Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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Cooo! (Alright Okosan's back and he plans on being a lot more active today than he was yesterday. Just give him a few and then he'll be available all day)

This seems to be just an activity excuse post :catthinks

COO? (Though he will probably focus more on stuff mentioned today more than anything else, but if anyone has any questions feel free to ask)

I'm not a fan of this part of your post either :catthinks
COOO! (So Okosan didn't catch what the consensus here on LG was, but we should definitely get rid of him no? There's two scenarios. Either A) LG is actually the only person on his team. If that's the case us lynching him would completely stop a source of kills from happening every night. Or B) LG isn't the only person on his team. In which case we'll get to see what the wincon for his faction is and properly assess how dangerous they are.)

Coo! Coo! (Plus lol at these people saying we should let him live longer into night. First off LG literally said he needed a Town faction to die. Plus if you think that he's actually going to answer any of these lie detects where if he lies he dies then you're kidding yourself)
A hidden faction used powerful magic to turn back time! The second half of day phase 1 has been reset. All actions since Sayge's reveal have been reversed.

@WolfPrinceKouga has returned to life, because the kill against him never took place.

Lynch votes have been reset. Day 1 ends 24 hours from this post, on August 9th at 2:30 PM CST.
Coo? (A question for you people who actually know the flavor. This hidden faction that can manipulate time, is it more likely town or scum?)

every rookie mafia ever trying to get town cred

Lots of mafia when caught out. Which is why when there is any doubt, you lynch the outed scum and don't give anyone any undue credit, and pressure those that seem too eager for it/focus their posting around it.

can you read?

if you can go read the post where LG killed Kats, read her abilities and how LG's role was revealed, and then you'll understand why LG is alone in his faction

I'll wait :kannasip
This isn't confirmation, this is assumptions. Decent assumptions but assumptions nonetheless.

Difference is is that my wincon is probably the most friendly unless the dwarves literally do nothing, and since I'm by myself if town is ever threatened I can be dealt with by either:

A vig
The day Lynch
The night Lynch
Vigs and mafia(which you might actually be or basically are) aren't reliable, we don't know your defenses, if town vigs are around/active, or if the other scum factions would bother to take you out instead of forcing us to. Night lynch you are a part of and will likely soon be obsolete.

that’s why i read katsu as town btw
no scum reveals such investigative powers like that because...they just get killed for it lol
Yesterday sure, today though when they revealed themselves to be a role cop, tracker and watcher all in the same night and seemingly on multiple people(both LG and Santi in this case)? Fuck no that is not town.

Lots of mafia when caught out. Which is why when there is any doubt, you lynch the outed scum and don't give anyone any undue credit, and pressure those that seem too eager for it/focus their posting around it.

This isn't confirmation, this is assumptions. Decent assumptions but assumptions nonetheless.

Vigs and mafia(which you might actually be or basically are) aren't reliable, we don't know your defenses, if town vigs are around/active, or if the other scum factions would bother to take you out instead of forcing us to. Night lynch you are a part of and will likely soon be obsolete.

Yesterday sure, today though when they revealed themselves to be a role cop, tracker and watcher all in the same night and seemingly on multiple people(both LG and Santi in this case)? Fuck no that is not town.

Tfw I didn't pick up on alllllll this and was thinking Katsu was simply lied to about the role LG had since it's explicitly stated the host will lie. :catprone
I don't like to role reveal.

My character is being controlled by Dagran Thaurissan. I need him to die before I can control my own actions.

Not sure how obvious of a hint that is.

This might not be wrong
Travelling today so not had a chance to do much.

I'm a dwarf from The Kingdom of Khaz Modan

This is though

My result was Dark iron dwarf

In gray color
She* got info

It sure isnt the latter. Though I'm still wondering if cops can send messages

Sorry, I'm still new mb

To answer about the Dark Iron dwarves, they're basically the evil sect of dwarves. Theres the Wildhammer clan mostly in Alterac, and theres the Bronzebeard mostly in Khaz Modan. They're the good guys. The Dark Irons hold a grudge against the other clans and allied themselves with one of the savage orc factions. They also in game help summon a massive fire elemental lord, one of the strongest threats lorewise in the game, which is what @is a was referring to when he said they summon something dangerous.

