Game Favorites '22 - GROUP 2

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Day 4 - Final vote count
Vote count

Spoiler: Lynch votes
1. @Badalight - Iwan > Sin > Iwan > Sin
2. @charles101 - Firestormer
3. @Didi - Worm > Firestormer > Sin
4. @DrProfessor83 - Sin
5. @Ekkologix - Sin
6. @Fang - Iwan > Sin
7. @Firestormer - Firestormer > Badalight > Iwan > Sin > Worm > Sin
8. @hammer - Rej > Sin > Iwan > Sin
9. @Hero - Firestormer
10. @Iwandesu
11. @John Wayne - Sin
12. @Juan - Badalight > Firestormer > Sin
13. @Kira Yagami - Firestormer > Sin
14. @Lind - Sin
15. @Lord Melkor - Sin > Firestormer > Sin
16. @Melodie
17. @Rej - Firestormer > Sin
18. @Santí - Badalight
19. @SinRaven - Firestormer
20. @Soul - Firestormer
21. @SoulKiller - Sin
22. @sworder
23. @tinky winky
24. @WolfPrinceKiba - Didi
25. @Worm Juice - Sin
26. @Yo Tan Wa - Sin

Lynch leaderboard

@SinRaven - 16
@Firestormer - 4

Spoiler: Execution votes
1. @Badalight - Worm Juice
2. @charles101 - Worm Juice
3. @Didi - Worm Juice
4. @DrProfessor83 - Worm Juice
5. @Ekkologix - Worm Juice
6. @Fang - Worm Juice
7. @Firestormer - Iwan > Worm Juice
8. @hammer - Worm Juice
9. @Hero - Worm Juice
10. @Iwandesu -
11. @John Wayne -
12. @Juan - Worm Juice
13. @Kira Yagami - Worm Juice
14. @Lind - Worm Juice
15. @Lord Melkor - Worm Juice
16. @Melodie -
17. @Rej - Worm Juice
18. @Santí - Worm Juice
19. @SinRaven - Worm Juice
20. @Soul - Worm Juice
21. @SoulKiller - Worm Juice
22. @sworder
23. @tinky winky
24. @WolfPrinceKiba - Worm Juice
25. @Worm Juice - Sworder
26. @Yo Tan Wa - Worm Juice

Execution leaderboard

@Worm Juice - 20

@SinRaven will be lynched, and @Worm Juice will be executed.
This is from this phase alone so be nice.

1. Badalight - I don't know what his deal is and don't know too much about him tbh. I kind of skimmed this phase and everything seems to be burning and a clusterfuck. Santi is really pressing Badalight's case and using Bada's own abilities against him for why he is scum but I don't believe that is enough to stick him with such a label. To me, he seems indie. I recall Ratchet saying that he's not playing in our benefit and to be honest the discussion can stop there. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm conflicted with my read. I'll go and say I'm neutral towards Bada and can seem him being a neutral indie.

2. charles101 - Based on actions from this phase, I would say Charles is town. As I've stated before, there was no reason he would pull such a bold maneuver if he wasn't confident in his results. I am inclined to believe Charles read on Firestormer based on logic.

3. Didi - I'm getting a town read on Didi. He's not playing as well as I'm used to seeing him play or maybe I'm mistaken and he wasn't all that to begin with.

4. DrProfessor83 - Although his posting pattern has changed, I'm still getting town on him.

5. Ekkologix - Someone pls vig him. I'm getting a scum lean from Usopp. I've played multiple games with this man and his gameplay is nowhere near as chaotic as it has been in the past. I feel like he's kind of been coasting this game and this scum lean is further complicated by Dr.Professor sticking his neck out to defend him. I don't know what to make of this or how to reconcile my reads now that one of my top town reads is essentially confirming the opposite of what I feel in my gut

6. Fang - Town

7. Firestormer - See above what I said for Charles.

8. hammer - idk. i feel like no one is really listening to him and he's just kind of there. i used to suspect him, but now he's kind of just...there as i said.

