Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 1

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Day 1 is important. If there is no scum who vote for popular wagon and no scum among 4 players with the least vote count, tomorrow is a guarantee misslynch even if someone finds who is scum based on night action.
I have thoughts on all this beyond what I have shared but I dont want to coach mafia(on the long shot they dont have equal or better ideas to mine.)

towns only recourse is to punish with other abilities people avoiding the lynch(or at least the top two options if there is some uncertainty at EOD)
Confusing mechanics that I stopped reading in on half way through, I don't like Vanya so far and I feel like we should mass pressure vote Flowa to town test her.
You dont town read her?
I have thoughts on all this beyond what I have shared but I dont want to coach mafia(on the long shot they dont have equal or better ideas to mine.)

towns only recourse is to punish with other abilities people avoiding the lynch(or at least the top two options if there is some uncertainty at EOD)
I feel like mafia will try to stick to the 2ndary closest wagon to have an excuse at hand the next morning by saying well I thought this person was going to get lynched or something to that effect. Either that or stick to main wagon. I doubt mafia will actually try to avoid main lynches tbh.
Isnt doing stuff like that attracting attention towards oneself though? Would mafia do that? I actually felt like he was really into the whole rp and debate and wasnt just using it for padding purposes.
WIFOM business here. Some scum play the in your face route. If it wasn't for their insistence on being town, and that since Rome is a "town," that obviously he's town. As if we haven't seen innocuous roles as mafia or indy before.
Why is that JoJo thing townie for you?
On my home site, a regular would sometimes do that as town, but Idk if I can attribute it outright as a townie behavior, especially when it is someone different who won't necessarily have the same tells.

It's just the mindset of: as scum would you necessarily be that ballsy to say something that potentially comes off scummy purposefully? "it's borderline too scummy to be scum
First is a question about the rules.
Second is a reply to Shizune that I understand the rules.
Third is a warning/reminder for towns that day 1 is important so we can avoid 2 misslynches.
Meh, I saw you hammer in the term mislynch atleast 3 times in those posts so it pinged me a bit.

Alternatively I say people who drop votes mid day and dont change them and dip hours before EOD can also be considered for a check ( especially repeat offenders) because it would be a valid strategy in this game to avoid main wagons.
On my home site, a regular would sometimes do that as town, but Idk if I can attribute it outright as a townie behavior, especially when it is someone different who won't necessarily have the same tells.

It's just the mindset of: as scum would you necessarily be that ballsy to say something that potentially comes off scummy purposefully? "it's borderline too scummy to be scum
So you're suggesting that JoJo was lying to us about not knowing his role? If that's the case, then how can you see them as town?

Anything they say prior to reading their role should be completely tossed out the window, if they are town claiming to not know just makes others' read on them bad, and the mafia would already know he's either indy or town, so it's only hurting town to do so.

Anyone trying to misconstrue how they act should be looked at with a magnifying glass, imo.
That wasn't an opinion. It was a statement.

There is legitimate interested to question Draeke and we have plenty of time, your insistence on us not doing that doesn't help that interest at all ,it only provokes it more because if you dont have anything to hide you have nothing to fear.

You are protective of Draeke 2 or 3 times by now, if you trully believe he is fine then don't interfere with us asking question
Nah nah, that wasn't pointing out

You made a stance
You tried to assert it onto others
You got called out for it
You now backing out you coward
Lmao Vanya is just very aggressive when talking to Andrew. Not a big fan of that considering Andrew's pretty calm, at least that's the tone I get from his posts so far into this convo. Getting annoyed this fast doesn't give me much confidence. Same with how invested he suddenly is in the convo.
Do you think he'd actively draw so much attention to himself with speech patterns that aren't really understood by most of us here as scum?

I think he'd try a bit harder to blend in at least. His current posts come off as disinterested in your pushes .

I wouldn't really scum read someone just for having fun tbh.
Some players enjoy that sort of thing. It's not something I'm particularly good at. I remember another favorites game where there was a role that you had to talk a certain way to gain an extra ability or use. I think one of them was an upgraded kill action. So with that in mind, call me skeptical about players doing something that would potentially draw attention to them.

Or I think another one had a role where if someone quoted a specific word or post from someone they would be infected or something. Idk

I guess my point is I'm not positive he was trying to blend in.
So you're suggesting that JoJo was lying to us about not knowing his role? If that's the case, then how can you see them as town?

Anything they say prior to reading their role should be completely tossed out the window, if they are town claiming to not know just makes others' read on them bad, and the mafia would already know he's either indy or town, so it's only hurting town to do so.

Anyone trying to misconstrue how they act should be looked at with a magnifying glass, imo.
No. I see it two ways. It is either as you say lying, or they are telling the truth and are not acting seriously in the game yet.

