Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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>nova is STILL trying to sway the lynch on him

holy shit lol :dead

Kudos I guess
but it ain't happening
Game end
The Knights of the Silver Hand lynched Juan (Bloodlord Mandokir)!


Bloodlord Mandokir
Chieftan of Zul'Gurub
faction: Gurubashi Tribe
class: Warrior
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"I'll feed your souls to Hakkar himself!"

[Passive - Enrage] - Mandokir's fury is legendary, granting him an extra voting power for each vote currently on him. Once Hakkar is summoned, the voting power Mandokir gains becomes permanent.

[Passive - Intercept] - Once Hakkar is summoned, Mandokir will use the magical darkness to secretly redirect votes cast against his teammates to himself.

[One Shot Active - Lord of the Night] - Once Hakkar is summoned, Mandokir can channel his power to gain the ability to post for 1 night phase.

[One Shot Active - Ohgan] - During the night Mandokir can send for his vicious pet raptor. For the next 2 days, Ohgan will protect Mandokir's vote against tampering. If another player attempts to tamper with Mandokir's vote while Ohgan is at his side, he will learn their identity and vote silence them until Ohgan leaves.

[Active - Charge] - Mandokir is a veteran raid leader. If Mandokir casts the first vote against another player, other players who also vote for them will temporarily gain +1 voting power.

[Active - Watch] - At the end of the day, If Mandokir is voting for the player with the second most votes, he can attack the leaders of the more popular lynch. Jin'do will vote silence the first and last players to vote for the popular lynch.

The Gurubashi Tribe was eliminated, and Hakkar the Soulflayer was banished back to the Shadowlands.

Novaselinenver (Saidan Dathrohan) was lynched!


Saidan Dathrohan
The Grand Crusader
faction: Scarlet Crusade
class: Warlock
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"Today you have unmade what took me years to create! For this you shall all die by my hand!"

[Passive - The Witching Hour] - Saidan is secretly possessed by the dread demon Balnazzar. Demons don't require sleep, allowing Saidan to post during the night.

[Passive - Might of the Nathrezim] - Balnazzar's demonic power cannot be contained, protecting him against role crushes. If Saidan performs the faction kill, he cannot be redirected.

[Passive - House Dathrohan] - Saidan is a legendary knight, granting him a voting power of 2.

[Passive - Fel Cunning] - As one of the oldest and wisest demons, Balnazzar is far too clever for mortal schemes. If the lynch is rigged against Saidan, such as through vote tampering, he will learn who conspired against him and undo their trickery.

[Active - Doublespeak] - Balnazzar can cast a spell to conceal Saidan's real vote. Each phase Saidan can privately send the moderator his real vote, which will be secretly counted but not shown in the public vote tally. The votes Saidan casts in the thread will appear in the vote tally, but won't actually count.

[Active - Mind Control] - Balnazzar can compel mortals to do his bidding. During the night Saidan can send another play an anonymous message commanding them to vote for a player of his choosing. At the end of the following day, Saidan's target will be forced to change their vote to obey his order. Saidan cannot control the same person 2 days in a row.

A I Z E N (Lady Bancroft) was modkilled for inactivity.


Lady Bancroft
Priestess of the Light

faction: Knights of the Silver Hand
class: Priest
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"The Scourge will be the first to attest that I am truly blessed."

[Passive - House Bancroft] - If Bancroft dies she will be buried in her family's enchanted crypt, protecting her corpse against necromancy.

[Active - Power Word: Shield] - If Bancroft is the only person left in Light's Hope Chapel, she gains the ability to protect another player each night.

[Active - Mind Vision] - During the night Bancroft can look through another player's eyes, learning who they interact with.

The Scarlet Crusade was eliminated, revealing A I Z E N's (Demetria) real role:


The Scarlet Oracle
faction: Scarlet Crusade
class: Priest
wincon: eliminate everyone outside your faction

"If she truly does possess psychic powers, she will undoubtedly be expecting some sort of trouble."

