Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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i meant specifically in miller squad

Two. Maybe 3.

Silver Hand probably started with 2, joined by Guiness. Then added pou.

Forsaken probably 3, with a couple more non-Forsaken getting to post at night too.

Khaz Modan probably 2 bulletproof

Frostwolf would be at least 3 the way it's worded.

Wildhammer probably 2.

So yeah...probably me and someone else. Damn, never thought of it that way before.
Going to re-read the thread right now.

I think there's scum around Oreki, but it's hard to tell if he's one.
Cooler doesn't seem town to me.
I don't like Leeroy when he makes posts like these and not only doesn't follow up on them, but backpedals later, scumread for him.
Oreki is so close to being my lynch vote.
He really does remind me of me right now. :catprone

Now that's the scummiest post I've ever seen in my life.

I don't like how Dr. White disappeared after his vote on WPK, at first I thought those were his first posts this phase, but it turns out he already had several posts beforehand, none of which were useful.
@Leeroy Jenkins Why don't you follow up with your suspicions?

I try to pay attention to everything and then forget all sorts of shit. Also had work earlier today so I was inactive and that only serves to make me forget things. I also tend to follow lines of thought that end up being very, very wrong. Me not committing to anything allows me to avoid mistakes that cannot be taken back. Ya know, like killing people and revealing people the way Wad did.
I try to pay attention to everything and then forget all sorts of shit. Also had work earlier today so I was inactive and that only serves to make me forget things. I also tend to follow lines of thought that end up being very, very wrong. Me not committing to anything allows me to avoid mistakes that cannot be taken back. Ya know, like killing people and revealing people the way Wad did.
If you can't remember things for later use then follow up in the moment, pressure players you suspect.

I can definitely criticize Wad's actions, but they at least gave us something, I can't say the same about your interactions or lack of, at least they don't show anything good about you.

Also you just admitted to trying to coast through the game and lay low, that is not a good thing to do.
I try to pay attention to everything and then forget all sorts of shit. Also had work earlier today so I was inactive and that only serves to make me forget things. I also tend to follow lines of thought that end up being very, very wrong. Me not committing to anything allows me to avoid mistakes that cannot be taken back. Ya know, like killing people and revealing people the way Wad did.

That's awfully playing insanely safe for a supposed town.
What do you think about sworder's interactions?

Do you have any thoughts on other players?

Sworder seems town enough. Whatever insights he can share seem to be valuable for town in general.

I'm still tinfoiling as hard as humanly possible on Wad and it doesn't want to go away. I could see Wad going nuts as an elaborate cover as a scum. But, I'm not sure if that role reveal ability is something a scum role would have, unless it's super intricate like Wad casting a net over people in the beginning of the game and getting a bunch of fake roles to play with. Sounds way too complicated for this game though, so I'm trying to ignore goofy thoughts like that.

Still haven't shaken how Oreki and Melodie seem, to me, like they immediately started playing off each other as soon as they found somebody they could bus. Claim omgus on that all you want, but I'm not necessarily sure it's invalid.

Most others have a neutral or soft town feel to me.
They’re scum because it’s been over 24 hours and neither of them have done anything that even remotely benefits town.

I don’t operate on innocent until proven guilty, everyone’s a suspect. I don’t need a reason to suspect anyone, that’s the default position I take on every player and playing like a townie moves you off the scum list.

Which btw is why I completely disagree with WPK’s opinion. WPK has a scummy playstyle, it doesn’t matter how accurate your scumdar is if you can’t or won’t lead town to lynch the correct suspects. Sitting back and letting town cannibalize themselves while you’re confident in your reads is not conductive to a town victory
They’re scum because it’s been over 24 hours and neither of them have done anything that even remotely benefits town.

I don’t operate on innocent until proven guilty, everyone’s a suspect. I don’t need a reason to suspect anyone, that’s the default position I take on every player and playing like a townie moves you off the scum list.

Which btw is why I completely disagree with WPK’s opinion. WPK has a scummy playstyle, it doesn’t matter how accurate your scumdar is if you can’t or won’t lead town to lynch the correct suspects. Sitting back and letting town cannibalize themselves while you’re confident in your reads is not conductive to a town victory

Why them over other players that have also not done anything useful until now?

If they are the players you suspect the most, why aren't you voting one of them?
WPK's list is incredibly accurate, to be fair

DDL outed himself as traitor.
John Wayne's reactions seem disengeniuos and exaggerated.
Leeroy Jenkins is playing exactly the same as he played Favorites: being totally lost. Except this is a much simpler and smaller game. Get a grip.
Cooler stays in the back shouting remarks and retreats to his cave when the kitchen gets hot.
Nevan has a pretty agresive style that seems like scum tryharding to look like a competent scumhunter. I'd like to see the results of his attacks to see if his aim is true. Best case scenario he busses a teammate to save face.
LG is LG.

