Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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Drakkae one sucks but ofc it does for me. Wanna have Lind explained cause I didn't really pick up anything on them yet. I'll try keep an eye out for them now tho. I'm kinda happy with AG being in the TRs tbh. nfc is a gut read so /shrug. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart Is there anything specific about why you SR Vanya?
Lind's process seemed townie to me. Her being in 2 threads is still a little sus.

As for SR on Vanya yesterday, when I combed through the sign up list, I had somehow missed Rome as a submission. So when he did whole Rome part at the beginning, I had thought he had made it up or it was some sort of quirk and then set a trap for people by asking questions about Rome. There's some voodoo role I vaguely remember where someone chooses a word and if someone says or quotes something negative happens to them for the day. And then he was just super defensive about things. Or if it was just a quirk to cover for something, but then he gave it up pretty quickly so yeah.
Lind's process seemed townie to me. Her being in 2 threads is still a little sus.

As for SR on Vanya yesterday, when I combed through the sign up list, I had somehow missed Rome as a submission. So when he did whole Rome part at the beginning, I had thought he had made it up or it was some sort of quirk and then set a trap for people by asking questions about Rome. There's some voodoo role I vaguely remember where someone chooses a word and if someone says or quotes something negative happens to them for the day. And then he was just super defensive about things. Or if it was just a quirk to cover for something, but then he gave it up pretty quickly so yeah.
I get Lind myself after having read the game. Not up to there but it works all the same. Two thread thing I genuinely believe is just gonna be NAI. So rn idc.

Yeah, I still don't get the Vanya SR
It's the same thing enough imo. idk man. I'm just trying to make sense of it while assuming Flower is Town.
Well the only two things in the list that can delay kill abut none of them apply to what she said, she claims she will die the next morning meaning a 1 cycle kill, something none of those two things do. Bleed removes 1 life and poison rolecrushes the 2nd night and then kills the 3rd night so if she was poisoned she would not die tomorrow but the day after.

Anyways, Flower said that maybe its an ability that applies disease and to look for any character that can spread em.
@Karma Why have/had you got Flower/AG as your highest towns?

That thing on AM actually is nice to know. Doesn't help a bit cause it means he's more likely scummy and I would rather have been right on my read but is nice to know.
Due to their playstyles. From wut i saw it matched with wut i knew abt them from previous games

Tbh i hat AM justifying y he didnt vote LG. He said he didnt wanna vote for too many ppl, but thats only the sort of things i consider while im mafia, not town. Very weird reasoning imo
So I'm writing this early in the morning of the night phase but hard apologies for not being around after. I thought it was 48 rather than 24 so when I went to check the thread at the like 27 mark, day was over. My bad. Writing the catchup now tho

I didn't like Draekke's answer in P#585 due to "Trying to make my thoughts clear to the group to help Town" and "It was a plan to get reactions all along" aren't the same thing. One is saying that they were just meant to help in themselves and the other is saying they were setup and overall it feels like a bollocks way to read someone. @AndrewGreve Resonse to P#609

Also, I should probably say now, I did see the flip of LG was a wolf. I know the other guy is Town but I don't know who they are so I'm not gonna check and just try and work as purely as I can within that.

51 PAGES AND I'M AT 21? Fuck me.

Owner's reply in P#657 is really Townie. Feels honest and makes the read in the first place feels legit and a personal way they actually used to find JoJo's alignment.

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Drakkae one sucks but ofc it does for me. Wanna have Lind explained cause I didn't really pick up anything on them yet. I'll try keep an eye out for them now tho. I'm kinda happy with AG being in the TRs tbh. nfc is a gut read so /shrug. @Owner Of A Lonely Heart Is there anything specific about why you SR Vanya?

Fuck me, JoJo actually gives proper shit... (P#715)

Let's read.

Alright, the Flower one is a lot of words and can be rounded up to "They're fluff posting" which isn't anything new.

Do kinda like tho that they started making reads on the top posters first.

