Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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here's a summary of what the diff faction bonuses do

KoA - cant get lynched by lower post count
Silver Hand - masons
Kirin Tor - ghosts
Forsaken - nightposting
Khaz Modan - bulletproof
Wildhammer - restore one shots on night 5
Frostwolf Clan - sorta backups
Steamwheedle - millers

Scarlet Crusade - mafia
Gurubashi Tribe - Mafia 2? Day 4 becomes really bad; majority lynch, super kills/day + janitor
Cult of the Damned - One-shot scavengers
Dark Iron Clan - Random Roleblocks

what exactly can the scum factions do ability-wise if you had to guess? (other than killing lmao)
what exactly can the scum factions do ability-wise if you had to guess? (other than killing lmao)

scarlet crusade prolly a p standard mafia
gurubashi fucks need to be found and eliminated first cause Hakkar OP and prolly can’t be defeated til we lynch or kil his goons
cult of the damn either a cult (lol) or some kind of necromancy nonsense
idk what black iron dwarves wanna do but if ragnaros is involved it won’t be fun
Be more clear.

I fight for the HORDE

Well I already did say, I thought the game is claim restricted, so it was a mistake in my part

Mistakes are np. But most mistakes get picked up on. Even innocuous ones that aren't alignment-indicative. A lot of people mistake noticing a mistake as sensing a scum-slip.

And everyone lets that happen because it's always more interesting to see how the person responds to an accusation than the accusation itself.

As a community, we welcome fluff posting early because timid scum are more likely to engage when the stakes are lower. This is because the rest of us are here hunting for mistakes. So it's also interesting to see who posts in the fluff period and not the serious period and vice versa. And who posts regardless.
Mistakes are np. But most mistakes get picked up on. Even innocuous ones that aren't alignment-indicative. A lot of people mistake noticing a mistake as sensing a scum-slip.

And everyone lets that happen because it's always more interesting to see how the person responds to an accusation than the accusation itself.

As a community, we welcome fluff posting early because timid scum are more likely to engage when the stakes are lower. This is because the rest of us are here hunting for mistakes. So it's also interesting to see who posts in the fluff period and not the serious period and vice versa. And who posts regardless.
I don't know, where I play we usually don't fluff that much... so this fluff is so different experience for me, something I never experienced. Though I am the type who post a lot regardless of my faction well unless I am busy irl. I know its a great idea to see the reaction of accusation but sometimes, I will tell you beforehand I get kind of annoyed when I get suspected for bad reasons, doesn't matter what faction I have.

What Nevan is doing is not something I consider an effective way to scum hunt. But that just me, and if he manages to catch scum with his playstyle, then that's gonna be something else

Though thanks for the answer, feel like I learn something new
I don't know, where I play we usually don't fluff that much... so this fluff is so different experience for me, something I never experienced. Though I am the type who post a lot regardless of my faction well unless I am busy irl. I know its a great idea to see the reaction of accusation but sometimes, I will tell you beforehand I get kind of annoyed when I get suspected for bad reasons, doesn't matter what faction I have.

What Nevan is doing is not something I consider an effective way to scum hunt. But that just me, and if he manages to catch scum with his playstyle, then that's gonna be something else

Though thanks for the answer, feel like I learn something new
welcome to nf :blobwut

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