I disagree with the other three, though
Kira seems too out in the open to be scum. He's usually the lurker type, he would have retreated back at this point.
I found myself agreeig with most of what sworder said, so I'm inclined to trust him.
UB feels genuine to me.

Point is: if you feel that you NEED to target someone, aim for that list.
They’re scum because it’s been over 24 hours and neither of them have done anything that even remotely benefits town.

I don’t operate on innocent until proven guilty, everyone’s a suspect. I don’t need a reason to suspect anyone, that’s the default position I take on every player and playing like a townie moves you off the scum list.

Which btw is why I completely disagree with WPK’s opinion. WPK has a scummy playstyle, it doesn’t matter how accurate your scumdar is if you can’t or won’t lead town to lynch the correct suspects. Sitting back and letting town cannibalize themselves while you’re confident in your reads is not conductive to a town victory
I can and have lead town to lynch the correct suspects in numerous games, so that's a bullshit argument. Beyond that, I have proven skill in the matter, if people would rather be little bitches and spite me instead of listening to me then they can lose. I gave up caring when people listened to fucking Aries over Reekee and I in DDL's OotS game and lynched Baroxio. I was active and fought hard against it, this community just doesn't give a darn about logic and allows chaotic people lead them off cliffs.

See it as scummy if you will, I never hope to be full on townread. I get fear killed enough by scum even without that. Let scum throw themselves on my sword like Didi tried in the Puddletown game. Part of why I took so long to show up here is because I knew you fools would be tripping over yourselves to spite me, and giving the scum among those time to expose themselves only benefits the game in the long run.
I can and have lead town to lynch the correct suspects in numerous games, so that's a bullshit argument. Beyond that, I have proven skill in the matter, if people would rather be little bitches and spite me instead of listening to me then they can lose. I gave up caring when people listened to fucking Aries over Reekee and I in DDL's OotS game and lynched Baroxio. I was active and fought hard against it, this community just doesn't give a darn about logic and allows chaotic people lead them off cliffs.

See it as scummy if you will, I never hope to be full on townread. I get fear killed enough by scum even without that. Let scum throw themselves on my sword like Didi tried in the Puddletown game. Part of why I took so long to show up here is because I knew you fools would be tripping over yourselves to spite me, and giving the scum among those time to expose themselves only benefits the game in the long run.

I won’t disagree with you, I stopped playing because it felt the vast majority of players were either bad or didn’t take it seriously. But if you were more active people probably wouldn’t have attempted to lynch you. It’s not hard not getting piled on D1 if you’re logical and at least show up.
I won’t disagree with you, I stopped playing because it felt the vast majority of players were either bad or didn’t take it seriously. But if you were more active people probably wouldn’t have attempted to lynch you. It’s not hard not getting piled on D1 if you’re logical and at least show up.

He wouldn't have been voted that much if he'd shown up for Faves tbh. Plenty of people haven't posted yet.

My anger has sated. I might have lashed out if I had a weapon, but I don't. Now that I know he's town I can't exactly keep going after him. Hence why I was fine keeping my vote on him after seeing he was leading lol
I won’t disagree with you, I stopped playing because it felt the vast majority of players were either bad or didn’t take it seriously. But if you were more active people probably wouldn’t have attempted to lynch you. It’s not hard not getting piled on D1 if you’re logical and at least show up.
It's a 48 hour phase and it's day 1, if activity truly was the issue then there was more than enough time for me to show and influence things. People are aware I take my time and that it's NAI for me to not be around early. Votes against me were largely spite or paranoia due to how the tarot event went, and WAD jumped the shark by killing me. I could even without confirmation have gotten easily out of any immediate lynch pool, the tarot event paranoia would be a bigger obstacle than anything.

While I am easily capable of showing up early I had extra reasons not to this game beyond just my preferences. I didn't want to alert scum that I am actually going to be around and active, which serves both to loosen their guard and potentially catch some of them in their eagerness to try to come at me when I'm not around. Also allows people time to get out some of their spite by the time I show up.
There's this talk about him being GF, but claiming a suspicious character like that attract too much attention. Don't think he's GF. I would buy that GF theory if he claimed under pressure to justify his Inno result but that's not what happened.

Lied about the win con maybe?

At best he's delayed his death until there isn't a more pressing option or a vig gets twitchy if he was being honest.
That's not what I'm worried about if he's scum... the way he exposed himself looks more like it's done on purpose.
Forgot about the game tbh

800 post to catch up on can someone give me a brief breakdown please?

Ahh I see thanks for letting me know.

Well this game is quite stacked.

ddl trying to force himself to be confirmed town by 24 hours mark through the mod badly. He succeeds over wpk, tries to play the 'confirmed' town too much, people suspect him for it. Wpk gets killed, flips town, someone uses ability to reset time so wpk is still alive.

Oh and leeroy still doesn't want to have a post of his own because he thinks it'll seem scummy if he misplays.

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