Basically they're the vengeful ugly duckling dwarf sect
Ye but Iron Dwarf doesn't seem as scary if we go by what's said on the OP (if LG's trying to divert the lynch from him to Cooler) :dank
and Cooler's indeed a dwarf (we just don't know which dwarf).

Hmm.. the thing with cooler could be that he may show up wrong to investigations because of the dwarf who is apparently controlling him.

Or well, hes lying and is part of that Clan.

As the bird said, shooting him could prove if he is part of Modan or the Iron faction. tbh if our vig has no better target he could check if cooler is telling the truth. (Does that clan have a doc?)
Oh I missed that Oko sorry

Two factions could possibly control time. One is more likely than the other, and that one also is likely the hidden faction.

The ones who could do it and aren't hidden are the Kirin Tor, mages, usually good guys.

The ones who have significantly more control over time, the ones known to be "the time people" sorta, are the Bronze Dragonflight. They're very very neutral in the grand scheme of things and lorewise they care only about preserving timelines and making sure they don't get messed up. Their greatest enemies are other dragonflights. If that's a faction in this game then they're almost definitely straight indie
I don't know the lore at all. All I know is what's in my role sheet. You guessed correctly.

I also know who Magni Bronzebeard is.

So everyone reading this knows, lorewise this makes perfect sense. Moira is, I believe, Magni's daughter. Dagran kidnapped her. This would explain why Cooler says he's controlled and why he would know who Magni is. So this fits the bill perfectly.

I don't want to rule out the possibility that someone in the Dark Iron faction started doing some lore name dropping to help Cooler out. Or that Cooler didn't just start googling things since it's been several hours and I saw his name watching this thread this morning when he got called out.
But ...what if the role is actually town and cooler isnt bullshitting about knowing someone else's identity

Tho it does bother me that he isnt trying much to find the iron dwarves so he can use his abilities freely

Lol I can't find the Iron Dwarves just because I want to. And like I've said repeatedly I've been in Scotland and travelling the last few days so I haven't been able to do much of anything.
So, so far we got Cooler who claims to be town held hostage by the mafia Dark Irons.

We got LG's mess of a situation

We got Oreki who came up as scum when UB got some info during the night phase. He mysteriously popped into the thread in the middle of the night at like 2 a.m. to say its bullshit then bailed, hasn't been seen since.

We got Nevan calling for Leeroy lynch then disappearing immediately after.

And we got sworder fervently defending LG then shifting into a "let's keep him alive for now" stance, which I also find suspicious.
We got Oreki who came up as scum when UB got some info during the night phase. He mysteriously popped into the thread in the middle of the night at like 2 a.m. to say its bullshit then bailed, hasn't been seen since.

I would actually like to check if messages of that sort are true or bullshit, though he didnt bother to show up ever since he popped up for a few minutes and replied to me.
I still think splitting the lynch is dumb. If LG is godfather or actually telling the truth it's possible he has some lynch fuckery like "needs majority". Cooler can be dealt with as the information is already out there and should we lynch LG we will know the ins and outs of his cop ability. People voting cooler are gaining some sus from me.

Nevan is also a character I'd like to hear some opinions on given LG hard town reading him in the night lynch and pretty much stating he wouldn't lynch.
I still think splitting the lynch is dumb. If LG is godfather or actually telling the truth it's possible he has some lynch fuckery like "needs majority". Cooler can be dealt with as the information is already out there and should we lynch LG we will know the ins and outs of his cop ability. People voting cooler are gaining some sus from me.

Nevan is also a character I'd like to hear some opinions on given LG hard town reading him in the night lynch and pretty much stating he wouldn't lynch.
Cooooooo! (Reads like that Okosan kind of feel have to wait until after LG is lynched. We need to know both what LG's spy is like, as well as if he's actually the only one in his faction. Because for instance if he is solo LG's town reading probably means nothing)

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