10. Iwandesu - inactive

11. John Wayne - Coasting. But that's just JW. I do find it alarming that he hasn't been more engaging since we're getting railed. I would expect him to step his game up but maybe not. I'm not sure about him. I'll give him a town lean.

12. Juan - Null. He's basically a commentator of the thread. His posts give me nothing to work with.

13. Kira Yagami - Town

14. Lind - I was leaning town for lind for an amazing Day 1. However since then, Lind has faded into obscurity. I think we should start looking into once active players as scum.

Why are you saying JW is your town read here? While you say he is coasting and performing below your expectations?

And any reasons you town read Kira Yagami?
Why are you saying JW is your town read here? While you say he is coasting and performing below your expectations?

And any reasons you town read Kira Yagami?
Because that’s his MO. Maybe I used the terminology coasting wrong then. I meant it in the way that he’s kind of just gliding along. Like the actual definition. That’s my fault.
If anyone forgot/missed it I’m just gonna remind you guys I’m poisoned again.
you mean this?
@charles101 and @WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!
Day 4 - Worm Juice (Heisenberg) and Sin (ETK) are lynched
@Worm Juice (Werner Heisenberg) was executed!

Werner Heisenberg
from real life
durability rating: 3

[Innate - The Purple Nuclear Program] -
Heisenberg leads the nuclear program in his team. If Heisenberg dies, his fellow scientist will continue his work, transferring Heisenberg’s abilities to them.

[One Shot Active - Physical - The Neutron Dance] - During the night Heisenberg can fire a nuclear bomb at another player to superkill them. Heisenberg will also learn the name of anyone who visited his target that night, and he will poison those players. If Heisenberg is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Innate - Nuclear Reactor] - Heisenberg will learn when another player uses Flash. For every 4 players that use Flash, Heisenberg will gain an extra charge of [The Neutron Dance].

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Nuclear Fission] - During the night, Heisenberg can permanently grant another player an extra use of their Flash. If Heisenberg is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, he will gain an extra charge of this ability.

[Active - Tactical - The Uncertainty Principle] - During the night, Heisenberg can guess who will be lynched and who will be executed the next day. If Heisenberg guesses right then he will be rewarded with more funding for his experiments, granting him a stack of [Putting the Fun in Fundraising!].

[Putting the Fun in Fundraising!] - Werner Heisenberg is raising money! For every 3 stacks Heisenberg earns, he will gain an extra charge of [Nuclear Fission].

@SinRaven (Elite Teutonic Knight) was lynched!

Elite Teutonic Knight
from Age of Empires
durability rating: 4

[Passive - Plate Mail Armor] - The ETK's impenetrable armor protects it against harmful physical abilities, and physical superkills will only remove 2 lives from the ETK instead of their usual 3.

[Active - Magical - Spell Shield] - The ETK is equipped with anti-magic defenses. During the night, the ETK can shield itself. If another player uses a harmful or investigative magical ability on the ETK that night, the ETK will learn that ability's effects and reflect it back at them. The ETK's shield must recharge, so it cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.

[Two Shot Active - Tactical - Battery Backup] - During the day or during the night, the ETK can activate a new battery, healing itself and enabling it to use [Spell Shield] 2 nights in a row. ETK cannot use this ability 2 cycles in a row, and if ETK is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain 2 more charges of this ability.

[Active - Physical - Front Liner] - During the night the ETK can defend one of its teammates, redirecting harmful abilities used on them to ETK for that night.

[One Shot Active - Tactical - Marching Formation] - During the night the ETK can assemble its team into formation, enabling ETK to use [Front Liner] on all its teammates that night. If the ETK is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain an extra charge of is ability.

[Active - Physical - Skirmishing] - During the night the ETK can duel another player, making them vulnerable and redirecting any harmful abilities they used that night to the ETK.

[Active - Tactical - The Line of Scrimmage] - The ETK can expand its battle strategy, enabling it to use [Skirmishing] on 2 players that night. The ETK cannot use this ability 2 nights in a row.

[One Shot Active - Magical - The German Inquisition] - The ETK can channel divine power, enabling it to use [Skirmishing] on 4 players that night. If the ETK is alive when the two Favorites games are recombined, it will gain an extra charge of this ability.

