Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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so Juan, Shark Skin, or Melodie are Katrana Prestor based on this PoE and by mechonix

Ok. I believe Shark to be Wildhammer then.

Juan is magical. The ability I stole and gave back said "strange magic" allowed him to post at night. I wanted no part of that.

He'd be my guess for Katrana.

Not that I've dropped a ton of hints, but kinda surprised I'm being shortlisted for scum.

It's PoE mang. No offense. But I see you as a dorf now.

i believe shark skin
only one dead wildhammer and their faction hasn’t been called eliminated

and no one else by PoE except possibly @Expo can be Wildhammer

what have u got mechanically for us :hm

Expo is not Wildhammer.


Anyone know who WAD is? Because this sounds like White describing Katrana Prestor :dank

Wad isn't Katrana. Yes I know who he is.

I think I know who he is and it's not Katrana

We are fucked because I'm being lynched for lynching two mafia, literally that's all other than 'defending' Katsuragi very early in the game cuz they got bamboozled apparently by the host. It's a terrible call overall and honestly town deserves it for the time being.

i mean if u were town u would have answered avalon’s Lie detect in earnest and possibly claimed by now

if ur town then u only have urself to blame for not getting urself out of this PoE :kanyeshrug
Hakkar the Soulflayer superkilled A Optimistic (???)!



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