[Passive - Mind Soothe] - Demetria's magic can lull nearby enemies into a stupor, allowing her to fool investigations.

[Passive - The Lady Bancroft] - Demetria infiltrated Light's Hope Chapel disguised as the highborn priestess Lady Bancroft, allowing her to communicate with the Knights of the Silver Hand outside the thread. When Demetria dies the Crusade will hide her body to dispose of the evidence, protecting Demetria's corpse against necromancy and causing Demetria to appear as the fake role Lady Bancroft.

[One Shot Active - A Woman's Weapon] - During the night Demetria can poison 1 of the Knights, role crushing them until they die at the end of the following night.

[Active - Mind Vision] - During the night Demetria can look through another player's eyes, learning who they interact with and the effects of any abilities they use. Demetria can also fill their mind with an anonymous message of her choosing.

The town won the game!


watching from the shadows, Okosan (Onyxia) smirks to herself, laughing at the foolish mortals who are too busy squabbling among themselves to realize their true enemy.

The Blackwing Cabal won the game! By extension, the Dark Iron Clan (@Cooler) also won.



Matriarch of the Black Dragonflight
faction: The Blackwing Cabal
class: Mage
wincon: survive until the end of the game

"As your limp body dangles from the rafters, I will take pleasure in knowing a madman has been put to death."

[Passive - The Age of Mortals] - The mythical dragons were driven into hiding by the spread of civilization, concealing their factions from the faction list.

[Passive - The Drakefire Amulet] - If another player attempts to role crush Onyxia she will absorb the ability into her enchanted necklace, learning the user's name. When Onyxia absorbs a role crush, she can then use it against another player. When Onyxia dies her amulet breaks, freeing everyone she role crushed.

[Passive - The Royal Advisor] - Onyxia uses her power of shapeshifting to masquerade as the Azerothian noblewoman Katrana Prestor, councilor to Prince Anduin in Stormwind City. Onyxia can fool investigations, and if her role is investigated she will appear as Anduin Wrynn.

[One Shot Active - The Royal Family] - During the night Onyxia can investigate another player to learn whether they are Azerothian. When Onyxia finds an Azerothian she will call upon them to fulfill their duty and protect prince Anduin. Onyxia will redirect attacks against her to her new bodyguard, and she can communicate with them outside the thread disguised as Anduin.

[Active - Let Them Eat Cake] - Onyxia schemes to ruin Azeroth by siphoning resources away from the peasants. Each night Onyxia will lower the available amount of votes, permanently forcing 2 players to share 1 vote. If those players cannot agree on how to use their vote, their vote does not count. When Onyxia dies her enemies will raid her lair, retrieving the lost votes.

[Active - Chaos is a Ladder] - Onyxia employs an impressive network of spies and gossips, which she uses to spread fear and suspicion throughout Azeroth. At the end of the night, Onyxia will reveal 1 line of gossip from each private chat in the game. Onyxia can also add 1 fake line of her creation.

Here is her fake role, Anduin Wrynn:


Anduin Wrynn
Prince of Stormwind

faction: Kingdom of Azeroth
class: Priest
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Have you heard any news of my father?"

[Passive - The Royal Adviser] - Anduin's councilor Katrana Prestor uses her strange magic to protect him against role crushes.

[Passive - Finding Your Voice] - If Anduin is among the top 3 most active players, he has an extra voting power.

[One Shot Active - Bannermen] - During the night Anduin can investigate another player to learn whether they are Azerothian. When Anduin finds an Azerothian he will call upon them to fulfill their duty and protect him. Anduin will redirect attacks against him to his new bodyguard, and he can communicate with them outside the thread.

Thanks for playing!
Hey Oddjutsu, running a business is tough but those who do it well run the world. You are a goblin trade tycoon who can buy a wide range of abilities. Will you invest your money wisely, or waste it all away?


