Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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Thanks for sharing I guess.

Cooler situation should be pretty cut and dry once LG flips. LG hard defended Nevan and nevan's play hasn't been great as well. The oreki situation is a bit more ephemeral but there have been enough reads and claims on it to make it a good lynch in light of the supposed results.

>Hard defend

I legit read him as town and said that in one night post

Idk how that's hard defending

Not that it matters

Only thing I hate is how easy you gave up; seems sketchy as hell.

I mean not much I can do lmao
Someone asked why I was offering a Leeroy lynch, I was testing Shark skin, because I felt that the interaction they had was faked.

Both admitted to not being the pressuring kind of players last phase, so the sudden questioning felt weird.

If you had asked me what would be my lynch candidates at the begining of the phase it would be.

Cooler/Shark skin
A optimistic

In that order.
Not gonna lie still tilted that I didn't get outed by a town(which would be fine)

I got outed by a mafia role

Who has an ability that is legit made to not be found

It was some awful play

Fk u
Coooo! Cooo! (To be fair it's because Katsu was revealed since they revealed false info from Shizune on D1. Without that Okosan's sure there would've been a much higher chance of them keeping quiet about it)
You can't do anything to me fool :pepesip

If only Nitty gave me Kel'Thuzad again. :blobcry


you got ragnaros

Welp if I’m gonna die prob should reveal my info. I inow who Wad is and he should be kept a watch on. I’m not sure if he’ll turn scum because his traitorus faction isn’t in this game but his character does indeed turn evil in lore.

Yeet yeet town godspeed :blobkcop

holy shit i didnt fucking know that

lol @ me for not knowing any lore past WotLK other than what i learn through cultural osmosis :dead
You can't do anything to me fool :pepesip

A superkill can lmao

Welp if I’m gonna die prob should reveal my info. I inow who Wad is and he should be kept a watch on. I’m not sure if he’ll turn scum because his traitorus faction isn’t in this game but his character does indeed turn evil in lore.

Yeet yeet town godspeed :blobkcop

This is based on vanilla so I doubt it
So, to summarize....

LG lynch -> We go to Cooler -> Oreki, depending on Cooler's flip, correct?

Trying to make some sense of where we're going.

If you guys get Moira, and then Magni Bronzebeard lynched using this logic, I'm going to be hella suspicious.

Broki getting a letter in the mail means dick all. Cooler stated he knows Magni's identity.

Take it a bit slower on this train. Look at the process of elimination instead.
I want to hear your reasoning for your vote for me Nova.
I think you're full of it, pretty simple stuff. Think your heavy questioning leads no where more often than not. Haven't seen any results on it. Also it doesn't seem like there is a train of thoughts behind most of them, you're just asking question to ask them. Like I guess to fake contribute. You don't seem to be trying to figure people out, you just bully them and try to get ahold of the interaction. It's such a cheap way to reproduce engagement and game solving intent, and the bland 'give us your reads' usually go nowhere when there isn't an idea behind it or a follow up to figure someone out. Feel like your questions are in bad faith :lmao

Also I just played with you in the Yu Gi Oh and busted you for the same thing. It seems to be your MO as scum, I haven't seen much of your town play, asked some peeps around but gotten nothing.

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