Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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1. Don't discuss the game outside of the thread or quicktopics under any circumstances. Warcraft characters are infamous for returning from the grave. Dead players cannot post in the thread, in quicktopics or discuss the game.

2. Day and night phases each last 24 hours. Collectively, a 48 hour day+night is referred to as a cycle. At the end of the day phase, whoever has the most votes will be lynched. Posting is not allowed at night. You must post twice during the day. If you only post once, you will be role crushed that night. If you miss a day phase entirely without warning me, you may be replaced or modkilled immediately.

3. Votes must be phrased [vote lynch X] or [change vote lynch X] or I may not count them.

4. This is a closed setup role madness game. Role revealing is allowed, but not recommended. Do not screenshot or quote your PMs. References to your PMs must be paraphrased.

5. Do not edit or delete your posts.


1. Failing to vote for another player will count as two votes toward yourself. You cannot vote for no lynch.

2. There are two levels of kills: regular and super. Regular kills can be stopped by roleblocking the killer or protecting the victim, and consume one life from roles with multiple lives. Superkills bypass all defenses, roleblocks and bonus lives. Superkills can be redirected.

3. "Doctors," or roles with protective abilities, cannot protect themselves. Roleblocks disable passive defenses ie bulletproof abilities.

4. Actions are processed at the end of the night, with priority given to roleblocks followed by kills. During the day actions are processed immediately.

5. Doctors learn when they successfully block a kill, but roleblockers do not learn when they successfully prevent an ability.

6. Abilities with limited use are not expended until they succeed. For example, a one shot can be used a second time if it's roleblocked.

7. Faction kills are performed by a specific member of that mafia, and can be tracked or roleblocked by targeting that person. Faction kills and other abilities appear in writeups under the faction's name and not the user's.

8. This game includes bastard mechanics such as death millers. The moderator will lie to you.

9. Role crushes remove all abilities from their victim, effectively making them a "vanilla" role. Role crushed players retain only their voting power. Protection against roleblocks does not work against role crushes.

10. Kills that only remove 1 life from a player with multiple lives will appear to succeed, although the victim will remain in the game and their role won't be revealed.


1. "Murder" refers to death at the hands of an ability, such as a vigilante or faction kill, as opposed to death by lynching.

2. "Investigations" include all information-gathering abilities such as lie detectors, watchers, trackers and ability cops.

3. "Helping lynch another player" means you were voting for them when they were lynched.

4. "Necromancy" refers to abilities that target dead players.

5. An "interaction" is any time a player targets or is targeted by another player. For example, if I target you, we interacted with each other. If you target me, we are still interacting with each other.


My first 2 Warcraft games, Scourge of Lordaeron and Eternity's End, told the story of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. I did not make a game to cover the events from the expansion pack, Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Instead we are skipping ahead ~5 years, to the release of Word of Warcraft. WoW takes place in 2 continents, Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms, and this game deals with the events in the Eastern Kingdoms.

On the Warcraft timeline, this game covers years 24 and 25.



Spoiler: Continent

Spoiler: Lordaeron

Spoiler: Khaz Modan

Spoiler: Azeroth

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Every character is part of a faction that determines their color, alignment and win condition. Each faction also grants its members a unique ability.

Spoiler: Town factions

The Kingdom of Azeroth

[Passive - The House of Nobles] - The lords and ladies of Stormwind City use their influence to support active Azerothian players. Azerothian characters are protected against votes cast by players who have a lower post count than them.


The Knights of the Silver Hand

[Passive - Light's Hope Chapel] - The paladins of the Silver Hand meet inside a sanctified church where they can communicate outside the thread.


The Kirin Tor

[Passive - Mysteries of the Arcane] - The slain mages of Dalaran persist as phantoms, allowing them to continue posting after death.


The Forsaken

(formerly the Kingdom of Lordaeron)

[Passive - Will of the Forsaken] - The undead don't need to sleep, allowing them to post during the night.


The Kingdom of Khaz Modan

[Passive - The Great Forge] - The gnomes and dwarves of Khaz Modan are outfitted by the legendary craftsmen in Ironforge, protecting them against kills.


The Wildhammer Clan

[One Shot Passive - Nature's Swiftness] - The shamanistic dwarves of Aerie Peak worship nature. On night 5 the nature spirits will reward their dedication by restoring their expended one shot abilities.


The Frostwolf Clan

[Passive - Walk With The Ancestors] - The spiritual orcs of Alterac Valley practice powerful ancestor worship rituals. When a member of the Frostwolf Clan dies, their active abilities are divided up among the surviving members.


The Steamwheedle Cartel

[Passive - City of Thieves] - The infamous rogues of the goblin city Booty Bay scan guilty to investigations.

Spoiler: Hostile factions

The Scarlet Crusade

[Active - The Inquisition] - The crusaders can facton kill another player during the night.


The Gurubashi Tribe

[Passive - Blood for the Blood God] - On night 3 the trolls of Zul'Gurub will summon Hakkar the Soulflayer, shrouding the game in shadows. The darkness forces players to achieve majority lynch rather than plurality, and during the day Hakkar can superkill another player and conceal their role.


