I can and have lead town to lynch the correct suspects in numerous games, so that's a bullshit argument. Beyond that, I have proven skill in the matter, if people would rather be little bitches and spite me instead of listening to me then they can lose. I gave up caring when people listened to fucking Aries over Reekee and I in DDL's OotS game and lynched Baroxio. I was active and fought hard against it, this community just doesn't give a darn about logic and allows chaotic people lead them off cliffs.
See it as scummy if you will, I never hope to be full on townread. I get fear killed enough by scum even without that. Let scum throw themselves on my sword like Didi tried in the Puddletown game. Part of why I took so long to show up here is because I knew you fools would be tripping over yourselves to spite me, and giving the scum among those time to expose themselves only benefits the game in the long run.