Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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COO! (You're using the argument that being able to post at night meant you were Forsaken. LG being an indie or mafia doesn't mean anything. Either way he was anti-town.)

Do you have anything besides non-arguments. Me being able to post at night only speaks in my favor, regardless of LG’s alignment. What have I actually done that makes me actively scummy in your eyes?
my heart tells me you had a truth meta iirc which is why I poked you
I know that's why. I just don't want to rely on that truth meta as much as I had in the past just because I let it get to the point where my gameplay was absolute shit. I also ended up breaking that meta the last game I played last year.

That being said I'll still respond to your question. I'm town. I haven't really hinted to this point, but there is at least one thing in thread that should point towards that.
I mean

I have more going for me than you do really

Coooooo! (Guess LG was forsaken too then :awesome)

He was an indie, not mafia. There’s only like 3 of us active at night anyways.

COO! (You're using the argument that being able to post at night meant you were Forsaken. LG being an indie or mafia doesn't mean anything. Either way he was anti-town.) really don't.

But like I said-- a bridge for a different chasm. Posting at night doesn't make you Forsaken. And we all believe mafia has at least one person that can as well.
I think it was Oreki and kvothe and juan maybe? Who jumped on me after UB said i scanned guilty,which she later admitted that she was lying but that didnt stop them from keeping it on me with no explanation:meh

From our perspective, that looks like 1 or possibly 2 scum trying to take out a rival. Their alignment won't be cleared if you flip mafia for that reason-- but neither do their suspicious voting pattern make you look better.
Do you have anything besides non-arguments. Me being able to post at night only speaks in my favor, regardless of LG’s alignment. What have I actually done that makes me actively scummy in your eyes?
Coo? (So you think there are no more anti-town players at all with the ability to post at night right now?)

Coooooo! (Two main things for reasons he thinks you're scummy right now. One he already mentioned with Shade doing that weird, "Oops I voted" thing which would very much fit in with a scum trying to hide and influence the lynch still. They could've come back any later night and done something similar or started posting for real. Second, you trying to somehow clear yourself right now. You seem real defensive of Okosan and others bringing it up, and when at least Okosan started saying you were scummy your response has been to just criticize Okosan's arguments.)
[Vote lynch Platinum]

If what you're saying is true White, why is your vote on me over Platinum?

Alao Cooler had both a lynch stop and a fake claim, so that argument is bullshit.

I also know for a fact that you have played against scum Platinum, so the can't read him excuse doesn't fly.

Lmao look who has come alive now that the mislynch is off kilter.

> Because I read you as scum and my vote is from like hours ago.

> Ok? Cooler was scum and had a lynch stop, why would that preclude town from having one as well? Or are you suggesting every scum faction has a lynch stop and town can't? Not really sure what this argument is.

> When did I say I can't read Platinum?
Coo? (So you think there are no more anti-town players at all with the ability to post at night right now?)

Leeroy is apparently confirmed and sworder is pretty clear imo so that leaves me and kvothe. I’m literally making pro-town plays with the invites in front of the whole thread so I don’t see how you’d choose me.

Coooooo! (Two main things for reasons he thinks you're scummy right now. One he already mentioned with Shade doing that weird, "Oops I voted" thing which would very much fit in with a scum trying to hide and influence the lynch still. They could've come back any later night and done something similar or started posting for real. Second, you trying to somehow clear yourself right now. You seem real defensive of Okosan and others bringing it up, and when at least Okosan started saying you were scummy your response has been to just criticize Okosan's arguments.)

>trying to clear yourself

Yeah cuz tiger called me mafia and is trying to sic the vigs on me? What kind of response were you expecting to something like that? :whutpepe


I’m not being defensive, I’m merely defending myself as any good townie should.

>criticizing your arguments

Well yes. The alternative would be to ignore it until everyone just bandwagons me.
Leeroy is apparently confirmed and sworder is pretty clear imo so that leaves me and kvothe. I’m literally making pro-town plays with the invites in front of the whole thread so I don’t see how you’d choose me.

>trying to clear yourself

Yeah cuz tiger called me mafia and is trying to sic the vigs on me? What kind of response were you expecting to something like that? :whutpepe


I’m not being defensive, I’m merely defending myself as any good townie should.

>criticizing your arguments

Well yes. The alternative would be to ignore it until everyone just bandwagons me.

I missed seeing this aggressive side of you. :obamabury

When are you gonna start flaming people? :Mshad
Wait, what all reads to we have on Oreki? A Optimistic said UB is town, and UB got a fan mail saying Oreki is scum. Didn't someone say Oreki is innocent though? I'm trying to remember who said that and when
he got lie detector'd on by ava and was telling the truth.

@Wild why did you choose Melodie actually over the others to the night convos.

[Vote Lynch Platinum]
Lmao look who has come alive now that the mislynch is off kilter.
What mislynch?

I wasn't in any danger of being lynched.

> Because I read you as scum and my vote is from like hours ago.
Your vote is after all of Platinum's posts and the information from the other players.

What changed from the to now?

In fact, your vote is still on me.

> Ok? Cooler was scum and had a lynch stop, why would that preclude town from having one as well? Or are you suggesting every scum faction has a lynch stop and town can't? Not really sure what this argument is.
Because your argument was that you've never seen mafia with a lynch stop, you backpedaling fuck.