The Cult of the Damned

[Active - Will of the Lich King] - The cultists can use their necromantic magic to steal unused one shot abilities from dead players.


The Dark Iron Clan

[Passive - The Anvilrage Army] - The dwarves of Shadowforge City march upon the Alliance and Horde. Each night, randomly selected members of the town will have an ability negated by the Dark Iron strike force.

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Player list
Player List

1. Novaselinenever (Saidan Dathrohan)
2. Oddjutsu (Baron Revilgaz)
3. Dr. White / Dr. White (Jin'do the Hexxer)
4. Cooler (Dagran Thaurissan)
5. Juan (Bloodlord Mandokir)
6. Leeroy Jenkins (Chronormu)
7. Kvothe Kingkiller / fayt (Nathanos Marris)
8. A Optimistic (Mathias Shaw)
9. Lord Genome / Jamess (Darkmaster Gandling)
10. is a / Goobius Maximus (Archbishop Benedictus)
11. Santi / Santi (Captain Galvangar)
12. Tiger (Catelyn Runeweaver)
13. Shark Skin (Thadius Grimshade)
14. Sworder (Master Apothecary Faranell)
15. Wild (Sylvanas Windrunner)
16. Melodie (Mahar Ba)
17. Nevan (Gelbin Mekkatorque)
18. Ratchet (Tirion Fordring)
19. A I Z E N (Lady Bancroft) (Demetria)
20. Dragon D. Luffy (Varimathras)
21. ~Mystic Serenade~ (Raleigh the Devout)
22. WolfPrinceKouga / Soneji (Archmage Theocritus)
23. Okosan (Onyxia)
24. Oreki (Magni Bronzebeard)
25. Underworld Broker (Bolvar Fordragon)
26. Expo / Expo (Ansirem Runeweaver)
27. Platinum (Sally Whitemane)
28. Kira Yagami (Renault Mograine)
29. Degaforce (Drek'Thar)
30. Didi (Maxwell Tyrosus)
31. Katsuargi (High Priestess Mar'li)
32. John Wayne (Falstad Wildhammer)
33. Poutanko (Rayne)


1. ~Mystic Serenade~
2. Degaforce
3. Lord Melkor
4. Evil C.C.

5. Wild
6. Dragon D. Luffy
7. A Optimistic
8. Didi

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The Darkmoon Faire

Silas Darkmoon will periodically bring his magical carnival to the game, offering strange and powerful prizes.

The Night Lynch

There will be a lynching each night as well as during the day. Players who have the ability to post during the night can cast a vote. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the night is lynched.


When the last member of a hostile faction dies, the moderator will announce that the faction has been eliminated. Any information-restricting abilities that faction used, such as janitors or writeup edits, are reversed upon elimination.

Role claims

Role claims are allowed, but not encouraged. Be warned there are mechanics that punish role claims.


I took some creative liberties with this game, because it was impossible to translate everything from the MMO to this mafia game. That said, this game follows the story pretty faithfully.

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Game start
The first day will end 48 hours from now, on August 9th at 12:30 CST.

Please welcome @Expo to the forums! He's my friend who's new to mafia, but he knows about Warcraft. Expo is joining our classic WoW guild with some other NFers, so to help him identify his future guildmates I put their discord usernames in the player list. Those of you in the guild have your Discord username listed next to your NF username for Expo's convenience.


Ahead of You, Down the Path
A Majestic, Magical Faire!
Ignore the Darkened, Eerie Woods
Ignore the Eyes That Blink and Stare
Fun & Games & Wondrous Sights!
Music & Fireworks to Light Up the Night!
Do Not Stop! You're Nearly There!
Behold, My Friend: THE DARKMOON FAIRE!

Silas Darkmoon has opened The Darkmoon Faire to celebrate the game's beginning! Please enjoy these attractions:

1. The fortune teller - Come have your future read by the mysterious gnoll witch, Sayge! After 24 hours, whoever has the most lynch votes will receive a reading from Sayge, publicly revealing their alignment to the thread.

2. The minstrel show - The undead bard Michael Schweitzer has collected strange and rare songs throughout his travels across Azeroth, and he's always impressed to meet someone who knows the same songs he does. The first player to find the ending to the following real-world lyrics will be rewarded with a permanent extra voting power, and protection against the lynch for the rest of today and tonight.

Bitches I'm ready, done preheating!
Bitches so poultry, they _____

Day 1 start. You may post.
Player List

1. Novaselinenever
2. Oddjutsu
3. Dr. White / Dr. White
4. Cooler
5. Juan
6. Leeroy Jenkins
7. Kvothe Kingkiller / fayt
8. Dragomir
9. Lord Genome / Jamess
10. is a / Goobius Maximus
11. Santi / Santi
12. Tiger
13. Shark Skin
14. Sworder
15. Shade0180
16. Melodie
17. Nevan
18. Ratchet
19. A I Z E N
20. Dragon D. Luffy
21. Guiness / Kastro
22. WolfPrinceKouga / Soneji
23. Okosan
24. Oreki
25. Underworld Broker
26. Expo / Expo
27. Platinum
28. Kira Yagami
29. Patchouli
30. Cromer
31. Katsuargi
32. John Wayne

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Coooo! (All hail Lord RNG)

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