Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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If you think I'm playing the same as the Yu gi oh game where I flat out skipped 2 cycles you're just flat out blind.
It's not about your activity. It's about the content of your posts. I laid them out pretty clearly, and you seemed to have just glanced over them to jump on that last part.

I mean about activity I have like over 200 posts in the Yu Gi Oh game, and like over 600 in the Favs game yet I'm here under 50 :lmao
I do question people, why don't you tell me what of my interactions did you find particularly suspect?

Also nice job dismissing the activity when that totally destroys your argument.

How about you re-read the Yu gi oh game then if you think my posts are the same.
I'm not sure why you're acting daft. The following quote from me has absolutely nothing to do with your activity but rather your posts and how you engage game, so I'm not dismissing anything. If one of us is dismissing something, it's you jumping on me mentioning yu gi oh game and dismissing this entire paragraph.

Sure I'll re-read the Yu Gi Oh game when I get around it. Let's start there, you do question people, what have you gotten from most of them? I remember also quoting you about the Degaforce posts you quoted at the start of the day, what did you gather from them?
I think you're full of it, pretty simple stuff. Think your heavy questioning leads no where more often than not. Haven't seen any results on it. Also it doesn't seem like there is a train of thoughts behind most of them, you're just asking question to ask them. Like I guess to fake contribute. You don't seem to be trying to figure people out, you just bully them and try to get ahold of the interaction. It's such a cheap way to reproduce engagement and game solving intent, and the bland 'give us your reads' usually go nowhere when there isn't an idea behind it or a follow up to figure someone out. Feel like your questions are in bad faith :lmao
Someone asked why I was offering a Leeroy lynch, I was testing Shark skin, because I felt that the interaction they had was faked.

Both admitted to not being the pressuring kind of players last phase, so the sudden questioning felt weird.

If you had asked me what would be my lynch candidates at the begining of the phase it would be.

Cooler/Shark skin
A optimistic

In that order.
What part of it seemed forced to you?:mjpls:
A character who isn't evil but ends up turning after WotLK? And one who would fit into the scope of this game?

Fandral Staghelm? But he wouldn't even be on the Eastern Kingdoms, much less a part of any of these factions. Not even loosely so, I would think.

Garrosh Hellscream? But there aren't any orcish factions and Garrosh wasn't even involved in older WoW lore.

As far as I can recall, that just leaves the Bronze Dragonflight, or at least certain members of it. And that fits perfectly with the time reverse earlier.
You should play the game instead of laying low :blobkcop
To Okosan why would the mason group chat be leaked to the thread?

There's already outed members of the group, why wouldn't they confirm that the leaks from there?
Cooo? (Why wouldn't it be leaked? We don't know what caused it. Also Okosan doesn't know why they wouldn't have clarified it, but they haven't said one way or the other. Okosan just finds it interesting you assumed they're all from mafia)
Also diverting from a cultist Serial Killer lynch, when he flat out made an attempted kill to a town power role is dumb.

It's especially dumb now that he's flat out trying to kill more townies.

[Vote lynch Lord Genome]

what townies

You I'm not sure about, Melodie I think is town because of the leaks of the mafia QT.

there was a single leak that mentioned her, and in a rather vague capacity

how, pray tell, does this exonerate her...?

A character who isn't evil but ends up turning after WotLK? And one who would fit into the scope of this game?

Fandral Staghelm? But he wouldn't even be on the Eastern Kingdoms, much less a part of any of these factions. Not even loosely so, I would think.

Garrosh Hellscream? But there aren't any orcish factions and Garrosh wasn't even involved in older WoW lore.

As far as I can recall, that just leaves the Bronze Dragonflight, or at least certain members of it. And that fits perfectly with the time reverse earlier.

think of a priest
with a staff
of a...dual nature
Jesus why didn’t i see it then
Cooo? (Why wouldn't it be leaked? We don't know what caused it. Also Okosan doesn't know why they wouldn't have clarified it, but they haven't said one way or the other. Okosan just finds it interesting you assumed they're all from mafia)
I assumed it was a town ability, but I guess it doesn't say that anywhere.

What do you believe is the reason for the leak if not from that?

My first thought for the leak is still Mafia QT, if it was a mafia ability no reason it would be revealed in the thread over their QT and Nitty didn't mention any mechanic like that in the OP.
Shark skin, nevan and a few more have been awfully quiet
Kira Kira Kira
Novase novase novase

PM leak 1st post is mine and it's cut short not complete sentence. We're talking about our reads/who we want to push on PM and I don't trust Melodie. Didn't say anything since it contain no info but both Melo and now Nevan tried to push the idea it's from maf QT hence clearing Mel (wtf even with multiple scum factions in game). She's not in the clear.
Kira Kira Kira
Novase novase novase

PM leak 1st post is mine and it's cut short not complete sentence. We're talking about our reads/who we want to push on PM and I don't trust Melodie. Didn't say anything since it contain no info but both Melo and now Nevan tried to push the idea it's from maf QT hence clearing Mel (wtf even with multiple scum factions in game). She's not in the clear.

You were recruited in the Silverhand faction, am I remembering correctly?
Kira Kira Kira
Novase novase novase

PM leak 1st post is mine and it's cut short not complete sentence. We're talking about our reads/who we want to push on PM and I don't trust Melodie. Didn't say anything since it contain no info but both Melo and now Nevan tried to push the idea it's from maf QT hence clearing Mel (wtf even with multiple scum factions in game). She's not in the clear.
The other 2 are not from the mason group then?
Kira Kira Kira
Novase novase novase

PM leak 1st post is mine and it's cut short not complete sentence. We're talking about our reads/who we want to push on PM and I don't trust Melodie. Didn't say anything since it contain no info but both Melo and now Nevan tried to push the idea it's from maf QT hence clearing Mel (wtf even with multiple scum factions in game). She's not in the clear.

