Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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[Passive - The Brothers Dread] - Varimathras and his brother Balnazzar are secretly playing the Forsaken and the Scarlet Crusade against one another to weaken both sides. Varimathras can win with the Scarlet Crusade.

for all eyes

its not being forsaken that allows you to nightpost

its being undead/demons

varimathras was one such demon, darkmaster gandling(LG) was undead

balnazzar, being varimathras's brother, is also a dreadlord/demon so i should see zero reason why they arent able to night post as well, no?

Oh. When you put it that way, it makes sense.
Cooo! COO! (Tbh Okosan has been suspicious of Kira since the beginning of the game :hm He's tunneled 100% on Nevan for the entirety of the game so far, but has barely even pushed him really. All his other posts have been mechanic related or fluff)
>mechanic related :jerrykek
Bruh...r u sure ur not mistaking me for someone?
I don't know shit about WoW to even make mechanic related posts

U don't think nevan is scum? :hm
[Passive - The Brothers Dread] - Varimathras and his brother Balnazzar are secretly playing the Forsaken and the Scarlet Crusade against one another to weaken both sides. Varimathras can win with the Scarlet Crusade.

for all eyes

its not being forsaken that allows you to nightpost

its being undead/demons

varimathras was one such demon, darkmaster gandling(LG) was undead

balnazzar, being varimathras's brother, is also a dreadlord/demon so i should see zero reason why they arent able to night post as well, no?

It depends on who Tiger is alluding to because if they haven't posted yet then he might still be mia. Leeroy is confirmed to be Chromie, I'm not balnazzar and I sorta revealed my ability previously, wild has the ability to invite people, and sworder has the ability to use the truth serum

So the question is what kind of person Balnazzar? Like what abilities could he possibly have and if its fits with any of the night posters. Mel wasn't included cause she was invited by wild.
If you really want me to take a stance, then I don’t think there are any other night posters who are anti-town.
Coo! (It's real nice of Shizune to just give us like 4 confirmed townies that can lynch someone every night with basically nothing scum can do then /s)

Until you show me a mafia member who was able to post at night, I will stand by that statement. Lg was indie. So if you’re going by precedence, sure you can call me indie all u like :lmao
COOOO? (Look in your role PM and you'll find one :maybe)

Because they are. You find me sus cuz I’m trying to clear myself? Sorry I’m not tryna get sniped by the vig based on tiger’s weak
Coooooo? (Okosan already told you why he suspects you lol. It's not just because you're "trying to clear yourself".)

Are you confirmed?
COO! COO! (It shouldn't really matter if Okosan is confirmed or not tbh. The only reason you're even asking this question is to try to make people believe Okosan's argument less)

...Coo (But also he is anyways so lol)
Coo! (It's real nice of Shizune to just give us like 4 confirmed townies that can lynch someone every night with basically nothing scum can do then /s)

Yeah it’s pretty OP

Coooooo? (Okosan already told you why he suspects you lol. It's not just because you're "trying to clear yourself".)

The other reason was because of shade which I can do nothing about sooooo...

COO! COO! (It shouldn't really matter if Okosan is confirmed or not tbh. The only reason you're even asking this question is to try to make people believe Okosan's argument less)

No, it’s because I want to know if you’re open game for scumhunting or not :sag

...Coo (But also he is anyways so lol)

It depends on who Tiger is alluding to because if they haven't posted yet then he might still be mia. Leeroy is confirmed to be Chromie, I'm not balnazzar and I sorta revealed my ability previously, wild has the ability to invite people, and sworder has the ability to use the truth serum

So the question is what kind of person Balnazzar? Like what abilities could he possibly have and if its fits with any of the night posters. Mel wasn't included cause she was invited by wild.

this little blurb should tell you all you need to know

Saidan Dathrohan
was one of the first five paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand along with Uther the Lightbringer, Turalyon, Tirion Fordring, and Gavinrad the Dire. After the Third War, he subsequently formed the Scarlet Crusade, which he led as Grand Crusader. He was later killed by the dreadlord Balnazzar, who would possess his body in order to impersonate him and manipulate the Crusade from within.[1]

so basically
balnazzar is pretty much likely godfather
and possibly could be a silver hand infiltrator

so i ask @Ratchet or @poutanko

is there anyone in the mason group

who has posted at night?
>mechanic related :jerrykek
Bruh...r u sure ur not mistaking me for someone?
I don't know shit about WoW to even make mechanic related posts

U don't think nevan is scum? :hm
Cooo! (Here's a nice selection of what he's talking about)

19/31 actually
How many players per faction yall think we're looking at?
Vote Count:

