Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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My first post was taken by good luck so had to make it now

I am new to this community but not new to the mafia, but I am still a rookie player so please go easy on me

It's ok, I'm new to this site and community and game and I have literally no clue what's going on. Actually, I'm not even entirely sure how to get an avatar picture uploaded lol the button isn't showing up for me.

I feel like a hopeless helpless infant
Not really, there is a whole lot of things besides my first post, like my gameplay. If I am scum, I can't go without slips... you're just thinking too hard for my one post. But if you really wanna carry my case for that one post please go ahead and state your points
Your gameplay isn't exactly looking great right now.

So why don't you tell us why did you claim town in your first post?
When you sit back and try to pinpoint flaws in dialogues, that you could be based on any seemingly 'sensible' argument, in your words, something that not very townis to me. I don't really see any significance in your exchanges so far, besides going hard on my one post, and showing that you're trying to scum hunt
If you suspect me I'd rather you make it more clear.

Why did you think answering if you were lie detect immune would be a role reveal?
If you suspect me I'd rather you make it more clear.

Why did you think answering if you were lie detect immune would be a role reveal?
I already cleared I guess, that I thought it was role restriction game and being immune to lie detector or not is also considered part of your role which most likely revealing it or claiming it. For your answer I am not immune to lie detector, I don't know how that helps you though

Well, I can't grasp a read on you. because even though you've shown some town traits by trying to scum hunt, IMO, town and scum play are like two faces of the same coin. So what you're doing rn is not townie for me but that doesn't really matter unless I see you making a mistake that might be worth looking into, for now, what you're doing is not townie or can be consider a wild attempt to look town, so yeah I like to see more from you before making my priorities right
This is my first time ever playing. I tried catching up on youtube videos and guides and explanations before today though lol
Coooooo! (Ah well welcome then! Okosan doesn't know if you've already read it as part of your catching up but he's pretty sure we have a pretty solid guide on the site.)

Coo? (Essentially if you're town (the uninformed majority) you're going to be discussing with everyone to try to find and kill the mafia, and if you're mafia (informed minority) you're going to want to blend in, lead town on wild goose chases, and ultimately kill them instead. If you're indy then your win condition varies)
It's an inside joke, in bad taste obviously.

I'm a good guy, and tbh I really enjoy playing my class. Especially on pvp servers. Most bitch-made players cry about balance when I show up.

I'm fine with my vote unless I see a legit reason not to. Plus, WPK is a good player to see their alignment with the tarot event.

Good point on the tarot card thing

[Vote Lynch wpk]
Ooh. That's understandable. I'm desperately trying to convince my wife to give it a try but I'm not holding my breath for it. I'm in my last semester of undergrad right now then I'll start my Master's program in January. Fortunately, it's all online. So I'll have a ton of time to play, so long as I don't let it interfere with school. Which, of course, we know will almost definitely happen because it's WoW and that's what WoW does.
Draekke won't play it?!

Draekke, are you serious??? We thought your brother was a man of taste and elegance! Draekke where are you! Bring your ass back on this forum and say whatever you have to say about WoW to my face!

Nope. He's MMO'd out. And the brothers in-law will only play GW2 or FFXIV, respectively. I won't play an MMO my wife won't play. Too much time.

Ooh. That's understandable. I'm desperately trying to convince my wife to give it a try but I'm not holding my breath for it. I'm in my last semester of undergrad right now then I'll start my Master's program in January. Fortunately, it's all online. So I'll have a ton of time to play, so long as I don't let it interfere with school. Which, of course, we know will almost definitely happen because it's WoW and that's what WoW does.

Going back to school in January here. After a big move to a different city lol. I've tried to get her to play WoW before, she has zero interest.

In '04, I played 40+ hours per week. I know how it is. You do what you have to to stay competitive for whatever reason. Not my style these days. An hour or two here or there is my activity level now.
To win as Town?


Wagon forming on WPK :conspiracy

you halfjest but maybe you're actually concerned

It's an inside joke, in bad taste obviously.

I'm a good guy, and tbh I really enjoy playing my class. Especially on pvp servers. Most bitch-made players cry about balance when I show up.

I'm fine with my vote unless I see a legit reason not to. Plus, WPK is a good player to see their alignment with the tarot event.

fuck yeah rogues :del
here's a summary of what the diff faction bonuses do

KoA - cant get lynched by lower post count
Silver Hand - masons
Kirin Tor - ghosts
Forsaken - nightposting
Khaz Modan - bulletproof
Wildhammer - restore one shots on night 5
Frostwolf Clan - sorta backups
Steamwheedle - millers

Scarlet Crusade - mafia
Gurubashi Tribe - Mafia 2? Day 4 becomes really bad; majority lynch, super kills/day + janitor
Cult of the Damned - One-shot scavengers
Dark Iron Clan - Random Roleblocks
i've literally never played WoW, is there a summary of the story and who's the bad guys?

Well first thing is, the main characters are Tyrande Whisperwind and Jaina Proudmoore


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