I was thinking all leaks were from a different scum faction, that's why none of the mentioned people were cleared and I was a bit surprised why some people had Melo suddenly as town :catthinks

Curious things happening here I must say
I assumed it was a town ability, but I guess it doesn't say that anywhere.

What do you believe is the reason for the leak if not from that?

My first thought for the leak is still Mafia QT, if it was a mafia ability no reason it would be revealed in the thread over their QT and Nitty didn't mention any mechanic like that in the OP.
COOOO! (There are so many different things the leaks could be from. Seems weird to just assume things like that)
Kira Kira Kira
Novase novase novase

PM leak 1st post is mine and it's cut short not complete sentence. We're talking about our reads/who we want to push on PM and I don't trust Melodie. Didn't say anything since it contain no info but both Melo and now Nevan tried to push the idea it's from maf QT hence clearing Mel (wtf even with multiple scum factions in game). She's not in the clear.
Coo! (If the second leak wasn't you guys then maybe it was Katsu's faction? They could've been talking about some info they gained or something :hm)
Day 2 - Lord Genome (Darkmaster Gandling) is lynched
Vote count

Novaselinenever - Nevan > Lord Genome
Kira Yagami - Lord Genome
Dr. White - Lord Genome
Leeroy - Lord Genome
poutanko - Lord Genome
Expo - Lord Genome
Tiger - Lord Genome
Kvothe Kingkiller - Lord Genome
Shark Skin - Lord Genome
sworder - cooler
Lord Genome - cooler
Platinum - Lord Genome
is a - Cooler
~Mystic Serenade~ - Lord Genome
Underworld Broker - Lord Genome
Cooler - Lord Genome
Okosan - Lord Genome
Melodie - Lord Genome
Leeroy Jenkins - Lord Genome
Underworld Broker - Cooler > Lord Genome
A Optimistic - Cooler
Wild - Lord Genome
Juan - Lord Genome
Nevan - Lord Genome

Lord Genome - 21
Cooler - 4

The Stormwind House of Nobles retracted its support for the A Optimistic lynch.

Self votes

Evil C.C.

Lord Genome (Darkmaster Gandling) was lynched! The Cult of the Damned has been eliminated from the game.


Darkmaster Gandling

Headmaster of the Scholomance
faction: Cult of the Damned
class: Mage
wincon: eliminate the Kingdom of Azeroth, the Knights of the Silver Hand, the Kirin Tor, the Forsaken and the Scarlet Crusade

"If you haven't come to study, I'll use you to teach a lesson."

[Passive - Mummified Wretch] - Gandling is undead, enabling him to post during the night.

[Passive - Path of the Damned] - If the Gurubashi Tribe is defeated, their patron death god will support the cultists instead, enabling Gandling to perform a faction kill each night.

[Passive - Improved Counterspell] - Gandling is a horrifically powerful sorceror. If another player attempts to roleblock Gandling, he will learn their identity and reflect the ability back at them.

[One Shot Active - Death and Decay] - Gandling can flay another player with death magic, superkilling them.

[Two Shot Active - Graverobbing Ghouls] - If a dead player's role is hidden, Gandling can dispatch his undead minions to find their body, privately showing Gandling their role.

[Active - Soulstone] - If Gandling can guess the name of a dead player's role, the moderator will show him their role. Gandling can only guess once for each player.

[Active - Secret Society] - Gandling's death cult has sympathizers hidden across the realm. During the night Gandling can send his spies to investigate another player, learning their faction.

[Active - Sleep] - Each day Gandling can lull another player into a magical trance, preventing them from posting that night.

[Active - Army of the Dead] - During the night Gandling can raise a dead player, temporarily granting him an ability depending on their class. Gandling's skeletons collapse after 2 nights, taking their ability with them. If another player attempts to role crush Gandling while he has skeletal servants, they will destroy his standing skeletons instead of consuming his role. Gandling cannot raise a player if he hasn't seen their role, and he cannot raise the same player twice.

[Active - Skeletal Warrior] - Undead warriors, shaman and paladins will protect Gandling against kills.

[Active - Skeletal Mage] - Undead priests, mages, and warlocks can use their magic to kill another player each night.

[Active - Skeletal Archer] - Undead rogues, hunters and druids can roleblock another player each night.

[Active - Skeletal Orc] - The brutish orcs make particularly strong undead servants. If Gandling raises a member of the Frostwolf Clan, they can superkill another player each night in addition to their normal class ability.

Before we proceed, I'd like to clarify 2 things about the game:

1. The rule that Shade0180 broke was talking to other players outside the game without permission, not night-posting without permission.

2. If a player's win condition changes, such as through betrayal or recruitment mechanics, I will announce in a writeup that someone either deserted or got converted. Until told otherwise, you can trust that everyone has the same win condition they started with.

Night 2 start.

No more posting, unless given permission. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the night is lynched. At least 3 players must vote for someone to lynch them.
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And did we get a clarification on what Cooler is? I just remember him being a dwarf and some debate between iron and a townie dwarf faction.

James said he was from The Dark Iron Clan in gray. Cooler says he's from The Kingdom of Khaz Modan and that he's being controlled by someone in the dark iron clan. Then we got some lore explanation about Moira and Magni and Cooler claimed to be Moira.

@Cooler are you Moira Bronzebeard/Thaurissan?


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