Okosan -> WPK
Melodie -> Santi -> Oreki -> Leeroy
John Wayne -> Okosan
Wad -> WPK
Cooler -> LG
Nevan -> Oreki
Tiger -> WPK
Sworder -> Okosan
Platinum -> DDL
UB -> Okosan
Dragomir -> Leeroy
Expo -> Wad
Katsu -> Oddjutsu
Oddjutsu -> Kira Yagami
Leeroy -> Oddjutsu
Ratchet -> Oreki
Kira Yagami -> Nevan
DDL -> Tiger

WPK : 4 votes
Okosan : 3 votes
Leeroy, Oreki, Oddjutsu: 2 votes
LG, DDL, Wad, Kira, Nevan, Tiger : 1 vote

2.5 hours till the 24 hr mark
Just deleted a double post of the lower post,did it pretty quickly so i didnt think it was a problem but k
Were the tracking of LG action and the learning his role name action separate actions?
DDLs role doesnt have any killshots,So how did he use him to kill someone? :hm
this little blurb should tell you all you need to know

so basically
balnazzar is pretty much likely godfather
and possibly could be a silver hand infiltrator

so i ask @Ratchet or @poutanko

is there anyone in the mason group

who has posted at night?

Wouldn't that be too on the nose though? Like as soon as someone from Knights saw another person from their faction posting at night, they'd get suspicious. I feel like it might be one or the other. Maybe Balnazzar can only post at night or only in the Knights chat, but not both. But if he could do both, it also makes sense that he wouldn't.

I still don't discredit the idea of a SC member infiltrating the Knights. Maybe someone else other than Balnazzar?
Yeah it’s pretty OP

The other reason was because of shade which I can do nothing about sooooo...
COOO? Coo! (Alright Okosan means just because Shade did it doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you and your role)

No, it’s because I want to know if you’re open game for scumhunting or not :sag
Cooooo! (Yeah and even if Okosan was scum he would be open to scumhunting. It's not like there's only one scum faction to go after)

Coo! COO! (Also, I can confirm that the bird is actually town.)
Wouldn't that be too on the nose though? Like as soon as someone from Knights saw another person from their faction posting at night, they'd get suspicious. I feel like it might be one or the other. Maybe Balnazzar can only post at night or only in the Knights chat, but not both. But if he could do both, it also makes sense that he wouldn't.

I still don't discredit the idea of a SC member infiltrating the Knights. Maybe someone else other than Balnazzar?

i agree its probably one or the other for balancing reasons

and if theres a specific SC->silver hand has to be mograine, dontcha think?
Cooo! (Here's a nice selection of what he's talking about)
Lol thats not much and i wouldnt even count most of those as mechanics talk.
A quick vote count aint really mechanic talk. Neither is me correcting wad about the number of players who voted.
One of those is cause ddl called me out for deleting a double post,not mechanic talk.
And the last 2 are pretty game related,i was questioning Katsu about the LG thing.
Seems a bit like ur reaching with those posts.

Coo!! (Also Okosan didn't say anything bout Nevan one way or another? Even if they are scum that doesn't mean a lot towards you tunneling on them)
Anyways what are your thoughts on Nevan?
Ive wanted him lynched for a while but its not like anyone will follow me on it since im being sussed
I’m doing the whole truth serum thing with sworder in front of town so it’s not the same really. All okosan posted was a one-liner of you saying he’s town. This is very weak evidence in a game where half the players are already confirmed. There is fuckery afoot.

the truth serum thing is contingent on sworder being confirmed town (which he is also categorically not)

im not 'confirmed' but you would have to be pretty biased to not think that all the evidence points to me being town and i can tell you, mechanically resolved, that okosan is 99.99% town barring some extreme bastard role fuckery
Lol thats not much and i wouldnt even count most of those as mechanics talk.
A quick vote count aint really mechanic talk. Neither is me correcting wad about the number of players who voted.
One of those is cause ddl called me out for deleting a double post,not mechanic talk.
And the last 2 are pretty game related,i was questioning Katsu about the LG thing.
Seems a bit like ur reaching with those posts.

Anyways what are your thoughts on Nevan?
Ive wanted him lynched for a while but its not like anyone will follow me on it since im being sussed
Coo! (To be fair even more than mechanic talk he meant you aren't really adding much if that makes sense? All of those quotes are either clarification questions, talking about how much scum their might be, making little observations, stuff like that. He did choose somewhat randomly so Okosan can admit the deleting a post one isn't really fair, though.)

