Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Didi, Juan, Ekko there you go, scumhunting

odd scum reads didi and juan btw

Didi has been lying this entire game, every single time he has called himself a strong player. He has no idea what the fuck he is doing and frankly he never has
>a fucking apple
It's a common theme this game, you saying you're all that and a bag of chips but you have no receipts
this looks more personal than a scum read. is there anything between the 2?
So you don't think it's weird that as soon as WJ gained votes D1 and Didi lost votes the attention shifted to Platinum?

Also a lot of people expressed their opinions on WJ d1 and even d2 when she wasn't eligible to be voted. There's info gained from that too.

What does a Didi lynch tell ya?
Everyone has a read and interaction with Didi. Hero led the Plat lynch cause Plat voted Didi in his first post.
vote lynch didi

solving the day 1 wagons is smarter for momentum. worm/didi should be tonights lynch. i can compromise for didi even if i TR'ed him before. i can simply just be wrong

odds lynch doesnt help much momentum wise, unless he flips exactly scum and we dont know that. its risky. i have him on null/scum.

so we r looking at between a weak TR that gives loads of info or a weak SR that gives no info unless flips scum. just take a stance and make ur mind. if ur confident on the odd scum flip go for it. otherwise vote didi/worm. this wishy washy play is not what we need for this council

im going to miss EoN. peace
vote lynch didi

solving the day 1 wagons is smarter for momentum. worm/didi should be tonights lynch. i can compromise for didi even if i TR'ed him before. i can simply just be wrong

odds lynch doesnt help much momentum wise, unless he flips exactly scum and we dont know that. its risky. i have him on null/scum.

so we r looking at between a weak TR that gives loads of info or a weak SR that gives no info unless flips scum. just take a stance and make ur mind. if ur confident on the odd scum flip go for it. otherwise vote didi/worm. this wishy washy play is not what we need for this council

im going to miss EoN. peace

format wrong kek
Oh no, I’m agreeing with Susopp, who I also suspect.

Someone check if I’m sick :blobfacade
i dont like how ur handling my slot this council nat. uve been throwing lots of shade and unnecessary comments my way and ur hesitancy to commit to any wagon that we decide on is noted. the superkill ur way does not mean jack to me. it could be a fake writeup or done by an indie. i also did not like how u said u r very annoyed with the xadlin flip when u barely played day 2 to even experience it or defend it. i suggest u get ur sht together nattie.
i dont like how ur handling my slot this council nat. uve been throwing lots of shade and unnecessary comments my way and ur hesitancy to commit to any wagon that we decide on is noted. the superkill ur way does not mean jack to me. it could be a fake writeup or done by an indie. i also did not like how u said u r very annoyed with the xadlin flip when u barely played day 2 to even experience it or defend it. i suggest u get ur sht together nattie.
I don’t care if you like me or not, Usopp. I just think you’re scum and so you’re being very gentle and not annoying the player base to stay safe.
I don’t care if you like me or not, Usopp. I just think you’re scum and so you’re being very gentle and not annoying the player base to stay safe.
well ur read of me is just wrong then. i have no qualms with being gentle and buddying with my town reads. its something i always do. if you scum read me then voice it properly instead of shade me constantly and i will address all ur concerns. why r u being so indirect about it, its not like im hiding or ignoring stuff. :mlpshrug
well ur read of me is just wrong then. i have no qualms with being gentle and buddying with my town reads. its something i always do. if you scum read me then voice it properly instead of shade me constantly and i will address all ur concerns. why r u being so indirect about it, its not like im hiding or ignoring stuff. :mlpshrug
Lol I voice it properly, daily. You’re just trying to discredit it by saying “vOiCe It prOpErly”.

I’m not talking about “buddying”, I’m talking about you being tame purposefully and you’re not addressing it at all.

You afraid to annoy townies?
Lol I voice it properly, daily. You’re just trying to discredit it by saying “vOiCe It prOpErly”.

I’m not talking about “buddying”, I’m talking about you being tame purposefully and you’re not addressing it at all.

You afraid to annoy townies?
thats what shading is. u keep throwing my name every now and then for an easy scum read and none really cares to question it. this is the first time uve directly interacted with me about it.

ive addressed it multiple times. im not tame because of being scum. its just who i am now and thats how i am going to be playing this favs and thats how i played all my last town games. why tf wud i annoy my town reads?? what does that accomplish but making game harder for town and allowing scums easier time. if you dont like my recent town playstyle thats on you and ur free to have ur own opinion, but your argumemt that i am scum because i am playing good or too agreeable is bullsht. its like ur admitting my play is towny but just cuz im not playing bad i have to be scum and thats disrespectful.
im not even playing good i was part of 1 mislynch. im playing pretty bad and am annoyed myself at losing to game 1. i am doing my part here in terms of activity and i wish the rest of the game 2 player base picks up the slack. not much i can do alone from my position. least i can form a town core and lynch outside of it.
Don't bother!
The good thing is even If we totally fuck up group 2 there is still group 1 doing well!
To be Town right now is quite comfy :bloblick
Night 2 - Oddjutsu (Sheogorath) is lynched
Vote count

Ekko -
Worm Juice > Didi > Sin > Didi > Nat > Didi
Nat - Ekko > Didi
Sin - Worm Juice > Odd
Nessos - Odd > Didi > Odd
Badalight - Didi > Odd > Worm Juice > Badalight > Didi > Fang > Oddjutsu

Oddjutsu - 3
Didi - 2

@Oddjutsu (Sheogorath) was lynched!


from The Elder Scrolls
durability rating: 2

[Innate - Madness] -
Sheogorath begins the game with 5 stacks of [Madness]. Sheogorath passively loses 2 stacks of Madness every night, but he can gain stacks by using his abilities. If Sheogorath has no stacks of Madness left, his essence will dissipate and he will leave the game.

