Game World of Warcraft: The Eastern Kingdoms (town+indie victory!)

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I'm mafia golden age. I'm your grandfather. I don't play two games back to back the same way ever. Keep trying to solve my play by looking at previous games lol

I have limited time to play this game as stated in the sign up-- but my quarter strength effort still is active, just less times per day. Which means while I'm here, I'll be high energy.

Check how far back I was multi-quoting boyo. From since I went to bed.

You're ignoring me.

i acknowledge i forgot about ur steamwheedle claim

i am trying not to draw attention to people’s faction claims and hints tho
I could see Cooler. Would tell us a bit about Oddjutsu, and then potentially Wad.

Or we could see Wad, and all breathe just a little easier.

Just to clarify I wasn't saying I believed Oddjutsu was town just that investing him wouldn't give us any new info as he already claimed miller.

Unless the invest reveals the whole role or something.

Would what my alignment reveal about Wad?
while i generally like santi’s posts i don’t think i agree with his idea that the forsaken should opt out of utilizing their passive because it makes for easy reprimand from the scarlet crusade

sure lore suggests they wanna slay undead but also not utilizing a night lynch is crazy plus it essentially hard confirms a bunch of people

they may become targets to SC sure but i doubt their elimination would be a sole win condition

they could also be protected and otherwise buffered by town supportive roles potentially knowing that the players would become prime kill candidates

They get a Night Lynch? As I read it they simply are allowed to post at night :hm
@Shizune when Sayge reveals a player's alignment, does that mean it will say "X is Forsaken" or "X is Steamwheedle"...or will it simply show their name in a color like an alignment scan?

Hmm... I'm probably overthinking


Would really like to see if wad is town tbh

Me too, but only once Shizune gets back to me on the above tag. It makes a big difference. And WPK not even showing up by now is why I'm voting for him tbh.

I'd rather see him lynched than cleared lmao

Did I miss you claiming miller or something?

Damn. No. Santi... first, you pretend to say you're town and say it's for lie-detect, then when pressed, you deflect once more, and only when pressured say you're town without inflection.

Because that shit is WACK yo.

Now you're literally trying to get one of town's most powerful abilities to not be used by spreading the fear of possibly being targeted?

No stop. This is baaaaad.

Yeah, completely glanced over the night lynch so this was my bad.
Vote Count:

Okosan -> WPK
Melodie -> Santi -> Oreki -> Leeroy
John Wayne -> Okosan
Wad -> WPK
Cooler -> LG
Nevan -> Oreki
Tiger -> WPK
Sworder -> Okosan
Platinum -> DDL
UB -> Okosan
Dragomir -> Leeroy
Expo -> Wad
Katsu -> Oddjutsu
Oddjutsu -> Kira Yagami
Leeroy -> Oddjutsu
Ratchet -> Oreki
Kira Yagami -> Nevan
DDL -> Tiger

WPK : 4 votes
Okosan : 3 votes
Leeroy, Oreki, Oddjutsu: 2 votes
LG, DDL, Wad, Kira, Nevan, Tiger : 1 vote

2.5 hours till the 24 hr mark

I imagine shizune will do his own votecount but if he takes it up from this one, I changed my vote to WPK before this count so this one is at least partially wrong

possible godfather-role trying to redirect away from a WPK subordinate?
Back in the day when I was playing on OJ and a Miller claimed, we usually told them to flavor claim and see if said claim makes sense as Miller

I'm very confused about some people not asking for a flavor claim tbh

Exactly. This is why I claimed via flavor rather than saying "Aye, that's me." And it makes Odd look worse.

DDL is godfather and will alignment scan as town.


Hence why I tagged Nitty to the thread to clarify what we'll see from Sayge.

possible godfather-role trying to redirect away from a WPK subordinate?

Same as above.

Does reveal alignment mean we get to see which town group, or just blue/red good vs bad.

That's also why you don't want to be revealed
What does that have to do with Miller's flavor claiming? :catthinks I'm kinda guessing WoW-lore could possibly matter when it comes to Miller's
I mean no one with any cool cred has played it, so no one knows about flavour. Which was in regards to your point about claiming flavour to compare with the Miller claim. Sure, some might have played it, but they'll probably want to keep that to themselves because... yikes. Almost as bad as admitting to having played AdventureQuest.
i don’t want to be revealed because it’s a waste in the same vein that any other genuine townie should never want to divert resources (such as cop investigations) to confirm them

is this such a hard concept to fathom?

That's not what you said earlier.

And if the reveal shows "Steamwheedle", then any Steam peeps would be fine with halftime reveal. Process of elimination is strong and you know this already. So I'm not sure I'm buying this train of thought.
Don't try to pull that shit with me WAD.

No one was talking about the other roles claiming and the post from me you responded to is clearly talking about millers.

Also Wad wanting millers to claim, but not wanting to call atention to their claim seems contradicting.

like i said at the beginning of the game these goblin ass nibbas should immediately claim being goblin faction on game start as is standard with any miller that is self-aware

so if he's the first one to claim he's a miller ima buy into the belief he's one of them especially since he did so on one of his first posts
i acknowledge i forgot about ur steamwheedle claim

i am trying not to draw attention to people’s faction claims and hints tho
Also, I think there's probably an infiltrated in either the masons faction or the faction that can talk at night.

Personally I lean towards the night faction.

An interesting thought. Betrayal isn't foreign to the Warcraft franchise. I'm guessing maybe Cult of the Damned also get to talk at night, but it's hidden?


Also, don't bother watching or tracking me, I stealth. I'm not dangerous though, my boyfriend stole my damn daggers. And if I go down, I've put some reads down so at least I haven't slept on that.
I can't really answer for him, but I'll answer for me.

If 5 or 6 people are posting at night, that would be hella unfair if they're all town. I'd practically shit on the floor if there wasn't someone else there.

it’s a bit preemptive though isn’t it

who was it’ll be 5-6 rather than 2-4?

i would have liked to wait and see who even shows up to post at night

but discrediting the integrity of the faction, some trying to keep people from night posting at all?

it’s a bad look

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