AG: Yeah, nah. I don't think AG's read on Drakke is TMI. I think they're most of the time same alignment. If they're ever not the same alignment, I think AG is just wrong and Draekke is a wolf. I don't see it as AG's a wolf TMI'ing Draekke. That's a strange hill to die on as he didn't hard TR Drakkae earlier and I don't think a wolf would ever try and make pressure on a townie go away, even if they TR them. If you're doing a TMI villager read, you'd give the read and go on with your day and claim credit later. That feels like a kinda shitty read from JoJo, no offence.

Bro, P#729

I don't like the thought of getting burned if Vanya ever does flip wolf but cmon...

Looking at Vanya/Drakkae on page 25 vs Vanya/AG on page whatever, I think Draekke is actually wolfy unlike I did AG. With AG it felt like a clash of ideals or personalities or summat like I said earlier. This time it does actually feel like a clash of alignments. and I don't think this is Kundo's unconscious scumread of Draekke kicking in. It probably doesn't help but I do think Draekke looks bad from this.

@JoJo P#746

Aye, it feels like you fuck around a lot. Memey, wolfy. idk how to explain it properly so I'm just gonna lump it on someone else. @Mich It's like Manti from MU.

AG, all that part of the scumread from you is "I'm not here" and if that's your reasoning for SR'ing me when you asked me questions or stuff happened when I wasn't here, piss off.

@Flower P#766

Why the Fuji SR? Just vibes? I really dislike that Alibaba read from you purely cause "No scum tells" doesn't exactly mean Town lean. Do like your hesitancy to that tho with "Maybe"

Flower, the amount of reads you have listed to the actual reads is really fuckin low, dude.

I still probably have you as Town cause I have liked you mostly.

This thing between Admiral and Flower is really fuckin boring BTW and it's just going in circles.

Do I want to TR DDL cause man is blantly just following me? (P#813) Yeah, tbh. I do. I don't know anything about him *but* I think that if it's AI at all, it's villa indicative.


Lind is towny as shit. (P#814) Jfc.

What's that now: Vanya/Lind/Flower/Owner/Always(?)/DDL(?)

I do actually like that group.

Fuck me, catching up is a pain in the arse.



@Mich The "I tried" thing was that, I couldn't even try to lie about being able to get a read there. At that point in time, I didn't see a single thing I could properly read him for.

Is Michelle actually improving on reading me? You going back into Godread territory?


We'll see another game.

I should probably reread the wall to get a read on Mich FML.

I'll be real, none of P#871 is nothing you can't fake but I did like it.

Laix isn't townie. I ain't calling them scum but if someone has a TR on them before P#909 I'd love to hear the reasoning to it.



I don't have a read on Karma. Ain't actually read P#932 yet but I do remember Karma specifically as "This guy was at LG's throat for like literally no reason" and now considering LG's flip, I'm going to just assume Karma as villager.

Time to actually read the post tho.

@Karma Why have/had you got Flower/AG as your highest towns?

That thing on AM actually is nice to know. Doesn't help a bit cause it means he's more likely scummy and I would rather have been right on my read but is nice to know.

Centurion's read abut killing Vanya and Flower is pain.

P#953 from AG is kinda bad. I get being annoyed but that line specifically just feels bad.

P#983 is maybe bad when there's a scum lynch at EoD. This is a reach read tho so take it lightly.

Really really liked P#1018 from nfcnorth

I know I keep bitching about catching up but fuck me, I'm on 35 and I still have like 16 to go.

Shit, Vivo's gaming?

Mich feels much more statement-y rather than inquisitive or ready but meh. I don't have a decent read on her yet. (As of P#1080)

BTW, confident that JoJo/Mich isn't W/W. Unsure if either are properly wolf (maybe JoJo but that would be a reach now) but if either do flip wolf, the other isn't partners.

P#1085 from Hidden is the exact type of shit a wolf would say about their partner.