Worm, Sin, you both fought to the very end, and for that you have earned everyone's respect. Pizza party in the dead chat tonight!

Now my dears, sashay away.

As a reminder:

@charles101 and @WolfPrinceKiba were marked for death! They will both be superkilled tonight. However, other players can visit them tonight disperse to the damage out among themselves and save them. Beware that those of you who choose to help them may take some damage in the process!

@SinRaven , @hammer and @sworder were booby trapped. Anyone who visits them tonight will be role crushed for the next cycle.

Night 4 start
dont like sk

I mean I had scum read on him early game but have stopped paying as much attention. I do think it's weird how he completely misread my very very clear statements, but also like 5 other people did so.... ;(

We should think up a viable third target after FS and Iwan. Sworder, Melodie, Hero, and Tinky Winky are ones worth looking into imo. Though, Sworder and Melodie will prob get executed after Iwan does tomorrow.
8 plat voters: didi, juan, hero, lind, melkor, ratchet, sk, xadlin
6 worm voters: rej, yo tan, ekko, kira, baroxio, prof

didi claimed cop with 4 invests in 3 nights. i still dont trust him. also sin opposed his lynch at night so possible skoomate here. only thing going for him is the message ability that might have saved WPK

sk last minute vote on plat for no reason looks worst now after worms flip. if he voted worm it would be 7-7 with a chance worm flips day 1 assuming no vote shenanigans. now does sk make it this obvious? ehh probably not. but he has nothing going for him either so..

kira/hero would be next to look at after those. nothing clearing them either
8 plat voters: didi, juan, hero, lind, melkor, ratchet, sk, xadlin
6 worm voters: rej, yo tan, ekko, kira, baroxio, prof

didi claimed cop with 4 invests in 3 nights. i still dont trust him. also sin opposed his lynch at night so possible skoomate here. only thing going for him is the message ability that might have saved WPK

sk last minute vote on plat for no reason looks worst now after worms flip. if he voted worm it would be 7-7 with a chance worm flips day 1 assuming no vote shenanigans. now does sk make it this obvious? ehh probably not. but he has nothing going for him either so..

kira/hero would be next to look at after those. nothing clearing them either

What about Juan and Melkor?

I'm pretty convined on yo tan and Rej being town or at least not scum. Yo tan obviously after the SR thing, and Rej voting WJ helps and also I trust their role reveal for reasons.
odd was pretty much an inactive
sin could of taken that didi lynch at night and not look so bad doing so even if didi flipped town, in comparison to odd flipping town
no reason for mafia to not take a free cop lynch at night

either hes just defending a skoomate or prolly thought if he stuck to his town read of didi he will look more genuine in that night, which bought him some townie points from some people the following day. leaning former. that odd lynch definitely contributed to him being copped too

it was either between worm and didi and he moved to odd from both

even hammer had resistance that night
tbh hammer could be town after a quick skim at his iso collectively, specially tone wise

guy seems uninvolved with sin/worm. he was fine with voting either. he spent a good portion of the day shading me and rej, but not in a manner that was obtuse (not sure if this is the right word) enough or attempting to derail today's lynch. also if he had a team they'd probably tell him to stop already given that he's fighting a losing battle against a guilty check, and he would be extremely optimistic if he thought his rej wagon could go anywhere today.

i was blocked last night and im thinking it could be hammer blocking me but he didnt claim it so could be melodie blocking her visitors (which is easy to verify) or sm1 else's doing. if hammer saw rej visit me then whats the odd it was rej's doing. like how does hammer know rej specifically protected me? unless hes a full watcher/tracker (obtains name of user/target + type of ability used) which r usually more scum sided abilities. if its townie, then thats a strong ability for town, and will certainty be self resolving. if mafia doesnt deal with him anytime soon or he does not out any mafia then we're eventually gna have to flip that slot. no ifs or buts or whatever. i'd like to hear his full n1/n2/n3 actions. so far hes claimed = able to see his visitors, a full watcher/tracker, a double vote silence, and a roleblock. role is already on the stacked side

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