Baron Revilgaz
Captain of the Blackwater Raiders
faction: Steamwheedle Cartel
class: Rogue
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"We've got plenty of drink if you're thirsty, and plenty of bouncers if you're antsy. Now then... what can this humble servant of the Steamwheeldle Cartel do for you? Better still - what can you do for me, eh?"

[Passive - The Trade Baron of Booty Bay] - Revilgaz starts the game with 500 gold. On even numbered night phases, Revilgaz will collect another 300 gold from his businesses. Revilgaz can spend gold to use his active abilities.

[Passive - Festival] - When Revilgaz helps lynch a guilty player he will celebrate by hosting a party, generating 100 gold.

[Passive - Murder Is Bad For Business] - Revilgaz's patronage will suffer if he's caught hanging innocent people. If Revilgaz helps lynch an innocent player, his profit from business will be halved to 150 gold until he redeems himself by helping to lynch a guilty player.

[150 Gold Active - Adventurers] - During the day Revilgaz can hire a sellsword to attack another player, preventing them from casting their vote.

[200 Gold Active - The Booty Bay Bruisers] - During the night Revilgaz can pay his infamous goblin enforcers to protect or roleblock another player.

[500 Gold Active - The Blackwater Raiders] - During the night Revilgaz can send his lawless pirate crew to kill another player.

[500 Gold Active - Bodyguards] - Revilgaz can hire a personal entourage, granting him an extra life.

[1000 Gold Active - Bijous for Zanza] - The nearby Zandalari troll tribe can commune with the spirits using certain rare and expensive magical reagents. Revilgaz can supply their ritual, allowing him to ask the moderator 1 yes-or-no question.

Make sure to look at your faction bonus here. Let me know if you have any questions. The game starts August 7th.
That's my role :pepehype

Bad news Broki: Varian Wrynn, the King of Stormwind, has gone missing! Following his disappearance, you were suddenly appointed to govern the kingdom in his absence. Your word now carries heavy weight, and the other players will look to you for leadership. Will you lead them to victory or defeat?


Bolvar Fordragon

Regent-Lord of Stormwind Keep
faction: Kingdom of Azeroth
class: Paladin
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"It is a tragedy. I think... I believe that our kind is cursed. We are cursed to lose our greatest warriors; our most noble heroes; our most gifted scholars."

[Passive - The Interim King] - As the acting governor of Stormwind City, Bolvar casts his vote through the House of Nobles. Bolvar must send his vote to the moderator each night. The moderator will announce his vote at the beginning of the next day. At the end of the day, if Bolvar's target is not one of the top 2 most voted players, the House will retract their support and Bolvar's vote won't count.

[Passive - Politics] - Bolvar begins with a voting power of 3. If Bolvar helps lynch a guilty player he will gain supporters, permanently granting him an extra 2 voting power. If Bolvar helps lynch an innocent player he will lose supporters, permanently reducing his voting power by 1.

[One Shot Active - The Highest Court in the Land] - During the night Bolvar can arrest another player, role crushing them and protecting them against other abilities. The following day, players will vote on whether to spare or execute Bolvar's prisoner instead of who to lynch.

Make sure to check out your faction bonus here. Let me know if you have any questions. The game starts August 7th.
Yes, yours was not a survivor wincon, your wincon was just to make sure that town didn't have a complete victory. Admittedly it's a technical victory more than an earned one, but a victory nonetheless.

aha ok.

Being in Scotland and travelling kinda fucked me this game. Plus I didn't think there were 5 night voters and didn't bother to check and stop the lynch - which would have bought me one measly day.

Anyway, thanks for the game.
Khaz Modan, Wildhammer and Steamwheedle roles
Khaz Modan roles:

Oreki - Magni Bronzebeard


Magni Bronzebeard
Lord of Ironforge
faction: Kingdom of Khaz Modan
class: Warrior
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"A finer blade has never been crafted by my hand. I only hope it does not come too late."

[Passive - Stoneform] - The Bronzebeard family's enchanted birthright protects Magni against poisons.

[Passive - Mithril Armor] - After enduring 5 kills Magni's enchanted armor will break, rendering him vulnerable to kills again.