> When did I say I can't read Platinum?
Earlier in the day you said pressuring Platinum didn't work.
What mislynch?

I wasn't in any danger of being lynched.
I was obviously refering to myself. Now one of your mates is gonna take the L.

Your vote is after all of Platinum's posts and the information from the other players.

What changed from the to now?

In fact, your vote is still on me.
You and platinum are in my pool of scum. I haven't even decided where I'm placing my final vote on. I voted you while I was in the lead. Not sure why you are acting like I've dipped the thread and can't change my vote. Or why you are questioning why I'd vote you when I've been calling you scum the past several dayphases.

Because your argument was that you've never seen mafia with a lynch stop, you backpedaling fuck.
I didn't, I was taking you at your word that it's in his role and was confused why you brought it up. I'm not backpedaling lmao do you even know what this is?

Also someone is mad mad :lmao

Earlier in the day you said pressuring Platinum didn't work.
Yes because at that point people literally let him come in an drop 2 posts before bouncing and no one wanted to pursue him further.

How about you actually read first?
Leeroy is apparently confirmed and sworder is pretty clear imo so that leaves me and kvothe. I’m literally making pro-town plays with the invites in front of the whole thread so I don’t see how you’d choose me.
COO COO! (So do you or do you not think scum only had one person in the group?)


I’m not being defensive, I’m merely defending myself as any good townie should.

>criticizing your arguments

Well yes. The alternative would be to ignore it until everyone just bandwagons me.
Coooo! (You're not defending yourself though, you're attacking Okosan's arguments and quoting probable incorrect info. So far you've said that you can't be scum because you can post at night, thrown doubt on Okosan being town, and described what he's been saying as "non arguments" in response to him sussing you)
COO COO! (So do you or do you not think scum only had one person in the group?)

If you really want me to take a stance, then I don’t think there are any other night posters who are anti-town.

Coooo! (You're not defending yourself though, you're attacking Okosan's arguments and quoting probable incorrect info. So far you've said that you can't be scum because you can post at night,

Until you show me a mafia member who was able to post at night, I will stand by that statement. Lg was indie. So if you’re going by precedence, sure you can call me indie all u like :lmao

thrown doubt on Okosan being town,

Cuz I genuinely believe you’re mafia.

and described what he's been saying as "non arguments" in response to him sussing you)

Because they are. You find me sus cuz I’m trying to clear myself? Sorry I’m not tryna get sniped by the vig based on tiger’s weak accusations.


Are you confirmed?

How does this tie into your theory? Or are you saying his disguised role tricked me and Cooler?

Possibly, yeah

something that has been bothering me

why would the mailer mail UB

they had plenty of confirmed town slash highly likely possible town to message

and they picked...her?


That's what I was wondering when I got it too. We had WPK and Ratchet already as close to confirmed as can be. Even if they're decently confident I'm town, I'm probably the worst player to hand something to and help it plays out in favor of everyone in the safest way possible lol. And UB on night 1 when we had two definitely confirmed town by then is weird. Which is why I want to take it with a grain of salt.

And if it's false..

then @sworder is looking sus because the letter tries to go out of its way to make a note that he's town.
Possibly, yeah

That's what I was wondering when I got it too. We had WPK and Ratchet already as close to confirmed as can be. Even if they're decently confident I'm town, I'm probably the worst player to hand something to and help it plays out in favor of everyone in the safest way possible lol. And UB on night 1 when we had two definitely confirmed town by then is weird. Which is why I want to take it with a grain of salt.

And if it's false..

then @sworder is looking sus because the letter tries to go out of its way to make a note that he's town.

none of the night posters have remarked on my comment about balnazzar which is troubling
Possibly, yeah

That's what I was wondering when I got it too. We had WPK and Ratchet already as close to confirmed as can be. Even if they're decently confident I'm town, I'm probably the worst player to hand something to and help it plays out in favor of everyone in the safest way possible lol. And UB on night 1 when we had two definitely confirmed town by then is weird. Which is why I want to take it with a grain of salt.

And if it's false..

then @sworder is looking sus because the letter tries to go out of its way to make a note that he's town.

Just a guess but maybe the ability sends to a random townie?

@is a Balnazzar?
[Passive - The Brothers Dread] - Varimathras and his brother Balnazzar are secretly playing the Forsaken and the Scarlet Crusade against one another to weaken both sides. Varimathras can win with the Scarlet Crusade.

for all eyes

its not being forsaken that allows you to nightpost

its being undead/demons

varimathras was one such demon, darkmaster gandling(LG) was undead

balnazzar, being varimathras's brother, is also a dreadlord/demon so i should see zero reason why they arent able to night post as well, no?
[Passive - The Brothers Dread] - Varimathras and his brother Balnazzar are secretly playing the Forsaken and the Scarlet Crusade against one another to weaken both sides. Varimathras can win with the Scarlet Crusade.

for all eyes

its not being forsaken that allows you to nightpost

its being undead/demons

varimathras was one such demon, darkmaster gandling(LG) was undead

balnazzar, being varimathras's brother, is also a dreadlord/demon so i should see zero reason why they arent able to night post as well, no?

I expected as much anyways, just from the flavor of them two trying to work together to undermine both factions.

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