COOOO! (Hmm Okosan's not really sure. He's focusing more on other people right now and would have to go iso Nevan to get a good read)
the truth serum thing is contingent on sworder being confirmed town (which he is also categorically not)

You really think we would be doing this out in the open if we were mafia? The move is entirely pro-town too, so it’s counterproductive for mafia to even get within range of that.

im not 'confirmed' but you would have to be pretty biased to not think that all the evidence points to me being town and i can tell you, mechanically resolved, that okosan is 99.99% town barring some extreme bastard role fuckery

Your role could easily have been interfered with. At this rate, my biggest concern is having everyone be confirmed cuz there’s not enough players for both that many townies and different mafia factions.
Coo! (To be fair even more than mechanic talk he meant you aren't really adding much if that makes sense? All of those quotes are either clarification questions, talking about how much scum their might be, making little observations, stuff like that. He did choose somewhat randomly so Okosan can admit the deleting a post one isn't really fair, though.)

COOOO! (Hmm Okosan's not really sure. He's focusing more on other people right now and would have to go iso Nevan to get a good read)
Those are 5% of my posts and Really? I feel that besides this dayphase ive been contributing and active..but fair enough

Aight lemme know when u do that
Coo! (Isn't that the best you can do besides literally either WAD revealing what exactly got him that result or Shizune himself confirming Okosan? Besides that you can really only go off of people saying, "hey this person is town")

Well considering what’s happening with ava’s Result on oreki, I think these behind-the-scenes shenanigans can definitely be fucked with which is why we have so many claims already.
You really think we would be doing this out in the open if we were mafia? The move is entirely pro-town too, so it’s counterproductive for mafia to even get within range of that.

Your role could easily have been interfered with. At this rate, my biggest concern is having everyone be confirmed cuz there’s not enough players for both that many townies and different mafia factions.

there is though

we're not even close to having half the players 'confirmed', even less with actual names attached to them
Wild versus Okosan

@Okosan im tired of doing this with you. If you have some kind of point to make, make it.
Cooo? (Okosan's original point was just to point out that people posting at night aren't necessarily town like you were trying to get people to believe, but then you started acting more scummy so. As Okosan said at the beginning of the phase he didn't even want to focus on you today since we had other more important leads. This can be something more for tomorrow.)
Cooo? (Okosan's original point was just to point out that people posting at night aren't necessarily town like you were trying to get people to believe, but then you started acting more scummy so. As Okosan said at the beginning of the phase he didn't even want to focus on you today since we had other more important leads. This can be something more for tomorrow.)

You didn’t even explain how I was acting more scummy.

Whatever man, I think you have a serious hard-on for me and it’s kinda weird cuz you’re a life-sized bird.
Oreki is Katrana Prestor. Disguised in the Kingdom of Azeroth role, but scum as hell

Ok, I like the theory but I don't think so. I think he is either: Magni, Herod, or Mograine. Prestor doesn't wear armor. Don't ask for more atm.

something that has been bothering me

why would the mailer mail UB

they had plenty of confirmed town slash highly likely possible town to message

and they picked...her?


Agreed. Why Broki and Expo, rather than Ratchet?

Can you elaborate?

Hmm didn't Tiger mention that he knows there's someone who can night post but chooses not to?

will probably have to tonight, yeah.

Why didn't Tiger reveal who is choosing to not post during night? They should be mafia if they're willingly choosing to not participate in discussion

Maybe they're also inactive in general causing Tiger to hesitate to attribute their lack of posts at night to that inactivity?

for the record i would like tiger to disclose their name

Tfw Tiger spent his 5% of attention today and won't get back to us to name names.


tiger was talking about me.

it's a oneshot ability, so i have been keeping it in reserve until it's needed. which will probably be tonight, seeing that majority will be in effect.

like, it should be obvious to anyone paying attention, i'm the one who's been talking to tiger about using the ability :drake

Good grief. I thought we were being obvious.

I'm a thief. I took his one-shot...saw it was the ability to speak at night and then returned it. No thanks.

I also took Oreki's armor...which he knows about but didn't mention ALL DAY. He is someone who had plenty of lives, because his armor bestowed 2 extra.

And when I think about who has magical armor of note, I think Scarlet Monastery tbh. And I think mail or plate.

But could also be Magni Bronzebeard.

So yeah, I'm tapped out of info, and I can't even wear the damn armor (rogue). But I'm keeping it.
Ok, I like the theory but I don't think so. I think he is either: Magni, Herod, or Mograine. Prestor doesn't wear armor. Don't ask for more atm.

Agreed. Why Broki and Expo, rather than Ratchet?

Good grief. I thought we were being obvious.

I'm a thief. I took his one-shot...saw it was the ability to speak at night and then returned it. No thanks.

I also took Oreki's armor...which he knows about but didn't mention ALL DAY. He is someone who had plenty of lives, because his armor bestowed 2 extra.

And when I think about who has magical armor of note, I think Scarlet Monastery tbh. And I think mail or plate.

But could also be Magni Bronzebeard.

So yeah, I'm tapped out of info, and I can't even wear the damn armor (rogue). But I'm keeping it.

I wonder if thats Oreki then since Cooler mentioned he knew who Magni is and brought up Oreki is town.

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