Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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So. What's the point of a role that can win with town or one mafia faction? Like I get it if they flip mafia with a certain trigger, but just a flat either or win con means that they're just town with an out if town gets fucked.

I'm new to this game and the mechanics usually used in it, but could it be possible he has a win con along the lines of "vote for the player who ends up getting lynched X amount of times, regardless of faction" or something?
Do you have reads so far, I guess you've been following the game?

No good ones. Unfortunately I don't have all the anecdotes of "so and so played this way last time" like everyone else does.

DDL is super suspect, so he's got my vote

Nevan seemed to come off really aggressive really early, but people are saying that's his playstyle

The only thing I don't trust about WAD is how he telegraphed "Oh I'm posting a lot, possibly for my faction bonus wink wink" then made a big deal about using his abilities shortly after that. But then again, I don't have a theory for how he'd be doing that if he wasn't town.

Santi seems a bit overly abrasive when talking to people as well sometimes, but that could just be their personality

Someone earlier mentioned that Scarlet Crusade might easily be able to infiltrate Knights of the Silver Hand, and someone else mentioned Cult of the Damned possibly infiltrating the Forsaken. I agree with both of those likelihoods

That's all my thoughts so far. It's kind of hard for me to differentiate between when people are trying to rile each other up, when it's working, and when it's someone just being themselves.
Say's he's been busy traveling (which could very well be true) but I've been watching Users Viewing list for a good minute and he's been lurking for a good while with nothing to show for it vs his usual town games where he's been leading wagons.

Being able to read here and there is different to being able to scum hunt and involve myself generally.

Like I said in the group pm I'm in Scotland atm visiting my girlfriends granny. I'm heading back on Sunday.

Jumping on me for my activity when I warned everyone days ago is weak man.
Day 1 - Final vote count
Vote count

Stormwind House of Nobles - John Wayne
Tiger - Dragon D. Luffy
A Optimistic - Dragon D. Luffy
Dragon D. Luffy - Nevan
shade0180 - Dragon D. Luffy
Oreki - Ratchet
Melodie - Dragon D. Luffy
Ratchet - Dragon D. Luffy
Lord Genome - Dragon D. Luffy
sworder - Dragon D. Luffy
Underworld Broker - Ratchet > John Wayne
Santi - A Optimistic > Kvothe Kingkiller > Cooler
Leeroy Jenkins - Dragon D. Luffy
Dr. White - Dragon D. Luffy
WolfPrinceKouga - Dragon D. Luffy
Juan - Dragon D. Luffy
poutanko - WolfPrinceKouga > Shark Skin > John Wayne
Nevan - Cooler
Expo - Dragon D. Luffy
Okosan - Dragon D. Luffy
Shark Skin - Oddjutsu
Katsuargi - John Wayne

Dragon D. Luffy - 13
John Wayne - 4
Cooler - 2

Self votes

Kvothe Kingkiller
Evil C.C.
John Wayne
Kira Yagami

~Mystic Serenade~ is exempt from the self-vote penalty due to joining late.
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It's ok, I haven't. :catroll

@novaselinenever I'll let you know when I can about the tinfoil theories I've had about Wad. Admittedly, I'm less keen on them now after sleeping on it because it doesn't make sense to have his abilities as scum, but maybe indie or town.

Maybe something where he had to get a certain amount of people from one faction to respond to his quotes or his @ them, then he has the ability to use his abilities under the guise of a different faction? That would explain a lot of his frequent posting, quoting, @ 'ing in the early game. But he did allude to being Kingdom of Azeroth early on, which means he would've had to call it first then try to get the responses later before he could actually use abilities under their name.

Idk how far fetched this is but that's as far as my tinfoil theory goes
Day 1 - DDL (Varimathras) is lynched
Dragon D. Luffy (Varimathras) has been lynched!

Shizune said:

Lord of the Undercity
faction: Forsaken
class: Warlock
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I'm always on the winning side."

[Passive - The Brothers Dread] - Varimathras and his brother Balnazzar are secretly playing the Forsaken and the Scarlet Crusade against one another to weaken both sides. Varimathras can win with the Scarlet Crusade.

[Passive - Court of the Dead] - Varimathras knows the identity of his queen, Sylvanas Windrunner.

[Active - Finger of Pain] - If another player votes for Varimathras during the night he can become enraged, attempting to kill them. Varimathras can only attack 1 person each night, and he cannot attack Sylvanas.

Night 1 start.

No more posting, unless you have the ability to post during the night. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the night (24 hours from this post) will be lynched. Posting at night is not required, unlike day posting. However, at least 3 people must vote for someone to lynch them.

Actions are processed after the lynch.
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