs just look at the mailer thing with oreki. You guys telling me NONE of you were skeptical of it?

We have been questioning it at least. I started to think Oreki was town/magni late last phase about how Cooler claims he knew who magni is, said Oreki is town in d1, and Tiger bringing up Magni with the magical armor thing but I'm really hoping he's scum cause we just used a one shot on him -.-
We have been questioning it at least. I started to think Oreki was town/magni late last phase about how Cooler claims he knew who magni is, said Oreki is town in d1, and Tiger bringing up Magni with the magical armor thing but I'm really hoping he's scum cause we just used a one shot on him -.-

Just watch out for these so-called confirmations is all I’m saying. Some of us (myself included) have no idea what’s going on behind the scenes and which actions are being fucked with or otherwise.
@Wild, we're out of solid leads. Oreki was a shot in the dark that Avalon took. We're trying to grill White and that seems to not be working well right now. We're spitballing other ideas while apparently not remembering a single thing that's happened this entire game. It's inevitable that we're going to start taking chances on people we don't have much on.

Looks like I’m gonna have to try my hand at good old-fashioned scumhunting :jeez

Haven’t done this in years but ok
Hmm, a little disheartened I suppose. I guess I'm more cautious before speaking up in favor of someone again. My passive is incredibly conditional and I don't offer any investigations or lie detects. I also don't know anything about WoW I just google mostly. Because I'm on my phone during day phase too, I can only view the thread as it goes by.

Night phase is better for me cause I can look over the thread more when I get home. But yeah, I'm not doing so well this game in terms of scum hunting or ability use.
Fair enough, I guess. I just see a lack of a whole lot of things from you, it's mostly been answering easy questions especially mechanical ones and kind of mediating the game through those interactions. You're missing your notes, and theory crafting which I've become accustomed to from your town play. Speaking of notes, do you have any for this game? It might help, I'm also not really versed in WoW lore.

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