I think acting this way would depend on the role, but then that leans more towards the lying bit that you are talking about.

I guess Jojo will slide back to the null spot.
I think

Draekke and Lind - townies, their questions seem genuine, solvy

Andrew, Alwaysmind and Flower - town leans, they have said a good bit, aka our top posters; I'm not sure if any of them are out of their scum range yet. They are talking well though.

The Lukundo and nfcnorth - gut says town, idk if my gut reads are still good anymore, but I think they are town for a mind melds

Everyone else is in the nulls. Jojo, I have my eye on though. I also thought Laix was louder or are they just busy?

Vanya - I'm still suspicious of them.
Ill keep playing the way I play. your line of questioning of drekke was innane and I pointed it out.
he fits very nicely into a player archetype I have seen many times, and the posting all felt very genuine. So very easy to slot into town read for Day 1 and reevalutate later if it becomes necessary.
I liked the stuff after he dropped the pure flavor

I think he is dead wrong on drekke tho
his tone is pure

pushing a player for that reads list after his first few posts is silly.
drekke is obv villa based on that reads list and the post I quoted earlier. We can safely ignore the slot for a few days.
Hello everyone,

I explained this in the signup thread but forgot to include it in the OP, so to clear up the confusion some of you have expressed to me:

The red and purple mafia teams are separated. This game contains the red team, and group 2 contains the purple team.

So neither group starts out as a multiball, but when they join, the two towns unite into one town while the purple and red mafia teams turn against each other, and the game becomes a multiball.

Hope this helps.
I think

Draekke and Lind - townies, their questions seem genuine, solvy

Andrew, Alwaysmind and Flower - town leans, they have said a good bit, aka our top posters; I'm not sure if any of them are out of their scum range yet. They are talking well though.

The Lukundo and nfcnorth - gut says town, idk if my gut reads are still good anymore, but I think they are town for a mind melds

Everyone else is in the nulls. Jojo, I have my eye on though. I also thought Laix was louder or are they just busy?

Vanya - I'm still suspicious of them.

i’m by a pool in france on an ipad i can’t reach my full potential
just based on the top 2 posters and from what ive seen based on their interactions. im a fan of neither of them.

flower - scum lean

too much random posting, im a huge fluff player but even i tend to not even get that circular when shitposting. usually tries to generate content after doing nothing imo. i cant really even say they've said or said or done anything specifically that's contributive to the thread. at best, their fluff posting, which is incredibly scummy makes people come out of the woodworks to call them out. personally i cant say much about who came out to call them out since the thread is a bit long and it's such an easy thing to do (even im doing it because i believe it to be strong enough to lean on them)

andrew - scum lean

i think it's always possible for someone to be able to read someone's posts in a thread and really tell when they're being genuine, like andrew has with the draekker. it's tough to explain, but basically it's a phenomena of using being able to use your emotional intelligence over a diluted medium like text.

anyways i said that this kind of thing, especially on easier town reads like draekker where it's not a bad lean is definitely doable. what sets me into scum lean territory is what a player can do on that, i.e. cultivate credit for it. not a fan of the heavy focus on it on such an early day one and it always felt like the discussion is kind of circular.

i get a scum lean on him from trying to push someone as a townie and he can go at it with the confidence because he knows theyre not on his team
Can you clarify this? Did you mean we should ignore Draeke? I just want to be clear
just meant we dont need to consider votes or kill power there, at least till d2 or 3.

Its not an uncommon way to say you sorted a player as an early town read and will reconsider later if needed where I play.

on a seperate note I think pushing on a player for a list like draekke's is very rarely going to do anything aside from an occasional mis-lynch, and waiting for more content from Draekke in general is going to be way more fruitful. This may be a stylistic thing, but its what I normally see.
outside of those

drakkar or however the fuck you spell his name/shrike/karma

all three are town leans and the latter 2 lean into what i expect them to do when they're town. shrike gives out advice and attempts to be a voice of reason and helps people refocus. karma makes his posts but it's not overly fluff filled and they're healthy back and forths

i dont really know what the vanya business is, need to read it again. it could be they're "obvious town" and AG lumps them with drakkar for either the credit or to lump a buddy of his with someone who is a good town. i'm null on them. no real read, just not a fan of the business itself
Hello everyone,

I explained this in the signup thread but forgot to include it in the OP, so to clear up the confusion some of you have expressed to me:

The red and purple mafia teams are separated. This game contains the red team, and group 2 contains the purple team.

So neither group starts out as a multiball, but when they join, the two towns unite into one town while the purple and red mafia teams turn against each other, and the game becomes a multiball.

Hope this helps.

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