[Madness] - When Sheogorath has 5 or fewer stacks of Madness, he can only use his [Manic] abilities. When Sheogorath has 6 or more stacks of Madness, he can only use his [Demented] abilities. Sheogorath's stacks of Madness are counted at each phase change, which determines his abilities for the next phase.

[Passive - The Politics of Madness] - When Sheogorath becomes [Manic] after being [Demented], he permanently gains one voting power. When Sheogorath becomes Demented after being Manic, he permanently gains one life.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - The Shivering Isles] - During the night Sheogorath can temporarily leave the game and return to his home in Oblivion. For that night, Sheogorath cannot use any other abilities or be affected by other players' abilities, and he will not lose Madness. Sheogorath can use this ability in both his [Manic] and [Demented] forms, and he gains a different effect depending on which form he was in. Sheogorath will gain an extra charge of this ability if he is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined.

[Inspired] - If Sheogorath uses [The Shivering Isles] while [Manic], he will be become inspired by the Realm of Mania. For the next day, other players will gain an extra voting power while voting for the same person as Sheogorath.

[Paranoid] - If Sheogorath uses [The Shivering Isles] while [Demented], he will become paranoid in the Realm of Dementia. For the next cycle, Sheogorath will be isolated. That day, Sheogorath will mark anyone who votes for him with [You Cannot Outwit the Witless].

[You Cannot Outwit the Witless] - If this player uses any abilities to help lynch Sheogorath, such as vote manipulating or lynch manipulating abilities, Sheogorath will counter their ability. This counter is a magical effect.

[Manic - Passive - Free Love] - If Sheogorath was not in the top 5 players with the most lynch votes at the end of the day, he will gain one stack of [Madness]. If Sheogorath was not in the top 8 players with the most lynch votes, he will gain an extra stack, for a total of two.

[Manic - Passive - Great Minds Think Alike] - If another player uses an investigative ability on Sheogorath, he will learn their name and their result, and he will mark them with [Collaborative Design].

[Magical - Collaborative Design] - The next time this player uses an investigative ability, that ability will be protected against counters and against abilities that corrupt its results. If more than one investigative ability is used at a time, the moderator will randomly choose one. This mark is consumed when it triggers.

[Manic - One Shot Active - Tactical - Silent Night, Holy Night] - For one night, Sheogorath can extend his influence to use [The Divinity of Insanity] on two people. If Sheogorath is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Manic - Active - Magical - The Divinity of Insanity] - During the night, Sheogorath can heal another player. Sheogorath will gain one stack of [Madness] for each of the following: if he restores a lost life, if he cures a bleed effect, and if he saves that player when they otherwise would have died. Sheogorath can gain up to three stacks of Madness at once from this ability.

[Manic - Active - Magical - Mark of Genius] - During the day Sheogorath can investigate another player to learn the names, but not effects, of any marks currently applied to them. That night, Sheogorath can choose one mark to remove. If that mark was considered harmful or disruptive to that player, Sheogorath will gain 2 stacks of [Madness].

[Demented - Innate - The Ravings of a Madman] - While Sheogorath is [Demented], lie detectors and alignment cops will always find him to be lying or guilty, respectively.

[Demented - Passive - A Knife's Edge] - If Sheogorath is one of the top eight players with the most lynch votes at the end of the day, he will gain one stack of [Madness]. If Sheogorath is one of the top five players with the most lynch votes, he will gain an extra stack, for a total of two. Execution votes do not count for this ability.

[Demented - One Shot Active - Tactical - Pandemonium] - Sheogorath can expand his influence, enabling him to use [Sickness of the Mind] and [Paranoia] on 2 players each that night. If Sheogorath is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Demented - Active - Magical - Sickness of the Mind] - During the night Sheogorath can attack another player's mind to poison them. If Sheogorath's target dies while poisoned, Sheogorath will gain one stack of [Madness]. If the poison runs its entire course on a player, Sheogorath will gain an extra stack of Madness. If Sheogorath becomes [Manic], all the players he poisoned will be cured.

[Demented - Active - Magical - Paranoia] - During the night Sheogorath can afflict another player with paranoia, permanently isolating them. If a player dies while affected by this ability, Sheogorath will gain one stack of [Madness]. If Sheogorath becomes [Manic], this ability will be removed from all its targets.

[Demented - Active - Magical - Madness is a Blessing] - During the night Sheogorath can impart his power on another player, permanently granting them one use of [The Fork of Horripilation]. If Sheogorath's target uses the Fork, Sheogorath will learn who they used it on and he will gain one stack of [Madness]. If the Fork is used to help kill another player, or if the Fork's bleed effect kills its wielder, Sheogorath will gain an extra stack of Madness.

[Conditional One Shot Active - Magical - The Fork of Horripilation] - This player can use this cursed weapon to kill another player . If the victim survives, the wielder will bleed. The name of this artifact is hidden from the player it is given to, but its effect is not.

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