[Passive - The Mountain King] - Magni's reckless and aggressive fighting style forces his enemies to meet him with deadly force. If another player attempts to roleblock or role crush Magni while his armor is still intact, he will convert their ability into a kill.

[Active - Thunder Clap] - If Magni is attacked he can retaliate the following night by conjuring magical lightning to kill another player.

Nevan - Gelbin Mekkatorque


Gelbin Mekkatorque
The High Tinker
faction: Kingdom of Khaz Modan
class: Warrior
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Necessity is the first cousin of invention."

[One Shot Passive - Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt] - Mekkatorque's wondrous invention allows him to narrowly survive a superkill. The first superkill attempted against Mekkatorque will role cush him instead of taking his life.

[Active - Anything for a Friend] - During the night Mekkatorque can defend another player. If Mekkatorque's target is attacked, Mekkatorque will redirect the kill to himself.

Wildhammer Clan roles:

Shark Skin - Thadius Grimshade


Thadius Grimshade

The Diviner
faction: Wildhammer Clan
class: Mage
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Give me room while I perform a ritual of divination. I will find the connection between the feather you brought me and its owner, and follow that connection to Sharpbeak himself. That is... I will if all goes according to plan. If it does not, then... you better close your eyes."

[Passive - Lucid Dreaming] - Each night Thadius will randomly learn an investigation result that another player received.

[One Shot Active - Arcane Intellect] - Thadius can enchant another player with arcane magic, restoring 1 of their expended one shot abilities.

[One Shot Active - Antivenom] - Thadius can expend his medicinal herbs to cure another player of poisoning.

[One Shot Active - Last Rites] - Thadius can call the nature spirits to bless a dead player's body, protecting them against necromancy.

[One Shot Active - Deathlore] - If a dead player's role is hidden, Thadius can use necromantic magic to learn their role.

Steamwheedle Cartel roles:

Oddjutsu - Baron Revilgaz


Baron Revilgaz
Captain of the Blackwater Raiders
faction: Steamwheedle Cartel
class: Rogue
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"We've got plenty of drink if you're thirsty, and plenty of bouncers if you're antsy. Now then... what can this humble servant of the Steamwheeldle Cartel do for you? Better still - what can you do for me, eh?"

[Passive - The Trade Baron of Booty Bay] - Revilgaz starts the game with 500 gold. On even numbered night phases, Revilgaz will collect another 300 gold from his businesses. Revilgaz can spend gold to use his active abilities.

[Passive - Festival] - When Revilgaz helps lynch a guilty player he will celebrate by hosting a party, generating 100 gold.

[Passive - Murder Is Bad For Business] - Revilgaz's patronage will suffer if he's caught hanging innocent people. If Revilgaz helps lynch an innocent player, his profit from business will be halved to 150 gold until he redeems himself by helping to lynch a guilty player.

[150 Gold Active - Adventurers] - During the day Revilgaz can hire a sellsword to attack another player, preventing them from casting their vote.

[200 Gold Active - The Booty Bay Bruisers] - During the night Revilgaz can pay his infamous goblin enforcers to protect or roleblock another player.

[500 Gold Active - The Blackwater Raiders] - During the night Revilgaz can send his lawless pirate crew to kill another player.

[500 Gold Active - Bodyguards] - Revilgaz can hire a personal entourage, granting him an extra life.

[1000 Gold Active - Bijous for Zanza] - The nearby Zandalari troll tribe can commune with the spirits using certain rare and expensive magical reagents. Revilgaz can supply their ritual, allowing him to ask the moderator 1 yes-or-no question.

Tiger - Catelyn Runeweaver


Catelyn Runeweaver
The Blade
faction: Steamwheedle Cartel
class: Rogue
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"It's not as though I can get by as a knife fighter with insults and a sharp tongue alone."