P#1140 doesn't make sense with a previous pst of JoJo's when they're going at Mich saying shit like "Are **you** scum buddies with Lukundo?" Either they don't believe the read or it isn't a read and it's straight up shade. Again, I don't have a read on Mich but I really dislike this from JoJo. The other post I'm talking about BTW is: P#1101

I do not like Hidden's EoD. - Shit like P#1194.

This shit ain't townie.

Hidden can go after Draekke and JoJo.


bruh, EoD Lind townier than Vanya tbh. Get fucked.

Gotta love AG literally asking Michelle for their reads on me, seeing them, TR'ing Michelle and then while acknowledging that Mich can read me better, proceeds to not TR me.

I do not get @Rottkins read on Vanya in P#1282 You give a couple of town points, one question mark and then lean him scum?

"AG defending Vanya"? wut.

I does kinda vibe with Rottkins apart from that Vanya thing tho.

Looking at the stuff tho in P#1309

Hidden and JoJo are both on LG.

Two of my SRs are on the voted scum.


I like my reasons for voting them more.

So fuck you.


Am I just playing horribly this game?

I might be wrong on JoJo out of any SRs IMO. Every time I see a Laix post, more parts of me and more parts of me are digging to SR it. I can't find a valid reason so as of yet, I'm not but my head wants to and idk why.

But that gut shit that's going on, if right, probably would mean JoJo is Town cause I don't think I've seen anyone give a slightest SR on Laix apart from JoJo.

At day end now so I want to list my reads. Also seeing DDL was the townie that got lynched is rough but it is what it is.

Lind is my top town. Every time they speak they feel townie. I fuckin love it. Hard TR

Vanya is close up there too for a lot of the same reasons. But more to Vanya is that vs Drakkae, they felt like Town. Their words were townie, their posts were townie. I really liked it. Hard TR

Then is probably Owner. I really liked their response about their JoJo read. Felt genuine af and gets them at hard town lean.

Now it's Flower. Liked him early game and I felt a decent chunk of what he said wouldn't come from scum. Decent TL.

Karma is town as well.


Cause LG flipped wolf.

Then is Always. I'm taking in context from someone saying that uncooperative AM is town but I do feel that he is just townie. It isn't a lot but it's enough.

For scum we have Draekke/JoJo/Hidden. In that order.

Disliked Draekke early day. Disliked JoJo with Mich, disliked Hidden EoD.


That's it. Show's over.

Good job I'm not dead to post this shit cause this took me over a fuckin hour.

What's the story, Balamory?
for the record, i meme a lot in games and back when i'd playing i'd always be the top of the posts in the game. however i dont really know how to say this without "self meta reading" and giving a counter excuse, but the reason why it hasnt been the case in the few games ive played in a the last 2 years or so is because im just not as invested as i am when it comes to these kinds of thing.

i definitely do have a naturally polarizing personality in these games, either you read me town af or scum af. that being said i'm not sure how it will work out this game since im just a middling poster.

that being said, and related to the actual contents of your post

im gonna have to go through and hunt the related posts for context

BTW, confident that JoJo/Mich isn't W/W
btw what does W/W mean
Due to their playstyles. From wut i saw it matched with wut i knew abt them from previous games

Tbh i hat AM justifying y he didnt vote LG. He said he didnt wanna vote for too many ppl, but thats only the sort of things i consider while im mafia, not town. Very weird reasoning imo
Meta's decent enough for a reason ig.

Where's the AM justification you're mentioning cause you're right about the type of shit you don't think of as villa
I think there's one of both but I feel especially with it being on Flower, it was probably a wolf that knew what was happening.

Town probably wouldn't do that to a person that is claiming to be IC'ing themselves tomorrow.
Well it was Vanya that did it apparently so unless you think Vanya is a scum that infiltrated the mason chat or something it was town :lmao Tbh it makes sense to me because you put her up for a vote for insurance. If she does confirm herself, cool you go back to what it was. If she doesn't, hey guess what we don't have to wait an entire phase to get around to it
Well it was Vanya that did it apparently so unless you think Vanya is a scum that infiltrated the mason chat or something it was town :lmao Tbh it makes sense to me because you put her up for a vote for insurance. If she does confirm herself, cool you go back to what it was. If she doesn't, hey guess what we don't have to wait an entire phase to get around to it
Vanya did this?



