Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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This fake outrage

WPK flipping town isn't that surprising, it's Day 1 and he hasn't even posted. and what exactly are you tinfoiling about? that there might be mafia in the DDL wagon? not exactly a tinfoil, that seems pretty reasonable
Thats not outrage,I was just theorising, bro u dont know what outrage is.

No,I was tinfoiling that theres something fishy behind wpks role reveal and then his revival.
Personal experience Ratchet is pretty easy to tilt off the planet if you push the right buttons, Oreki seems gullible enough to get jebaited into things like this.

I shall pray to the dice gods one more time

the post right before you mentioned ratchet as you diced ratchet

i understand what i must do now

thank you for your guidance, broki
Day 1 - Azeroth reveals Ratchet (Tirion)
The Kingdom of Azeroth has publicly revealed Ratchet's (Tirion Fordring) role!

Shizune said:

Tirion Fordring
Lord of Mardenholde Keep
facton: Knights of the Silver Hand
class: Paladin
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I have known orcs who have been as honorable the most noble of knights, and humans who have been as vile as the most ruthless of Scourge."

[One Shot Active - Blessing of Sacrifice] - If Tirion is murdered he can use his dying words to bless another player, protecting them against kills and improving their abilities for the following cycle.

[One Shot Active - House Fordring] - As one of the last surviving northern lords, Tirion can hang another player in his family's castle. For 1 day the Knights can cast votes in Light's Hope Chapel. Whoever has the most votes at the end of the day is lynched alongside the regular lynch. If the Knights use this ability to hang an innocent player, Tirion will be exiled from the game.

[Active - Lay on Hands] - During the day Tirion can abstain from voting without triggering the self-voting penalty. If Tirion doesn't cast any votes for 1 day, the Light will reward his non-violence by enabling him to protect another player that night.
So uuhhh..

since i'm currently not very interested in this ddl vs everyone topic

and somehow Melodie and LG got active for a bit, which i personally find a bit odd, but also dont feel like putting my attention to it

i'm feeling very uneasy about some of your posts wad

i mean, i wanna give you the benefit of the doubt but some posts are a bit appeal to emotion-like

I think wad was the one who just revealed Ratchet?

Which seems like a town ability to me.
So uuhhh..

since i'm currently not very interested in this ddl vs everyone topic

and somehow Melodie and LG got active for a bit, which i personally find a bit odd, but also dont feel like putting my attention to it

i'm feeling very uneasy about some of your posts wad

i mean, i wanna give you the benefit of the doubt but some posts are a bit appeal to emotion-like

ok well you should probably say which posts if you want this to be a valid argument
you would also need to present a tinfoil or believable reasoning for how ive declared two actions and both times they originated from the kingdom of azeroth (which adds up everything else)

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