[Passive - House Runeweaver] - Catelyn knows the identity of her estranged father, Lord Ansirem Runeweaver. If Ansirem targets his daughter, Catelyn will learn of it and roleblock him. If Ansirem dies Catelyn will inherit House Runeweaver, granting her an extra voting power and allowing her to scan innocent to investigations.

[Passive - Stealth] - Catelyn is practiced in the art of subterfuge, allowing her to fool watchers and trackers.

[Two Shot Active - Pickpocket] - During the night Catelyn can attempt to steal an ability from another player. When Catelyn dies, her stolen abilities will be returned to their rightful owners.
Forsaken and Nozdormu roles
Forsaken roles:

Wild - Sylvanas Windrunner


Sylvanas Windrunner

The Banshee Queen
faction: Forsaken
class: Hunter
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"Children of the night, heed your queen's call!"

[Passive - The Dark Lady] - During the night Sylvanas has a voting power of 2.

[One Shot Active - Necromancy] - Sylvanas can resurrect a dead innocent player as a member of the Forsaken. Sylvanas's target can only post during the night, and they retain a shadow of their former abilities.

[Active - Invitiation to the Undercity] - Each day Sylvanas can invite another player in the city of the dead, enabling them to post for that night. Living things need sleep, so Sylvanas cannot host the same person 2 nights in a row.

[Active - Silence] - Sylvanas can bewitch another player to prevent them from casting their vote, vote silencing them for the night.

Kvothe Kingkiller - Nathanos Marris


Nathanos Marris
The Blightcaller
faction: Forsaken
class: Hunter
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"It's incredible what a little anger and rage can get accomplished."

[Passive - Nightcrawler] - If another player escapes or survives the night lynch Nathanos will stalk them, permanently learning who they interact with.

[One Shot Active - Cannibalism] - Nathanos can consume a dead player's remains, protecting their corpse against necromancy. Nathanos permanently gains a new ability depending on who he eats.

[Active - The Blighthounds] - When another player makes their first-ever night phase post, Nathanos can send 1 of his pet hounds to protect them. The first kill aimed at Nathanos's target will strike the hound instead, and Nathanos will learn when his hound dies. Nathanos can also recall his hounds prematurely.

sworder - Master Apothecary Faranell


Master Apothecary Faranell

The Royal Alchemist
faction: Forsaken
class: Warlock
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"The excitement of this experiment has me feeling giddy! You have been such a great help. Together we will spread death and disease to this land!"

[Passive - Secret Laboratory] - Faranell installed many traps and magical wards around his workshop to prevent his experiments from being discovered. If Faranell is investigated, he will roleblock the investigator and learn their name.

[One Shot Active - Plague Bomb] - During the night Faranell can deploy his prototype biological weapon, attempting to kill another player. If Faranell's victim survives he will improve his design and return 2 nights later with a superkill. Faranell's plague fails against undead players.

[Active - Truth Serum] - During the day Faranell can sneak an honesty-inducing elixir into another player's drink. If Faranell's target posts during that night, they cannot lie. If the moderator catches Faranell's target lying that night, they will be removed from the game.

Brood of Nozdormu roles:

Leeroy Jenkins - Chronormu



Emissary of the Bronze Dragonflight
faction: Brood of Nozdormu
class: Mage
wincon: eliminate all threats to the town

"I am known as Chronormu, but you may call me Chromie. I am comfortable with such familiarity."

[Passive - The Age of Mortals] - The mythical dragons were driven into hiding by the spread of civilization, concealing their factions from the faction list.

[Passive - Shapeshifter] - Chromie takes the form of a gnome to interact with mortals. If Chromie's faction is investigated, she will appear to be part of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan.

[Passive - Temporal Displacement] - Chromie does not move linearly through time, allowing her to post during the night.

[One Shot Active - The Aspect of Time] - The bronze dragons are the stewards of time, allowing Chromie to restart 1 day phase.

[Active - Magical Memories] - Chromie learns and memorizes the effects of abilities that target her. Chromie can combine 2 memorized abilities to temporarily create a more powerful ability for herself.