Then it's just Town.

I really wanted to be right tho.
just because our line of thinking differentiates doesn't mean either of us has a misunderstanding. reality is in the eye of the beholder


jojo and the voices in his head

underworld broker

drake (if flower flips town)
Why Underworld Broker?
I think there's one of both but I feel especially with it being on Flower, it was probably a wolf that knew what was happening.

Town probably wouldn't do that to a person that is claiming to be IC'ing themselves tomorrow.
I was actually just about to make a post on this and related to the ability we saw. In my experience, something like this would be an ability wielded by both scum and town. My exp being that when people on NF make games, I've seen a lot of ability mirroring when it comes to the lynch. It's kind of a very strange host-meta read and not very concrete. But it's just food for thought.

The second thing I thought of is why would flower be made part of the lynch and killed tonight? But also roleblocked on the night before they say they can confrim themselves? I think their poor play on day 1 made them an obvious target for town players to attack, but considering the amount of attention and the relatively small voter pool of the current lynch, then I could see a scum ability adding them to the list of lynchables to throw people off. especially when that person got sussed a lot the day before.

also we need to remember that everyone has at least 2 lives in the game, so the reason for them being lynched and killed is because if they did get role copped like they said, then someone probably saw that they might have had too many lives to deal with via killing (just like the mars role we saw)

this is kind of a tinfoil and im not against a flower lynch, im just pointing out possible view points i see.

the one thing i could say confidently is that i dont think it's 100% a town ability, but if it isnt then this is the point of view i would consider.
I was actually just about to make a post on this and related to the ability we saw. In my experience, something like this would be an ability wielded by both scum and town. My exp being that when people on NF make games, I've seen a lot of ability mirroring when it comes to the lynch. It's kind of a very strange host-meta read and not very concrete. But it's just food for thought.

The second thing I thought of is why would flower be made part of the lynch and killed tonight? But also roleblocked on the night before they say they can confrim themselves? I think their poor play on day 1 made them an obvious target for town players to attack, but considering the amount of attention and the relatively small voter pool of the current lynch, then I could see a scum ability adding them to the list of lynchables to throw people off. especially when that person got sussed a lot the day before.

also we need to remember that everyone has at least 2 lives in the game, so the reason for them being lynched and killed is because if they did get role copped like they said, then someone probably saw that they might have had too many lives to deal with via killing (just like the mars role we saw)

this is kind of a tinfoil and im not against a flower lynch, im just pointing out possible view points i see.

the one thing i could say confidently is that i dont think it's 100% a town ability, but if it isnt then this is the point of view i would consider.
It was vanya that did it aka almost certainly confirmed town
[Free - Two Shot Active - Tactical - Money can't buy you class, but it can buy you Flash!] - The Almighty Dollar purchased the most valuable thing in the game: extra Flashes! During the day, the Almighty Dollar can gift one of its teammates an extra use of their Flash, and the Almighty Dollar can include a message with its gift. When someone uses the Flash that Almighty Dollar gifted them, the Almighty Dollar will be affected by a defensive Flash for that phase. The Almighty Dollar cannot use this ability 2 days in a row, and if the Almighty Dollar is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain 2 more charges of this ability.
also reads for the game, at least ones that i think are noteworthy

karma - my biggest town read. aligns with his meta that i recognize from him. he contributes to the game and makes actual attempts at scum hunting. ended up getting LG lynched and i dont think that a mafia member does that on purpose

AG - level headed player. drives a lot of discussion and i really liked when he dropped circular topics. not flooding the thread is usually a good sign. good contributions to the game. possible powerwolf but i town lean on him.

broker - i did not like that coast into vote last DP. im positive this is her scum meta, but just like myself, i know she's not as invested in NF anymore and i havent played with her in a minute. might wrong but i have a good feeling im not. she claims to be catching up though so we'll see but until i see something from her im scum leaning.

flower - before i was unsure, but now im back to scum lean with vanya basically soft claiming he put her in the running for the lynch. also i wont lie, the guy from the other thread, @Ekkologix has a huge scum read on her and i feel like that's actually something worth considering. he's basically an outsider with an unbiased point of view regardless of whether or not he is scum in his own game. but i dont think a scum member in another game would actually put in that much effort. my intial instinct was a scum read on her so im gonna stick with it

shrike - he's rating my posts and catching up. i still think he's on his town meta and i like what he posts. town lean. hopefully he makes more posts so i can see his thoughts on everything

alwaysmind - one of the scummiest things you can do this game, especially on the first day, is avoid the main lynch for a reason that's purely stubbornness. in the avoidance of the lynch, he put 1 less vote on LG who flipped scum and made himself ineligible for the next days vote. hopefully whoever can add him to the candidacy for tomorrow night can do that for us if he tries dodging it. I also can't really recall any meaningful substance from him. he was top 3-5 on D1 and now 7th and has barely appeared as well. being this unmemorable is a bad sign.

owner - haven't had any bad vibes from them. everything they've said has aligned with the game in a fair manner. reading their posts usually doesn't invoke any real signs of wolfiness. he seems to be putting out his actual thoughts on the game and trying to be constructive with game solving

laix - biggest scum read. already went over it, but nothing adds up with him in a logical manner for me. everything he does just pings me with a scum vibe and i wanna get rid of him sooner rather than later

that's it for now, probably need to go back and read the through the painful circles
also reads for the game, at least ones that i think are noteworthy

karma - my biggest town read. aligns with his meta that i recognize from him. he contributes to the game and makes actual attempts at scum hunting. ended up getting LG lynched and i dont think that a mafia member does that on purpose

AG - level headed player. drives a lot of discussion and i really liked when he dropped circular topics. not flooding the thread is usually a good sign. good contributions to the game. possible powerwolf but i town lean on him.

broker - i did not like that coast into vote last DP. im positive this is her scum meta, but just like myself, i know she's not as invested in NF anymore and i havent played with her in a minute. might wrong but i have a good feeling im not. she claims to be catching up though so we'll see but until i see something from her im scum leaning.

flower - before i was unsure, but now im back to scum lean with vanya basically soft claiming he put her in the running for the lynch. also i wont lie, the guy from the other thread, @Ekkologix has a huge scum read on her and i feel like that's actually something worth considering. he's basically an outsider with an unbiased point of view regardless of whether or not he is scum in his own game. but i dont think a scum member in another game would actually put in that much effort. my intial instinct was a scum read on her so im gonna stick with it

shrike - he's rating my posts and catching up. i still think he's on his town meta and i like what he posts. town lean. hopefully he makes more posts so i can see his thoughts on everything

alwaysmind - one of the scummiest things you can do this game, especially on the first day, is avoid the main lynch for a reason that's purely stubbornness. in the avoidance of the lynch, he put 1 less vote on LG who flipped scum and made himself ineligible for the next days vote. hopefully whoever can add him to the candidacy for tomorrow night can do that for us if he tries dodging it. I also can't really recall any meaningful substance from him. he was top 3-5 on D1 and now 7th and has barely appeared as well. being this unmemorable is a bad sign.

owner - haven't had any bad vibes from them. everything they've said has aligned with the game in a fair manner. reading their posts usually doesn't invoke any real signs of wolfiness. he seems to be putting out his actual thoughts on the game and trying to be constructive with game solving

laix - biggest scum read. already went over it, but nothing adds up with him in a logical manner for me. everything he does just pings me with a scum vibe and i wanna get rid of him sooner rather than later

that's it for now, probably need to go back and read the through the painful circles
The fact that Ekko says I‘m scum can already be seen as a Town confirm. The guy can‘t read me for s*** when he‘s Town and when he‘s scum also always goes after me.

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