[Active - Spell Thief] - When the other players target each other with magical abilities, they leave spell residue. During the night Chromie can harvest the residue from another player, temporarily gaining an ability that was used on them the previous cycle.
MVPs and announcements

I don't have too much to say because I'm happy with how the game turned out. The town won through hard-earned scumhunting, and the hostile players lost based on their own decisions, not because of any imbalanced or unfair mechanics. I don't feel like the setup needs any changes, although I am interested to hear @Dragon D. Luffy's opinion now that the roles are all out.

As most of you know, I took a year off from mafia, and this was a challenging game to host after being gone for so long. I'm sorry to those of you who experienced mistakes with action processing, like @Katsuargi. Things got back on track after the first cycle, but it was rough going at first, especially due to an an unexpected surge of day abilities - I certainly did not anticipate three one shots being used on day one! I will apply the lessons from this game to future games to ensure they run more smoothly.

Town MVP: Melodie (Mahar Ba)

From my perspective, I thought the Scarlet Crusade would win after day 2. They were the only faction who hadn't lost someone, their cultist enemy was already dead, and Mograine was ready to start his killing spree. Melodie was only going to get the chance to use her 4-person roleblock once, maybe twice the entire game, and she turned the game around by deciding to use it that night and by using it accurately. The town got off to a disastrous start, and Melodie dug them out of it with one excellent decision after another. I have known that Melodie is very good with ability targeting since she won my League of Legends game 3 years ago, but she truly outdid herself here. Given how little information Melodie had to work with on night 2, I doubt there are many other players here that could have played with the decisiveness and accuracy she did. She stuck the landing too, because her followup in the thread over the next 2 days was just as effective as her roleblock. Every step of the way, Melodie had no sense of hesitation. She used her mass roleblock as soon as it as available instead of saving it, hit multiple scum despite it only being night 2, and afterward did not allow herself to be dissuaded from lynching her targets. Sure she loses some style points for becoming belligerent at the end, but she'd already won by then anyway.

Scum MVP: Novaselinenever (Saidan Dathrohan)

Alas, poor Nova. There isn't much to say here: Nova certainly tried harder than any other guilty player, but things fell apart around him. Nova lost from a combination of being outplayed and being the victim of bad luck, but he did not lose for lack of effort, and I appreciate him fighting to his dying breath.

Thanks for playing!

I created this game to commemorate the upcoming re-release of World of Warcraft: Classic on August 27th. Some of us mafia players are starting an Alliance-side guild on the Grobbulus server in North America. If you're interested in joining us, just let me know and we'd be happy to have you.


1. Particularly after this game, I figure I must be pretty infamous for death millers and quote mechanics now, so I am officially retiring both types of mechanics from my games for the rest of this year and 2020. You will not see a death miller or abilities that trigger by being quoted in any of my games for the foreseeable future. I feel these mechanics work best as surprises, and no longer serve their purpose now that they are expected from me. I'm hosting Manga Mashup on here next year, so keep this in mind.

2. The next game I host is going to be my fifth Holy Shounen Trinity game in November. However, it will be on a new website called Thriller Bark. If you're interested in playing, expect signups to go up on TB around September/October. My userrname there is Robin.
Melodie can be a really good town player just is super lazy in like 95% of games to show it. Part of the jaded crew, like me. It's more surprise at the effort but Shizune games tend to bring out the best in people.

Giiirl Melodie deserves to be jaded

I'm still upset on her behalf from League of Legends 2 when she truthfully claimed survivor day 1 and got lynched for it

If I were her I wouldn't even admit I know y'all anymore!
Can you elaborate on what you mean?
In Favorites games you can get away with more not only due to there being a higher amount of scum than other role-madness games, with a higher power scale, but also due to the town not knowing who even made it into the game or what faction each character belongs to. They can attack/out each other without it being as devastating, and due to the power scale the chance that they can kill/investigate each other successfully are lower.

Scum screwing over other scum is less likely and less impactful on average in Favorites is the gist of it.

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